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Improving: Can you suggest topics of study? Improving: Can you suggest topics of study?

11-14-2011 , 04:43 AM
I'm currently in the process of trying to choose 10 areas of improvement as part of a 31-day challenge.

So far I am going to cover:

-Hand Ranges & Board Textures

Can anyone name other general areas which I could include?

I don't want to include things like bluffing or check-raising or anything too advanced as I'm only currently playing 10nl, and I feel some topics are unnecessary for beating 10nl.

The COTW section didn't help much before someone suggests it.

Many thanks.
Improving: Can you suggest topics of study? Quote
11-14-2011 , 06:58 AM
COTW is a rich seam of study, so not sure why that didn't help you.

Improving: Can you suggest topics of study? Quote
11-14-2011 , 07:10 AM
COTW is awesome, one of the best fountains of condensed knowledge on 2p2, weird that you found it unhelpful.... Going up from that I'd suggest DC or Leggo to take your game on and focus on the issues the coaches raise there.
Improving: Can you suggest topics of study? Quote
