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I suck - for now. New player starting at <img .50 Hyper HUSNGs, who knows where I'll end up I suck - for now. New player starting at <img .50 Hyper HUSNGs, who knows where I'll end up

12-02-2013 , 11:56 PM
Originally Posted by Dude Abides
Hand 1, I'd rather check call small bet on the river. As played, probably a fold, he could easily have 5 or small flush.
Hand 2, there may be many hands that would donk there, depends on the villain's tendencies, that in 5 hands you can't fully understand. He might be donking because he thinks you raised preflop with 2 overcards and you'll fold couse flop didn't fit for you, he might be having straight or flush draws, may have a pair. But since you didn't connect with the flop in any way, I'd just let it go.
Thanks for this.

Re hand 1, in that case, I think I'm going to have to re-evaluate a fair bit, as I'm always looking for an opportunity to take control/the lead in a hand. With him showing no interest preflop or on the flop I thought second pair was worth a stab on the turn, especially to make him pay for his draws.
I suck - for now. New player starting at <img .50 Hyper HUSNGs, who knows where I'll end up Quote
12-02-2013 , 11:57 PM
Actually, re-reading your post you're not disagreeing with the turn bet. I see what you mean on the river.
I suck - for now. New player starting at <img .50 Hyper HUSNGs, who knows where I'll end up Quote
12-03-2013 , 12:24 AM
Was just reading another Hyper journey thread and saw a chips with non/showdown winnings which looked nothing like mine.

So here it is, incase there is anything obvious about my game which can be diagnosed from this:

Am I calling off too light? I notice that mid-chart, when my non showdown winning take a dip, my showdown and total wins climb rapidly.
I suck - for now. New player starting at <img .50 Hyper HUSNGs, who knows where I'll end up Quote
12-03-2013 , 12:42 AM
Well, I decided to opt into sharkscope, which gives me great confidence, when you see my results before studying the game, and those after this point (about a week ago), which is midway through the chart. Do you see why I wanted to learn to play properly?


I have gone from dramatic looser, to steady break even. I call that a success. Now to continue studying, to reverse the previous trend. ONWARDS AND UPWARDS BABY!!!

I suck - for now. New player starting at <img .50 Hyper HUSNGs, who knows where I'll end up Quote
12-03-2013 , 02:23 AM
I suck - for now. New player starting at <img .50 Hyper HUSNGs, who knows where I'll end up Quote
12-03-2013 , 10:53 PM
Had a break today due to wisdom teeth extraction

Instead, I'm watching a lot of free hyper videos on youtube. Some of them are a little disjointed from what I've seen so far but sure there will be some value in them, especially as they're free.
I suck - for now. New player starting at <img .50 Hyper HUSNGs, who knows where I'll end up Quote
12-04-2013 , 12:16 AM
Originally Posted by BlueHatFish
Well, I decided to opt into sharkscope, which gives me great confidence, when you see my results before studying the game, and those after this point (about a week ago), which is midway through the chart. Do you see why I wanted to learn to play properly?


I have gone from dramatic looser, to steady break even. I call that a success. Now to continue studying, to reverse the previous trend. ONWARDS AND UPWARDS BABY!!!

dat break even line... oh man I love it hahaha
I suck - for now. New player starting at <img .50 Hyper HUSNGs, who knows where I'll end up Quote
12-04-2013 , 01:01 AM
Originally Posted by Egption
dat break even line... oh man I love it hahaha
I am pleased you are amused.
I suck - for now. New player starting at <img .50 Hyper HUSNGs, who knows where I'll end up Quote
12-04-2013 , 04:49 PM
GL & will be following closely. Doing a similar challenge however it's at the turbo husng.
I suck - for now. New player starting at <img .50 Hyper HUSNGs, who knows where I'll end up Quote
12-04-2013 , 05:22 PM
Played a tiny bit, and for whatever reason I didn't feel at all confident post flop. Moved down to the 1.50s again as 3.50s have taken a chunk out of my BR, and the whole point of this exercise is to stop having to deposit onto stars. (and make money obv.)

Breakeven EV at 3.50s (195 games), although I feel like a played well for first half then badly for last half, which reflects.

550 HUHT's so far total, with +$6 EV, -$13 actual.

Got Tiptons book on order. In the meantime I'm going to watch Homeland, have a couple of beers and think about some goals to set myself over the next couple of weeks.

I've hit my avg. 50 games per day that I initially stated.
I suck - for now. New player starting at <img .50 Hyper HUSNGs, who knows where I'll end up Quote
12-06-2013 , 01:26 PM
Played a handful today. Feeling a bit better about my game after a couple of days break and study. Going to try and play a decent sample over the w/e and we'll see!

I suck - for now. New player starting at <img .50 Hyper HUSNGs, who knows where I'll end up Quote
12-06-2013 , 01:32 PM
gl over the weekend boss, get some gamesssssss in! Post some hands!
I suck - for now. New player starting at <img .50 Hyper HUSNGs, who knows where I'll end up Quote
12-06-2013 , 03:18 PM
Originally Posted by kaimac
gl over the weekend boss, get some gamesssssss in! Post some hands!
Cheers you too BTMF4Eva innit.

Will find a few hands to post. Take a look at the vimeo earlier in the thread if you get 10 minutes that you never want back.
I suck - for now. New player starting at <img .50 Hyper HUSNGs, who knows where I'll end up Quote
12-07-2013 , 11:51 AM
Played a few just to keep my eye in while I've been busy with Girlfriend's birthday stuff.

Last 100 games or so I really feel like I'm playing a lot better since I bounced off the 0% line. My ROI adj for the 3.50s is at 2.52%

Here's the whole lot so far for all stakes:

It's going to be difficult to play much more this w/e as I anticipate a hangover tomorrow. Stay tuned though because once I'm back on it I plan to get some decent volume in to prove to myself that I'm winning.

glgl everyone.
I suck - for now. New player starting at <img .50 Hyper HUSNGs, who knows where I'll end up Quote
12-08-2013 , 10:45 PM
Last 5 days:

Slowly but surely

Having fun!
I suck - for now. New player starting at <img .50 Hyper HUSNGs, who knows where I'll end up Quote
12-11-2013 , 03:09 PM
Getting frustrated now. Rewatched the sentin videos, and played a bunch of games with my super aggressive hat on. It seems like the passive fish that the video is aimed at beating are non existent? Maybe it's the time of day I'm playing, maybe I just suck or maybe I need some more training material. Everyone is limping Ax and I just find it impossible to range people. Eitherway I'm tilted with the whole thing so not gonna play for a day or two. Angry face.

Lifetime graph for ****s and giggles:

If anyone can offer me any analysis on my non/showdown graph I'd certainly appreciate it: (or should I just ignore it?)

I suck - for now. New player starting at <img .50 Hyper HUSNGs, who knows where I'll end up Quote
12-11-2013 , 05:34 PM
Getting frustrated now. Rewatched the sentin videos, and played a bunch of games with my super aggressive hat on. It seems like the passive fish that the video is aimed at beating are non existent? Maybe it's the time of day I'm playing, maybe I just suck or maybe I need some more training material. Everyone is limping Ax and I just find it impossible to range people. Eitherway I'm tilted with the whole thing so not gonna play for a day or two. Angry face.
Bro, that's 110% identical to my thoughts. I think it's safe to say I quit HUs a week ago for exact same reasons you just mentioned. Maybe it's Sentin's pack that ruined us, or maybe we're too dumb to adjust to the fact, that probably 95% of HU population in lower limits watched the same videos and are playing the same game.
Try limping preflop instead of raising, that used to work for me almost every time, but I didn't continue to develop such style, because I thought it would have no success in higher limits.

Looking at your showdown graphs it does seem like you're playing WAY too aggressive. At 3.5s I was loosing 1 chip at non showdowns per every hand played (100k hands = minus 100k chips lost at non showdowns). Same at 7s. Though I've seen guys who have their NON SD graphs going up and they were solid winners, but I think it was in higher limits.

My 7s:

Long story short - bluff less.
I suck - for now. New player starting at <img .50 Hyper HUSNGs, who knows where I'll end up Quote
12-14-2013 , 01:44 PM
I officially still suck at this game. I'm gonna have to go over some alternative training material as I believe I'm sticking to the gameplan laid out in the Sentin video pack. Running over 30 buyins below EV, and the EV is also terrible tbh.

Still determined to improve though. Think I just need to work out wtf is going on.

I'm not tilting. I don't think I'm making terrible decisions. I genuinely have been sucked out on a LOT in the last 100 or so games, which compounded with some obvious problems with my game is turning out to be expensive. Considering my options!

I suck - for now. New player starting at <img .50 Hyper HUSNGs, who knows where I'll end up Quote
