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I Will Not Overplay Ace King I Will Not Overplay Ace King

10-01-2015 , 06:08 AM
Yesterday I got Ace King 5 times and lost every time.

Twice I 3 bet and called a 5 bet all in versus Aces and obviously lost a stack. One of those times was 200 BBs deep.

Another time I 3 bet and the flop was Ad2c4s.
I bet pot and villain wins when his gutshot gets there 5h and he has 33. I check the turn and call his river bet of 2/3 pot. Huge mistake on my part?

Another time villain turned a gutshot when flop AcTs3d. Turn is Jh and he has KQss. I bet 3/4 on flop and turn and called his remaining 1/2 pot shove and lost.

This is not a bad beat sob story.
The purpose of this thread is to make myself accountable in a public forum of my peers so that I will be shamed and painfully learn to not overplay Ace King.

Every session I will post how I played Ace King so that I will learn to play it correctly.

I Will Not Overplay Ace King Quote
10-01-2015 , 06:24 AM
Impossible to say if it was a "huge mistake on your part" without knowing stack sizes, positions, reads on opponents, is it 6max or full ring etc etc.

Getting 200bb's in pre almost certainly can't be good though since most people's get it in range that deep is exactly AA and maaaybe KK...

It also sounds like you're auto 3/4/5 betting AK, consider just calling sometimes, especially if we're in position and thr open is coming from UTG or early position

Good luck anyway!
I Will Not Overplay Ace King Quote
10-01-2015 , 07:34 AM
Thanks. Its live 2/4.

First opportunity with AK tonight:

Effective 650 stacks.

I bet 25 in MP. CO calls.
Flop AsJd8c.
I bet 50. V calls.
Turn (150) 5d.
I bet 150. V snap goes all in.
I folded.
V shows KK.

I didn't want to put in the extra 450 with such a confident raise. I think it was a good fold.
What do you think?
I Will Not Overplay Ace King Quote
10-02-2015 , 02:39 PM
Only hand with AsKd tonight.
Eff 450.
A few limps and then I'm in BB and raise to 30.
All fold to SB Asian with Yankees hat who just joined from broken table who calls.
Flop (70) Kh5h5s
I bet 50.
SB check raises to 100.
I call.
Turn 270 Qh
SB bets 150.

I folded.
Good fold?
I Will Not Overplay Ace King Quote
10-04-2015 , 01:43 AM
400 eff
V is Asian girl haven't played with her before.
She opens ep to 20.
I raise to 50 with AKdd.
All folds to v who calls.
Flop 100 7s8sJh
V check. I check.
Turn 100 Kc.
V bet 70. I call.
River 240 Ks.
V goes all in.

I folded.
Bad fold? Good fold?
Have I swung too cautious now with AK?
I Will Not Overplay Ace King Quote
10-04-2015 , 02:32 AM
I used to go crazy with AK but since have learned to just call and reevaluate on the flop
I Will Not Overplay Ace King Quote
