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***Jdawg91 2014 3MIL VPP Grind + Expense Report*** ***Jdawg91 2014 3MIL VPP Grind + Expense Report***

12-17-2013 , 01:53 AM
glgl! subbed
12-17-2013 , 04:56 AM
Originally Posted by shipaments
Ok, now seriously, wtf is a "Banana" I'm getting mad with it!

Oh and good luck

Last edited by kleath; 12-17-2013 at 04:58 AM. Reason: all my ****** drink 'gnac and smoke hella weed, well jdizzys the only ***** drug free
12-17-2013 , 08:32 AM
Originally Posted by starting gun
Too annoying to selectively delete multi quotes on an iPad.

I really want to get on a solid start to the new year with poker, but that plan you stated for my return is very enticing & exactly the reason I haven't booked flight yet.
Haha #YOLO imo, plus xanax on a plane ride is the nuts

Originally Posted by shipaments
Ok, now seriously, wtf is a "Banana" I'm getting mad with it!

Oh and good luck
Kleath explains it best

Originally Posted by ValuetownJL
Gl Josh, hope you run better in 2014
Originally Posted by juicestain100
glgl! subbed
Thx both


Day VPPs: 3091.01 ()
Year VPPs: 1,385,310.20
1.5mil vpp pace: 8192 vpp/day ()

Lol getting ridiculous, just keep falling more and more behind pace because I'm sitting here studying away and not grinding. Put in like 4 hrs of review today myself and then put in a good 2 hour sesh with my coach. Good stuff obv, but at this point, I really just have to cut a lot of the studying out and get the VPPs in.

Hopefully will be able to do just that, will have some more motivation as Ruse and I are starting a 7day hours prop today, loser owes $10 for every hour they lose the bet by, so motivation to keep grinding hard no matter what!

Yea so pretty tired right now, gonna just post graphs and go to bed. Probably will be a lot of this til the end of the yr, short update with graphs as I'm gonna be withered as ****


12-17-2013 , 08:38 AM
Omg Josh, such bad, much spewy
I'll hate on you doge style <3
12-17-2013 , 05:14 PM
Originally Posted by inJaxwetrust
Omg Josh, such bad, much spewy
I'll hate on you doge style <3

Just woke up and will be getting on the grind here sometime soon. Got cleared to add in $300s/$500s again for the time being, might have to drop down if my EV gets crushed and I'm a lock to get 1.5mil, but pretty excited to give em another go! Games have been pretty bad still, but hoping they will clear up at some point with guys finishing up their VPP goals for the yr.

Anyway, no real point in this post other than the fact I thought it was time for some more threadsavers to keep the heatttt going . Gla!



12-17-2013 , 06:48 PM
[x] thread delivers the best thread saver!
12-17-2013 , 06:58 PM
subbed gl again!
12-18-2013 , 06:36 AM
thread doesn't need threadsavers (but jesus man! DO NOT STOP!)

i havent read every post word for word here, what level sng is jdawg playing atm? look like some pretty big ups n downs though i'm unfamiliar with the sng world.
12-18-2013 , 07:04 AM
60-300$ 6m hypers, those with comparably low possible ROI and thus brutal variance.
12-18-2013 , 07:37 AM
wow those photographs are inappropriate(especially from a MODERATOR)
12-18-2013 , 09:01 AM
Keep em coming, if thats the level of mods we have here.....
More like him hehe
12-18-2013 , 09:41 AM
Originally Posted by jdawg91
Got cleared to add in $300s/$500s again for the time being, might have to drop down if my EV gets crushed and I'm a lock to get 1.5mil, but pretty excited to give em another go!
Who am I to question you know who but am going to do it anyway! Think it's too soon to be adding these man, especially in their current state. I'd give it until the third/fourth week of January before starting up with the high stakes again and hopefully you'll see a significant redline increase by then too from all the hard work you're putting in now.

As for the threadsavers, I'd love to see some with a bit less skin, a little more lingerie and some tasteful posing but I guess I'm in the minority! Keep 'm coming!

12-18-2013 , 09:48 AM
Imho crush the 60s-100s to strengthen confidence and satisfaction after what seems to have been a brutal year since SNE reached anyway and then start the high stakes next year, but same as for injaxwetrust: who am I to give advice to s.o. playing way above me ^^
12-18-2013 , 10:45 AM
GLGL bro, all the best in 2014! Get that paper!
12-18-2013 , 04:14 PM
Originally Posted by El P
thread doesn't need threadsavers (but jesus man! DO NOT STOP!)

i havent read every post word for word here, what level sng is jdawg playing atm? look like some pretty big ups n downs though i'm unfamiliar with the sng world.
$60-500 6m hypers, although before the graph I'm about to post, those were all $60-200 game graphs

Originally Posted by kleath
wow those photographs are inappropriate(especially from a MODERATOR)

Originally Posted by inJaxwetrust
Who am I to question you know who but am going to do it anyway! Think it's too soon to be adding these man, especially in their current state. I'd give it until the third/fourth week of January before starting up with the high stakes again and hopefully you'll see a significant redline increase by then too from all the hard work you're putting in now.

As for the threadsavers, I'd love to see some with a bit less skin, a little more lingerie and some tasteful posing but I guess I'm in the minority! Keep 'm coming!

Originally Posted by LeaksSuck
Imho crush the 60s-100s to strengthen confidence and satisfaction after what seems to have been a brutal year since SNE reached anyway and then start the high stakes next year, but same as for injaxwetrust: who am I to give advice to s.o. playing way above me ^^
Gonna just trust my backer, I was told I wasn't going to be allowed to play them until I was ready, so apparently he thinks I'm ready . I am selecting as well, but need to select a bit more.

Originally Posted by Rob_10108
GLGL bro, all the best in 2014! Get that paper!
Thx, you too!


Day VPPs: 13,842.05
Year VPPs: 1,399,152.25
1.5mil Pace: 7758/day

Ran pretty bad in high equity bubble situations yesterday in the HS's, but my 5-6 CEV looked good which is a great sign. HS's were loading decent for a while, then got ****ty, softish again, and ****ty again, was kind of annoying but w/e, just trying to pick whichever games across the stakes I think makes me the most money each time I reg.

Gonna just post graphs and then study and be ready to get back at it here soon, woke up too early so probs will be a lot of 60s/100s today. Got 7.5 hours yday on my first day of the prop with Ruse, so I'm sure I'm behind .



12-18-2013 , 04:20 PM
gonna get swingyyyyy now, gl buddy!
12-18-2013 , 06:05 PM
how many tables u playing atm?
nice start to the new deal
12-19-2013 , 08:15 AM
subbed. gl
12-19-2013 , 11:06 AM
Originally Posted by ONLYRAISEAA
gonna get swingyyyyy now, gl buddy!
Haha yup it will . Thx, you too!

Originally Posted by cjbridle1
how many tables u playing atm?
nice start to the new deal
Uhhh I'm back up to like 14 avg table count probably? I'm not sure, I tabled too hard today imo (like 16-18 for a lot of time), but felt I played really well anyway so idk. Trying to keep it in like the 12-15 range though, but I suck at not tabling too hard

Originally Posted by Kreatief
subbed. gl


Day VPPs: 16,463.702
Year VPPs: 1,415,615.95
1.5mil Pace: 7032/day
Hours: 7 hrs 45 mins

Great VPP day today, got showered on the tables but redline looked pretty good considering how bad games still are and the fact I tabled hard most of the day. Feel I'm playing really well right now, and there's still a ton of room for improvement which is super promising and is making me really excited to keep on studying away!

Ya really tired, so gonna just post graphs and be off. My CEV is crushing which is (sun) worthy, great sign for the future considering how bad the games are right now and im winning a ton of chips while not game selecting much! Gla on the tables



MTD EV line:

12-19-2013 , 11:27 AM
16.4k is 6m pace

12-19-2013 , 12:00 PM
Originally Posted by YouFaiil
16.4k is 6m pace

I smell a 2014 prop bet
12-19-2013 , 12:42 PM
Thread savers alone make this thread worth while. Good luck JDawg.
12-19-2013 , 01:43 PM
Impressive start, looks like u gonna crush hard in the future. Good luck
12-19-2013 , 03:45 PM
It can be a nice window when people are playing you ways that once were.
12-19-2013 , 07:10 PM
subbed, gl
