Jdawg91/slayerv1fan 2018 Challenge: 300,000+ SNGs / 2500+ Hours TurboKings Style
, 01:43 AM
(hifive) thanks
Haha yea I click a lot of buttons
. Thanks and gl as well!
Heyo, was just talking with Ruse about you, wondering how you were doing etc. I am indeed still at Calafia, Ruseman is in town at Quintas. Was actually just up at your place with John today, was planning to grind up there for the weekend as he had power and I/most of the rest of T2 and T3 did not!
Hope all is well broski
, I remember you posting in MTTc back in the day iirc. Thanks for the gls, same to you!
Hey Jake, long time! Hope all is well with you and glgl as well this yr!
Thx dude, you too. The other day I realized I sent the 'bad mcc' that small leftover amount of $ by accident, confirmed scammed you for a couple tacos lmao. Will send it over if I remember tomorrow, seeing you post made me think of it 
In terms of my involvement with TurboKings, it will likely develop to being more as time moves on. Right now I am a bit in the background, working on behind the scenes stuff. But that's just fine, it's not like that's not an important part!
Will definitely be grinding with Bfizz at his grindhouse while he is streaming on twitch a few times this year at the very least. Am doing some review with bfizz as well in our study time. So even if I'm not directly coaching anybody at this exact moment, bfizz is continuously getting better and better, soaking up knowledge from BBZ, myself and potentially some other good players, and therefore providing better content to the students/horses/etc within TurboKings/Pokerstars School/etc
In the future I may do 1on1 coaching or might even start my own sector within the company, it has been discussed somewhat at depth but at this time it's nothing something I will be doing as my main focus in 2018 will be the 300k game challenge and showing everyone that it's still possible to make ****ing heaps of money at low to mid stakes
Bfizz plans to bring his 'bootcamp' back, where players come and I have already offered up that as part of the 'package' the bootcampers are buying, I'll be there in person at the grind house with the player/s multiple days during their stay, offering coaching/mentorship/grind planning/etc...I feel I have a lot to offer in many different areas after all the ups and downs I've had over my career.
__________________________________________________ __
Wow, lost most of this week due to bad weather. Power was out numerous times between mon-wed night and then it was finally GG all of Thurs and Fri and just returned a few hours ago. Pretty ****ing annoying but not much I can do. Was super tilted as I moved ALL my **** somewhere else (desktop, laptop, 3 monitors, backup power unit, 100metre direct connect chord, keyboards, mice etc etc to another location to be able to grind for the weekend and then I hear the power and water has returned at Calafia and have to ****ing bring it all back

Picture I took of one of the sides of Tower 3, there was heaps of damage all over the condo complex

So yea, haven't really played much since the festival ended last Sunday, but hopefully we will have no more issues and I can get back on the hardcore grind!
Am planning to hopefully get to sleep within 2 hours and get on the grind in time for the hot 33/bounty 215, but we'll see. I have slept such a small amount since Tuesday it is kind of ridiculous. Got literally 45 mins of sleep last night as I ended up spending the night with Alisha in Tijuana. Night before Lupita was spending the night and I got about 3 hours of sleep and then Tues night I got something like 4 hours. Not very much sleep at all since I woke up Tuesday morning and it is now Fri night at 10pm. Somehow I still feel really great and am not sure I'll be able to fall asleep very quickly at this point; hoping that this benadryl will knock me out tbh
Updated Challenge graph although like I said, not played much since last update. Gla on the grind this weekend!
Heyo, was just talking with Ruse about you, wondering how you were doing etc. I am indeed still at Calafia, Ruseman is in town at Quintas. Was actually just up at your place with John today, was planning to grind up there for the weekend as he had power and I/most of the rest of T2 and T3 did not!
Hope all is well broski
Hey Jake, long time! Hope all is well with you and glgl as well this yr!
In terms of my involvement with TurboKings, it will likely develop to being more as time moves on. Right now I am a bit in the background, working on behind the scenes stuff. But that's just fine, it's not like that's not an important part!
Will definitely be grinding with Bfizz at his grindhouse while he is streaming on twitch a few times this year at the very least. Am doing some review with bfizz as well in our study time. So even if I'm not directly coaching anybody at this exact moment, bfizz is continuously getting better and better, soaking up knowledge from BBZ, myself and potentially some other good players, and therefore providing better content to the students/horses/etc within TurboKings/Pokerstars School/etc
In the future I may do 1on1 coaching or might even start my own sector within the company, it has been discussed somewhat at depth but at this time it's nothing something I will be doing as my main focus in 2018 will be the 300k game challenge and showing everyone that it's still possible to make ****ing heaps of money at low to mid stakes
Bfizz plans to bring his 'bootcamp' back, where players come and I have already offered up that as part of the 'package' the bootcampers are buying, I'll be there in person at the grind house with the player/s multiple days during their stay, offering coaching/mentorship/grind planning/etc...I feel I have a lot to offer in many different areas after all the ups and downs I've had over my career.
__________________________________________________ __
Wow, lost most of this week due to bad weather. Power was out numerous times between mon-wed night and then it was finally GG all of Thurs and Fri and just returned a few hours ago. Pretty ****ing annoying but not much I can do. Was super tilted as I moved ALL my **** somewhere else (desktop, laptop, 3 monitors, backup power unit, 100metre direct connect chord, keyboards, mice etc etc to another location to be able to grind for the weekend and then I hear the power and water has returned at Calafia and have to ****ing bring it all back

Picture I took of one of the sides of Tower 3, there was heaps of damage all over the condo complex

So yea, haven't really played much since the festival ended last Sunday, but hopefully we will have no more issues and I can get back on the hardcore grind!
Am planning to hopefully get to sleep within 2 hours and get on the grind in time for the hot 33/bounty 215, but we'll see. I have slept such a small amount since Tuesday it is kind of ridiculous. Got literally 45 mins of sleep last night as I ended up spending the night with Alisha in Tijuana. Night before Lupita was spending the night and I got about 3 hours of sleep and then Tues night I got something like 4 hours. Not very much sleep at all since I woke up Tuesday morning and it is now Fri night at 10pm. Somehow I still feel really great and am not sure I'll be able to fall asleep very quickly at this point; hoping that this benadryl will knock me out tbh
Updated Challenge graph although like I said, not played much since last update. Gla on the grind this weekend!

, 04:17 PM
Happy new year boss!
Thank you for your nice post about your truck. I was thinking that you are living in Canada for some reason and was wandering where you can drive that truck - like not in the snow
Like a lot life updates. When i was tilted some months ago i played with you in some hyper turbo sat.
If you do not like to go to jym or to practice some sports, how about to start swimming. I am pretty sure that you can gain +1% roi if you do it and ofc your body will applause you.
Thank you for your nice post about your truck. I was thinking that you are living in Canada for some reason and was wandering where you can drive that truck - like not in the snow
If you do not like to go to jym or to practice some sports, how about to start swimming. I am pretty sure that you can gain +1% roi if you do it and ofc your body will applause you.
, 04:35 AM
Heyo, thanks and gl as well
Happy new year as well. Hehe I enjoyed making that post about the truck so nps, could talk about it all day!
Swimming is tough since I am basically grinding from before it warms up and then am still playing by the time the sun goes down and the pools close here at my condo complex. I feel I'm doing okay though, do a lot of light exercise and kettle bell workouts in the house and then do the stairs both inside and outside at least once a day. Besides that trying to do a lot lot lot of stretching right now as I've been having a lot of problems with my legs and feet the past year
Put up a big weekend grind which felt nice. Ran pretty good as well which is always welcome.

I've been having a huge DWM (desktop window manager) issue on my PC, and I think FINALLY today it might be solved. For the past 1month+ I've been having to reboot every few hours due to my computer slowing down after DWM is taking up too much of the RAM (sometimes gets up to taking 18gb of ram on my pc lol).
Comp tech and I had been trying a lot of **** over the past month and nothing fixed it. Was a really annoying problem as it was something where there wasn't just a fix....lots of trial and error and being super annoyed lol.
Believe today after reinstalling windows 10, first unsuccessfully as we had the same problem after the reinstall but then rolling back to version 1703 from 1709 and having success, that it is finally fixed. Something called like 'Fall Creators Update' is what broke DWM within my PC. Windows10 definitely super ****ing tilting to use as you can't block automatic updates and overall seems like a huge POS compared to like Windows7.
But yea, will know tomorrow after I'm able to put in a real session.
Anyway, quickly going to update the challenge and then am off to bed...quite tired after the 12 hour day with the comp tech lol
Challenge Stats
Days in: 23
Days off: 4 complete days off, 3 half days off
Games Played: 21,554
RB Info: Going to try my best to actually track my RB this year. Note that RB earned between Dec 25th and Dec 31st was not tracked as I did not start this until Jan 1st. For that reason, This info will be based solely on 2018 games played to get an accurate RB %
Stars Coins: 29,000 ($290 Value)
Cash+$Ts: $730
4x$55 tourney tickets ($220)
Total RB=$1240
Rake Paid=$9700
RB %=12.78%
Graphs are separated into Low Stakes ($1-$39), Mid Stakes ($40-$109 stakes) and then High Stakes ($134s+). Ownroll some of LS and then receive huge % (82/18) of the rest of my LS profit, 65/35 on mid stakes and then HS+MTT deal is 50/50. Still backed by Feruell/Jama-dharma, he's a dream to work with and am very glad I got to know him 3 years ago. Between B3rtstare and now Jama-Dharma, I couldn't have really gotten luckier with backers. Both are wonderful and I really look up to both of them a lot and have gotten great advice over the years from both on both poker + life related topics.
Overall Graph:

LS Graph:

MS Graph:

HS Graph

And the $74 and under hyper sat graph to start the challenge, sunrunner at the peanut stakes (rock)

I'm hoping to put up a lot of volume over the next 3 days but we'll see. The alternator died on my Malibu last night. Luckily I noticed the issue and got Ruseman and myself into a parking lot just in time as the Malibu died as soon as we got into the parking spot I hurried and got us to (got out of line of traffic at a stop light and ran 2 red lights to get us there in time heh)
Per the usual we just instantly ditched the Malibu and grabbed a cab to continue on our way and I made a call to my mechanic Nick to go snag the car and get it home. By the end of dinner he had gotten it home by bringing the 2 batteries from my truck so he could put 1 in, get the car about 3/4ths of the way to his house before the car died again and then putting my 2nd truck battery in the car to get it the rest of the way home.
Gla on the grind!
Happy new year boss!
Thank you for your nice post about your truck. I was thinking that you are living in Canada for some reason and was wandering where you can drive that truck - like not in the snow
Like a lot life updates. When i was tilted some months ago i played with you in some hyper turbo sat.
If you do not like to go to jym or to practice some sports, how about to start swimming. I am pretty sure that you can gain +1% roi if you do it and ofc your body will applause you.
Thank you for your nice post about your truck. I was thinking that you are living in Canada for some reason and was wandering where you can drive that truck - like not in the snow
If you do not like to go to jym or to practice some sports, how about to start swimming. I am pretty sure that you can gain +1% roi if you do it and ofc your body will applause you.
Swimming is tough since I am basically grinding from before it warms up and then am still playing by the time the sun goes down and the pools close here at my condo complex. I feel I'm doing okay though, do a lot of light exercise and kettle bell workouts in the house and then do the stairs both inside and outside at least once a day. Besides that trying to do a lot lot lot of stretching right now as I've been having a lot of problems with my legs and feet the past year
Put up a big weekend grind which felt nice. Ran pretty good as well which is always welcome.

I've been having a huge DWM (desktop window manager) issue on my PC, and I think FINALLY today it might be solved. For the past 1month+ I've been having to reboot every few hours due to my computer slowing down after DWM is taking up too much of the RAM (sometimes gets up to taking 18gb of ram on my pc lol).
Comp tech and I had been trying a lot of **** over the past month and nothing fixed it. Was a really annoying problem as it was something where there wasn't just a fix....lots of trial and error and being super annoyed lol.
Believe today after reinstalling windows 10, first unsuccessfully as we had the same problem after the reinstall but then rolling back to version 1703 from 1709 and having success, that it is finally fixed. Something called like 'Fall Creators Update' is what broke DWM within my PC. Windows10 definitely super ****ing tilting to use as you can't block automatic updates and overall seems like a huge POS compared to like Windows7.
But yea, will know tomorrow after I'm able to put in a real session.
Anyway, quickly going to update the challenge and then am off to bed...quite tired after the 12 hour day with the comp tech lol
Challenge Stats
Days in: 23
Days off: 4 complete days off, 3 half days off
Games Played: 21,554
RB Info: Going to try my best to actually track my RB this year. Note that RB earned between Dec 25th and Dec 31st was not tracked as I did not start this until Jan 1st. For that reason, This info will be based solely on 2018 games played to get an accurate RB %
Stars Coins: 29,000 ($290 Value)
Cash+$Ts: $730
4x$55 tourney tickets ($220)
Total RB=$1240
Rake Paid=$9700
RB %=12.78%
Graphs are separated into Low Stakes ($1-$39), Mid Stakes ($40-$109 stakes) and then High Stakes ($134s+). Ownroll some of LS and then receive huge % (82/18) of the rest of my LS profit, 65/35 on mid stakes and then HS+MTT deal is 50/50. Still backed by Feruell/Jama-dharma, he's a dream to work with and am very glad I got to know him 3 years ago. Between B3rtstare and now Jama-Dharma, I couldn't have really gotten luckier with backers. Both are wonderful and I really look up to both of them a lot and have gotten great advice over the years from both on both poker + life related topics.
Overall Graph:

LS Graph:

MS Graph:

HS Graph

And the $74 and under hyper sat graph to start the challenge, sunrunner at the peanut stakes (rock)

I'm hoping to put up a lot of volume over the next 3 days but we'll see. The alternator died on my Malibu last night. Luckily I noticed the issue and got Ruseman and myself into a parking lot just in time as the Malibu died as soon as we got into the parking spot I hurried and got us to (got out of line of traffic at a stop light and ran 2 red lights to get us there in time heh)
Per the usual we just instantly ditched the Malibu and grabbed a cab to continue on our way and I made a call to my mechanic Nick to go snag the car and get it home. By the end of dinner he had gotten it home by bringing the 2 batteries from my truck so he could put 1 in, get the car about 3/4ths of the way to his house before the car died again and then putting my 2nd truck battery in the car to get it the rest of the way home.
Gla on the grind!
Last edited by slayerv1fan; 01-16-2018 at 04:43 AM.
, 02:15 AM
As a low stakes player - your low stakes graph is super inspiring. What % of your daily grind would you say are $15 and under?
How many extra games (if any) if you include MTT's?
Keep it up. Doing a volume challenge would be a dream for me if I had the framework to go pro.
How many extra games (if any) if you include MTT's?
Keep it up. Doing a volume challenge would be a dream for me if I had the framework to go pro.
So basically during peak time now I am only playing hyper sats and their target MTTs. If I have table space, I'll snag super soft $200-$1000 25bb hypers but mostly don't play it anymore during peak as I'm already not significantly worse than the top regs at the format and then additionally it's too hard to play well enough when I am already tabling so hard.
From the start of the Bounty 109 (10:30am my time) until the start of the Hot 22 (1:15pm my time) or sometimes even the start of the Bounty 55 (2:30PM my time), I usually am playing just $14+ games and skip hot 55/big 55 (18.75 6max). On the slower days (mon/fri come to mind) or if traffic is just a bit slow in general, I sometimes add the Hot 55 sats and Bounty 33 sats during peak, but that's not been needed much recently.
Usually pre and post peak, I am loading down to really small stake sats, like down to $2.85 sometimes, but it's fine as my edge is so large in those games.
At the end of the day, I am starting to throw in a lot more 25bb cash hyper turbos (the non sats). Plan is to load down to $15s when needed once the Hot 44 sats have disappeared from the lobby (5:10pm my time).
But yea, is all still a work in progress. Going to be devoting a lot of study time to the normal hyper turbos for the first time in a long time. Besides that, have explo 6max sat stuff to look at and then at some point I really need to work on this MTT game of mine
Anyway, stats below. Figured a visual is just the best representation.
Top line: $11-$22 SNGs (~31% volume)
Middle line: $10 and under SNGs (~29% volume)
Bottom line: Overall SNG Graph since Challenge started

Don't really have much to add, the above response kind of covers a lot and updates the graph for the challenge
My computer worked perfectly today, just back to having instances where HM2 spikes to using like 5gb of ram and it causes a slight freeze. Usually if I just close and reopen HM2 every 2 hours, I don't run into the issue. Might be something wrong with one of my NC stats, is something comp tech and I will look into later in the week.
But yea, felt really ****ing nice just being able to solely focus on the grind and not have to worry about my computer spazzing out or watching the resources monitor or anything like that
About to hit the study grind for about 1-2 hours and then off to bed. Gla on the grind tomorrow!
, 03:28 AM
Great stuff so far man, super interesting to hear about grindhouse plans and the whole turbokings stuff! Do you ever find yourself losing motivation mid session and if so can you just play through it or do you have to take a break? I have found some sessions I stopped regging played out and took an hours break before returning to the grind as felt I needed it but most the time I just put music on and im fine.
, 09:27 PM
Great stuff so far man, super interesting to hear about grindhouse plans and the whole turbokings stuff! Do you ever find yourself losing motivation mid session and if so can you just play through it or do you have to take a break? I have found some sessions I stopped regging played out and took an hours break before returning to the grind as felt I needed it but most the time I just put music on and im fine.
I will once in a while feel like I'm losing focus or something like that. When that happens, I will just take a sync break so I can go out on my patio and stretch or do something like that. Feel like it's good to get away from the computer every so often, even if only for 5 mins.
But yea, otherwise I grind all day, don't take sync breaks, and mostly feel amazing...but I know I am not normal
Besides that, depends on what I can beat the 25bb hyper turbos for. If I am successful in beating those games for a decent clip at night and can move my start/end time back like I am attempting to do now, I will play significantly less $10 and under games than I have been the past few weeks. Before summer 2018, when chests dropped, I super duper rarely played below like $15 games. And go back to 2017 and before and I rarely played below $74s
Also will lead to less games/hour which will make the challenge harder, but whatever
Got beat up today on the tables but that's okay. My EV held strong which made me happy. Traffic was quite good again during peak, although really died off tonight around the start of the late battle royale. Ended up actually just stopping as I decided it was going to be better to study a ton tonight and if I wanted to, play another session of mostly 25bb later.
Will be a tight squeeze though, have a massage in 2 hours and then my Malibu is apparently almost ready. Besides putting in the new alternator and then checking my shocks as the car was pulling to the right a bit, we installed the programmer I ordered for the car.

Obviously significantly cheaper than my insane $1200 Juice with Attitude for my truck. Reviews were bad on it but I think in general, most people are complete ****ing idiots when it comes to their vehicle and every review I read def had 'dolt' (@ knowing anything about vehicles) screaming at me.
In theory this should improve my gas mileage a bit and ease/better control the car when ilding (malibu is a bit jumpy sometimes, is a 18 year old car after all). I'm not expecting any HP/torque boosts as it says, but I do expect the car to run/feel a bit more 'light.' That's fine though as the car zips along really fast when I step on it, numerous people who are into cars and have ridden in it with me or I've been cruising along with have asked what I've put into it/can't believe it's mostly stock
If this goes well and I have no issues, I might end up putting in a cold air intake and exhaust in the car, along with maybe a few other minor things. My malibu runs significantly better when it's colder (not cold, but it lags once it heats to where the temp gauge is sitting at like the half way point), same as my mechanic's Supra that he had when he lived in the US. I can't remember what he said, but there's something we can install/do to keep the car a bit colder, might look into that a bit more too
Hehe, don't think I've posted a pic or anything of my car since the beginning of 2012 when it got shipped to Mexico from Illinois. Doesn't look that bad at all for being 18 years old and having been in a really bad accident in 2015. All new interior (new carpeting, upgraded to leather seats, etc)
Have certainly put wayyy too much money into repairing it, but it's still my baby! The Malibu was my first car, have had it since I was 15. Tons of great memories been created in/with that car, tons of poker players and strippers have rode in it as well
Literally have no pics of it so this is from my mechanic's GF's FB

And quick vid I took of it last summer when I was chatting to someone from High School on FB and they were like 'wtffff, you still have the Bu!?!?'
Will have a big truck update to come at some point, but can't keep talking about my silly vehicles tonight!
Graph of the $74s and below from today, gonna get to the study grind now! Gla on the tables

Last edited by slayerv1fan; 01-17-2018 at 09:39 PM.
, 04:53 AM
, 02:56 PM
Join Date: Jan 2012
Posts: 60
, 06:50 PM
Join Date: Jun 2015
Posts: 239
, 02:20 PM
You've probably caught up a bit the past week on the count LB, I'm about to start going hard again though starting tomorrow. I can't even see my lifetime VPP count anymore on PS, kind of annoying heh! Think the only thing that is tracked is your chests
And thanks much, same to you...also funnily enough I bought a Dodge Durango 2 days ago so there goes some more money into vehicles
Haha, yea duffle bags in my ceiling and hidden around my condo here in Mexico
Thanks dude, hope the grind is going well for you!
(hifive) every time I see you post, I remember dem 180 days heh. Bfizz and I have talked about you in the past year....remembering the good ole days
I usually try to just run a lot of commonish bubble spots in all the formats I play as that's where the most EV can be won/lost. I do this so that I stay as fresh as possible and my main goal is to try to make sure I'm playing all the 'normal' spots as optimally as possible. I think a lot of people waste a lot of study time discussing or running the spots that come up like 1 time per session while their fundamentals are super lacking, really big leak imo
Have read your PGC, title made me smile
Poker update will come later today. Have officially completed 1 month for the 300k game challenge and will be reviewing that and posting updated graphs and whatnot. I just quickly wanted to touch on the Durango and post a pic of it.
Ended up buying this 99 V8 Durango that only had 1 owner who took great care of it before my good friend and massage therapist Shana bought it about 1.5 years ago. When her grandmother passed away a few months back, Shana ended up with her car., a little Chevy Cobalt. Due to that along with having a bit of money trouble, she sold me the Durango for so cheap that I couldn't say no. $900 and it literally drives perfectly fine and motor and transmission both seem like theyre still in great shape after Nick and I tested it out for 4 days before I committed to buying it. AC/Heat works perfectly, no shorts anywhere in the electric, already has an aftermarket alarm but just needs the relay rewired...we really tested out everything and almost everything is in good shape.
There's a few small issues with it but nothing that's difficult to fix at all. Bushings/bearings on the front left tire are a huge issue, it's not even really that safe to drive it with how it is. Nick is fixing that and the brakes first. We've already done a big tuneup: oil change, new air filter, new spark plugs, put some additives into the injectors to clean and then lubricate them, degreaser for the engine/under the hood, etc etc.
Past that, the only other major issue is that it's starting to rust in some spots. Nick will be doing a lot of sandblasting and then touching up and then finishing that job with Rhino lining the SUV. Is a bit pricey but will help save the SUV from rusting which is a huge problem when living on the ocean of course.

Past fixing up it's flaws, I plan to put in/add the following. Just a couple things, nothing crazy like my truck
-Cold air intake
-Lift kit + shocks + bigger tires
-Music system. Probably more like my Malibu's (1 amp, 2 10" subs, stock speakers and a more generic radio) and not like the truck (4 top of the line speakers, 2 top of the line amps, 2 top of the line 12" subs with custom made box and 7" touchscreen radio...was not cheap but damn, system is sick)
But yea, am pretty excited about it. For ~5k total after we put in all the aftermarket parts, I think I'm going to have a really nice looking and nice running SUV that will last for a long time. And if I happen to really not like it after we fix the front left tire + brakes, we can always just fix up the rest of the super minor issues and I can sell it for a profit. I don't foresee that being the case though, am a fan of it and will be nice to have 2 'normal' vehicles and then my project truck that will probably still be in project mode for most of this year since I'm busy working and can't even enjoy it anyway
I'll be back with the poker update later! Going to take a nap I think as I spent last night with Alisha and we didn't go to sleep until like 4:30am and then we were back up by 8am. After that I have a lot of study to get to and then hoping to at least get in a short 25bb session tonight!
, 12:48 AM
Join Date: Mar 2015
Posts: 27
, 08:49 PM
Join Date: Oct 2008
Posts: 4,901
Just kidding! Things are moving a little slower than GTO but we are going to get Jdawg involved with Turbo Kings and teaching us all his Godly tricks and tips ASAP. However we aren't in a hurry and are both focused on getting better and winning lots of money right now while TK is being tuned in the back ground.
We will be launching our website soon and it will feature content from Me, Bigbuffzinc and Jdawg. It will be simple and straight-forward and the value will be HUGE for the community! Neither of these guys have ever put out training videos before ... ever! They are too big time to move fast - that's how I keep justifying my slow pace behind the scenes
Keep killing it Jdawg, and lets grab some beers soon. We have both been slave grinding it up and not come up for air much
, 11:16 AM
I do a combo of stacking and tiling. I've posted my setup in a past PGC, I'll have to try to snap a screenshot again today while I'm grinding and then post it in here
Tables all pop into main stack and then I have like 10 hotkeyable 'slots' that I send tables to. I only use TN2, no crazy hotkey setup or anything like that.
I requested a 52-part video series on 'How to beat hyper sattys' and he turned me down 
Just kidding! Things are moving a little slower than GTO but we are going to get Jdawg involved with Turbo Kings and teaching us all his Godly tricks and tips ASAP. However we aren't in a hurry and are both focused on getting better and winning lots of money right now while TK is being tuned in the back ground.
We will be launching our website soon and it will feature content from Me, Bigbuffzinc and Jdawg. It will be simple and straight-forward and the value will be HUGE for the community! Neither of these guys have ever put out training videos before ... ever! They are too big time to move fast - that's how I keep justifying my slow pace behind the scenes
Keep killing it Jdawg, and lets grab some beers soon. We have both been slave grinding it up and not come up for air much
Just kidding! Things are moving a little slower than GTO but we are going to get Jdawg involved with Turbo Kings and teaching us all his Godly tricks and tips ASAP. However we aren't in a hurry and are both focused on getting better and winning lots of money right now while TK is being tuned in the back ground.
We will be launching our website soon and it will feature content from Me, Bigbuffzinc and Jdawg. It will be simple and straight-forward and the value will be HUGE for the community! Neither of these guys have ever put out training videos before ... ever! They are too big time to move fast - that's how I keep justifying my slow pace behind the scenes
Keep killing it Jdawg, and lets grab some beers soon. We have both been slave grinding it up and not come up for air much
Quite a bit late on that planned update, but we had more wind storms here in Rosarito and I was without power for parts of Friday, Saturday and Sunday! Was quite annoying, luckily it was mostly happening at the very end of my grind and I wasn't losing out on grind time nor much EV. If I am going to have problems, I much prefer to have them happen like this and not like a few weeks ago when I lost like 3 full days of grinding due to the storms we had.
I actually had a power outage with 5 left in the $33 Saturday Speedway and ended up switching over to my phone app and shipping the MTT there

Luckily the weather is supposed to clear up now and should be nice this entire week. I actually just snapped a couple pics of the cool looking sunrise we're having this morning as I type this post

Anyway, so the grind hasn't gone super well the past week or so, but it's okay as overall I've had a great start to the challenge for myself and am keeping on pace with the # of games required even though I've lost days to weather and have been studying a lot of 25bb recently etc. I am hoping to have a big grind week starting today and going hard every day through Sunday minus taking a half day off on Friday.
Went on a big downswing at the upper tier of my lowstakes games. Luckily have still been crushing the games I play on my own dime and I'm not in much midstakes MU, although still will be buried for a long while in my HS MU, but not much I can do about that but to keep on keeping on when the games run and are good!
In more awesome news though, I FINALLY received a challenge that gave me real Rakeback! From the time chests dropped in July of last year until 2 weeks ago, I hadn't received a single challenge that actually gave me much of anything.
This is what the challenge screen looked like. Can win multiple tickets, up to 5 I believe at each different tier. Or at least once I won 5 $100 tickets last week, that challenge disappeared from my list

Best of all, I somehow ran super hot and in my super small sample 1k 25bb, I won TWO $1k tickets in a span of <48 hours!

Pretty funny that I've received like 35% RB total the 2 weeks I've had this challenge and it feels so nice/special, PS really has just ****ed us all up in the head!
Anyway, going to update on the challenge and post graphs and then I will be showering and getting ready to hit the grind for the day
Challenge Stats: Started Dec 25th with the Winter Festival
Days Completed: 36
Days off: I've already lost track! Guess I won't be tracking this
Games Played: 31,932
RB Info: Going to try my best to actually track my RB this year. Note that RB earned between Dec 25th and Dec 31st was not tracked as I did not start this until Jan 1st. For that reason, This info will be based solely on 2018 games played to get an accurate RB %
Stars Coins: 41,000 ($410 Value)
Cash+$Ts: $1094
7x$55 tourney tickets ($385)
SNG Challenge: $3340 worth of tickets
Collectibles: $39
Total RB=$5268
Rake Paid in 2018=$21189
RB %=24.86%
Challenge Graph:

Challenge LS Graph:

Challenge MS Graph:

Challenge HS Graph:

And since she led to an upswing the last time I posted pics, let's see if Alisha can start the upswing once again! Was with her on Thursday afternoon until Friday morning, great time as always. We're supposed to meet up for lunch at some point this week and then she's taking me to an appointment and helping me out and then I'm gonna help her out as she has this humongous, nice mirror ordered but needs someone with a large vehicle to go with her to pick it up and help her get it back to her place.
Have been pressuring her to return to blonde hair as then she uses less makeup and looks more natural and honestly way better IMO, she said she's changing it soon for me

Gla on the grind!
, 01:14 AM
All tables pop up in the main stack (top left) and I have 10 hotkeyable slots. Mostly used for FTs/HU portion of 16s and then later in the evening when I'm mixing in 25bb I stack those to the right of the main stack (where I have 43o) and then use the hotkeyable slots on that side of the screen for my 25bb bubbles/hu/etc

January is officially over! Planning to put forth a big effort in February, though once the Sunday Million Anniversary is over, I'll likely use a lot of next week as study/relax time with the upcoming Turbo Series starting a bit later in the month.
Jan Graph

On a funny sidenote, my assistant made it back to Rosarito last night after taking a vacation down south to visit family. Apparently both Lenballs1014 and myself were quite lost without her

Nice to have her back, got a long list of stuff for her to get done for me in February though! Also shoutout to Lenny on a sick January, the hero FT'd both the Sunday Mil and Sunday Warmup during this month :O
Gl to everyone in February, I'm going to quit procrastinating and start running a few SNG hands in a few mins after I finish up this EP of Stranger Things. Hopefully sleep well tonight, stomach has been super messed up the past few days and overall not feeling that well, am hopeful to be feeling good again by this weekend for the Sunday Mil Anniversary. If not, oh well, will just power through a 1500+ game Sunday anyway
, 11:23 AM
Great results, really showcases the amount variance in poker ;D, when it comes to downswings etc, does it effect you at all? Or is your volume so huge that you're pretty much emotionally resilient?
Also, how on earth do you not get "burnt out", you're like a machine! GJ, keep it up, hope you have a good February!
Also, how on earth do you not get "burnt out", you're like a machine! GJ, keep it up, hope you have a good February!
, 04:33 AM
Great results, really showcases the amount variance in poker ;D, when it comes to downswings etc, does it effect you at all? Or is your volume so huge that you're pretty much emotionally resilient?
Also, how on earth do you not get "burnt out", you're like a machine! GJ, keep it up, hope you have a good February!
Also, how on earth do you not get "burnt out", you're like a machine! GJ, keep it up, hope you have a good February!
The last time I've been upset due to a downswing (or overly excited about a big bink/upswing) has been years and years ago...like 2014. Think by the start of 2015 I was very emotionally/mentally mature and by the end of 2015 I had it all 'figured out' in this regard and have just kept on keeping on.
I've said it in the past in PG&C threads and past roommates can attest to this; I really only ever get mildly upset over internet/power issues and then the more funny one being if I miss regging a good game. Have screamed '****' very loudly in the past when I've missed a 3 fish $1k hyper or something like that, but the day I lost >100k in a day back in 2016 I didn't even get mildly annoyed and ended up going out to be social as soon as the grind was over as there was a UFC card on that night and Ruseman and I went up to our favorite sports bar 20 mins north of where we lived at the time.
Additionally am not sure why I have the 'grind gene' as Ruse has called it in the past. It was actually funny, think I posted about it in this thread, but after my desktop's DWM issue finally got resolved after >1 month of problems and I could just sit and grind without having to reboot every few hours (and occasionally lose part of a day/whole day due to issues), I sent Ruse a message saying I was soooo happy I could just sit here and mindlessly grind away and THANK GOD I wouldn't have to take sync breaks anymore to reboot my comp and I could just sit here and mash for 8+ hours in a row w/out taking a single minute off
^^^ There's where my crazy brain is, sync breaks are so tedious!
Well, last night was a huge fail. Hadn't done something like this in a long time and I definitely remembered why. Ended up watching the rest of S2 of Stranger Things and was up til past 4am and also only ran 5 spots. Complete ****ing fail, was pissed at myself before going to bed and then immediately again when I woke up super late and missed like 2+ hours I wanted/needed to play
Not wasting time is something I'm big on. I don't ever go on reddit (never have), I don't read news (never have), I don't even go on espn.com or any other sports related website (this one is new). This year especially I need to manage my time very wisely, but in general, most people 'waste' such an absurd amount of time on a daily basis and it's stunning to me. I like to have fun and have an expensive lifestyle, but you better believe I'm working my ass off 90% of the time to 'earn' enjoying that other 10%. Work hard, play hard to the max.
But yea, was a reminder to myself last night of what cannot be done. Doubly bad too as I woke up tired today and played less optimally and now tonight I'm tired and not been able to concentrate on doing anything productive since getting home from dinner and switching out my Malibu for the Durango.
Am hoping to catch up on some sleep tonight. 12:30AM right now and probably won't start for the day until 10:15, 15 mins before the start of the Bounty 109. I do really need to run some spots though as I've got a lot of hands marked between all the formats I play and per the usual, have studied very little.
Anywayyy, /end rant or whatever you want to call the above. Day graph below and gl to everyone this weekend!

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