Originally Posted by fourohthree
Why can't I run that much above EV over a sample that big? mehhhhh
Write to support for doomswitch.
No seriously I talked to a guy today and he said that he got coolers in his favor for the last 5k hands and he doesn't rly know whether he is playing well and was actually whining about it
So I also told him to write to support
#giraffe #winning month
Finally this month going up. Under EV (for the whiners). Actually I don't care much about EV as one can't control it.
Read some very nice blogs here on 2+2 (One which comes to mind is PandamoniumJTo) Actually I played with him a ton on RUSH tables and he is def a good reg, but a bit too aggressive in my opinion. At least he was at that time. Now I do believe he is better.
You can probably see from my graph that my red line is jumping up and down. That is due to the fact that I was moving to 50NL and 100NL or playing both at the same time, the fact that I have tilt issues. Tilt comes mostly from the fact that I'm sometimes not rly adjusting properly to opponents and get distracted a lot and am currently working on that.