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Just quit my 6 figure job to play live poker Just quit my 6 figure job to play live poker

12-12-2013 , 11:22 AM
I just shake my head no and if they ask afterwards just say you gotta pay to see or that you don't recall.

Whatever you do, you come off kind of toolish but what are you gonna do.

I'm way more likely to show a card to a very bad player or tell then what I had than anybody decent.
Just quit my 6 figure job to play live poker Quote
12-12-2013 , 12:16 PM
Sometimes my reply to "will you show if I fold?", is "will you fold if I say yes?". Usually gets a smile from someone.
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12-12-2013 , 12:33 PM
Originally Posted by dufusbrain
Sometimes my reply to "will you show if I fold?", is "will you fold if I say yes?". Usually gets a smile from someone.
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12-12-2013 , 03:19 PM
Originally Posted by Hustle247
IDK man I think it is best to just shut your mouth. I don't feel like responding is going to do anything good for you over time...
For sure not correct. A lot of river value is lost when you clam up and don't say a word. I would say about half the time I don't say anything but there are plants of times where the opponent was going to fold but you say something to get him to call

As long as you have been talking on the table and it isn't steen to hear you be calm and talkative during a hand it can be very profitable to converse while a player decides

One easy trick I use is when a player is thinking after one of my bets I may pull the bet back saying "you're folding, right?" That may be a little douchey but it has afforded me a lot of light calls
Just quit my 6 figure job to play live poker Quote
12-12-2013 , 08:32 PM
Originally Posted by Aesah
It's very different, which is why the bankroll requirements are so different as well.

There are many many reasons but in general variance is much higher since you're very happy to push a 5% edge (and you're forced to quite frequently, even on river calls where you technically have 100% equity, it's like "well I need to be right 30% and I think I'm right 35%, so I call").

In live, while I would DEFINITELY push a 5% edge if there were no other options, I'm getting my stack in with crushing equity relatively much more often so the variance is much, much lower.

For example here is a hand I played recently:

Folds to Hero in HJ with QJ74, I limp, BTN who hasn't looked at his cards raises to $25, SB and BB call, I call. 4 ways to the flop. I would normally snapfold the first time around, but the rest of the hand will explain why I called.

Flop 654, pot $100
Checked to BTN who bets $75, folds to me, I call.

Turn 8, pot $250
I check, BTN bets $100, I c/r to $300, BTN quickly calls.

River 8, pot $850
I jam for ~$500, BTN asks "do you have a straight", I say yes, he thinks for about 2-3 seconds and calls. He flips over AKT2 and says nice hand.
Just quit my 6 figure job to play live poker Quote
12-12-2013 , 09:34 PM
Originally Posted by Avaritia
Quick live tell / level question. Is it typical to respond "yes" in that situation?
lol, of course it's not typical to tell people what you have. i knew he was calling anyway though, i could have told him i had like sixes full and he still might even had called for the chance to win with eights full. Another bonus lol in this story: he flips his cards over slowly 1 at a time for dramatic effect, his first 3 are AKT. Obviously drawing dead on the last one, but he doesn't know this and he takes a super long time to flip the last card and windmill slams it down.

Re: the "will you show if i fold" question, and on a more general note, live leveling spots. My take on it is that as a live poker pro, you should be better at leveling wars than randoms, therefore it is +EV for you to have a leveling war (as opposed to NOT having a leveling war). Importantly, if you do not think you're good at leveling wars, then you should practice it. Maybe find 2 friends and play 3-player mafia for a couple hours.

Typically when someone is tanking, you can usually have a fairly good read on whether they're leaning towards calling or folding. If they're already leaning towards doing what I want, I just don't say anything, otherwise I'll 100% say something. A hand example played at Ocean's Eleven from May 2013 that was posted in this thread:

Hand 1:

Originally Posted by Aesah
Moved to $5/5 a bit later, had a hand where I raise AQ on the button to $35, only very loose villain (mid 40's casual dressed guy) calls in BB.

Flop AK6, pot $75
V checks, I bet $45, V c/r's to $125, I jam for $750 total (based on history, not usually jamming here). V shows an ace, says "ace no good?" and looks like he's about to fold... oh no... quick, do something! I quickly flip over my ace and say "I have one of those too!" I feel like this particular action isn't very call-inducing, but when villain is about to fold I'm ready to try *anything* to make him reconsider. Anyway he goes into the tank, leveling himself no doubt, and eventually calls with a worse kicker and bricks out.
Now this guy has NO CHOICE but to go back into the tank to reconsider the new info he just received (wouldn't you?). Despite the fact that me showing an ace should be like, STRICTLY BETTER FOR MY RANGE LOL except it takes out KK/66, I'm willing to do anything to make him reconsider his decision to fold (maybe showing the Q instead would be better).

Hand 2: A hand I played somewhat recently. Don't exactly remember action, but it goes 4-ways preflop for $40 each. I have AT96.

Flop J74, pot $160
PFR checks, I check, A tight-ish guy but can semi-bluff bets $100 with $300 behind, folds to me, I put him all in. He's groaning and moaning and obviously displeased his bet got raised, so I sit still and say absolutely nothing because I don't want him to reconsider his desire to fold. However, after a long time, he starts cutting out chips behind his cards... so now since I think he's going to call, now I need to do something to make him reconsider. I show the T and the 6, he pauses to process what those cards are (air), then laughs and says "show the other two". He thinks for awhile longer then folds.
Just quit my 6 figure job to play live poker Quote
12-12-2013 , 10:37 PM
Wp, I like the last one, and would work against me the majority of the time since there is hardly anyone I know playing on that level
Just quit my 6 figure job to play live poker Quote
12-13-2013 , 01:17 AM
Yes very well played, I like this
Just quit my 6 figure job to play live poker Quote
12-13-2013 , 01:53 AM
just finished reading the thread. great read.
Just quit my 6 figure job to play live poker Quote
12-13-2013 , 06:28 AM
Tunica Roadhouse (Harrah's property) is driving me insane. ****ING INSANE.

First I call, get operator, ask for poker room. Get transferred to poker room, goes to answering machine. OK, whatever.

10 minutes later I try again. Same ****.

1 hour later I try again. Same ****.

I immediately call back and explain my situation to the operator, she suggests transferring me to security and I talk to them. OK, fine, whatever. I talk to the security guy for *ten* minutes where he says he sent one of his guys up and yes there were indeed floor people present in the poker room and that they should be answering calls. I ask him if he can just ask the guy he sent up there to ask real quick since I know they're not going to answer my call, he sort of says he can't do that (???)

OK whatever. I try operator -> poker room again, doesn't work. Answering machine.

I immediately call back, explain situation to the operator, who tries *eight* different numbers from people who could potentially be nearby the poker room, NONE OF THEM PICK UP. Eventually I give her my name/number + a few questions (how many people playing PLO + what are the blinds) and they tell me it's being passed on to a supervisor and to expect a call within 10 minutes. This last conversation took *fifteen* minutes.

1 hour later, still no call back so I call them again. Go through calling a bunch of different people again, takes fifteen minutes, no luck. I give up at this point.

Sigh. I would just go check myself, but yea... I'm slightly over 2 hours away.
Just quit my 6 figure job to play live poker Quote
12-13-2013 , 08:58 AM
Have you tried sending bigtex21 a pm? I bet he can get you some info or at least a number to someone that can help you.

Last edited by Smartluck; 12-13-2013 at 09:21 AM.
Just quit my 6 figure job to play live poker Quote
12-13-2013 , 04:17 PM
are you trying to find what game is running?
Just quit my 6 figure job to play live poker Quote
12-13-2013 , 04:39 PM
Originally Posted by Aesah
without looking through your post history, i'm going to guess you play online lol. yes/no?

In live I think it's standard to happen maybe a couple times a year but it still sucks.

also, i was mostly playing 2/5 so it's more like 3000bb = 30 BI
I actually have 15 BI downswings pretty regularly at live NLHE. I have no idea what variance is like at live PLO, but I recently was up +12k in my first 2 December NLHE sessions. In my last 6 December NLHE sessions, I have lost -12k. Most of that volume was at 5/10 NL, but there was some 5/10/20 NL and 5/5 NL mixed in there.

At the same time, however, my standard deviation is probably 3x or 4x higher than your typical live NLHE grinder at the same stakes. Partially because I always go for slightly +EV yet high - variance spots and also because the LA regs/fish give me unlimited action.
Just quit my 6 figure job to play live poker Quote
12-13-2013 , 08:14 PM
Originally Posted by unofun3
are you trying to find what game is running?
Ya I had someone PM me and direct me to the correct number. Apparently there is a "5-10 PLO 2-3" running, whatever the hell that means.

Thanks for the comments everyone
Just quit my 6 figure job to play live poker Quote
12-13-2013 , 10:09 PM
thats actually in horseshoe tunica. harrahs tunica, biggest game is 1/3 nlh. if you use bravo you can find it.
Just quit my 6 figure job to play live poker Quote
12-13-2013 , 10:46 PM
nvm they are both harrahs property
Just quit my 6 figure job to play live poker Quote
12-13-2013 , 11:15 PM
well, Roadhouse is the physical location.
Just quit my 6 figure job to play live poker Quote
12-14-2013 , 04:45 AM
Plo good here. Hold em is meh. Every night 3 tables at cherokee. One is.big. 5 10 25. The other two are 2 5 but good action after 9 pm. Uncapped buy in. Cash doesn't play. No option to run it twice. Should be even better tomorrow with the plo poker tek machine running. 1-2, 1k max bi. 40-50 hands per hour. Main event tomorrow at.noon.
Just quit my 6 figure job to play live poker Quote
12-14-2013 , 02:28 PM
Thanks for the leveling comments Aesah.
Just quit my 6 figure job to play live poker Quote
12-14-2013 , 06:16 PM
Good stuff on inducing calls/folds through talk and showing cards. Agree that as pros we should practice influencing opponents decisions in our favor. This should become a developed skill through practice - and will come in useful in other areas of life!
Just quit my 6 figure job to play live poker Quote
12-15-2013 , 11:24 AM
thanks for the comments.

seems obvious but for some reason i never think about applying that to real life, LOL. although some people have told me I'm good at convincing people to do stuff so, maybe subconsciously.

my sleep schedule is soooooo fk'd, ever since I intentionally offtracked it in Florida I've been going to bed at 9 AM and waking up at 5 or 6 PM. I think I'll do the Aesah-method in a couple days to get it back to normal, which is just stay up for ~30 hours and be super-super tired and crash at like 10 PM.

went to a college party yesterday and played beer pong/etc., good times

I didn't end up making it out to Tunica to find out what "5-10 PLO 2-3" means... I don't drink often and ended up sleeping 13 hours after that lol.
Just quit my 6 figure job to play live poker Quote
12-15-2013 , 12:29 PM
Originally Posted by Aesah
I didn't end up making it out to Tunica to find out what "5-10 PLO 2-3" means... I don't drink often and ended up sleeping 13 hours after that lol.
No one knows for sure what the 2-3 meant, even the guy who was brushing. But there were allowing straddles up to $100 in any position.

I heard the action was really good. It is supposed to be running every weekend now, but I have my doubts that will happen.
Just quit my 6 figure job to play live poker Quote
12-15-2013 , 12:30 PM
but are u ok ?
Just quit my 6 figure job to play live poker Quote
12-16-2013 , 12:22 AM
i hate missing out on 5/10 games where someone is straddling to $100, but oh well. poker will always be there
Just quit my 6 figure job to play live poker Quote
