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ISILDRooN And the SNE chase ISILDRooN And the SNE chase

06-16-2012 , 05:47 PM
Any minute now...

ISILDRooN And the SNE chase Quote
06-16-2012 , 06:01 PM
He's still playing. 3 tables 5/10, 2 3/6, and 3 2/4, all deep ofc like a boss
ISILDRooN And the SNE chase Quote
06-16-2012 , 07:16 PM
COME ON update :c
ISILDRooN And the SNE chase Quote
06-16-2012 , 11:25 PM
Absolutely sick thread, can't wait for updates!
ISILDRooN And the SNE chase Quote
06-17-2012 , 05:37 AM
Okkkkkkkkkkk sry for the delay but been watching US open last three nights

I would call this month a hmmm somewhat coolish month, im up 55.000sek on svenska spel and down about 2k$ on stars so fairly even. Graph;

Been a little coolish on stars, but im pretty much on ev for the year so rly don't care...

Also i want to show something impressive imo for someone who went in as a pl200 players this year This is my midstakes 2players or more winrates for this year at stars

Imo i rly like this stakes, i mean i have some swings bút with a evbb of almost 8bb/100 i obv need to be rlyyyy cold b4 loosing a lot here, and even when i do i dont have any problems handeling it. I basicly can drop 20bi on a 2/4 - 5/10 just lol, play a round of golf and then play moore that night. When i do 10/20 25/50 50/100 session i rly dont feel to good after a big loosing one, to be honest i feel like ****.. U just loose all ur enery and will to play, + u get stressed out and cant sleep and that imo is the worst.
Soooo i guess this time around i will try to be more carefull b4 playing at the highest of stakes, just cause if u have a loosing session it hurt to bad in my swedish noosebleed wannabe heart!....

Anyway, ill dropp my yearly graph in BBs and $, im also going to put my database from svenskaspel toghether and show u my winrates and graphs there

So far i have about 330k Vpps, and dont think i will play to much untill september, then i will push push push to become SNE b4 the end of this year.

Obv u want to follow me on twitter!/ISILDRooN

Last edited by ISILDRppN; 06-17-2012 at 05:57 AM.
ISILDRooN And the SNE chase Quote
06-17-2012 , 05:45 AM
Are you gonna enjoy golf for the rest of the summer?
ISILDRooN And the SNE chase Quote
06-17-2012 , 05:54 AM
Originally Posted by DanteA
Are you gonna enjoy golf for the rest of the summer?
I think i haft to, scooring between like 78-82 atm while my friend shot 68-74 so just getting crushed.

The course we play is 6900m long so its rly tough but still want to produce some game and qualify to become pro in september. Only for fun rly but still want to be a good scratch player, just need to work some on my game

+ Will be alot going on with mooregames this summer
ISILDRooN And the SNE chase Quote
06-17-2012 , 05:57 AM
I will also play the Nordea Tour qualify in september. You playing Riks/Elit?

Good luck with practice.
ISILDRooN And the SNE chase Quote
06-17-2012 , 07:39 AM
Baaaaaaaaaad play

    Poker Stars, $3/$6, $1.20 ante Pot Limit Omaha Cash, 6 Players
    Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. View Hand #13235852

    Hero (BTN): $6,575.82 (1,096 bb)
    SB: $1,718.12 (286.4 bb)
    BB: $224.37 (37.4 bb)
    UTG: $4,382.03 (730.3 bb)
    MP: $1,500 (250 bb)
    CO: $1,828.84 (304.8 bb)

    Preflop: Hero is BTN with Q A K K
    UTG raises to $28.20, MP calls $28.20, CO folds, Hero raises to $129, 2 folds, UTG calls $100.80, MP calls $100.80

    Flop: ($403.20) T 8 A (3 players)
    UTG checks, MP checks, Hero bets $264.26, UTG calls $264.26, MP folds

    Turn: ($931.72) A (2 players)
    UTG checks, Hero bets $613.08, UTG raises to $1,250, Hero calls $636.92

    River: ($3,431.72) 2 (2 players)
    UTG bets $1,500, Hero calls $1,500

    Results: $6,431.72 pot ($2.80 rake)
    Final Board: T 8 A A 2
    Hero mucked Q A K K and lost (-$3,144.46 net)
    UTG showed 7 T A 7 and won $6,428.92 ($3,284.46 net)

    Get the Flash Player to use the Hold'em Manager Replayer.
    ISILDRooN And the SNE chase Quote
    06-17-2012 , 08:43 AM
    Played a uuuuugly session now, lost like 3k 10k from ath for the session

    And it went like this;

      Poker Stars, $3/$6, $1.20 ante Pot Limit Omaha Cash, 5 Players
      Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. View Hand #13236032

      Hero (BTN): $1,567.23 (261.2 bb)
      SB: $619.20 (103.2 bb)
      BB: $2,447.27 (407.9 bb)
      MP: $1,605.80 (267.6 bb)
      CO: $1,933.24 (322.2 bb)

      Preflop: Hero is BTN with T T 2 5
      2 folds, Hero raises to $16.74, SB folds, BB raises to $59.22, Hero calls $42.48

      Flop: ($127.44) 2 T 7 (2 players)
      BB bets $72, Hero raises to $284.22, BB raises to $977.30, Hero raises to $1,506.81 and is all-in, BB calls $529.51

      Turn: ($3,141.06) 6 (2 players, 1 is all-in)
      River: ($3,141.06) 4 (2 players, 1 is all-in)

      Results: $3,141.06 pot ($2.80 rake)
      Final Board: 2 T 7 6 4
      Hero showed T T 2 5 and lost (-$1,567.23 net)
      BB showed 9 A 8 Q and won $3,138.26 ($1,571.03 net)

      Get the Flash Player to use the Hold'em Manager Replayer.

        Poker Stars, $3/$6, $1.20 ante Pot Limit Omaha Cash, 5 Players
        Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. View Hand #13236042

        Hero (BTN): $1,490.80 (248.5 bb)
        SB: $620.91 (103.5 bb)
        BB: $1,574.10 (262.3 bb)
        MP: $1,432.70 (238.8 bb)
        CO: $1,526.40 (254.4 bb)

        Preflop: Hero is BTN with 8 A 2 K
        MP folds, CO raises to $18, Hero raises to $69, 2 folds, CO raises to $222, Hero calls $153

        Flop: ($459) 3 K 2 (2 players)
        CO bets $231, Hero raises to $1,149.20, CO raises to $1,303.20 and is all-in, Hero calls $118.40

        Turn: ($2,994.20) 3 (2 players, 1 is all-in)
        River: ($2,994.20) Q (2 players, 1 is all-in)

        Results: $2,994.20 pot ($2.80 rake)
        Final Board: 3 K 2 3 Q
        Hero showed 8 A 2 K and lost (-$1,490.80 net)
        CO showed A A 6 T and won $2,991.40 ($1,500.60 net)

        Get the Flash Player to use the Hold'em Manager Replayer.

          Poker Stars, $2/$4, $0.80 ante Pot Limit Omaha Cash, 2 Players
          Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. View Hand #13236052

          Hero (SB): $1,646.32 (411.6 bb)
          BB: $1,466.41 (366.6 bb)

          Preflop: Hero is SB with 4 2 7 5
          Hero raises to $11.16, BB raises to $35.08, Hero raises to $106.84, BB calls $71.76

          Flop: ($215.28) 9 5 6 (2 players)
          BB bets $128.87, Hero calls $128.87

          Turn: ($473.02) 3 (2 players)
          BB bets $378.02, Hero calls $378.02

          River: ($1,229.06) J (2 players)
          BB bets $851.88, Hero calls $851.88

          Results: $2,932.82 pot ($0.50 rake)
          Final Board: 9 5 6 3 J
          Hero showed 4 2 7 5 and lost (-$1,466.41 net)
          BB showed 7 8 5 9 and won $2,932.32 ($1,465.91 net)

          Get the Flash Player to use the Hold'em Manager Replayer.

            Poker Stars, $3/$6, $1.20 ante Pot Limit Omaha Cash, 6 Players
            Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. View Hand #13236062

            Hero (BB): $3,454.73 (575.8 bb)
            UTG: $1,784.80 (297.5 bb)
            MP: $1,334.75 (222.5 bb)
            CO: $8,004.46 (1,334.1 bb)
            BTN: $1,549.70 (258.3 bb)
            SB: $1,722.64 (287.1 bb)

            Preflop: Hero is BB with 9 A 2 A
            2 folds, CO raises to $28.20, BTN raises to $100.80, SB folds, Hero calls $94.80, CO raises to $413.40, BTN calls $312.60, Hero raises to $1,663.80, CO calls $1,250.40, BTN calls $1,135.10

            Flop: ($4,886.30) 6 6 3 (3 players)
            Hero bets $1,789.73 and is all-in, CO folds

            Turn: ($4,886.30) Q (2 players, 1 is all-in)
            River: ($4,886.30) 7 (2 players, 1 is all-in)

            Results: $4,886.30 pot ($2.80 rake)
            Final Board: 6 6 3 Q 7
            Hero showed 9 A 2 A and won $230.60 (-$1,434.40 net)
            CO mucked and lost (-$1,665 net)
            BTN showed K 8 4 5 and won $4,652.90 ($3,103.20 net)

            Get the Flash Player to use the Hold'em Manager Replayer.

              Poker Stars, $3/$6, $1.20 ante Pot Limit Omaha Cash, 3 Players
              Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. View Hand #13236072

              Hero (BTN): $1,602.92 (267.2 bb)
              SB: $1,055.59 (175.9 bb)
              BB: $1,737.54 (289.6 bb)

              Preflop: Hero is BTN with T 8 A A
              Hero raises to $16.74, SB raises to $59.82, BB folds, Hero raises to $189.06, SB calls $129.24

              Flop: ($387.72) 5 K 3 (2 players)
              SB checks, Hero bets $305.11, SB raises to $865.33, Hero calls $560.22

              Turn: ($2,118.38) T (2 players)
              River: ($2,118.38) 5 (2 players)

              Results: $2,118.38 pot ($1.50 rake)
              Final Board: 5 K 3 T 5
              Hero showed T 8 A A and lost (-$1,055.59 net)
              SB showed 3 4 7 3 and won $2,116.88 ($1,061.29 net)

              Get the Flash Player to use the Hold'em Manager Replayer.

                Poker Stars, $3/$6, $1.20 ante Pot Limit Omaha Cash, 6 Players
                Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. View Hand #13236082

                Hero (BTN): $6,574.26 (1,095.7 bb)
                SB: $600 (100 bb)
                BB: $1,000 (166.7 bb)
                UTG: $851.91 (142 bb)
                MP: $1,720.36 (286.7 bb)
                CO: $1,634.40 (272.4 bb)

                Preflop: Hero is BTN with 3 J T K
                UTG raises to $28.20, MP calls $28.20, CO folds, Hero calls $28.20, SB calls $25.20, BB folds

                Flop: ($126) 4 T K (4 players)
                SB checks, UTG checks, MP checks, Hero bets $81.31, SB folds, UTG calls $81.31, MP folds

                Turn: ($288.62) 2 (2 players)
                UTG checks, Hero bets $188.64, UTG raises to $741.20, Hero calls $552.56

                River: ($1,771.02) 7 (2 players)

                Results: $1,771.02 pot ($2.80 rake)
                Final Board: 4 T K 2 7
                Hero showed 3 J T K and lost (-$851.91 net)
                UTG showed 2 K A K and won $1,768.22 ($916.31 net)

                Get the Flash Player to use the Hold'em Manager Replayer.

                  Poker Stars, $5/$10, $2 ante Pot Limit Omaha Cash, 5 Players
                  Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. View Hand #13236092

                  CO: $5,070 (507 bb)
                  BTN: $1,537 (153.7 bb)
                  SB: $1,661 (166.1 bb)
                  Hero (BB): $2,000 (200 bb)
                  MP: $6,144.50 (614.5 bb)

                  Preflop: Hero is BB with 5 K 4 3
                  MP raises to $40, 3 folds, Hero calls $30

                  Flop: ($95) A A J (2 players)
                  Hero checks, MP checks

                  Turn: ($95) 5 (2 players)
                  Hero bets $60.72, MP calls $60.72

                  River: ($216.44) A (2 players)
                  Hero checks, MP bets $140, Hero raises to $633.44, MP raises to $1,200, Hero folds

                  Results: $1,483.32 pot ($3.00 rake)
                  Final Board: A A J 5 A
                  Hero mucked 5 K 4 3 and lost (-$736.16 net)
                  MP mucked and won $1,480.32 ($744.16 net)

                  Get the Flash Player to use the Hold'em Manager Replayer.
                  ISILDRooN And the SNE chase Quote
                  06-17-2012 , 12:45 PM
                  Hejja Svärje!

                  Have missed this thread for some reason =/
                  But finally read it all, seems like you kill the stakes. Im glad to see that.

                  Last day for the us open tonight, will obv be railed!
                  If i remember right from PF your really good at golf too?

                  Might battle some day

                  ISILDRooN And the SNE chase Quote
                  06-18-2012 , 01:43 AM
                  Lol @ web simpson scooping das major.

                  Grinded like 900hands now at morning and won like 400$, had a sweet iphone poker session when railing us open to. Think i won like 3k$
                  ISILDRooN And the SNE chase Quote
                  06-29-2012 , 12:54 PM
                  Update? I've been sweating you the last couple of times you've played while I have my "fika" ;b.
                  ISILDRooN And the SNE chase Quote
                  07-01-2012 , 08:57 PM
                  First 15h of this month

                  HM clock is of

                  Aiming for ~150k vpps this month and minimum 50k$ in winnings

                  Up about 30k$ atm, 90% from 2/4 and 3/6

                  ISILDRooN And the SNE chase Quote
                  07-01-2012 , 09:06 PM
                  ISILDRooN And the SNE chase Quote
                  07-01-2012 , 09:11 PM
                  Originally Posted by lastTRY
                  stdshoulderbender deep plo

                  Been playing loooong sessions so tbls been sick deep, like 4-8k eff all the time att 2/4 and 3/6
                  ISILDRooN And the SNE chase Quote
                  07-02-2012 , 01:03 AM
                  Originally Posted by ISILDRppN
                  stdshoulderbender deep plo

                  Been playing loooong sessions so tbls been sick deep, like 4-8k eff all the time att 2/4 and 3/6
                  ISILDRooN And the SNE chase Quote
                  07-02-2012 , 12:09 PM
                  Originally Posted by MastaAces
                  Up 30k$ b4 this session

                  Step up to 5/10, obv run like this....

                  ISILDRooN And the SNE chase Quote
                  07-02-2012 , 12:44 PM
                  tough luck

                  Y U NO PLAY ONE DROP??
                  ISILDRooN And the SNE chase Quote
                  07-02-2012 , 05:54 PM
                  Originally Posted by ISILDRppN
                  Up 30k$ b4 this session
                  Step up to 5/10, obv run like this....
                  You're still the man to watch! GL buddy and give us more updates
                  ISILDRooN And the SNE chase Quote
                  07-02-2012 , 09:07 PM
                  Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiisanly cold day

                  dropped 30k$................................

                  Rly cant make my way back to the higher stakes atm, haft to work some 1/2-3/6 for now... Raked 3200$ in 2 day tho
                  ISILDRooN And the SNE chase Quote
                  07-02-2012 , 09:12 PM
                    Poker Stars, $5/$10 Pot Limit Omaha Cash, 6 Players
                    Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. View Hand #13398822

                    CO: $304.11 (30.4 bb)
                    BTN: $1,000 (100 bb)
                    SB: $422.86 (42.3 bb)
                    BB: $671.66 (67.2 bb)
                    UTG: $2,351 (235.1 bb)
                    Hero (MP): $1,204.40 (120.4 bb)

                    Preflop: Hero is MP with 5 8 6 7
                    UTG raises to $35, Hero raises to $120, CO calls $120, 3 folds, UTG raises to $495, Hero calls $375, CO calls $184.11 and is all-in

                    Flop: ($1,309.11) K 7 7 (3 players, 1 is all-in)
                    UTG bets $1,040, Hero calls $709.40 and is all-in

                    Turn: ($2,727.91) 6 (3 players, 2 are all-in)
                    River: ($2,727.91) 5 (3 players, 2 are all-in)

                    Results: $2,727.91 pot ($3.00 rake)
                    Final Board: K 7 7 6 5
                    CO showed Q J J 7 and lost (-$304.11 net)
                    UTG showed K K 2 A and won $2,724.91 ($1,520.51 net)
                    Hero showed 5 8 6 7 and lost (-$1,204.40 net)

                    Get the Flash Player to use the Hold'em Manager Replayer.

                      Poker Stars, $3/$6, $1.20 ante Pot Limit Omaha Cash, 3 Players
                      Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. View Hand #13398812

                      SB: $3,174.80 (529.1 bb)
                      Hero (BB): $1,683.35 (280.6 bb)
                      BTN: $599.10 (99.9 bb)

                      Preflop: Hero is BB with 8 A A 4
                      BTN folds, SB raises to $18, Hero raises to $57.60, SB raises to $176.40, Hero raises to $532.80, SB calls $356.40

                      Flop: ($1,069.20) 8 Q K (2 players)
                      SB checks, Hero bets $1,067.70, SB raises to $2,640.80 and is all-in, Hero calls $81.65 and is all-in

                      Turn: ($3,367.90) 9 (2 players, 2 are all-in)
                      River: ($3,367.90) 5 (2 players, 2 are all-in)

                      Results: $3,367.90 pot ($1.50 rake)
                      Final Board: 8 Q K 9 5
                      SB showed K 5 K J and won $3,366.40 ($1,683.05 net)
                      Hero showed 8 A A 4 and lost (-$1,683.35 net)

                      Get the Flash Player to use the Hold'em Manager Replayer.

                        Poker Stars, $5/$10, $2 ante Pot Limit Omaha Cash, 6 Players
                        Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. View Hand #13398802

                        Hero (MP): $5,183.08 (518.3 bb)
                        CO: $979 (97.9 bb)
                        BTN: $2,617 (261.7 bb)
                        SB: $202.71 (20.3 bb)
                        BB: $4,444.52 (444.5 bb)
                        UTG: $7,980.84 (798.1 bb)

                        Preflop: Hero is MP with 8 A A 5
                        UTG folds, Hero raises to $27.90, 2 folds, SB raises to $105.70, BB calls $95.70, Hero raises to $434.80, SB calls $95.01 and is all-in, BB calls $329.10

                        Flop: ($1,082.31) 3 6 Q (3 players, 1 is all-in)
                        BB checks, Hero bets $582.82, BB calls $582.82

                        Turn: ($2,247.95) 6 (3 players, 1 is all-in)
                        BB checks, Hero checks

                        River: ($2,247.95) 2 (3 players, 1 is all-in)
                        BB bets $780, Hero calls $780

                        Results: $3,807.95 pot ($3 rake)
                        Final Board: 3 6 Q 6 2
                        Hero mucked 8 A A 5 and lost (-$1,799.62 net)
                        SB mucked A T Q 3 and lost (-$202.71 net)
                        BB showed 9 6 9 4 and won $3,804.95 ($2,005.33 net)

                        Get the Flash Player to use the Hold'em Manager Replayer.

                          Poker Stars, $5/$10, $2 ante Pot Limit Omaha Cash, 6 Players
                          Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. View Hand #13398792

                          SB: $1,085.25 (108.5 bb)
                          BB: $2,538 (253.8 bb)
                          UTG: $1,906.50 (190.7 bb)
                          MP: $2,551 (255.1 bb)
                          CO: $2,440.50 (244.1 bb)
                          Hero (BTN): $2,000 (200 bb)

                          Preflop: Hero is BTN with 9 T 9 T
                          UTG folds, MP raises to $40, CO folds, Hero raises to $147, SB folds, BB raises to $254, MP folds, Hero calls $107

                          Flop: ($565) Q J K (2 players)
                          BB bets $260, Hero calls $260

                          Turn: ($1,085) 8 (2 players)
                          BB bets $1,082, Hero raises to $1,484 and is all-in, BB calls $402

                          River: ($4,053) 3 (2 players, 1 is all-in)

                          Results: $4,053 pot ($3 rake)
                          Final Board: Q J K 8 3
                          BB showed T A J A and won $4,050 ($2,050 net)
                          Hero showed 9 T 9 T and lost (-$2,000 net)

                          Get the Flash Player to use the Hold'em Manager Replayer.

                            Poker Stars, $5/$10, $2 ante Pot Limit Omaha Cash, 2 Players
                            Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. View Hand #13398782

                            Hero (SB): $2,256.60 (225.7 bb)
                            BB: $2,284.24 (228.4 bb)

                            Preflop: Hero is SB with 5 8 7 Q
                            Hero raises to $27.90, BB raises to $87.70, Hero raises to $267.10, BB calls $179.40

                            Flop: ($538.20) T 9 4 (2 players)
                            BB checks, Hero bets $424.78, BB raises to $1,812.04, Hero raises to $1,987.50 and is all-in, BB calls $175.46

                            Turn: ($4,513.20) 8 (2 players, 1 is all-in)
                            River: ($4,513.20) 4 (2 players, 1 is all-in)

                            Results: $4,513.20 pot ($0.50 rake)
                            Final Board: T 9 4 8 4
                            Hero showed 5 8 7 Q and lost (-$2,256.60 net)
                            BB showed 8 9 J J and won $4,512.70 ($2,256.10 net)

                            Get the Flash Player to use the Hold'em Manager Replayer.

                              Poker Stars, $5/$10, $2 ante Pot Limit Omaha Cash, 6 Players
                              Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. View Hand #13398772

                              Hero (CO): $3,483.23 (348.3 bb)
                              BTN: $2,515.44 (251.5 bb)
                              SB: $1,089.48 (108.9 bb)
                              BB: $1,402.40 (140.2 bb)
                              UTG: $2,984.21 (298.4 bb)
                              MP: $1,433 (143.3 bb)

                              Preflop: Hero is CO with Q A 9 T
                              2 folds, Hero raises to $27.90, BTN raises to $110.70, 2 folds, Hero raises to $359.10, BTN raises to $1,104.30, Hero calls $745.20

                              Flop: ($2,235.60) A 2 T (2 players)
                              Hero checks, BTN bets $1,409.14 and is all-in, Hero calls $1,409.14

                              Turn: ($5,053.88) 6 (2 players, 1 is all-in)
                              River: ($5,053.88) 7 (2 players, 1 is all-in)

                              Results: $5,053.88 pot ($3 rake)
                              Final Board: A 2 T 6 7
                              Hero showed Q A 9 T and lost (-$2,515.44 net)
                              BTN showed J 7 A A and won $5,050.88 ($2,535.44 net)

                              Get the Flash Player to use the Hold'em Manager Replayer.
                              ISILDRooN And the SNE chase Quote
                              07-02-2012 , 09:17 PM
                                Poker Stars, $3/$6, $1.20 ante Pot Limit Omaha Cash, 6 Players
                                Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. View Hand #13398892

                                UTG: $3,758.51 (626.4 bb)
                                MP: $1,680.58 (280.1 bb)
                                CO: $693.20 (115.5 bb)
                                BTN: $4,299.14 (716.5 bb)
                                SB: $1,511.85 (252 bb)
                                Hero (BB): $1,961.24 (326.9 bb)

                                Preflop: Hero is BB with J K Q 9
                                UTG folds, MP raises to $24, CO folds, BTN raises to $88.20, SB calls $85.20, Hero raises to $384, MP calls $360, BTN calls $295.80, SB calls $295.80

                                Flop: ($1,543.20) 2 A J (4 players)
                                SB checks, Hero bets $1,540.40, MP calls $1,295.38, 2 folds

                                Turn: ($4,133.96) 2 (2 players)
                                River: ($4,133.96) 8 (2 players)

                                Results: $4,133.96 pot ($2.80 rake)
                                Final Board: 2 A J 2 8
                                MP showed A Q 9 J and won $4,131.16 ($2,450.58 net)
                                BTN mucked and lost (-$385.20 net)
                                SB mucked and lost (-$385.20 net)
                                Hero showed J K Q 9 and won $0.00 (-$1,680.58 net)

                                Get the Flash Player to use the Hold'em Manager Replayer.

                                  Poker Stars, $3/$6, $1.20 ante Pot Limit Omaha Cash, 6 Players
                                  Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. View Hand #13398882

                                  Hero (BB): $2,488.62 (414.8 bb)
                                  UTG: $3,358.88 (559.8 bb)
                                  MP: $823.13 (137.2 bb)
                                  CO: $1,779.47 (296.6 bb)
                                  BTN: $1,763 (293.8 bb)
                                  SB: $3,196.90 (532.8 bb)

                                  Preflop: Hero is BB with A A 9 2
                                  3 folds, BTN raises to $24, SB folds, Hero calls $18

                                  Flop: ($58.20) T J 4 (2 players)
                                  Hero checks, BTN bets $42, Hero raises to $152.26, BTN calls $110.26

                                  Turn: ($362.72) T (2 players)
                                  Hero bets $237.54, BTN calls $237.54

                                  River: ($837.80) A (2 players)
                                  Hero checks, BTN bets $390, Hero raises to $2,005, BTN calls $958 and is all-in

                                  Results: $3,533.80 pot ($2.80 rake)
                                  Final Board: T J 4 T A
                                  Hero showed A A 9 2 and lost (-$1,763 net)
                                  BTN showed T J T 8 and won $3,531 ($1,768 net)

                                  Get the Flash Player to use the Hold'em Manager Replayer.

                                    Poker Stars, $3/$6, $1.20 ante Pot Limit Omaha Cash, 6 Players
                                    Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. View Hand #13398872

                                    Hero (MP): $1,901.90 (317 bb)
                                    CO: $2,057.32 (342.9 bb)
                                    BTN: $2,654.76 (442.5 bb)
                                    SB: $732.80 (122.1 bb)
                                    BB: $600 (100 bb)
                                    UTG: $1,525.44 (254.2 bb)

                                    Preflop: Hero is MP with 6 7 4 5
                                    UTG folds, Hero raises to $16.74, CO folds, BTN raises to $66.42, 2 folds, Hero calls $49.68

                                    Flop: ($149.04) 3 K 2 (2 players)
                                    Hero checks, BTN bets $96, Hero raises to $278.64, BTN raises to $535, Hero raises to $1,751.24, BTN raises to $2,587.14, Hero calls $83.04

                                    Turn: ($3,817.60) T (2 players)
                                    River: ($3,817.60) T (2 players)

                                    Results: $3,817.60 pot ($2.80 rake)
                                    Final Board: 3 K 2 T T
                                    Hero showed 6 7 4 5 and lost (-$1,901.90 net)
                                    BTN showed Q 5 A K and won $3,814.80 ($1,912.90 net)

                                    Get the Flash Player to use the Hold'em Manager Replayer.

                                      Poker Stars, $3/$6, $1.20 ante Pot Limit Omaha Cash, 6 Players
                                      Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. View Hand #13398862

                                      Hero (BTN): $4,601.29 (766.9 bb)
                                      SB: $2,821.88 (470.3 bb)
                                      BB: $600 (100 bb)
                                      UTG: $1,944.94 (324.2 bb)
                                      MP: $1,589.60 (264.9 bb)
                                      CO: $1,917.40 (319.6 bb)

                                      Preflop: Hero is BTN with 4 5 7 7
                                      2 folds, CO raises to $18, Hero raises to $70.20, 2 folds, CO calls $52.20

                                      Flop: ($156.60) 5 5 J (2 players)
                                      CO checks, Hero bets $101.50, CO raises to $244.22, Hero calls $142.72

                                      Turn: ($645.04) A (2 players)
                                      CO checks, Hero bets $346.80, CO calls $346.80

                                      River: ($1,338.64) 4 (2 players)
                                      CO checks, Hero bets $1,335.84, CO calls $1,254.98 and is all-in

                                      Results: $3,848.60 pot ($2.80 rake)
                                      Final Board: 5 5 J A 4
                                      Hero showed 4 5 7 7 and won $0.00 (-$1,917.40 net)
                                      CO showed 4 J J Q and won $3,845.80 ($1,928.40 net)

                                      Get the Flash Player to use the Hold'em Manager Replayer.

                                        Poker Stars, $5/$10, $2 ante Pot Limit Omaha Cash, 6 Players
                                        Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. View Hand #13398852

                                        Hero (BTN): $2,305.73 (230.6 bb)
                                        SB: $1,022.39 (102.2 bb)
                                        BB: $2,500 (250 bb)
                                        UTG: $2,829.22 (282.9 bb)
                                        MP: $2,040 (204 bb)
                                        CO: $1,000 (100 bb)

                                        Preflop: Hero is BTN with Q Q A J
                                        UTG raises to $30, MP folds, CO calls $30, Hero raises to $147, 2 folds, UTG calls $117, CO calls $117

                                        Flop: ($468) 4 Q 4 (3 players)
                                        UTG checks, CO bets $180, Hero calls $180, UTG folds

                                        Turn: ($828) 9 (2 players)
                                        CO bets $671 and is all-in, Hero calls $671

                                        River: ($2,170) 4 (2 players, 1 is all-in)

                                        Results: $2,170 pot ($3 rake)
                                        Final Board: 4 Q 4 9 4
                                        Hero showed Q Q A J and lost (-$1,000 net)
                                        CO showed J K 4 T and won $2,167 ($1,167 net)

                                        Get the Flash Player to use the Hold'em Manager Replayer.
                                        ISILDRooN And the SNE chase Quote
                                        07-02-2012 , 09:23 PM
                                          Poker Stars, $3/$6, $1.20 ante Pot Limit Omaha Cash, 6 Players
                                          Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. View Hand #13398952

                                          Hero (CO): $1,548.35 (258.1 bb)
                                          BTN: $4,065.83 (677.6 bb)
                                          SB: $600 (100 bb)
                                          BB: $600 (100 bb)
                                          UTG: $1,111.62 (185.3 bb)
                                          MP: $546.05 (91 bb)

                                          Preflop: Hero is CO with 7 T A J
                                          UTG raises to $18, MP folds, Hero raises to $70.20, 3 folds, UTG calls $52.20

                                          Flop: ($156.60) 8 Q 9 (2 players)
                                          UTG checks, Hero bets $101.50, UTG raises to $203, Hero calls $101.50

                                          Turn: ($562.60) A (2 players)
                                          UTG bets $419.85, Hero raises to $839.70, UTG calls $417.37 and is all-in

                                          River: ($2,237.04) A (2 players, 1 is all-in)

                                          Results: $2,237.04 pot ($2.80 rake)
                                          Final Board: 8 Q 9 A A
                                          Hero showed 7 T A J and lost (-$1,111.62 net)
                                          UTG showed 6 T K 6 and won $2,234.24 ($1,122.62 net)

                                          Get the Flash Player to use the Hold'em Manager Replayer.

                                            Poker Stars, $3/$6, $1.20 ante Pot Limit Omaha Cash, 6 Players
                                            Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. View Hand #13398922

                                            SB: $1,605.52 (267.6 bb)
                                            BB: $1,451.06 (241.8 bb)
                                            UTG: $1,585.80 (264.3 bb)
                                            MP: $2,293.93 (382.3 bb)
                                            CO: $1,500 (250 bb)
                                            Hero (BTN): $1,329.83 (221.6 bb)

                                            Preflop: Hero is BTN with A Q K 7
                                            3 folds, Hero raises to $16.74, SB folds, BB raises to $60.42, Hero raises to $191.46, BB calls $131.04

                                            Flop: ($393.12) 2 5 A (2 players)
                                            BB checks, Hero bets $250, BB raises to $1,140.32, Hero calls $887.17 and is all-in

                                            Turn: ($2,667.46) 4 (2 players, 1 is all-in)
                                            River: ($2,667.46) 8 (2 players, 1 is all-in)

                                            Results: $2,667.46 pot ($2.80 rake)
                                            Final Board: 2 5 A 4 8
                                            BB showed 3 K A J and won $2,664.66 ($1,334.83 net)
                                            Hero showed A Q K 7 and lost (-$1,329.83 net)

                                            Get the Flash Player to use the Hold'em Manager Replayer.
                                            ISILDRooN And the SNE chase Quote
