Weekly report - w1
New weight: 138,7kg (-2,8kg)
I didnt plan to start out very aggressive, and I don't really feel that I have, but I realise that I've been more strict with my diet than I first planned. I went to buy groceries mid-week and bought very LCHF-related foods. Thus, I've been very low on carbs this week eating meat, fruits, salads, nuts, quark, protein drinks etc. I havent been to hungry, and I've also slept better than before, so I plan to keep on doin' it.
As for work-out, I've followed the schedule with 3 powerwalks (1x30min & 2x40min) as well as a 30min chill walk.
I´ve played three days this week, each day including both a tourney and some cash.
Overall results:
$256 (8 hours/3 tourneys)
$279 (10,5 hours ~$28/hour)
Day 1:
I played a $56 tournament ant busted pretty early. As it was a monday, only a small cash game ran. I'ts a $0,1/0,2 game with a $40 cap. It's a dealers choice/mixed game and its really fun to play to kill some time. Also, it's increadible soft. Thus, I might play some in this game when $1/1 is not running.
$79 (3,7 hours)
Day 2:
I played a $100 tournament that I busted after about 5 hours. The field was very soft but I was totally card dead so not much to say. Afterwards I sat down to play some PLO $1/1 no cap. I didnt really feel like playing PLO since I dont like the slow pace of it live, and as Im no PLO-genious either, but I played a couple of hours anyway due to 2-3 good spots in the game. I ended up GII in bad shape against the better players. In retrospect, I shouldn't have played as I was obvious a Little frustrated about being card-dead in the tournament, as well as it being PLO. However, due to the challenge I felt compelled to get the hours in. Shame on me, I need to go back to the mentality "I don't play if Im not really sure I want to" as it often result in me playing my C-game. Over the last year I've been really good at this, but I guess I have to remember the importance of it, regardless of the cash-volume challenge.
$400 (1,5 hours)
Day 3:
This day I also played a $100 tournament. Not anything exciting to report, first lost half my stack in a 75/25-spot to see the rest go in on a flip with AK vs 88 a few hands later.
Afterwards a sat down in a good $1/1 texas game. The game was filled with soft passive fish and a couple of over-aggressive un-balanced regfish. The game was the softest I've played in a while, and I ran weel too, flopping sets, making straights and so on. If I would have played my A-game I would probably have got at least another $150-200 as I made a couple of bad calls/bets. However, due to meta-game reasons, being too tight, not splashing around and offering some good action, will be bad for me as the player pool is very small. However, I still should have made more
$600 (6 hours)
Overall analysis:
The first week ended pretty well. regarding healt and work-out Im very pleased. As for poker, Im happy with my texas cash game, It's solid compared to the competition. As for the PLO-session, Im most disappointed that I didnt realise I should'nt have played. As for the tournaments, both of the ~$100 tourneys were good EV, however, I was extremely card dead, but I did'nt play as well as a have been so I need to shape up if playing these tournaments.
I have a few hands from the PLO and Texas $1/1 games that I might post later on for feed-back.