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Learn to Beat Zoom Poker Learn to Beat Zoom Poker

08-03-2019 , 11:16 AM
starting at 2nl, not for the challenge but cause im piss poor broke and most
likely have less dosh than a tramp begging on the street (not an exaggeration i know homeless folk that make more than days wages quite often doing that ha, had enough honest convos back and forth).

never dabbled with zoom poker properly honestly cause im **** at it so much of my game when playing properly profitably relies on seeing few rounds and getting reads noticing betting patterns etc, zoom i feel blind and the dynamics throw me off, and the format of game it tilts me easily really cant lie.

if want to follow along or throw advice my why id much appreciative.
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08-03-2019 , 12:55 PM
Played on ACR blitz when it was available. I found a LAG style to be very effective because people were nitting it up. Did a lot of stealing and aggressive postflop on good boards for it with a lot of success. Can be high variance but a lot of upside. Good players were countering but I’d note them and avoid them or play them more straightforward. Would only recommend it if you are ok playing LAG.

If you aren’t comfortable with LAG then TAG will work out as well but expect to win small pots when you get involved. Too easy to fold and go to the next hand for villains.
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08-03-2019 , 01:11 PM
Its a very nitty game but you can use that to your advantage preflop. Many people will just fold to a 3 bet pre b/c they can immediately fold and go to a new table. Raise most buttons and play your normal pre flop ranges from late pos as the nits will have the auto fold button checked
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08-03-2019 , 05:21 PM
Lol why not get a job? Gl anyway.
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08-03-2019 , 09:17 PM
Originally Posted by TakeItiletyou
Lol why not get a job? Gl anyway.
Originally Posted by TakeItiletyou
Lol why not get a job? Gl anyway.
didnt say i didnt, i dont anymore though for what thats worth but as to whys a different matter, without going into depth, was a work injury.

thank you for the good luck cause as im quickly learning i really suck at speed poker (its eye opening how fundamentally bad my game is with out reads betting patterns) also its far more addictive as in its kinda hard to pack it or break more right word when winning or losing and its easy to tilt at, feel so lost playing it truthfully feels like im just pure gambling spewing, well i am spewing bare and bluffing right into nuts alot and deep, i bluff way too much too i gotta cut that way way back least the sizing so much unnecessary spew by me and for lot of big blinds not a few, equally for someone whos not very balanced im balancing unnecessarily how i playing my big bluffs and big value hands too much where im rushing cause other table or whatnot so im missing out on value where could eek a few bb out and risking too many vs certain opponents with ******ed bluffs when im never generating the folds i need % wise for it to be profitable and its not like need to do it to get action on big hands if anything everyone gives action in zoom regardless so i just end up feeling like a right muppet with egg on my face so theres tilt and mental game issues where im think a bluffs sound but not accounting enough or underestimating how much people like to station bluff catch regardless of the size and price offered to them to catch the bluff so im the **** basically.
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08-03-2019 , 09:54 PM
Originally Posted by Lozgod
Played on ACR blitz when it was available. I found a LAG style to be very effective because people were nitting it up. Did a lot of stealing and aggressive postflop on good boards for it with a lot of success. Can be high variance but a lot of upside. Good players were countering but I’d note them and avoid them or play them more straightforward. Would only recommend it if you are ok playing LAG.

If you aren’t comfortable with LAG then TAG will work out as well but expect to win small pots when you get involved. Too easy to fold and go to the next hand for villains.
cheers for advice man would play elsewhere if weren't in uk
and no lag im comfortable with when i can break opponents games down got sounds reads on peoples betting patterns frequencies etc basically know where i can add hands and how it makes me money either regardless of the hand or cause eek out value where it against others cant, against unknowns urgh i know im not good, even playing tight i suck ha playing zoom made me realise how most of my edge in games i did beat came from adjusting and readjusting vs people, ive learnt my default texas game is really crap utter crap least in this format it is.
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08-03-2019 , 09:56 PM
Originally Posted by jwaa10
Its a very nitty game but you can use that to your advantage preflop. Many people will just fold to a 3 bet pre b/c they can immediately fold and go to a new table. Raise most buttons and play your normal pre flop ranges from late pos as the nits will have the auto fold button checked
cheers dude, found 4betting seems to happen far more though at zoom
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08-03-2019 , 09:58 PM
10hr mark roughly which i think plenty volume both in sheer volume of hands and hours to work out few things i usually play this many hrs a week total not in a day and hands have increased massively too, im getting a feel for how the games play at zoom postflop sort of i dont know im winging it, pre im still more baffled than should be and know im making mistakes and alot messed around with variance calculator and if its accurate im gonna need to make 21 buyins for the $5 games to move up if my standard deviation was lower and swings werent as big id need less but i have some big omaha level swings it seems, or if my winrate was higher (so tilted less, spewed less, was basically a better player than i am as im a **** one currently, then again id need less bankroll for similar risk of ruin but yh plan currently is get the roll to $105 baring in mind i deposited $14 so need to make $91 at 2nl then move up drop down if drop too many buyins above as i really dont wanna go broke so im gonna use conservative bankroll management the whole way)

Last edited by justbleedforme; 08-03-2019 at 10:14 PM.
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08-04-2019 , 12:22 AM
uploaded graph in wrong currency may just take out the won at showdown won without showdown lines as its unimportant thing not really sure why its there tracking the the profits or losses is only thing that matters so ill probably just leave green in only in future and watch that hopefully with some luck climb onwards and upwards
night. finally
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