Hi, my name is Richo, I am 39 and live in Denmark with my wife and two kids.
I have been playing poker since 2008. I start studying the game and receive coaching in 2012.
I have been playing online HUSNG 2012-2014 without big success. The last year I have not been playing so much online. I have been playing in the local poker club and going to a casino and playing some cash game. I think I have been using many many hours studying the wrong things poker, reading advanced books about GTO and trying to understand how to “solve” the game, while struggling with winning over fish in 30usd HUSNG´s.
I’ve tried to start blogging one time before after i bought “heads up mastermind” course at BPC but I had some health problems and had to give it up. My health is better now and I am so exited/motivated to start this journey translating into to a poker champion.
I am joining the program CFP because I am not able to posses a normal full time job and hope that I am going to make a lot more money this way. Personally I am aiming to be successful in this as my life and future didn’t turn out quite as planned.
I am ready to start the journey towards becoming a poker champion. Aiming towards the highest levels.
My Youtube channel :