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Live Grind On Da Mind Live Grind On Da Mind

08-09-2011 , 05:22 AM
***Session 16 Results:***
Time played:5 hours
Net: +180
Games played:3-5nlhe

***Live Results:***
Sessions Played: 16
Time Played:156 hrs
Net: +1280

put in a session few days ago, not much happened, left up a small amount. Will be putting in a 12 hour session later today, and should get in 30-40 hours this week. I have an uber busy weekend, after this weekend i will be playing 50-70 hours/week.

part 4 of my WSOP TR is up.

Thank you for reading, best of luck at the tables!
Live Grind On Da Mind Quote
08-09-2011 , 11:53 AM
Link to part 3?
Live Grind On Da Mind Quote
08-10-2011 , 05:07 PM
Originally Posted by eli924
Link to part 3?

post 134 is part 3.

***Session 17 Results:***
Time played:7 hours
Net: +800
Games played:3-5nlhe

***Live Results:***
Sessions Played: 17
Time Played:162 hrs
Net: +2080
Hourly: 12.8
Win-rate: 6bb/100

Decided to put in just a short session as i ended up not feeling very well about 5 hours in, grinded a few more hours though and then just decided to head home. Will be putting in another session tonight, aiming for 10-12 hour session.
Live Grind On Da Mind Quote
08-11-2011 , 01:32 AM
***Session 18 Results:***
Time played:9.5 hours
Net: -2000
Games played:3-5nlhe

***Live Results:***
Sessions Played: 18
Time Played:171.5 hrs
Net: +80

Ran pretty terribly, the few bluffs i tried went badly, missed some big draws, squeeze JJ into AA in a std spot, ran KK into AA, and lost a 1400$ flip.
Live Grind On Da Mind Quote
08-14-2011 , 01:14 PM
***Session 19 Results:***
Time played:7 hours
Net: +325
Games played:3-5nlhe

***Session 20 Results:***
Time played:13.5 hours
Net: +3665
Games played:3-5nlhe

***Live Results:***
Sessions Played: 20
Time Played:192 hrs
Net: +3970
Hourly: 20.667
bb/100: 10bb/100
Avg session length: 9.6 hours

Ummmm, kinda ran godlike. Essentially my night went: Flop set/2p get in large pot, hold. Obviously i lost some big pots and was coolered in some big pots, but saturday nights are so ridic soft that its pretty hard to lose money on them. Didn't really have any special hands occur, most of them iirc were pretty std outside of a few weird thin value bets and some bluffs that went well/awry.
Live Grind On Da Mind Quote
08-14-2011 , 08:31 PM

i will be doing a live event in a few weeks, wait list is open atm for all those who are interested.
Live Grind On Da Mind Quote
08-14-2011 , 08:53 PM
Sick swings man.
Live Grind On Da Mind Quote
08-15-2011 , 02:25 PM
i like the shoutout back in may--at that table i might have been the best player , or that night, but theres like 38922435 ppl above me on my rankings.

i think youre still thinking on internet speed instead of live speed. even if you a 7% 3b live, its only twice an hour, and even that could be getting out of line and ppl wont even notice.

seems like a lot of your swings arent really "explained" or looked into. you jump right to the interesting hands. your biggest edges are going to be in the smallest pots
Live Grind On Da Mind Quote
08-17-2011 , 02:10 PM
***Session 21 Results:***
Time played:6.5 hours
Net: +965
Games played:3-5nlhe

***Live Results:***
Sessions Played: 21
Time Played:198.5 hrs
Net: +4935
Live Grind On Da Mind Quote
08-19-2011 , 02:17 PM
***Session 22 Results:***
Time played:9 hours
Net: -625
Games played:3-5nlhe

***Live Results:***
Sessions Played: 22
Time Played:207.5 hrs
Net: +4310

Had a few interesting hands tonight, this was the one that stuck out the most tho. It was also an interesting night as the table was all casino regulars, mostly under 30, and a few of us younger guys were joking about how it was probably the hardest table to ever run at the casino. Ended up down due to losing a few flips and having KK<QQ for a large pot.

Interesting Hand:

Blinds = 3$-5$
Effective stack = 800ish
Hand =A8dd
Position = BTN

Villain= Villain is an old reg who i have loads of history vs, we generally stay out of each other's way and play nitty abc.

Pre: Folds to me on the btn, i raise to 15, sb calls (only random at table) and bb calls (villain).

Flop: As9hKs, sb checks and bb leads fairly quickly for 50, i think for about 20 seconds and call, sb folds quickly.

Turn: 6h, villain checks fairly quickly, i bet 100 after thinking about 30 seconds, villain calls fairly quickly.

River:4c, villain shoves about $490 after thinking for under 10 seconds (pot size is 350), i tank for about 3-4 min and call.

The dynamic behind this hand is really interesting imo. Villain is the oldest reg in the casino (in his 70's), he has a very dynamic style, however most of the time he plays fairly nitty.

After i first started playing regularly at the casino we had a conversation that was essentially summarized in "we respect eachother so lets play nice and not make big plays". I pretty much just nodded my head and agreed and made the perfunctory response of respect and such, but i really didn't care either way, however i didn't try to make any big plays vs him, more because of his nittyness then anything else.

Part of the main reason i ended up calling was this above dynamic (he knows i know this, and thus he can take advantage of it), also i had never seen him take a line like this for value, and i know that he knows i have an A so i'd expect him to bet hands like A6 or A4 smaller for value.

Results: I won the hand.

Going to be fairly busy this weekend, might get to the next part of my trip report sometime next week. Thank you for reading and best of luck at the tables!
Live Grind On Da Mind Quote
08-21-2011 , 11:19 PM
***Session 23 Results:***
Time played:13 hours
Net: -1580
Games played:3-5nlhe

***Live Results:***
Sessions Played: 23
Time Played:220.5 hrs
Net: +2730
Live Grind On Da Mind Quote
08-28-2011 , 01:23 PM
***Session 24 Results:***
Time played:8 hours
Net: +1125
Games played:3-5nlhe

***Live Results:***
Sessions Played: 23
Time Played:228.5 hrs
Net: +3855

I played this session at the Horseshoe in Hammond Indiana and i had a really interesting hand occur vs a fellow 2+2er. I will go into detail about it later, was a bit of a mind **** and a really fun night.
Live Grind On Da Mind Quote
08-28-2011 , 04:17 PM
Sick swings indeed

Live Grind On Da Mind Quote
08-28-2011 , 06:34 PM
Did you play the $1500 at the Shoe yesterday? Wish I had known if so, woulda been nice to finally meet you !
Live Grind On Da Mind Quote
08-28-2011 , 09:24 PM
Can't wait to read ab ur hand vs the.fellow 2p2er should be good!! Haha
Live Grind On Da Mind Quote
08-29-2011 , 03:16 AM
Hand from last session:

Blinds= 3$-5$
Effective stack= 1000ish
Hand= A9hh
Position = SB
Villain: CO, 2+2er who has been playing well and agro. He had mentioned something about posting a hand on a forum earlier in the night and i had asked him about being a 2+2er, he said that he knew who i was and had recently read my TR.

PRE: Folds to HJ who makes it 20 (HJ is a young chinese kid who is over 1700 deep and very agro), CO calls and i call.

Flop: Jd9sJs, i check, HJ checks, villain makes it 50, i quickly raise to 150, HJ folds, villain SNAP calls (the snap call is why this hand occurred the way it did).

Turn: Ad, i check, villain makes it 275, i tank for about 45 seconds, i call.

River: 8s, villain shoves 500ish, i tank 30 seconds and call, he showed 10s10c and i won the pot.

Thoughts: The reason this hand occurred is because villain knew that i didn't have a jack and i knew he knew that, so when he snap calls my flop raise i know that he is trying to act as strong as he possibly can and is trying to shut me down and win the pot on later streets. When the A turned and i checked i thought it was likely that he would check behind with draws and only bet his air type hands (for fear of getting check shoved on and i also thought he would check behind the few Ax combos that beat me), when he bets ott and i call he has to assume that i have an A or spades.

He shipped the river because he assumed that he would be repping both spades and FH well (he technically does), however due to how the flop played out i had a fairly easy decision.

***Session 25 Results:***
Time played:6 hours
Net: +775
Games played:3-5nlhe

***Live Results:***
Sessions Played: 25
Time Played:234.5 hrs
Net: +4630

Originally Posted by BAEVentures
Did you play the $1500 at the Shoe yesterday? Wish I had known if so, woulda been nice to finally meet you !
ya i played at the shoe,i played 2-5nlhe on friday night and played the tourney. Only last 6 levels in the 1500, wish i had known that u were there...
Live Grind On Da Mind Quote
08-31-2011 , 04:01 PM
***Session 26 Results:***
Time played:7 hours
Net: -650
Games played:3-5nlhe

***Live Results:***
Sessions Played: 26
Time Played:241.5 hrs
Net: +3980
Live Grind On Da Mind Quote
08-31-2011 , 06:41 PM

posted next part to my WSOP TR
Live Grind On Da Mind Quote
09-02-2011 , 03:01 AM
***Session 27 Results:***
Time played:11 hours
Net: -340
Games played:3-5nlhe

***Live Results:***
Sessions Played: 27
Time Played:252.5 hrs
Net: +3640
Live Grind On Da Mind Quote
09-04-2011 , 03:56 PM
***Session 28 Results:***
Time played:9 hours
Net: +550
Games played:3-5nlhe + 1-3nlhe at home game and 1-3 plo8 at same game.

***Session 29 Results:***
Time played:7 hours
Net: -2275
Games played:3-5nlhe

***Live Results:***
Sessions Played: 30
Time Played:268.5 hrs
Net: +1915
Live Grind On Da Mind Quote
09-04-2011 , 09:13 PM

sunday merge bink, now off to put in another live session. heatttt
Live Grind On Da Mind Quote
09-04-2011 , 09:30 PM
Live Grind On Da Mind Quote
09-06-2011 , 12:38 PM
***Session 30 Results:***
Time played:10 hours
Net: +420
Games played:3-5nlhe

***Live Results:***
Sessions Played: 30
Time Played:278.5 hrs
Net: +2335
Live Grind On Da Mind Quote
09-08-2011 , 01:33 AM
***Session 31 Results:***
Time played:5 hours
Net: +535
Games played:3-5nlhe

***Live Results:***
Sessions Played: 31
Time Played:283.5 hrs
Net: +2870
Live Grind On Da Mind Quote
09-08-2011 , 02:59 AM
Loving the thread mate. Keep up the good work!
Live Grind On Da Mind Quote
