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Live Cash Game Pro in a Mission to Move Up and Quit Pit Games Live Cash Game Pro in a Mission to Move Up and Quit Pit Games

04-03-2013 , 02:50 PM
Hi everyone, I have been playing professionally for 4-5 years now with mixed results. My BR is currently sitting at about 50k, with my game of choice being 3-5 nlhe, 3-5 plo and 5-10nlhe. I currently have been taking shots at 10-25 games to very bad results, mostly at running below all-in expected ev, which especially hurts over a small sample.


My monthly expenses are as follows:

Mortgage: 2100

Car Insurance: 200

Gas:* 150-200

Food:* 1000 (I play 35-45 hours a week with most of my meals taken at casinos paid for with my stack, this 1k is really high because I enjoy drinking Fiji water, tejava iced tea, and organic everything like an idiot)

Life/entertainment: 1500-2000 (120/mo gym, golfing lessons, clubbing, etc)

Savings: 10% of what I win a month.


I am not interested in lowering my expenses but just to give an idea that I spend 5-6k a month.


I decided to create this PGAC thread because I have 3 bigger trips planned out over the next year (Cancun, Asia, Juarez) for a mixture of vacation and weddings of people very close to me. I guestimate that the costs including gifts, etc, will be 15k for all 3.


I don’t have the best BRM skills, mostly due to a mixture of high spending, running bad when taking shots at bigger games, and pit games. Pit games will be the death of me if I don’t stop playing, but that’s for another time.


I could simply just continue with my current playing limits, and continue to live my current lifestyle, but my bankroll will either not grow or grow very slowly (as it has this past year).* Like all other poker players a little degen, I do have dreams of playing much bigger games because “I know” I can beat it.


This thread will primarily remind me to not do stupid stuff like play pit games, buy stuff I don’t need, and to keep grinding. I’ll post session updates, some short, some longer, and I’ll occasionally post a HH although I don’t like discussing strategy with people.


Interestingly enough I had also just started a ************ bets with 4 other regular 2p2 posters you all probably know (although I don’t think they want their username’s disclosed). *Most are small time bets for only like 100 or a donation to charity from the loser, but I have a bigger one for 500. I can stand to lose 850 if I fail, but I’ve already lost 12 lbs since the start of the bet, and at this rate even if I lose it’ll be worth it because I’m highly motivated to workout. Thus this will also include weight loss and workout goals.


Okay enough bs here are my goals:

1)*********** Grow my bankroll to 100k by the end of 2013 without changing my spending/saving habits. I’ll attempt to do this by playing more consistent hours, not playing table games (super –ev), and cutting down on frivolous spending.

2)*********** I weighed 219 lbs at the beginning of the aforementioned weight loss bets. I weigh 207 now. In high school I weighed 168 @ 5’11”-6’ tall depending on who’s measuring. I’d like to go down to 170 by the end of this year.

3)*********** Keep up my relationships with peeps. Before this past year, I alienated most of my friends and family as most of my time was spent playing poker. It would ultimately be the reason behind why my girlfriend and I broke up, and go into a downward spiral and gain hella weight. I take my nephew and niece out to breakfast every Wednesday, and play with them on weekends (I will even be dressing up as pooh bear in a few weeks for my nephew’s birthday party, pics will be posted, obv).

4) Practice better BRM. I have been taking 5-10k shots at 10-25, and although I know I can beat the game, I’ve been running terribly. I think it’s very unbecoming of poker pros to regale with stories of bad beats and running bad. Getting bad beats just mean you are playing correctly, and running bad doesn’t last forever. That being said I should wait until I can afford to take like a 20-30k shot at 10-25 before trying it again. Quite honestly this ties in with the first goal. I know a 40k-50k roll is more than suffice for me personally to keep my lifestyle. I plan on taking a shot at 10-25 at 75-80k roll, and if I drop down to 50k again I'll just have to start over. I will need at least 150k to move up though.
Live Cash Game Pro in a Mission to Move Up and Quit Pit Games Quote
04-03-2013 , 08:05 PM
50k is your entire life roll, right? If so, then you are barely rolled for 5/10 NL and 3/5 PLO because you need to set aside 30k+ for 6 months of expenses.

You don't want to hear it, but you need to cut back your expenses if you don't want to end up busto. As it is, your risk of ruin is already way too high.
Live Cash Game Pro in a Mission to Move Up and Quit Pit Games Quote
04-03-2013 , 08:51 PM
Originally Posted by ATsai
50k is your entire life roll, right? If so, then you are barely rolled for 5/10 NL and 3/5 PLO because you need to set aside 30k+ for 6 months of expenses.

You don't want to hear it, but you need to cut back your expenses if you don't want to end up busto. As it is, your risk of ruin is already way too high.
No no, 50k is poker roll. I have enough savings for like 9 months of living expenses.
Live Cash Game Pro in a Mission to Move Up and Quit Pit Games Quote
04-03-2013 , 09:53 PM
OK. I take back what I said. Good luck to you on this PG&C.
Live Cash Game Pro in a Mission to Move Up and Quit Pit Games Quote
04-05-2013 , 10:03 AM
Gl subbed
Live Cash Game Pro in a Mission to Move Up and Quit Pit Games Quote
04-05-2013 , 11:18 AM
GL, this should be interesting to follow!
Live Cash Game Pro in a Mission to Move Up and Quit Pit Games Quote
04-11-2013 , 10:38 PM
Good Luck Hustle!!
Live Cash Game Pro in a Mission to Move Up and Quit Pit Games Quote
04-12-2013 , 10:54 AM
You used the term "hella", are you from CA? Best of luck and play well.
Live Cash Game Pro in a Mission to Move Up and Quit Pit Games Quote
04-12-2013 , 11:22 AM
Gl subbed

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