Hi there everyone, time to make an update.
So the last week of poker has been very average. After consistent results at 2NL i find that currently about -3 buy-ins at 5NL which is absolutely fine, its just my play/work ethic that im currently concerned with.
Had a chat with my coach and he has rightly said that if i dont start putting in the effort required then we should go our separate ways which i 100% agree with.
I've identified a few reoccuring problems and a few ways to fix them
Firstly i'm always tired, and stuck in a place of extremely low motivation for not just poker, but life itself
Secondly, when i do commit to a session its always very half arsed. Im either simultaniously browsing youtube videos, or stuck inside my own head thinking about other things. My coach reviewed one of my sessions yesterday and had to stop 15 minutes in because it was clear i wasnt applying knowledge that i'd learnt right at the start of our coaching arrangement. Opening hands which i shouldnt have been, randomly min opening etc. The funny thing is i didnt even realise i was doing it, i'd just switched into complete autopilot. I find that when i rewatch my sessions i have no memory of almost all of the hands.
Lately i've been smoking quite alot of weed, and eating an extremely poor diet. Chicken, wholewheat pasta and broccoli isnt nearly as appealing as a dominos pizza when you're stoned, and when you're stoned the majority of the time we have a problem on our hands. The thing with getting stoned is it makes doing nothing a bit more fun and when you're very lazy by nature and doing nothing is what you do best, getting high seems like a great idea. Now i can browse r/videos with my friends all day and have an even better time than usual. Then spend my time sober very lethargic, and guilty at the fact that i havent done anything for the last 3 days. One way to solve that. Get stoned
I find myself reading alot of self help books in my spare time, fantasising about how much better my life would be if i applied the principles in the book, only to go out, get stoned, and do nothing other than browse youtube and twitch for a week. Oh and passively play poker, AKA breakeven at 5NL because im not concentrating.
This is turning into a bit of a monologue on self help so let's bring it back to poker. The following points are going to be my action plan over the next month to get things back on track.
First is going to be the implementation of a pre game routine, to get me warmed up and get those poker juices flowing. This will consist of a detailed breakdown of at least 3 hands from the previous session. I spend nowhere near enough time reviewing my own sessions so this will help with that and also aid in getting me into the zone.
I'll then spend 10 minutes meditating and then get straight into a session. Every 15 minutes of my session a meditation bell will go off. When it goes off i'll ensure that i'm 100% focused. If im not, i'll take a 5 minute break and get myself back in the zone
I'll spend 1 hour studying each day, starting right back at opening ranges. My knowledge of which hands i should be opening with in the SB is poor so that'll be the focus for the next few days. I have a spreadsheet which i'll fill in before every session which will include how long i'm going to play for and what my focus that session is going to be. After the session is over i'll rate my play and concentration out of 10 and note down any areas im struggling with.
Step 2 will obviously be to stop getting high all the time, along with taking steps to improve my diet. I imagine this'll have a huge impact on my concentration levels.
Step 3 will be to read through 'awaken the giant within by Tony Robbins, and
actively apply the principles. Each week i'll give myself a rating out of 10 on my effectiveness on applying the principles i've read
I'll start another stream session on tuesday around 1pm UK time which my microphone plugged in. Hopefully a few of you will join me for that. I know i'm not the only one struggling with these issues, so hopefully by fixing them myself i can help others fix them too.
I'll continue to update the thread regularly too of course