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It's a new start. In life. Hero goes MTT It's a new start. In life. Hero goes MTT

04-04-2012 , 12:53 PM
Originally Posted by NeverStopTrying
Hi! Thanks for the support. What is TPE? And blogging is good for you for sure! Just keep grinding those stakes up and that 3figs will come soon! Gl dude!

TPE = Tournament Poker Edge.

Only joined a couple of weeks ago but have found the podcasts & videos really really helpful. Think of it as a slightly less-polished version of Deuces Cracked, focusing only on MTTs.

I wouldn't rush back to work with a fever - don't want to spend the easter break even more sick than you are now! Take the extra day and get back to a 100% full health meter!
It's a new start. In life. Hero goes MTT Quote
04-04-2012 , 01:42 PM
Originally Posted by Dragon Ash
TPE = Tournament Poker Edge.

Only joined a couple of weeks ago but have found the podcasts & videos really really helpful. Think of it as a slightly less-polished version of Deuces Cracked, focusing only on MTTs.

I wouldn't rush back to work with a fever - don't want to spend the easter break even more sick than you are now! Take the extra day and get back to a 100% full health meter!

TPE seems interesting. I've been thinking about joining one MTT video site and as there's no sign-up fee there I might go for it. Actually, I'm pretty sure I will. I have watched some MTT videos on BFP and DC (joined for cash game omaha vids) but I really didn't find them very helpful and actually didn't even like them. On the other hand omaha videos there were extremely good.

Yeah I must check out how I'm doing tomorrow morning. There's sure no rush to go, just feel kinda bad for being away since this work is part of my studies and lasts for only 4 weeks. I don't get paid for it but I like to do things properly.

Still 1,5 hours to go until the ice-hockey game starts. Free television channels doesn't stream it live (it's actually going on right now), so I'm just hovering on English forums and I've blocked all social contacts. Even my phone is turned off
It's a new start. In life. Hero goes MTT Quote
04-05-2012 , 03:09 PM
stumbled upon this thread and just want to say GLGL!
It's a new start. In life. Hero goes MTT Quote
04-06-2012 , 09:45 AM
Originally Posted by Killingbird
stumbled upon this thread and just want to say GLGL!
Thanks a lot! Such a supportive atmosphere here, it's great.

So Easter started and I'm on holiday. I actually went to work yesterday, was nice to see some people after two days at home. However, it didn't affect my fever the best way and I'm a little ill again. But it's ok, now I'm going to rest for a few days and grind a little. It's a little hard to concentrate for a long period and today's morning session wasn't very good. I'll play another one in the evening and hopefully I can keep my focus.

I'm having coffee right now and thought about writing something about my real life stuff and what my future looks like. It's probably pretty boring and as you can tell I'm not native so I don't know how awful my English is. Hopefully this is readable at least on some level.


Tuesday was the last day to apply for universities and colleges over here. I couldn't decide anything wise and I really don't know what I'd like to do so I passed the whole thing. Right now it feels like a good move and I'm happy about it and hopefully it turns out to be the right decision.

The biggest reason for me to not to go to an university yet is not money (education is free here), not inability to get anywhere but my self-esteem. I don't feel comfortable in big groups and I have trust issues. When I get to know people I think I'm fairly good company and people like me but before that there's just huge barriers between me and others. In small groups you have to interact with others and most importantly they have to interact with you, which helps to start trusting people as I see what they are really thinking about.

This all self-awareness stuff comes from the past 10 years. When I was about eleven or so, they found out that I'm carrying one auto-immunic disease (wow, disease sounds so negative, not sure if it's the right word ). I never really had felt any pain, but they spotted that my chin was weirdly small. As later was found out, my chin joints were completely corrupted. Obviously I got some medication, and as a result from that my cheeks just puffed up. Funny being a teenager and looking more like a baby.

It's better now. Not normal, nowhere near that but not that bad either. I'm not sure if I've just thought about these things too much and the problem is more in my head than in my actual looks, probably both. I remember that before this diagnosis I was pretty happy and didn't care about my looks at all. Or I didn't know about then. But the last five years or so I don't think a day has passed without me checking my side-profile with an extra mirror. Sounds stupid yeh.

I think this has also caused that I'm pretty good doing work alone. And I'm motivated. If there's something I want to do, and I can do it without other people hovering around, I will do it. This is because I don't have to think about what other's think. Poker is easy this way. You play yourself and only for yourself.

Not sure why I'm writing this here. Anyways, my future looks fine for me right now. I can keep one year break from school, I have supporting parents letting me do this thing and I might also get some work. I'm confident I'm going to university one day, maybe after my chin surgery or before that, who knows. I'm fairly talented in all school subjects and I think I can get in anywhere I want in our country. But first I'm going to finally do those things I enjoy, and right now that's poker and feeling free. Maybe I can join some live tournament here in Europe this year if online grinding goes well. Travelling is awesome

Some poker later in the evening, gl all the Easter grinders if there's any
It's a new start. In life. Hero goes MTT Quote
04-08-2012 , 05:19 AM
Yay, it's Sunday again! Maybe today

Last two days have been pretty awful. I have done some mistakes in the late game but I think I've also ran kinda disastrously. If I had won one or two those 70-80% or a few flips things could be totally different, but yeh, that's the MTT variance. Thankfully I've been given two decent running sessions so after two weeks of playing I'm breakeven or maybe like 100 dollars up.

Yesterday I downloaded SaT trial (if someone doesn't know what it is just google Stack and Tile) and I'm really impressed. It could've some variations like if I get to final table I'd like to get my table off stack, but overall it's great. Actually even this could be possible, I tested it out very quickly last night and just configured all my sites. I guess I'll put a question in the support thread regarding this issue.

What else... Ummm, I think I'm going to drop avg buy-in a little. I now it is super conservative to play with 500 avg buy-ins BR and small fields but I just can't afford going broke and if I hit a long DS it's just going to affect my mood hugely. Yesterday avg buy-in was approx 25d and I managed to get one mincash. Maybe 10d is a little too small, but yeh, definitely need to play smaller.

It's a new start. In life. Hero goes MTT Quote
04-21-2012 , 06:40 PM
Hello guys. Haven't updated for a while so thought maybe it's time to say something. I joined TPE and found it very useful. A lot of good stuff, really recommend it. Games haven't gone well, again a break even week so far but maybe Sunday can change it all Feeling pretty good.

And yeh. Let's hope the results will come soon so I can finally find INNER PEACE. Before that, enjoy my yoga video below.
It's a new start. In life. Hero goes MTT Quote
04-23-2012 , 04:39 PM
So hard. Today I was already tilted when I started so pretty obvious didn't turn out very well. Now I've calmed down though.

I think it would be cool to get one other goal started. It's obviously ridiculously absurd at the moment, but I feel like there's no need to make a too easy challenge. So,

I will grind enough money to buy an apartment (100k ish) in one year IF my supervisor doesn't continue my job contract.
For now, my work ends on Friday.

"That's not possible! You aren't even a proven microgames winner! What an idiot."

Yes, that's true. But what you don't know is that I can be very persistent. I will achieve this goal. There's simply no other option. It's possible my parents will kick me out during summer, but I have a little under 10ke extra money which should do about one year or so. It's possible I will run like I have now ran for another month, but that's the deal then.

What am I willing to do to get this done?

- I will watch as much MTT videos I can. First TPE, then other sites.
- I will get coaching after hitting 10k mark or whenever I feel like I'm ready for it. Right now I have so much to do in my game that it isn't really an option yet.
- No more browsing useless poker blogs. That's completely wasted time. Study instead.
- Play as much as you can but remember NOT TO AUTOPILOT too much. It's ok in the beginning of the sessions 'cause you simply have to put a lot volume in to beat the variance.
- Post thoughts in this blog as often as you can. Hand histories are fairly useless, post general thinking rather.

Ok guys, wish me luck! Starting at..

BR: 4000e
It's a new start. In life. Hero goes MTT Quote
06-01-2012 , 06:50 PM
best of luck to you
It's a new start. In life. Hero goes MTT Quote
06-28-2012 , 11:14 AM
Hey guys! I'm not dead and still playing. Just to inform hehe Haven't been here since the hacking!

Thank you for the support MYBIGGUNS

Felt a little awkward reading some of my earlier posts. Like that all my friends suck or that 100k goal above. Weird tilt posts but what ever, I'm sure I have always wrote things like I have felt about them so no regrets.

To the main point then. I have one week work left and after that I'm going to play fulltime for a still unknown period of time. I have hitted that 5figs mark now and over doubled my BR from the last post. I have like million different blogs in various sites but as I have gained a little success I have not felt like updating any of them anymore. I guess the blogging thing for me was always showing others that I could play even tho I sucked. However now I feel like I would like to have a place to update things from my life as I'm moving to another city and stuff like that so don't really know anybody from there and this could help me sharing my thoughts.

I wasn't really sure if I should post here or not as some of my friends have also started reading 2+2 now but meh, why should I care I'm really waiting to get out of my current location. It's not like I hate the place or people but I haven't just done anything for such a long time and I think moving to another place and just a complete change of life would do really good for me.

Okay, ciao for now I don't really know yet what I'm going to be posting here, probably more life than poker related stuff though. Would be nice to write something about the importance of mental game as I have experience that so well. Heh, let's see

And yeh. Let's hope the results will come soon so I can finally find INNER PEACE. Before that, enjoy my yoga video below.
Oh and one more thing! I found it. Inner peace!

It's a new start. In life. Hero goes MTT Quote
06-28-2012 , 01:22 PM
few Qs where are you you moving to? your BR is now around 10K?

Also..focus on this blog!! I like it
It's a new start. In life. Hero goes MTT Quote
