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live grind live grind

09-15-2023 , 05:34 PM
started off at a casino A. played 1/2. won a pretty decent pot with AQ where I raised to 5x bb pre, c-bet 3 way 10 into 17, then jammed turn. board was

Q72 4 with two diamonds and two spades. I have ace of diamonds and queen of diamonds was on the flop. in retrospect I think my turn jam was a mistake. villain doesn't have a ton of diamonds combos. i think turn jam might let him get away from top pair. in the actual hand villain called with kq. the only other noteworthy hand I had AK and raised to 6 bb from the blinds into the field. we went 5 to the flop which came AJ3. I cbet 3/5th and TID.

Oh, a third hand, I open JJ to 3x, villain three bets me to 10 bb (second three bet), i call. flop j94 two tone. x, 7 bb, call. turn k xx. river q xx.

so the way i was thinking about this spot is villain has a huge equity advantage pre. so i think i need to take a very defensive posture on the flop. a lot of check folding and some check calling. i don't think i get any raises. will be interesting to see what solve thinks.

anyway so at this point i decide to check out casino B. i finish + 100 bb or so. casino B I play 2/4. i buy in only 50 bb to start. ive just started shot taking 2/4.
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09-15-2023 , 11:30 PM
so for the 2/4 game i had KK where I iso a limper 3 to the flop, T74 two tone, i cbet get raised and jam. villain calls and we are vs qq. run it twice and chop. then had a weird had vs a 13 (yes 13) bb open. I was only 50 bb so I jammed my AK. villain had KK but we ran it twice and i chopped.

aynway most of the night i struggled to get anything going. played a few small pots here or there. had one nice hand where I had QT on T97 and I went for 3 streets of value even on Qd completing bd flush possibility river. as the night got later on the game got more and more incredible, but i wasn't really able to capitalize on it. finally the last hand of the table I pick up 88. everyone limps around the bb who juices it to 3 bb all day, everyone calls again. flop QT8. I check,villain bets 10 bb into 15 bb, 3 callers! i make a big raise and take it down. with that last pot I ended up being even which was fine.
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09-16-2023 , 04:46 AM
then the game broke and i was pretty tired so i went home and slept.

few more hands from last night. limp AcKc utg. villain to my immediate left makes it 4bb. several / many callers. i jam 110 bb and tid.

this hand was pretty bad. i limp Ac4c. think there was an utg limper too. im in like late middle or something. anyway there is a guy on my left who is very high vpip. like j6o in ep. anyway i call he calls and then there is a raise to like 6 bb from the blinds. which i call. i think that the limp is ok but calling the raise is a bit sub optimal.

so the game is actually 100/200 denominated in pesos. same as a 2/4 game basically.

so then the flop comes J52, and it checks to the spot who bets 1200 into 4k. villain calls. i called. 5.5:1 to a non nut gutshot. no backdoor clubs on board. board is rainbow. our implied odds are going to be nice with the size of the pot and the flop bettor is probably not laying down any jack or better if that is what he has. 64 is pretty unlikely.

another hand there was a limper or two, a nice 6x iso to 1200, i pick up kings and make it 3500 all day. take it down.
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09-17-2023 , 05:24 AM
long break even session last night played until game broke. 50/100 so like 1/2.

first punted with AK after I three bet, c-bet unimproved, and then bet called the turn when I picked up nfd. my opponent had KQ and flopped top pair leaving me reverse dominated.

then I had a hand where i open QQ utg and get 1 caller. flop came 234 rainbow, i check, he over bet the pot, I tank and then c/ jam. he calls with A2 and hits the river.
won a huge pot with TT where I flat pre and then raise the QT5hh flop. Villain jams flop with Ah9h and I get a 200 bb double.

open 99 one caller from the blinds. flop is T86 x 250 (1/3rd) call. Turn is a 3, 650, call. River is a 7 villain donks 2k. I call mhig vs 45.

250 call I make it 1250 with AA. initial raiser folds, caller calls, folds to flop c-bet on K86.

QQ hand, straddled, girl trys to make it 300 is corrected to 400. couple callers, old tag pro makes it 1500. we're like 300 bb deep. i flat, 5 to flop. flop comes 864. old man bets big. with so many callers behind I fold. he gets it in with TT vs 45 and wins.

JcTc I make it 500 over a limper, girl makes it 1500, i call. flop JTx w/ two hearts. she c-bets 2k i make it 7k she tanks until clock is called then tank folds.

AhKh I open get two callers. flop Q96 w/ two hearts, I c-bet 500 one caller. turn heart giving me nuts I bet 1150 one caller. river one more heart I jam he doesn't have much left anyway maybe 1500 he calls.

JJ hand I open couple callers. T94 two tone i cbet one caller. turn psb left its a 3 i jam villain folds.
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