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Journey to High Stakes Journey to High Stakes

02-19-2020 , 08:22 PM
Gl man, pio is a nice tool
Journey to High Stakes Quote
02-20-2020 , 09:25 AM
If you can workout in the morning it will generate more discipline for other things you need to do during the day. So if you have a workout in the morning it can create good momentum to then study in the afternoon. GLgL
Journey to High Stakes Quote
02-29-2020 , 12:37 PM
Journey to High Stakes Quote
02-29-2020 , 12:41 PM
Any update?
Journey to High Stakes Quote
02-29-2020 , 09:55 PM
Originally Posted by 291
If you can workout in the morning it will generate more discipline for other things you need to do during the day. So if you have a workout in the morning it can create good momentum to then study in the afternoon. GLgL
Not to mention there is data showing that working out in the am is far better for you than at night.
Journey to High Stakes Quote
03-03-2020 , 02:59 PM
Yea I've heard that morning workouts can improve fat loss, but that evening workouts are better for heavy weights. I'd like to do 2x a day but at the moment I'm trying to grind into the late hours of the morning trying to catch the softest pool times so right now my workout schedule is around 2pm. We'll see though I'm always down to change it!



I missed an update last Sunday and there for a couple of reasons for that. Basically I pinched a nerve in my arm and even doing stuff like typing on a keyboard puts my arm in a lot of pain. Also, I was helping my family move house and so I had an increase of pain and not much time to do anything besides move, play poker, and workout. Anyway, with regards to two weeks ago I absolutely smashed that week. Now I had a ton of time that week with zero commitments so I knew it was going to be a good week and I even predicted that in this thread. I got 4x workouts in mainly just being a cardio bunny due to my pinched nerve. I also was just spending as much time as I could playing and studying poker. I usually will play max 6 hours a day with the occasional 8. But I had one day I was at 12 hours and the only reason I stopped was because it was a Thursday and I didn’t want to impact my Friday grind.

When I look over the past month I feel bittersweet. On one hand I definitely feel like the month was a huge success. I’m growing my roll at the moment to move up to higher stakes and 50NL was very soft poker. There were very few spots where I felt I like the table wasn’t profitable for me. On pretty much every table there will be at least two fish and a few bad regs. However, one of the biggest areas for me that I feel I failed in was my mental game approach. Basically my mom and sister were both in the emergency room for about a week at the beginning of the month and I remember that week I was just absolutely getting blasted results wise. When I looked over some of the biggest losing hands I didn’t even believe I played them, that’s how poorly they were butchered. I had a span of this in December as well when my mom was having a tough time with her chemo treatment and so I think I’m just life tilting and the stress affected my play. But once they both got out and everything was fine I was playing good poker and beasting my stakes. Also I got very complacent with how easy the grind was that I would load tables without any pregame mediation or studying. I would think to myself it is so easy I could even play C game and dominate so there is no reason to do anything else but put in as much volume as possible. The issue with this is that I just don’t improve my game at all and I begin to form very bad habits. As well, I’m sure my profitability playing A game would make up for any of the lower volume.

So results for the month weren’t great and I actually lost money due to that week where I just tilted in so many spots. But I also ran pretty bad and got sucked out on basically all month long. I don’t mind it since it’s only 50NL so I’ll just keep on grinding away and it will sort itself out.

Goals for March

[] 20x workouts ($50 Freeroll)
[] 100 hours of poker (25,000 hands) ($50 Freeroll)
[] 31 hours of study ($50 Freeroll)
[] No Soda all Month ($50 Freeroll)

Goals for this week

[] 4x workouts
[] 6k hands
[] 7 hours of poker study

$50 Freeroll

Good news is that I now have a desktop I can use to grind. So I’ll start posting how many hands I play weekly and maybe even some fun ones. I’m playing on Bovada since I’m in the US right now and I think average hands per hour is about ~250.
Journey to High Stakes Quote
03-03-2020 , 03:38 PM
Sry to hear about your family, hope all is well. Looking forward to the updates.
Journey to High Stakes Quote
03-03-2020 , 03:52 PM
In! Gl!
Journey to High Stakes Quote
03-03-2020 , 05:59 PM
You should stop drinking soda not only for the month, but like forever - it is really bad for your teeth and it is just unnecessary calories.
Drink only water and you have to drink a lot - 3l is like the minimum per day.
You will feel much better when you are properly hydrated. Always have watter around you when you are playing. In any sport where high level of concentration is really needed they drink a lot of water - like chess, snooker, etc.
Journey to High Stakes Quote
03-03-2020 , 08:57 PM
Journey to High Stakes Quote
03-04-2020 , 04:39 AM
gl 4 march bud
Journey to High Stakes Quote
03-04-2020 , 04:53 AM
I dig the ambition. GO GO GO!
Journey to High Stakes Quote
03-04-2020 , 07:38 AM
Journey to High Stakes Quote
03-10-2020 , 12:49 PM

Strange week in poker. I started crushing right off the bat, but then I started losing at a crazy rate. As you can see I only played 25NL this week and the reason is because I'm learning a lot of advanced theory and doing solver work so I want to test it out at 25NL and get comfortable with some of the strategies. I know 25NL are a bunch of fish and so maybe advanced strategies don't work as well, but I just want to make sure I'm taking the right lines with the combos I'm looking for and then I can review those lines in my DB. The majority of my volume this month is going to be 50NL and if anything I'm overrolled for it. Now as you can see I started crushing the regular table games up until the weekend where I started to play the zone games. I played zone because it annoys me how little hands per hour regular tables get and I figured I'd rather play a table where I get 3x the hands and is still very soft. The mistake I made was that while both tables are very loose, the zone tables tend to be extremely tight postflop. This is the exact opposite of the regular tables. So while I'm hand reading and understanding that looser opponents preflop are going to have an extremely enormous bluffing range on river, for whatever reason the zone players just either didn't or wouldn't bluff. So if anything I'll just have to play a lot tighter with my calling range on rivers if I choose to still play zone, but looking at the graph and the past week I think I'll just stick to regular tables for now.

Ended up hitting all of my goals the past week. I worked out 4x midday which was really nice since the gym is pretty empty then. But I definitely need to up my fitness and so I really need to start counting calories and then I'll move on to macros (baby steps first). I also did a large amount of studying on mainly oop spots. This week I'm going to continue with that section as well as 3bet pots OOP. Those are the two areas where I feel weak in my game at the moment. Finally, I'm going to try no FAP for this week at least. I've read and seen a lot of videos on how it is meant to boost energy levels and focus. In Think And Grow Rich (probably the most influential self help book ever) he talks about this and it is one of his core principles which seems odd but must be worth it. I also read this idea where middle aged men are on a large scale way more successful and driven compared to younger men since they don't have sex with their wives anymore haha.

Goals for March

[] 20x Workouts (4/20)
[] 100 hours of poker (26/100)
[] 31 hours of study (8/7)
[] No Soda all month (Somehow still haven't)

Goals for this week

[] 4x workouts
[] 6k hands
[] 7 hours of poker study
[] Track Calories Daily
[] No FAP

$50 Freeroll
Journey to High Stakes Quote
03-10-2020 , 01:39 PM
Originally Posted by Ballerholic

Strange week in poker. I started crushing right off the bat, but then I started losing at a crazy rate. As you can see I only played 25NL this week and the reason is because I'm learning a lot of advanced theory and doing solver work so I want to test it out at 25NL and get comfortable with some of the strategies. I know 25NL are a bunch of fish and so maybe advanced strategies don't work as well, but I just want to make sure I'm taking the right lines with the combos I'm looking for and then I can review those lines in my DB. The majority of my volume this month is going to be 50NL and if anything I'm overrolled for it. Now as you can see I started crushing the regular table games up until the weekend where I started to play the zone games. I played zone because it annoys me how little hands per hour regular tables get and I figured I'd rather play a table where I get 3x the hands and is still very soft. The mistake I made was that while both tables are very loose, the zone tables tend to be extremely tight postflop. This is the exact opposite of the regular tables. So while I'm hand reading and understanding that looser opponents preflop are going to have an extremely enormous bluffing range on river, for whatever reason the zone players just either didn't or wouldn't bluff. So if anything I'll just have to play a lot tighter with my calling range on rivers if I choose to still play zone, but looking at the graph and the past week I think I'll just stick to regular tables for now.

Ended up hitting all of my goals the past week. I worked out 4x midday which was really nice since the gym is pretty empty then. But I definitely need to up my fitness and so I really need to start counting calories and then I'll move on to macros (baby steps first). I also did a large amount of studying on mainly oop spots. This week I'm going to continue with that section as well as 3bet pots OOP. Those are the two areas where I feel weak in my game at the moment. Finally, I'm going to try no FAP for this week at least. I've read and seen a lot of videos on how it is meant to boost energy levels and focus. In Think And Grow Rich (probably the most influential self help book ever) he talks about this and it is one of his core principles which seems odd but must be worth it. I also read this idea where middle aged men are on a large scale way more successful and driven compared to younger men since they don't have sex with their wives anymore haha.

Goals for March

[] 20x Workouts (4/20)
[] 100 hours of poker (26/100)
[] 31 hours of study (8/7)
[] No Soda all month (Somehow still haven't)

Goals for this week

[] 4x workouts
[] 6k hands
[] 7 hours of poker study
[] Track Calories Daily
[] No FAP

$50 Freeroll
Greate keeping your goals man. I also once worried about the volume of regular tables but have seen a huge increase in win rate with fewer tables. So now I go for quality play over quantity and moved from FR to 6-max to increase the number of hands.
Journey to High Stakes Quote
03-15-2020 , 10:03 PM
Journey to High Stakes Quote
03-16-2020 , 01:31 AM
gl dude!
Journey to High Stakes Quote
03-16-2020 , 04:38 AM
Originally Posted by GrumboG

gl out there
Journey to High Stakes Quote
03-18-2020 , 03:36 PM

The past week was the most productive week of my poker career. I put in some insane study hours and ended up playing a solid amount of poker. It's tough to play over 25 hours and still have a slightly losing week, but that's only going to improve my mental game and if anything it's motivated me to play even more. I was doing a lot of reviewing this week and I keep making the mistake of playing against a balanced gameplan when my opponents are far from balanced. So I need to just bump up my exploits, but it is kind of mentally difficult to study solver work all week long day in and day out and then go grind and just play simple ABC poker. I will say though that I have a pretty good routine going at the moment but I need to treat poker as a business and maximise all fronts such as making sure I am 100% focused before a session or that I don't check discord or have distractions near by. I think that's what separates the poker pros from just winning players who could never make poker a full time job.

On other fronts I ended up hitting my goals this week. It's so much easier to hit these when quarantined. The biggest insight I had this week was realising how many calories I am consuming daily. It's over 3,000 and I never would have thought that especially with no soda in my diet. It's the late night snacking I'm doing and a lot of Iced Coffee that I drink. I have a fast metabolism and I hold weight well, but I definitely need to lose some weight. I'm thinking about purchasing a WHOOP 3.0 to help track fitness and more importantly sleep. I don't know if anybody has heard of it, but I think it's the best fitness performance tool out right now?

Moving forward I'm really feeling a big week of poker coming ahead. The games have really never been better so hopefully this sticks. I'm going to keep goals simple since who knows what might happen with this corona scare.

Goals for March

[] 20x Workouts (10/20)
[] 100 hours of Poker (55 hours)
[] 31 hours of study (21/31)
[] No Soda All month

Goals for this week

[] 8k hands
[] 10 hours of study
[] 4x Workouts

$50 freeroll
Journey to High Stakes Quote
03-19-2020 , 12:35 AM
Nice stuff man. I'm trying to work my way up as well. I look forward to watching your success. subbed.
Journey to High Stakes Quote
03-24-2020 , 02:47 PM
JustCall - Thanks man, what stakes you playing? GL!



So up about $600 so far this month counting untracked sites. This past week was really good as well in terms of $ won. The games have definitely been better, but I'm also making way less mistakes. I still probably made at least $100 worth of mistakes, but oh well. This week I'm going to heavily focus on dopamine detoxing. This is when you cut out all the unproductive stuff in your life that gives you a dopamine rush and takes away from growth. For instance checking social media or watching tv shows. Obviously this is going to be really tough to do, but I think if I'm going to make it, it needs to be done. For instance, I watch way too much Twitch following MTT players on their grinds. I even feel the urge to watch them during sessions and I definitely waste hours on this content that really doesn't benefit me in any way. I'd be twice as good at poker if I could cut this out. Even with all this I'm still extremely productive, I just want to get better. I played about 29 hours of poker this past week and studied at least 14 hours. Also managed to go workout 4x by going for a jog or doing some light stuff at the house.

Also in some amazing news, my mom is officially cancer free right now! She'll have to get checked every now and then to make sure it doesn't come back, but man I still can't believe it. It's been really tough the past while and it definitely has affected my mental state especially when playing. I'm just happy this situation is over for now and we can move forward.

Goals for March

[] 20x Workouts (14/20)
[] 100 Hours of Poker (84/100)
[] 31 hours of study (complete)
[] No Soda All month

Goals for this week

[] 8k hands
[] 10 hours of study
[] 4x workout
Journey to High Stakes Quote
03-27-2020 , 08:45 PM
its me your brother
Journey to High Stakes Quote
03-27-2020 , 08:48 PM
its me your sister
Journey to High Stakes Quote
04-01-2020 , 01:05 AM
Monthly Review

Profit: $720.98

Had a pretty decent month finally. My mind is finally a lot clearer since my mom had beat cancer but it's still pretty scary considering Coronavirus is out there. As well I just found out my Uncle in Law has 3 years to live as he has stage 4 prostate cancer. I think we all just need to do our best to enjoy most aspects of life and during these times to make sure to make the most of our time with family as we are locked away. It's amazing how much mindset affects how we play poker. I'm playing stakes that I've dominated for the past few years and then I couldn't even beat them the past couple of months because my mindset was terrible. Even with meditation I just tilted so poorly because I think I felt really unlucky in life and so I figured I had to at least run lucky in poker and would make tilt calls when I knew I was beat. Then finally I get the amazing news my mom is cancer free and I proceed to just crush poker for the past couple of weeks. It's amazing, I never gave the mental side of poker that much respect until now. I also play on an app, but have no graph for that.

Anyway, moving forward I'm not going to make too many goals for the upcoming month. I find it's much easier to just stick to a max of 3 goals that you are very determined to hit and just make sure you hit them. I'm not going to do a volume goal for March since I'm already playing so much volume and studying so much that I'm not concerned about not getting that done. But I'll do it weekly since it's fun for the freeroll and it's easier to schedule my week than my whole month. Today is my birthday so I'm going to enjoy it and get started on crushing the month tomorrow!

Goals for April

[] Intermittent Fasting Daily
[] 15 Workouts
[] Meditate before every poker session

Goals this week

[] 6k hands
[] 4x workouts
[] 10 pio sims

$50 Freeroll

Doing $50 Freeroll and the winner is....

I think moving forward for April I'll just put everybody who only posted in this thread during the month of April into the spin. Because if not I might be entering 200 names in a few months
Journey to High Stakes Quote
04-01-2020 , 02:22 AM
My mind is finally a lot clearer since my mom had beat cancer
Thats amazing - my mom had breast cancer 10 years ago and that was the toughest time of my life, but since then she is fine and i hope your mom will be too, but i totally understand how this could affect your play.
Poker will always be there, but our closest people wont, so we need to appreciate them while we can.
I hope you will crush your april goals now.
Good luck.
Journey to High Stakes Quote
