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Jdawg91/slayerv1fan 2018 Challenge: 300,000+ SNGs / 2500+ Hours TurboKings Style Jdawg91/slayerv1fan 2018 Challenge: 300,000+ SNGs / 2500+ Hours TurboKings Style

06-13-2018 , 05:40 AM
Originally Posted by blakkman08
Dat hourly, nice that a 3figure personal hourly is still possible for my hours on the tables. Most people don't have that to begin with, and then if you take into account if they are backed or sell action and it usually gets cut further down

__________________________________________________ __

Put up a nice Sunday session, did pretty well on the tables but gave most of it back today. Ended up losing my RSA token and was a real ****show to get back into my account but got that finished this morning and fired a like 5 hour session today. Tomorrow will be another 5-6 hour session and then tomorrow evening I have my appointment with the leading vascular expert in Tijuana. Karen, the veterinarian that I hangout with a bit (and also cousin of my personal assistant Susy and cousin of bfizz11's GF for those turbokings followers who see Fer and Susy on stream every now and again) is going to accompany me to the appointment and then we're going to go out to a nice dinner in Tijuana afterwards. I'm thinking of taking her to 1 of the 2 good really good sushi spots, am more or less positive she's never been to either and I love both places.

I'm assuming that I'll end up having to come back for at least 1 more appointment, likely a few. I'm also assuming I'm going to have to completely cut out alcohol, soda (and coffee if I drank it) etc for a while and then really limit how much of it I drink in the future. I also assume there will be some dietary changes that are needed as well. When my ex Lupita took me to get checked out last year and I had a full checkup, only thing that came back bad was my uric acid levels. Slightly high blood pressure which is normal for me and everyone in my family, and surprisingly everything else came back in the normal range. Doctor asked me something like 'so you like to eat cows and drink beers, don't you?' lulz. Ofc the speech was next saying that I need to limit my intake of said things and I'm assuming I'm going to have similar tomorrow.

I'm ready to make some changes in my life though, I want to get back to feeling really good like I was in 2016 when I was in the gym 1-2x a day and playing some basketball. Karen herself has been starting to workout again and is trying to eat healthier, so I'm hoping to hangout with and talk to her more and that we can motivate each other to keep on keepin on.

Need to get to bed if I'm going to get on the grind by the bounty 44. I just got all my hands in 1 DB going back to May 1. I think I talked about the fact that I was wanting to look into some explo stuff for the 6m hyper sats and that I felt I was playing quite suboptimally in a lot of spots. The reason for that is I learned how to play and beat the 5/6 reg games and didn't really learn how to play against recs and was certainly not making anywhere near enough exploits and was calling too wide in some spots vs the recs, lots of little stuff that I needed to look at and change.

Absolutely smashing 6max since then and I want to continue to study some more 6max sat stuff in the coming week or so. Kind of tough to balance the study load now... kind of tough to stay super sharp at 6max sats, 16man double shootout sats, 25bb and 25bb sko along with needing to find some time to look at some MTT stuff. Doing the best I can though

Looking back to May, I played between a $35 and $40 abi and it appears that I EV'd about $30,000 at 6max (6m sats and 6m 25bb) and then another $15k or so at 16mans. $45,000 in 1 month and a bit at a <$40 abi

Doubt there is anyone who is even ****ing close to EVing anything near what I EV at the abi I play

LS 6max sat EV graph since May 1 ($74s and under)

HS 6max sat EV graph since May ($181/$360)

Updated challenge graph
06-13-2018 , 10:42 AM
06-15-2018 , 03:23 AM
Doctors appointment yesterday went pretty well. I don't have any blood clots or beginning signs of DVT (deep vein thrombosis) which is good. Am on some medicine for 1 month that is supposed to help promote the flow of blood in my veins and I have a checkup on July 8th.

Will be doing my very very best to drink alcohol a maximum of 1 time per week between now and then and additionally only allowing myself to drink soda in my house on Sunday. I drink a ton of soda, super unhealthy amount. But I've quit before and I can quit again nps. I usually will allow myself to have a soda when I go out to dinner as a bit of a treat (instead of ordering alcohol) and it works out pretty well so that I don't feel like I'm quitting everything 100% at once.

Unfortunately I didn't end up getting in any poker yesterday but can't do much about that. Today I got in a good sized grind and I'll be studying some tonight before getting to bed. Tomorrow I have a massage in the morning, a meeting with my lawyer at 11am, need to meet up with my mechanic after and then have a 2pm skype meeting with someone I might be hiring to run my PIO sims for me.

Very very busy, I'm always busy and honestly it's not even possible for me to get all my IRL things I need to get done even though I have a personal assistant for all the monotonous/normal stuff like shopping, cooking, cleaning, paying bills, handling my schedule outside of poker (booking appointments, getting repairmen and handling everything so I don't even have to answer the door etc etc, anything it might be). There are 2 super important things I have to do for myself but I'm honestly too busy with the poker grind to really put much time into them; residency card for Mexico and fixing my vehicle paperwork. Both are a ****show and will be topics of discussion with my lawyer tomorrow, but she needs me to get her a lot of non standard info and I need to be there for x, y and z in order for things to move forward on both issues and I mostly can't commit. Tis okay though, am trying my best and honestly I prioritize the grind highly over this stuff most of the time as I think it's highest/best EV

Poker wise, June has been quite the slow month. Started off with being lazy post SCOOP and too much drinking and going out for nba/nhl playoffs and whatnot and then have switched to a lot of study. I'm hoping to put in big sessions on Sat/Sun and then hopiong that starting next Tuesday things will be going back to being more normal and I can start pumping out a lot of volume.

June Graph: Definitely will be my lowest volume month of 2018

06-15-2018 , 11:41 PM
Got all of my hands into 1 DB going back to the beginning of the challenge on December 25th....let's see some graphs!

So the 16mans are an interesting game. There's no EV line of course since they are multi table SNGs with the first table being a WTA 4handed match and then the FT of 4 playing for 2 seats with 3rd sometimes getting some money back. Obviously can't show an EV graph as it doesn't exist, but here's my HU results.

Avg effective stack is about 12bbs deep, so seems like a pretty nice WR given the fact that I'm absolutely mass tabling, misclicking, misreading stacks etc all day long. I definitely have a lot I could improve on but I assume there is only 1 reg who has a better HU WR than I do. Is a grind pal of mine and he smashes the HU portion of the games pretty hard

6max Sats
As I was just talking about, been doing a lot of work on my 6m sat game and would like to continue to do so and improve on playing against the recs in the format.

$74 and under stakes


The 1k 25bb continuing to not treat me very well as it has throughout my entire career. The sick thing is, same as the nosebleed sats, you can very easily just run bad over the course of your entire career because there's not enough volume to get anywhere close to a real sample. But it's okay, again, I play the lower stake stuff on my own dime and then sell some of the 500 and 1k 25bb off of my stake deal with jama-dharma back to him directly to make the swings of them not so dramatic in relation to the rest of the games I play for him. I do the same thing with the MTTs and the high stake hyper sats too.

$200-$1000 25bb

Lower stake 25bb

Overall SS LB

Some of the SS Stars

My favorite board, the $36-$100s, which represents the highest stakes that actually really run these days (as sad as that is)

Yea that was cool to run through all of that, I hadn't looked at my entire results of the challenge put together since ~March or April.

I might actually be switching to Hand2Note next week, at least will be trialing it out at some point soon. Anybody have any experience with it and think its better/worse than HM2 or PT4? My buddy had great things to say about it.

Gonna run a few 6m/16m sat spots and then try to get to bed, 2 big grinds coming up! Gla on the weekend grind
06-16-2018 , 01:27 AM
Oh yea, got my truck running today for a bit today too. My mechanic had to take it easy for a couple weeks after chopping his finger off ofc. The intake wasn't in there, radiator not in, intercooler not in and some other parts not in, but that's because we want to get it all stabilized before we finish putting it back together.

Additionally only 3 of the cylinders lit up. This is because my new glow plugs aren't yet in the truck. Diesels aren't the same as gas engines, when you start up a diesel you turn the key over half way (clicking on the radio but not turning the vehicle on yet) and wait for a number of seconds and then you turn the key the rest of the way to fire the vehicle up. This is because on the first click, the glow plugs get turned on and start warming up, and they are what essentially fire up all the cylinders when you turn the vehicle on. When your glow plugs are going bad, it becomes increasingly difficult to get the vehicle started.

Obviously, same as with my top of the line starter, the mean green, we prefer to keep new/good parts out of the truck for as long as possible while we are in project mode so that we arent just 'wasting' them when we're testing **** out. But it's especially important to me with things like glow plugs and starters that really get worn to **** when you're sitting there just in test mode...starting and stopping, starting and stopping.

So started out with only 3 cylinders firing up but after it ran for about 20 mins or so it seemed like all 8 were running. The 3 that were running end up heating up the others and they come on

The mean green, quite expensive for a starter , but it's worth it. My stock starter goes out every few months as there aren't many starters that were made for the raw power in the 7.3 engines. They work fine on the 6.0-6.7s but not so much on the 7.3s

20 second video of the truck running (w only 3 of 8 cylinders working and still sounds pretty ****in boss )

edit: Note too from the screenshot that my truck runs with 2 batteries :O :O, can see the 2 red batteries, one on each side. That comes stock on all the old Ford Diesels (6.0+). Not sure on the newer models. Some of the models also come with 2 alternators. Really is pretty sick the pure power under the hood of these beasts. I also have top of the line batteries, I am using the Optima 34 redtops at the moment ($240 per battery) but might switch to the Optima Yellowtop D34s which are a bit more expensive but apparently are a bit better (the only better model)

Last edited by slayerv1fan; 06-16-2018 at 01:35 AM.
06-18-2018 , 05:34 PM
what year is your truck? and I'm curious about fuel consumption too :P
also, as an European I found it hilarious that you had to point out that you need to warm up the plugs in diesel first but yea i guess they're not really a thing in Murica, just like manual transmissions hehe

Last edited by Marecki; 06-18-2018 at 05:41 PM.
06-19-2018 , 04:37 AM
The paragraph about glow plugs caught my eye too hehe. I have a petrol now but still do that out of habit.

I might actually be switching to Hand2Note next week, at least will be trialing it out at some point soon. Anybody have any experience with it and think its better/worse than HM2 or PT4? My buddy had great things to say about it.
It definitely has interesting and useful features which HM2/PT4 doesn't. Both for studying and HUD. I had bought their HUD for 6 max hypers last year and tried it out. Didn't stick to it cause I was so used to my own made HUD and couldn't edit their stats to make it similar. But if you could get someone to make a custom HUD suitable for your mass tabling needs then I think changing is worth it. You'll still probably wanna use HM2 for daily review/study cause their reports/replayer/graphing sucked last time I used it.
06-19-2018 , 08:01 AM
Less trucks, more vans.
06-21-2018 , 06:44 AM
You supposed to do updates with women pics
06-21-2018 , 09:19 AM
How all the truck updates appear to Europeans
06-24-2018 , 08:58 PM
Originally Posted by Marecki
what year is your truck? and I'm curious about fuel consumption too :P
also, as an European I found it hilarious that you had to point out that you need to warm up the plugs in diesel first but yea i guess they're not really a thing in Murica, just like manual transmissions hehe
It's a 2002. My Dodge Durango SUV, that has a 5.9L V8 Magnum in it, actually does about the same on gas as the truck does. The truck's not too terrible, gets like 10MPG / 16KM per gal. Would be crazy bad if it was gas powered, obv is quite bad fuel economy for a diesel though .

And lol yea sorry, I didn't really think about that as I was typing, just know that many Americans don't know that ****

Originally Posted by Dydas9
The paragraph about glow plugs caught my eye too hehe. I have a petrol now but still do that out of habit.

It definitely has interesting and useful features which HM2/PT4 doesn't. Both for studying and HUD. I had bought their HUD for 6 max hypers last year and tried it out. Didn't stick to it cause I was so used to my own made HUD and couldn't edit their stats to make it similar. But if you could get someone to make a custom HUD suitable for your mass tabling needs then I think changing is worth it. You'll still probably wanna use HM2 for daily review/study cause their reports/replayer/graphing sucked last time I used it.
Cool, thanks for the info. I still haven't checked it out and am not sure when I will, but I think I'd like to try it at some point before the end of the year for sure. Already have someone that can make me custom HUDs for it too which is nice. Only worrying part is your last sentence, since efficiency is quite important to me, being able to quickly organize and run spots for all the different formats I grind is very important ofc.

Originally Posted by Kelvis
Less trucks, more vans.
Hehe, but only if filled with hos amirite

Originally Posted by belthazorrrrr
You supposed to do updates with women pics
Not been too much of that going on, been too ill/not feeling well! Hope you're doing well my friend

Originally Posted by fragglerock45
How all the truck updates appear to Europeans
Lmao this cracked me up, wp

__________________________________________________ ____

Was a pretty low volume week as traffic has been pretty dismal with it being summer + World Cup. Additionally, I haven't been feeling too great which isn't really much of a surprise. Quitting the pill I took to help me grind + quitting caffeine + starting some new, strong medicine on making me not have much energy and overall just not feeling great! It's okay though, just grinding when I can, studying when I can and otherwise resting up.

I actually missed most of the grind today due to not feeling well. First time I've missed basically a full Sunday in quite a long time, like a year or so. Tomorrow I have a doctors appointment so will probably not be grinding at all. Am hoping to do some study tonight and a bit more tomorrow and plan to hit the grind fairly hard from Tues-Sun this coming week to try to end the month on a strong note.

I was actually curious on my results by month. Wanted to 1. See how far back I had to go to find a losing month and 2. If this was the least amount of money I made at low-mid stakes during a month in a lot of time. Confirmed was and the last time I had a losing month was the lowest volume I put in during a month in the entire span of time I searched

While I'm at it, here's the MTD graph

Other night went to dinner with my mechanic Nick and his GF as her birthday was yesterday. Ended up at Ollies pizza and was really tasty as always. I also for the first time wore my new shoes I picked up on Monday while in the US. Super comfy, funnily enough after talking to one of the sales reps, he ended up coming out with only this pair of shoes saying 'this is the only shoe in your size that you might be interested in based on how you're dressed/your style and our chat we just had.' He was spot on though, love emmmm

Anywayyyy, off to relax for a bit as I'm quite tired/not feeling super well. Gla on the tables
06-26-2018 , 11:25 PM
Originally Posted by belthazorrrrr
You supposed to do updates with women pics
I got ya this timeeee

This girl I met recently is super duper pretty and super cool, get along really well and it feels easy and natural with her.

I've been trying out a lot of girls lolz, basically trying to find a super cool girl that will be my go to chick that I ~always hangout with. With Alisha and Lupita not in the picture anymore, and me cutting a ton of other chicks from my list who were becoming a pain in the ass/drama/had changed for the worse since I last saw them, I currently don't have that one girl that I mostly see, and been trying to fix that but am of course and justifiably picky.

Think I finally found the one. Only works in the local clubs on Fri+Sat, so is unavailable when I need to be focusing on work which is nice and is otherwise available ~ whenever as we live close to one another and she therefore doesn't need so much advance notice compared to the girls who live in Tijuana. The girls who work in the TJ clubs are also way more into themselves on avg and overall just a much larger pain in the ass to deal with. She is really laid back and is 100% not interested in a relationship with anyone, same as me at this point as I'm trying to focus on myself. Makes it easier as some of the girls are trying to weasel their way into something more with you and it ends up not being a good situation in the end, so it's something I'm trying to avoid this time. Lives here full time so don't have to worry about her sometimes being here and then not here for 4+ weeks at a time. All big +'s in her favor ofc, still need to hangout a few more times to confirm it or not....sample size issue as we're all too familiar with here in the poker world

Gotta include 1 photo with no makeup; she goes to the gym 5 days a week and works out pretty hard for a chick

Felt a little bit better today and put in a bit of a grind. Hoping to do the same tomorrow and then going to try to go pretty hard Thurs-Sun and put up 3.5 sessions (Fri half day). Going to try to get some 6m/16m sat study in tonight as I am not quite as tired as I have been lately. Might attempt to get back into some SKO study tomorrow night, but not going to force it as I'd rather focus on feeling better and getting back into my normal routine before adding back in grinding + studying an absurd format.

I also might have found a nice situation where I can get someone to do a bunch of 25bb PIO work for me. Is someone I trust greatly which is most important, also has a huge work ethic which is 2nd most important heh. Would be nice to finally dive into some deep 25bb hyper study of my own for the first time in my entire career. Also can book a session with BBZ to have him skim over my prepared work to make sure everything looks good as he is a PIOmaster and 25bb master...def will be worth booking an hour session with him to make sure all this work we're going to do isn't set up incorrectly

Updated month graph: Looking like it's going to be one of my more withered months in quite a while

Gla on the tables

Last edited by slayerv1fan; 06-26-2018 at 11:31 PM.
06-27-2018 , 08:08 AM
Y you dawg. Easily the best looking woman you ever posted. All good very good actually
06-27-2018 , 08:37 AM
what do you mean works hard FOR A CHICK
06-27-2018 , 11:00 AM
Yea traffic gonna be bad all summer - at least 8 heatwaves forecast to hit Europe - monster heatwave in UK for next two weeks. All the sites gonna be lowering guarantees.
06-27-2018 , 11:39 AM
man some sngs i see, like 1-2 regs on 100s peak hours, insane
06-27-2018 , 08:37 PM
Originally Posted by Xenoblade
what do you mean works hard FOR A CHICK

06-30-2018 , 10:20 PM
Originally Posted by belthazorrrrr
Y you dawg. Easily the best looking woman you ever posted. All good very good actually
Originally Posted by belthazorrrrr
man some sngs i see, like 1-2 regs on 100s peak hours, insane
(hifive) yea she is beautiful. Glad to hear it my friend . And yea, they are super soft sometimes and then super duper gross other times. There are times where even $60 and $100 25bb hyper are 5regs open sitting. It just kind of depends it seems, but there are certainly windows where the games can be super soft

Originally Posted by Xenoblade
what do you mean works hard FOR A CHICK
Originally Posted by Mepslol

Originally Posted by fragglerock45
Yea traffic gonna be bad all summer - at least 8 heatwaves forecast to hit Europe - monster heatwave in UK for next two weeks. All the sites gonna be lowering guarantees.
Yea seems that way. Kind of funny that the heatwaves lead to people not grinding over there. i remember one WCOOP it was super hot here (and over there) and one of my euro friends was bitching about the temp and considering not playing, and it was like 15 degrees Fahrenheit hotter over here (and I have no AC) than where he was lulz. Guess it just comes down to what you're used to. Summers can be super brutal back home, actually was on call with my mom and temps were in the 90s and then with the heat index/humidity it felt like 105


June is officially over! One of my least profitable months in quite a long time, combined with some of the lowest volume I've played in a long time haha. Also was definitely the most time slept in 1 month in a very very long time without a doubt. Oh well, starting to feel a bit better which is nice and the last few days or so I've been doing a lot of 25bb PIO work. Hoping to grind a fair bit in July though!

Tomorrow going to put in a good sized Sunday session. I'm hoping to wake up at 4am to be on in time for the Hot 16.50/Bounty 22 grind but definitely no guarantees; latest I will start is 7am 30 mins before the Bounty 215.

My new little homey is hanging out tomorrow night. She hit me up begging to come over tomorrow night and I of course said sure, she's already pretty much welcome whenever as she has already proved that she can entertain herself if I'm still grinding or studying/doing something important. Last time she started straightening up a bit and then just chilled on my side laptop and she turned some netflix on while I was finishing up and gave me a massage...she can for sure come whenever she wants . She's interested in learning some poker too so going to arrive while I'm winding down at the end of the day with turbos+supersonic so she can see a bit of it. Fully expect her to be bored and not like it, but we'll see lulz. Planning on hitting up dinner somewhere and then relaxing tomorrow evening and we're going to wake up early on Monday morning to go watch the Mexico/Brazil game somewhere (starts 7am our time). Should be lots of fun

Anywho, here is the final June graph, gla in July!

Last edited by slayerv1fan; 06-30-2018 at 10:36 PM.
07-03-2018 , 12:53 PM
Originally Posted by belthazorrrrr
Y you dawg. Easily the best looking woman you ever posted.

sadly I have to disagree

obviously this is the best looking woman he ever posted


and yes I have saved this picture on my pc to motivate myself to grind more and better bcuz more cash = more and better pu55y
07-10-2018 , 09:10 PM
I'll have to make a full update at some point soon but Bfizz11 streaming on the Pokerstars School twitch channel from my house...I will be in and out and also have the beautiful Nancy coming through at some point soonish so she'll be on stream briefly as well

And from recently filming for some TV show down here in Mexico

07-11-2018 , 05:17 AM
This thread keeps getting better and better
07-11-2018 , 10:20 AM
That's gonna wreak havoc with your hourly.
07-11-2018 , 01:50 PM
pulling out is not an option
07-12-2018 , 08:28 PM
Live from my bedroom with bfizz11 this time on the pokerstars school twitch channel!
07-13-2018 , 09:25 AM
how many hours are you averaging per week ?
