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Live Pro Fail > Back on the SNG Grind in Canada Live Pro Fail > Back on the SNG Grind in Canada

06-25-2011 , 07:29 PM
Originally Posted by jdawg91
**** the RL grind, moving to Toronto next sunday night, more details later ...getting ready to head out tonight

back online ftmfw!
Hahaha, epic!
06-26-2011 , 11:19 AM
Originally Posted by jdawg91
**** the RL grind, moving to Toronto next sunday night, more details later ...getting ready to head out tonight

back online ftmfw!
Lol amazing, what you gonna be grinding?
06-26-2011 , 02:39 PM
Originally Posted by Isitdur?
Hahaha, epic!
Originally Posted by Longy
Lol amazing, what you gonna be grinding?
Heh, thanks guys, I'm just not enjoying sitting around at home at all and working a RL job is/was an awful experience.

I'm gonna be moving up to Toronto to live with a couple of my poker buddies who live in a grind house; they have a lease on it til Sept 15th and they aren't able to afford leasing it again unfortunately, so past that, I'm not sure where I'll go.

I'm pretty broke right now so I'm gonna need backing and I'm talking with interpleader as usual since I've dealt with him for a long time now, but I've got other people in mind as well. Will be just grinding low stake ($8 and below) 45/180s for more "guaranteed" money since I'm broke, I'll take the lower hourly/WR in the short term for less variance and more profitable weeks while I'm still broke.

Will post some pics of the house later tonight when I get home
06-26-2011 , 07:57 PM
Alright as promised, heres some info and pics on the house; it seems like its a bit bigger than the house I lived in Vegas, but no sick pool outside

-3,000 sq foot + basement, $800,000 home.
-TV room with big screen, surround sound (which reaches out into the kitchen BTW), internet television, and a 6ft x 6ft projector that hangs from the ceiling.
-Huge basement complete with couches, desks, chairs, and ping pong
-Basketball net
-Big back yard with beautiful deck and patio
-Delicious fruits and vegetables growing in our gardens
-Water fountain outside
-Double garage with every tool imaginable including leaf blower, snow blower and car waxer
-Awesome open concept greenhouse kitchen with skylights
-Good-sized bedrooms

06-28-2011 , 06:46 AM
Well, been pretty busy the last few days working on last minute stuff before I go since this whole move came up out of nowhere last thursday night and by saturday night i was already confirmed moving the following sunday. Taking my car in to the shop today to get a new serpentine belt/oil change/inspection etc so hopefully I have no car problems on the long trip up to Toronto....will be driving my 01 Chevy Malibu so its not like its a new car, its old with lots of miles on it.

I do have one main disappointing thing about this whole deal though besides the fact that I only have housing guaranteed til 9/15; I won't be able to join the lease the lease for this house, so therefore I won't be able to open a bank account or reactivate my PS account so I'll be getting a new account up there for the time I'm up there and just get w/d's through my roomies, shouldn't be a big deal at all. Past this small problem, the only other thing is that my phone won't work up there, it'll cost $3 just to power it on for the day, so I'll be getting a prepaid up there which will be nps either.

That's all I have for now, gonna be busy cleaning up my room and starting to pack today, next update will hopefully be monday morning when I've arrived in Toronto

06-28-2011 , 10:35 AM
it looks like a very nice house up there.Just saw your new thread read the whole thing, and it seems as if moving for online could be what you needed.

06-28-2011 , 11:01 AM
gl dawg, looks decent place, bet its a sty with y'all inside tho.
Also 180s r pretty **** tough post BF fwiw.
06-28-2011 , 11:11 AM
Emma Watson is such a babe!!!
06-28-2011 , 01:03 PM
Best of luck man.
06-29-2011 , 04:50 AM
gl/hf in toronto.
i've been there for 2 days some years ago during my east coast trip. nice city.

emma watson, wtf? grow up
06-29-2011 , 08:48 AM
Originally Posted by fintan111
it looks like a very nice house up there.Just saw your new thread read the whole thing, and it seems as if moving for online could be what you needed.

Tyty, yea, its definitely a sweet house and I cannot wait to get back on the grind, hopefully do well.

Originally Posted by chilin_dude
gl dawg, looks decent place, bet its a sty with y'all inside tho.
Also 180s r pretty **** tough post BF fwiw.
Heh 180s ftl my man, talked it over with a few people and I'm going to make a move to 45s for a few different reasons (my 1k sample of $3 45s the last 9 months where ive sucked at em is 15%, so figure thats a decent starting point).

Can't wait to call you light! But I'll have to move up from the kiddie games to do so

Originally Posted by EasyMoney92
Emma Watson is such a babe!!!
you're god damn right she is

Originally Posted by alexd11
Best of luck man.
tyty, appreciate it

Originally Posted by furo
gl/hf in toronto.
i've been there for 2 days some years ago during my east coast trip. nice city.

emma watson, wtf? grow up
I prefer living in my childhood, Emma Watson ftmfw

And tyty, Toronto should be really fun, especially since I know a ton of people there, its too bad I don't have housing lined up past 9/15...oh well.
07-01-2011 , 10:49 PM
How much do the various costs of moving to toronto add up to? Was it a lot of trouble to get permission from the canadian govt?
07-01-2011 , 11:13 PM
Originally Posted by khanrava
How much do the various costs of moving to toronto add up to? Was it a lot of trouble to get permission from the canadian govt?
For me, getting up there is going to cost me just gas money driving up basically.

I have a passport, had a copy of my birth certificate which is needed at the border I guess. And not sure, I'm just entering the country as a visitor, hopefully won't be a big hassle going through the border
07-01-2011 , 11:19 PM
Oh I misread you joining the lease, that sucks.
wp on the 2nd emma pic btw
07-01-2011 , 11:22 PM
Originally Posted by khanrava
Oh I misread you joining the lease, that sucks.
wp on the 2nd emma pic btw
Yea, so not joining the lease will definitely save me the hassle, just sour i wont have my actual account to grind on and ill be on a temp account unless i can work out a deal with PS which i doubt works.

Hopefully I'll run good and mb something will be close to being done to bring pokerz back in the US, if not, I might be off to venture somewhere else in Canada or in Europe cuz i doubt im going back to school or to get a job
07-02-2011 , 06:01 PM
:yawn: at ST's

GG merge though as tomorrow is move to Canada day!

Pretty excited, all packed up and ready to go. If anyone's in the Toronto area and wants to hangout/meetup, lemme know; I plan on meeting up with that donk tonkaaaa at some point.

Poker profits are probably going to dictate where I go after september 15th wen the house breaks; I'll have about a month before I have to be home as family vacation to Mackinaw Island is a must.

Bol to everyone on sunday funday, ill cya on the grind monday
07-03-2011 , 09:40 AM
Heh, was bored last night after getting pretty much all packed up for the move tonight, so I decided to load 4 donkaments on RPM.

Ended up FTing the 3r 2.5k and the 22 4k after losing 77<ak aipf for a big overall CL with 29 left in the 11 3k before that.

Ended up taking 4th in the 3r and 3rd in the 22, ran so unbelievably bad in SD pots at both FT's but felt I was playing very very well and controlled both FT's well, picking good spots to 3/4b light and continue to chip up, only to end up doubling shorties up.

Profited about 1k on the day total between me donking around in cash and then from those MTTs, not a bad day imo .

Anyway, today's the big day for me, going out to a big extended family dinner for 4th of July/to celebrate my mom and dad's bdays (7/5 and 7/10) then will be hitting the road about 7pm my time tonight.

BOL to everyone on sunday funday, win some moneyz imo
07-03-2011 , 09:50 AM
good luck man. safe travels.
07-03-2011 , 11:56 AM
do they run 2/5 and 5/10 at the rockford games?
07-03-2011 , 03:54 PM
Originally Posted by hotwings18
good luck man. safe travels.

Originally Posted by kidgolfer
do they run 2/5 and 5/10 at the rockford games?
2/5 usually 1 table runs out in the Rockford games, I've never seen a 5/10 game pop tho. Games are pretty soft, most of the 2/5 regs were the guys I played in homegames so i had decent history with all of em
07-03-2011 , 06:56 PM
so what r u gonna play from now on ?
I find playing cash and sngs and mtts a bit hard ... trying to beat all game types , but wish u the best .
07-03-2011 , 08:05 PM
Back to 180s yesssssssss. See you there.
07-04-2011 , 05:55 AM
Whats your nickname? Maybe i have seen u on 45mans before if not, then i certainly will in future if u play those from 7$-15$ level. Btw how often do higher buyins for 180mans and 45mans ever run?
Do u also agree that we should have our own battle of the planets for 180-27mans?
07-04-2011 , 09:32 AM
Rejected at US-Canada border, was one long ****ing night.

Got detained for being 20 yrs old and wanting to stay for 3+ months, along with the fact that it was 2am and nobody was there so im gonna guess they're gonna detain and search just about every passenger vehicle that comes through. They questioned me and asked me if i was a poker player and i said no, then they searched my car further and found 8 FTP KO shirts. I said that didn't mean that I was a poker player/going up there to play poker, customs official rejected me and sent me back to teh US....pretty fun night
07-04-2011 , 09:35 AM
Originally Posted by jdawg91
Rejected at US-Canada border, was one long ****ing night.

Got detained for being 20 yrs old and wanting to stay for 3+ months, along with the fact that it was 2am and nobody was there so im gonna guess they're gonna detain and search just about every passenger vehicle that comes through. They questioned me and asked me if i was a poker player and i said no, then they searched my car further and found 8 FTP KO shirts. I said that didn't mean that I was a poker player/going up there to play poker, customs official rejected me and sent me back to teh US....pretty fun night
sounds like a nightmare :/

what happened after that?whats going to happen?

