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I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now)

08-01-2012 , 08:45 PM
Softer then Foxwoods? Impossible.

Up here now just saw a 3k pot with 99 ai for like 1300 vs AA on 822.

AA guy cold called a 3b from 99 and raised a big cbet... 99 3b shoved for like 900 more and AA snapped it.
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
08-02-2012 , 03:29 PM
Selling action to Mohegan's 1100 main on Saturday: 1.1MU, pieces 10%+ free
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
08-02-2012 , 03:51 PM
Originally Posted by RobFarha
Softer then Foxwoods? Impossible.

Up here now just saw a 3k pot with 99 ai for like 1300 vs AA on 822.

AA guy cold called a 3b from 99 and raised a big cbet... 99 3b shoved for like 900 more and AA snapped it.
Sounds like the table where I want to b. will at Foxwoods tomorrow 9-5 pm
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
08-15-2012 , 01:46 PM
For the people who follow me on twitter you probably saw some of my chip pics from the Borgata. I actually practiced writing down in my iphone notes the different things that I thought and documented the trip in my iphone.

I'm taking a 2 week (solo) trip to vegas from aug 30-sep13th and intend to do the same and post a very detailed trip report.

First off, I stayed at the Showboat in AC. It's kind of up the boardwalk a little bit and right next to the new Revel casino. Revel is absolutely gorgeous on the outside but from what I heard at Borgata, their 30 table awesome poker room gets no type of action right now. Although I never even walked inside it looked really, really, sweet from outside.

I had a baseball tournament this weekend in Reheboth Beach, DE starting on Friday. I decided I would drive to AC on Wednesday and stay Wednesday/Thursday night. It was a good idea IMO.

I'm from southern CT so Atlantic city is about 3 hours from me, and delaware about 5.5hrs. The trip from AC --> Delaware is 3hours. Anyways-

I pull into Atlantic City (have been there once before, with friends for someone's birthday. I gambled like a maniac and that's why I got free rooms here + Vegas) and I take that lovely left hand turn onto Atlantic Avenue.

Atlantic City, much like Bridgeport, has it's nice parts, and has its stay away parts.

As I was driving down the street in AC using my phone as a GPS a fine young gentlemen looked at me in my flashy white car and told me "get off the f*ckin phone", mind you we were at a red light and I needed to see how much farther to go. I wasn't "textin my b*tch" or anything of the like.

I decided to just let it go, not out of fear but because being alone 3 hours away from home with thousands of dollars in your pocket is not an ideal situation to turn up the macho dial. I did Brazilian Jiu Jitsu for 2 years after I was done with college baseball and my instructor told me one time "Avoid a fight because your scared to get beat up, you might lose some sleep. Avoid a fight because you realize the negatives far outweight the positives, sleep like a god damn baby. He was great.

I drive around in circles for a bit after finding the hotel and finally find the parking lot entrance. I notice that their is a sign that reads "DO NOT BACK UP, SEVERE TIRE DAMAGE". I took this as the lot was closed, don't drive over these. It's actually meant to let people in but not out (without paying). They look like this-

Now I don't know, maybe I'm an idiot but I have never seen these before in any parking lot around me. I drive up to the spikes but not over them, I reverse to go back into the street, and while I'm waiting for traffic I am looking at the spikes and figure out what they are supposed to do. I hold my breath, drive over them and thankfully my tires are still in one piece. I am running good so far.

I enter the Showboat and walk through the Bus Lobby full of grandmas and grandpas. When I exit the Bus Lobby I immediately smell something that is absolutely disgusting. I never forgot this feeling the rest of my trip. I almost vomited.

There is a sandwich place called Earl of Sandwich right there and I absoutely despised the smell. I have never been so happy to breathe in cigarette smoke and hear the ringing of slot machines in my entire life. The funny thing is that the sandwich place was jam packed, so maybe I am just a wierdo or whatever, but I seriously could not stand it.

As I walked to the Hotel front desk (that I walked right by, twice, I'm such a tourist fish) there was little to no line and I got to speak to an attendant pretty quickly. The desk employees look like they came straight out of a west coast gangsta movie. Doesn't really bother me at all, but I was just thinking what the old suburban white retirees must think.

I handed her my ID and debit card and said "Hi, I should have a room for two nights". Now she checked me in in about 25 seconds which is super cool but she also didn't tell me how the hell to get to the hotel. I think she assumed I was a regular there because of how I gave her my debit card and just my general vibe of ballatude, but nonetheless I didn't know where the hell to go.

I walked around and saw a sign that said Orlean's Tower. My room number on the card was 1153. On the hotel slip there is a spot that says Hotel: NT
Room: 1153

I have no idea what NT is supposed to mean (North Tower?) but I took the elevator up to floor 11 and walked to door 53. I listened in the room just to make sure that noone was in there (at the time I didn't know it was my room) I also saw a guy walking down the hall, and for fear of looking like an idiot with the hotel key not working, I pretended to fix some stuff in my suitcase.

The random guy walking down the hallway leaves and I try my key. Whalah. I'm in.

My hotel room is really big with a King size bed and I am very happy with it. It costs me 26 dollars for two nights so I can't really complain. It served it's purpose. Wish I took a pic.

I watch some youporn, shower, then change into my griding clothes. I like seeing new things and experiencing a new environment, but ultimately why am I here? Let's get the job done.

I throw some waters in my backpack and take the elevator downstairs. I am so pumped up to go play at the Borgata words cannot even describe. I am a little kid and this is my Christmas.

I walk down to the hotel front desk and decided I would be better served speaking to someone else about this. I know that there is a Jitney (Shuttle Bus) that will take you to Borgata for 2.50. The problem is I have no idea where it is. I see a cute player's card desk attendant and decide she is going to be my savior today. "Hey how you doin, can you tell me where I can catch the Jitney to the Borgata?" She tells me to go to the bus lobby and take a left. She also said something about me being super cute and how she want's to meet up later, I can't be bothered with that right now though as I am in grind mode.

I walk to the bus lobby past Earl of Sandwich (ugh) and grab a seat. Thinking that the jitney comes into this big lobby I started looking around at my fellow passengers. Everyone was about 60 years older then I. Unless Atlantic City has recently had an influx of 1/3 stud grinders I am in the wrong place. I then walked out the door and sure enough, I took a left and there is a big white and red sign that reads "JITNEY STOP".

I grab some pine (baseball's version of sit on a bench) and wait. Then my iphone goes off. I look down at the number, see it is a parent from my team and decide I will call them back when I am eating or something. Then I look up and the old #2 Jitney drove right by me. I was looking at my phone for about 5 seconds. How unlucky.

Luckily they come every 5 minutes and I just snag the next one. We drive through AC and I make my way out when my driver announces "Borgata!".

I walk up the stairs and the first thing I notice is the beautifully polished glass doors. I am not really one for bells and whistles but this place is the ****.

As soon as I enter, the racebook is on my left and the poker room is not too far behind. I walk up to the desk and tell the girl, can you put RS on the 2/5 list please. She tells me it's open seating and in my best tourist impression I respond "Where do I go?" she points to the middle and off I go.

I throw my backpack down to lock it up and walk to the cage. I ask the cage worker what the max buyin is for 2/5, she has no idea but tall black guy cashing out about 3-4k next to me informs me it's 500. "5 in red please"

Get my chips and sit down. The play at my table is atrocious (obv) and I end up winning 950$ that day. Including a hand where I raise AQ pre

Flop QxQd8d I cbet 80 get raised and shove. Guy calls with 88 and I make quads OTR. The entire table informed me of how lucky I am as I stacked my new clean Borgata chips. Fun.

Yeah I run goot.

I ate at Fatburger twice via a recomedation from a guy next to me. Very good burgers. When I got back he asked me "Did you try the veggie burger?" I looked at him with a cold stare like I was tanking in a 5k pot and said "Do I look like I eat veggie burgers man?". The table got a laugh and here I was, just being a tourist and actual enjoying myself while I played poker. Wow. Is this place a casino or a snippet of heaven?

I take the Jitney back around 1:30 and there are 2 hammered kids next to me coming from Harrahs. They ask me if I could tell them when to get off because they are coming to the Showboat. F'ing perfect. Why am I such a good guy?

I watch intently for when the showboat stop is and all 3 of us get off. I take them to the elevator, they get off before me, thank me and I wish them good luck. Hopefully this will cause me to run even better on day 2!


Got absolutely murdered. To be honest I tilted a little bit after bricking 2 flush draws in very big pots where it was mathematically correct for me to go with it. I ended up lose 1300 that day which left me down 400 altogether.

I bought some stuff at the gift shop and was on my way back to Showboat land. This time there are no drunk kids on the jitney and I walk past Earl of Sandwich for what feels like the 20th time (UGH!) and catch some z's.

It is 12am and I have to be awake by 3:30 to start driving to Delaware.
My GPS priced the trip out at 3hours 17minutes from Showboat to the field.

I woke up at 420 and was out of the room by 4:30. Get in the car. No gas, damn. I stop at a gas station in Atlantic City at 4:30 in the morning and 2 homeless guys ask me for money. I tell them no and gas her as quick as possible.

I am on the Atlantic city expressway by 5 and our game is at 8am. I have to be on the field for BP/stretching etc by 7. It's 5, the trip is 3 hours. This doesn't work.

I believe my average speed was about 90 and I pushed my car to 135 at one point. No tickets, no cops nothing. My one complaint is you need about 20$ in quarters to drive through New Jersey.

I arrive at Reheboth at 6:55am, in full Uniform, ready to crush 13u teams.

My team scored 61 runs, let up 8 and we took home a plaque.

These are the moment's right here that stop me from moving to Vegas, moving to Ledyard, traveling a tournament circuit or grinding cash in LA.

No hourly rate, advanced bluff, or super thin value bet can ever feel as good as this. Give something back.

I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
08-16-2012 , 08:53 PM
tough luck second day, it happens. Next time u go to AC stay at Harrahs! (if you still dont have Borgata comps but you probably will after playing there a day or 2) If you have showboat comps you probably also have Harrahs, Caesars and Ballys comps they are all same ownership. Its much closer to borgata and they also occasionally get a good 2-5 game going which is 1k max buy in.

I'm going to be grinding FW and AC as soon as red sox season it's going to be a miserable last 6 weeks, sigh
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
08-16-2012 , 11:35 PM
Couldn't get Harrahs comps on those days, had to pay.

I'm hoping I can get something from borgata as I absolutely loved it.

You work as a vendor at Fenway right? That seems like a real sick
job, die hard Yankees fan but really want to see Fenway.

I'll be in Vegas for two weeks but back well before the sox season ends in September
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
08-18-2012 , 02:53 AM
Yeah I bet you will start getting borgata comp rooms...I got them after playing a few hours of poker there.

I've been living vicariously through your poker updates while I've been out of action I'm ready to get back on the grind!!
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
08-18-2012 , 05:32 PM
Go to Vegas if you want to do Vegas stuff, go to la and grind at the bike if you want to make $.... Plus you can take shots in 5:5 PLO w limon and bart...

5 $ blind games are consistently way softer in la

Ie I'd have to table change 4 times on a weekend night to find game quality of average table at the bike on a Tuesday at noon

Vegas games= beatable but much more grindy and reggy-
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
08-20-2012 , 02:04 PM
I am a 22 year old adult
I recently had my single biggest poker session ever. I also feel I played perfectly during the 10 hrs I was there. I folded KJ in the sb to a 5x and other little leaks like that. +2830 in 10hrs.

A little Cedar's steakhouse steak/shrimp/scallop combo with some kind of seafood sauce that was absolutely divine.

Very nice day. Came back 2 days later and beat the game for 600. The second night I ended leaving because I felt a little bit of tilt after misplaying a hand (I cbet qj for 70 on like 652 or something and had to fold, I thought it was kind of thin at the time but now I think it was a mistake).

Anyway was very happy with my decision to leave around 7:30pm, drive back to Bridgeport and get drunk with my friends. I recently turned 22 and I feel like I have learned a ton in the past year. When I first started playing live I played like 15-24 hrs sessions of 1/2 at Mohegan, why?

Makes absolutely no sense to try and grind for that long. I can understand high stakes regs whom are hurting for action and need to play whenever its available, but the 1/2 game at Mohegan is not going anywhere. I used to drive from my house at like 8pm and play till 1 the next day, then drive an hour+ back while I was asleep (pretty much).

Quiet Rob
I know there are a handful of people who read this and have actually played with me/seen me whatever. I do not say a word. There are a few reasons for this, I feel they all help my game which helps me make money. I recently had a dealer joke with me about how I never talk and I kind of scratched my head and realized that people might think I'm a bit of a dick.

1. Distractions. I don't really want to be super friendly with everyone there and be burdened, (burdened sounds bad but I can't think of another word that fits) with having to go eat/talking to people etc. I have plenty of friends in real life (casinos are not real life, it's a fantasy). I don't mind eating with people, it's better then solo but I also like to eat quick and get right back in it.

2. Awkward transactions. I don't know how true this is for others, but I will never, ever, ever, ever give anyone a dime at the casino.

Being "friendly" with people only complicated that. I recently had this regular at Foxwoods nonchalantly ask me to borrow 200$ cause he didn't want to go to his box, his friend needed money. Now I think the chance of me being scammed here is probably about .05%ish. Next to nothing. Kid is there all the time, I think he plays for a living or whatever and I believe him to be a slight winner.

It does not matter. I don't understand how you can nonchalantly ask someone you barely even know for 200$ and expect them to give it to you. Even if you play with someone all the time it's still a -EV situation for you, both fiscally and mentally. Hounding people for money is a headache, a total headache, I used to be a bookie, it's kind of like poker, everyone thinks its super easy but it's a ton of work.

Maybe it's because I grew up and still live in Bridgeport but 200$ is no small figure to me, I am fortunate enough to where I have a fair share of money now but loaning money to your "friends" in a casino is probably one of the dumbest things you can do. I don't expect anyone to loan me money and I will never give anyone a dime, I don't care who they are or what they are worth.

3. Poker Players are meh.

I pretty much agree with the whole Gambler's Code type thing where people are generally honest in an industry that used to be reserved for gangsters and criminals. 30 years ago who would of thought poker would be dominated by 25 year old ipod wearing virgins? Probably noone.

Mostly cause I'm a little bit younger and the majority of the player pool (not the good players though) are significantly older.

I just want to sit there, enjoy my pineapple juice and stack some checks. Everything else makes that complicated.

You don't bet thin enough
This is probably the closest I've actually came to pure strategy talk at the poker table. I am human and I was up 2k at the time, winding down my session and a kid on my right I play with a lot witnessed this hand.

I have Q10 in MP and some weak guy limps up front. I raise to 25 and get 3 callers.

A young asian kid who is pretty good, yet pretty tight/straightforward calls out of the BB. We are pretty deep. Let's say 900 eff i cover

(100)flop J93

Cool, I'm open ended with bdfd and this is a hard flop to have something. In my mind I have 11 outs if called.

I bet 70 BB calls everyone else folds.

(240) J93 6
Taste the rainbow, pretty much a total brick.

I don't really know if betting this turn when checked to is a mistake or not, but I think putting pressure in the form of big bets on these types of opponents can never be that big of a mistake. Getting c/r here would suck but I think the only hand he has here that can c/r would be 99/33. JJ is a slam dunk 3bet for him with my wide opening range + callers in between so he certainly can't have jj.

I bet 165 and he thinks and calls again.

Here is where the hand get's interesting.

(570) J93 6 Q

I have backed into top pair and I like my hand very much. He checks again.


he has checked to me 3 times. My opponent is incredibly straightforward/incapable of bluffing me off the best hand.

People will always check this back because "there's no value in betting"

That is a huge mistake, huge. In NLHE the river is where a good player should conceivably have his biggest edge because the most information is available, and theoretically we are better at using that information then our opponents. The pot is also the biggest so mistakes on this street make/cost us the most. The problem is we let emotion/our robotic brain cloud us from making the proper decision.

In LLSNL, I suppose checking here is "standard".

Why though? Our opponent is never bluff-raising us and will occasionally hero call us. He can't really have me beat here unless he is nitting up a set of 3's.

Let's say this pot with 50$. It seems a lot easier to make a 30$ value bet in this spot then a 300$ one doesn't it? It shouldn't though. Letting dollar values cloud your judgement is a huge mistake as well. I used to have that problem tenfold when I moved to 1/2 live because I was used to playing 25nl online.

In this particular hand I bet 270$ and my opponent tank called then mucked. fwiw he had either AJ/KJ and viewed my range as JJ(which he blocks) QQ or 99. Why does he view my range that way? Because that's how he plays.

Checking back here would of cost me 270$, and I'm very glad I didn't.

Of course when I tabled my hand the entire table saw this gigantic pot and my Q10 for 1pair being good and was like wtf. A cool chinese guy looks at me and is like "how you know your queen good man?" I just laughed and kind of shrugged.

A few hands later the reg on my right says to me "that was a little thin no?" and I responded with, if your never going to get checkraised as a bluff and if your opponent is capable of heroing then why wouldn't you bet?

His response was "because you only have a queen".

Huge leak. Poker is relative, not absolute. Think think think.

Last edited by RobFarha; 08-20-2012 at 02:09 PM.
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
08-21-2012 , 05:41 PM
Any chance you're here today? At fw that is.

This threads a good read

Last edited by gadolparah; 08-21-2012 at 06:02 PM.
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
08-21-2012 , 07:11 PM
Likely tomorrow. PM me if your staying there.

Trying to not play so much because Vegas is coming up and I plan on getting at least 8hrs a day in. Don't want to burn myself out at Foxwoods.

Taking another little mini Vacation to Block Island on Thursday so in the month of August-

Block Island

Pretty active month
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
08-21-2012 , 07:22 PM
This thread is the NUTZ! Keep up the good work Rob and good luck in VEGAS!
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
08-21-2012 , 08:01 PM
Originally Posted by DickieU
This thread is the NUTZ! Keep up the good work Rob and good luck in VEGAS!
Honored you would use your first post on me

Thanks though, can't lie butterflys kinda setting in. Will also be my first time on a plane. Hoping I get sat next to a couple strippers.
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
08-21-2012 , 08:43 PM
Originally Posted by RobFarha

You don't bet thin enough

This is probably the closest I've actually came to pure strategy talk at the poker table. I am human and I was up 2k at the time, winding down my session and a kid on my right I play with a lot witnessed this hand.

I have Q10 in MP and some weak guy limps up front. I raise to 25 and get 3 callers.

A young asian kid who is pretty good, yet pretty tight/straightforward calls out of the BB. We are pretty deep. Let's say 900 eff i cover

(100)flop J93

Cool, I'm open ended with bdfd and this is a hard flop to have something. In my mind I have 11 outs if called.

I bet 70 BB calls everyone else folds.

(240) J93 6
Taste the rainbow, pretty much a total brick.

I don't really know if betting this turn when checked to is a mistake or not, but I think putting pressure in the form of big bets on these types of opponents can never be that big of a mistake. Getting c/r here would suck but I think the only hand he has here that can c/r would be 99/33. JJ is a slam dunk 3bet for him with my wide opening range + callers in between so he certainly can't have jj.

I bet 165 and he thinks and calls again.

Here is where the hand get's interesting.

(570) J93 6 Q

I have backed into top pair and I like my hand very much. He checks again.


he has checked to me 3 times.
Curious, if you were OOP and you took the same line up until the river, do you still make that same bet OTR?
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
08-21-2012 , 09:15 PM
If this guy was OTB or LP then yes.

Bart Hanson's logic (and pure math) says that when betting the river if when called- you are good 50%+ of the time then it's a +ev bet.

Being OOP makes it a bit closer because he would probably be less inclined to raise on earlier streets (letting me barrel off) but I would still make the bet.

Mostly because my perceived range to him is a 2pr+(what 2pr can I really have?) or nothing.

The key is that he is never going to bluff raise rivers so this bet is either going to get Hero'd or he will fold. There's more combos of aj/kj (that he won't fold vs me) then sets/2pr.

I would bet but it's closer.
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
08-21-2012 , 09:16 PM
Here for tonight with a bunch of
2p2ers but gone tomorrow for a sox game. Was with a young 20s kid who insisted on having only red chips (took all his greens and bills up to the cage mid session to exchange them) and was convinced it would be you
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
08-21-2012 , 09:59 PM
Haha wow.

That's pretty funny. I hope you asked him if he was Robfarha and gave you a wtf look.
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
08-21-2012 , 10:12 PM
Was going to after session (couldn't blow up my spot if it was you) but awkwardness averted I guess.
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
08-22-2012 , 05:32 PM
8 More days

I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
08-27-2012 , 06:53 PM
Soft Games.

Second only to kids talking about 3bet percentage and using the term "veepip" at the table, is my pet peeve of hearing the term soft game.

Actually not so much the term, but just the way people ask questions. Is the stud game soft? Are the games soft in AC? Is 2/5 soft at Foxwoods? etc etc.

The way I think is that I should be working on my game as much as possible so that every game I can realistically sit in is a "soft game".

Do you think Durrrr/PI/Antonius care who they sit? I mean, I'm sure they would rather play Guy Laliberte then each other, but the point is that they can sit at any game and they are +ev vs the field.

People always want to chase easy money but they do not work on their game at all, it's laughable.

The main reason I think this is is because of ego. By far the number one reason I see people losing money and not getting any better is ego. I will say again, there are about 5 people who I have sat with at Foxwoods that I can honestly say are very good NLHE players that I genuinely respect. I see losing-breakeven shortstacking regs jumping tables like they are online playing 50-100. It's comical.

I would like to hire someone to walk around Foxwoods asking poker players how they would rate themselves as a player. I would imagine close to 90% of people who rate themselves as a very good player for some reason.

Don't get me wrong, recreational poker is not a bad thing, berating fish is terrible etc etc etc... I used to not care but seeing people walk strut and give lessons at the table tilts me so hard. Mostly because I could drop a laundry list of mistakes they make, pretending to be a good player being #1.

If you can't beat 2/5 live you need to seriously work on your game.

Look at some of my HHs ITT from when I played online. I played 25nl online. Twenty Five N L. That is microstakes holdem. Granted I have gotten a ton better in the past year but I am no prodigy. I went from a 3bb winner in microstakes online to beating live for 8-10bb/hr. Live is ridiculously soft if you can transition and check your ego at the door.

I Usually Bite My Tongue

Most recent trip to Foxwoods (my last major update, forgot to talk about this) was my biggest money trip ever(little south of 3k).

Early in the session I was playing at a pretty reggy table with Reg #1 on my right and 2 unknown 20 something year olds on his left.

Seating looks like this - me in the 7, reg I know in 8, unknown kids in 9 and 10.

As soon as I come over from the must-move I hear these guys talking strategy and pretending to be poker Gods. Asking each other if they know about Pokerstove and all these phone apps to calculate pot odds/ Standard. See this a fair amount, this time it was a little more then usua because there was 3 of them and they are right next to me, but still, whatever. I actually played a decent pot where I raised 67hh and double barreled one of them off an Ace with a potsized turn bet (thinly veiled they aren't that good), but that's besides the point. He asked me what I had and told him I can't tell you.

An asian Reg who is likely a super degen (isn't too good at poker) comes over and says hi the reg on my left (the one I know). This takes about 2 mins and then he leaves. The reg on my left is very nice to him and the asian seems cool towards him.

When he walks away the kid then looks at the other 2 and says how much of a sucker he is and how bad he plays. They talk for like 2 minutes aloud about this to the point where I just get tired of hearing it. Pretty sure the other end of the table heres it.

I am unaware if it's the fact that I am from Bridgeport, or the fact that I just absolutely despise elitsm in the poker world but I decided to butt in. Ten seat kid says "Why does he keep coming back then?" I looked at him and asked "Why wouldn't he come back?". Kid responds with, "Because he is a losing player."

I swear, in my year of live poker I have never encountered a losing player. Everyone is a winner.

This kid was no better than a breakeven dumbass limping up front with 85dd and he wants to criticize an older asian guy for liking to gamble? Are you ****ting me?

After he told me he is a losing player, I look at him and said something along the lines of

Not everyone cares about EV and Pokerstove, people play poker for different reasons. Poker is fun for some people. Why are you going to sit here and completely **** on the guy as soon as he walks away?

This kid didn't answer really because I hadn't said a word up to this point and he may of been a bit shellshocked. Didn't yell but I said it in a fairly stern tone cause it genuinely pissed me off. I'm also a fairly big human and he may of thought I would of snapped his neck, I don't know.

Here is my problem:

Why talk behind someones back? In my opinion that is one of the most cowardly acts you can do. It's womanly.

Why berate losing players? They are the reason we can continue to operate as poker players.

You aren't that good pal. I didn't want to say it to him because the last thing I care about is pumping my own ego. I just would of felt bad if I had just let them keep talking about the guy like this, not to mention the table was semi-listening and it's just rude.

I wish I would of just taken 5k out of my pocket and said HU4ROLLZ. I didn't, and went on to crush the rest of the day.

Namaste, poker players.

Vegas in 3 days.
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
08-29-2012 , 04:05 PM
Tommorow morning it begins. This will actually be the farthest away from my home I have ever been.

Doing some last minute packing/shopping today and then hitting the hay early for a nice 6am wakeup.

Plan on sticking my cash in an envelope in my backpack that I will carry on the plane. That's a concern for me right now along with general anxiety/excitedness.

Solo in Vegas for 14 days. Wow.

I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
08-29-2012 , 04:43 PM
Best of luck!
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
08-29-2012 , 04:50 PM
Will probably be tweeting a lot.


Hoping to run good on the first couple days, thanks for the GL.

All day today I have been beeming. What a dream.
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
08-30-2012 , 06:03 PM
Well I guess you are in Vegas and I hope you had strippers on each side of you on the flight there. I want to wish you luck and I look forward to hearing about your trip. Dam I wish I was there right now. This thread is the NUTZ!
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
08-30-2012 , 10:42 PM
Running absolutely terrible today! Up a little.

I think I'm playing very well tho. Will post hh's and stuff tommorow. Been to Wynn and Venetian so far.

Also told a cabbie to f himself.
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
