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Life of 180 grinder Life of 180 grinder

08-23-2011 , 04:25 PM
Hello every1 this is RERAISEAA. I was an average 180 grinder at the 12 and 330 rebuy levels. I also played quite a few small to mid level mtts as well(getting a nice hit in the $3rebuy mtt 60k gtd back then) A few of you guys might know me from before Black Friday. I'm have now in Canada from the US with a buddy and we are both looking forward to continuing grinding(if pokerstars ever lets me come back). Talked to a Pokerstars repesentative a little over 2 days ago and she said within few days I'll hear from management in a few days. If there's any other grinders out there reading this you feel my pain, when I say " this is torture." I probably mainly starting up this thread because im bored out of my ****ing mind, just for informational purposes for people who are just started grinding, other grinders who would like to know how other grinders daily routines and playing habits and study habits are, just pure entertainment for viewers and myself and just to track myself. So all viewers inputs, fellow grinders and any1 else who happens to come across this thread hmu and let me know how you like( good or bad). Im just gonna post periodically throughout the day. To kill time since I've moved I've tryed to see a little bit of the city but hard to enjoy site seeing when the only thing you want to do is grind. I have also looked at quite a few hhs to try and strengthen my game. I have also introduced myself to programs pokerstove as well. Well Ill talk to every1 in my next post. GL to every1 grinding at the tables!
Life of 180 grinder Quote
08-23-2011 , 05:32 PM
Life of 180 grinder Quote
08-23-2011 , 05:44 PM
MY BOY RABBIT...What's goin on bro?

Word is you made a Sunday Million FT appearance after I left.
Life of 180 grinder Quote
08-23-2011 , 05:46 PM
press enter periodically
Life of 180 grinder Quote
08-23-2011 , 06:02 PM
ftn if i want any smart remarks out of you ill beat it out of you when i get back to the 180s

jk.....thx 4 gesture n gl man!
Life of 180 grinder Quote
08-23-2011 , 06:09 PM
good luck. **** 180s though, MTTs ftw
Life of 180 grinder Quote
08-23-2011 , 06:15 PM
thx bro n gl 2 u 2 man...............

what r u playing now anyway?
Life of 180 grinder Quote
08-23-2011 , 06:33 PM
caesar's in the meantime obv
Life of 180 grinder Quote
08-23-2011 , 07:04 PM
pokergoliath u know a little about the area im in?
Life of 180 grinder Quote
08-23-2011 , 07:30 PM
Originally Posted by reraiseaa
pokergoliath u know a little about the area im in?
yep, im in school, been here for a year...if you've got any questions let me know
Life of 180 grinder Quote
08-23-2011 , 07:33 PM
in windsor....and whawts your ps name?
Life of 180 grinder Quote
08-23-2011 , 07:36 PM
Originally Posted by reraiseaa
MY BOY RABBIT...What's goin on bro?

Word is you made a Sunday Million FT appearance after I left.
yeh been heatin' it pretty hard this year. =]

heard from a few people it's taken them longer than they'd hoped/expected to get back onto stars... hopefully it won't be too long for you
Life of 180 grinder Quote
08-23-2011 , 07:42 PM
thats wha sup man....but yea no doubt i hope its soon bro.

what games are you doing the best in and feel r the softest?
Life of 180 grinder Quote
08-23-2011 , 07:45 PM
Originally Posted by reraiseaa
in windsor....and whawts your ps name?
evang1986....but the days of grinding are long gone, don't have as much free time as I used to.
Life of 180 grinder Quote
08-23-2011 , 07:47 PM
Originally Posted by reraiseaa
thats wha sup man....but yea no doubt i hope its soon bro.

what games are you doing the best in and feel r the softest?
turbo mtts ftw
Life of 180 grinder Quote
08-23-2011 , 08:03 PM
you think turbo mtts r soft?
Life of 180 grinder Quote
08-24-2011 , 12:12 PM
soft like tities
Life of 180 grinder Quote
08-24-2011 , 12:13 PM
Life of 180 grinder Quote
08-24-2011 , 10:59 PM
Day 3

I finally got a response back from stars today. It looks like I might finally be back grinding tomorrow. (feels like X-MAS). Got joheim and pokerstars steve 2p2 names from a friend yesterday. Think it might have helped speed up the process, so I recommend any1 else from the US in my same situation to do the same. So ill c all the regs 2morrow at the tables.
Life of 180 grinder Quote
08-25-2011 , 03:30 AM
gl getting it sorted. You will be one 180 reg il notice when your back
Life of 180 grinder Quote
08-27-2011 , 11:58 AM
For any1 actually reading my post that im putting up, sorry for not following up my days on 25th and 26th.

On the 26th I started having some computer issues and found out I had caught a virus off facebook. Nevertheless causing my HEM to stop working and a few other problems on my computer. So I been playing without hem since then and it sucks.

Well on the 25th I tryed fixing my computer problems so I didnt get a full grinding session in. Def rusty too. Didnt feel like the games was alot tuffer but damn they have changed. Randoms snapping your blind vs blind shove with J and Q hi(LOL) Guess they been catching on since BF.

On 26 feel like Im somewhat getting back n2 groove of thins. Ended the night with 2nd place in $3 rebuy. Should have been a 1st couple mental mistakes at FT. Table def got easier when 4toedstatue got gone. Here's a sharkscope view of my last two days.

If any1 out their pretty computer savy can help me with reformatting my computer send me a pm. Would like to use teamviewer. Thx n gl to every1
Life of 180 grinder Quote
08-27-2011 , 12:00 PM
jakdarippa your 2 at tables bro
Life of 180 grinder Quote
08-27-2011 , 12:06 PM
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Username Games Played Av. Profit Av. Stake Av. ROI Total Profit Form Ability /100 Network Filter

PokerStars 8/25/2011

RERAISEAA 54 -$2.2 $10 -24% -$119

PokerStars 8/26/2011
RERAISEAA 131 $10.35 $9 98% $1,356

435010925 (PokerStars)
Holdem NL Rebuy
Buy In: $3 (Avg. Buy In $9.32)+$0.30
Entrants: 1318 Date: 27-Aug-11 04:54 (EDT)

Position Username Profit
1 kaspiri $2,048.94
2 RERAISEAA $1,495.29
3 FreakYouOut $1,126.74
4 taskmgr.exe $825.76
5 pipesnake9 $592.34
6 4ToedStatue $469.49
7 Johan Manuel $346.64
8 zhengxue123 $223.79
9 lrbitis $116.91
10 covas1989 $93.57
Life of 180 grinder Quote
