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I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now)

07-20-2015 , 07:21 AM
Originally Posted by RobFarha
I will not respond. I will not respond. I will not respond. Don't feed the trolls, don't feed the trolls. He will misquote you and dodge correction to his mistakes. This guy quotes Hendon Mob as a source of poker prowess and used Doug Lee as an example of tournament poker players being clean cut, honest, skilled players. You can't make this stuff up.

damn it

I am not evaluating Justin Bonomo's 18bb bb strategy against a minraise from Timex. I'm evaluating the play of people who are much worse at poker than myself clicking buttons over and over over the course of a day. Just to rehash-

You accidentallyjust quoted the part where I said I only play 2 MTTs a year. Not the part that, you know, puts my statement into context and explains why I am more than qualified to deem these plays poor and as a result, these guys not worth their markups. So funny that these incomplete quotes happen to me so often on 2+2.

This hurts my feelings I always thought I was better than ok, but if you say so.

Fwiw, 2/5 hasn't been my main game in about a year, even though I think it's a more than fine stake to play in Vegas for a multitude of reasons.

I'm saying guys limping with 63 suited and ripping AJ for mountains of chips are making abhorrent mistakes. It takes a lot more than that knowledge to be an MTT expert. I don't know why you have created this argument.

I am not an MTT expert (don't quote just this part), not even close, but these guys are playing so bad (and selling at high value markups) that I can say these things and feel 100% confident about it. I'm not going to evaluate and critique some kids game based on him maybe making a smallish mistake with K8ss in middle position, or calling a 13bb shove vs a nit with QT, or something marginal where I'm slightly unsure of. These mistake I have seen are massive, terrible, horrible, inexcusable, mistakes. These are the hands I'm talking about.

I'm not going to talk about how I play cash games or start getting into winrates and that pissing contest. If you choose to think I suck - great.


You realize Doug Lee is keeping nowhere near 300k or whatever he just shipped at Venetian right? He's clearly backed and taxes are a thing. When you play every tournament at every ****hole casino in every corner of the country, you're bound to drill something.

It would not surprise me if this dude has negative money with all the tournaments he plays (and bricks).

Lol @ this image you have of Doug Lee throwing away fun money at 2/5. This dude was busto as hell before this tournament. I've seen him grinding the Venetian dailys. (in be4, but he just likes poker!!). Give me a break.

Here's some stories about your hero. This is my favorite thread on 2+2. Doug Lee is the one of the worst angleshooter/scumbags in poker.

I often talk about poker as a facade - it's a big collection of smoke and mirrors.

Look at guys at the top - the faces of Full Tilt are a great example. Most of these guys weren't world class poker players. Look at Eric Lindgren, look at a guy who used to be someone I admired as far as poker went - Tom Dwan. Dwan is basically a scammer/welcher/etc at this point. Discussions of busto run rampant.

On a much smaller scale you can look at these boards. You have a ton of people claiming 50$/hr at 2/5 is easy as hell. You have a ton of people claiming 100k+ a year from live poker. There's very few people I run into that I would even give a shred of a chance to be making that kind of money.

I remember reading a limon post that said something along the lines of - the 50/hr at 2/5 crowd has a lot of alligator arms when the bill comes and sweat dripping down their face for 5$ a hole of golf. It's a facade. Very few people actually legitimately make a profit playing this game. It's hard. More difficult than I originally thought it was when I first decided to play professionally.

I look at the people I play with in Vegas - I played 2/5 for about a year and a half and now I mostly only play 5/10 (live). I think I have a decent enough to sample to gauge who can make what, certainly in Vegas. There aren't that many guys doing that well. For every one guy I can look at and say - yep, this guy is a crusher, here to stay, really good player - there are 15 guys that go broke.

Also, in the time I've played live, a lot of the guys that probably are consistently making 100k a year, aren't "great" poker players in the sense of making my life tough at the table, or will have you leaving a session saying "damn xx is a beast".

There's one Bellagio reg that I hate. I can't stand this dude, I would pay $500 to cage fight him. He's bad for the game, he's a nit, he's annoying. However, if I objectively evaluate him and what I think he's making, he's a lock to be a 100k+ guy every year. He just doesn't make mistakes, he also plays a ton. That's a very good combination to have and something that isn't all that easy to accomplish, despite the fact I hate him.

This kid plays tight and doesn't say a word. These are the guys that are truly making money in poker, not these tournament idiots that solely depend on markup to keep themselves in the game. As I said before, if you keep firing and firing and firing, eventually you're going to bink something. You're so deep in the hole that you feel rich looking at the payout sheet, but you're getting a gigantic haircut right off the top, not to mention all those 1ks and 2ks and 3ks that you've bricked to eventually cash for 40k. It isn't that much.

To put this in perspective - I sold 50% of my main event. This is a high number for a stakee to keep (relative to most other threads I saw). So mind you, I am already keeping a larger percentage of winnings for myself than most others.

I was fortunate enough to mincash the main event, great, we did it, profit land. I cashed for $15,000. My hendon mob page is updated with a $15,000 score, wow 15k is a lot of money. Of that 15k, 5k is profit. We are now working with 5k. Of that 5k, I sold half. So 2500 is mine. With the markup I charged, my net profit is a little over 3k on a +15000 bump.

This is also working with $0 in taxes. Zero. Let's say I cashed for a little bit more and now I get that IRS haircut as well, that's even less of percentage of money that goes into the player's pocket.

This just goes to show you how useless a +15,000 bump to your hendon mob is and why none of that **** matters, at all.

When you have people firing, firing, firing, they get 6 figure hendon mobs while they are stuck a ton. This is a big part of why I refer to poker, and oh my goodness 100% tournament poker, as a facade.

It all adds to the dream. Which is great for the people who are actually good at poker. I remember whenever Foxwoods or Borgata would have a big tournament series, I would always make a point to drive up or down there. My friends and family never understood why because I never really played any of the tournaments.

It's because people chasing the dream are usually good for the game, they are buying into the facade.

Hell, somebody wins the lottery every once in a while, so I can't say it never happens. I'm just saying that the majority of people making real, consistent paychecks from this card game, are not the people who sell 80% at 1.4, they are the faceless grinders that show up and don't make mistakes.
Great post. Big fan of yours and I just wanted to say hello. These tourney guys are such jokers.

Keep it real man, signed, a 5/5 and 5/10 cash grinder in SoCal.
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
07-20-2015 , 08:59 AM
Originally Posted by mixgameADDict
Or maybe I should write shorter sentences?
Just quoted you because I liked that you called Rob a great cash player, my main point was about a different guy, sorry if that was unclear.
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
07-20-2015 , 12:08 PM
Originally Posted by RobFarha
Here's some stories about your hero. This is my favorite thread on 2+2. Doug Lee is the one of the worst angleshooter/scumbags in poker.
He's not my hero, I don't know the guy. Someone told me after replying to this that he's an angleshooter, that's not what I was debating. Trust me I hate angle shooters. Actually the only interaction I ever had with him is him making a snarky comment on some tweet I made. That's it.

Originally Posted by RobFarha

You realize Doug Lee is keeping nowhere near 300k or whatever he just shipped at Venetian right? He's clearly backed and taxes are a thing.
This is not about what he is keeping after taxes. It's about his ability to place top 3 in MTTs consistently (and his ROI.) How he chooses to spend his money otherwise, and how he gets backed etc. I wouldn't know and I don't care.

He's got 18 top 3 finishes. He must be the luckiest guy in the world. Everyone is, except you Rob, I feel sorry for you that everyone gets 1.3 MU in the ME and you have to sell at 1.2
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
07-20-2015 , 01:22 PM
Rob- what 5T games are you playing can you do a TR of the differences in vegas 2/5 vs 5T? I am really interested in the bellagio 5T
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
07-20-2015 , 01:30 PM
Originally Posted by RelentlessDoubt
Rob- what 5T games are you playing can you do a TR of the differences in vegas 2/5 vs 5T? I am really interested in the bellagio 5T
I play primarily online.

I played 5/10 at Venetian all summer.

I haven't played bellagio 5/10 in a while. A lot of the time 5/10 in Vegas isn't worth it (during the year), in my opinion. You have to game/casino select a lot which isn't something I do a ton of.
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
07-20-2015 , 02:56 PM
[x] Great, logical, accurate post by Rob
[x] Troll still doesn't get it
[ ] I'm surprised
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
07-20-2015 , 04:06 PM
Originally Posted by mrducks
I can't tell if this post is being sarcastic past the first sentence. The first sentence seems genuine and then you seem to be sarcastically supporting Rob's point, which would be counterproductive to what you say in the first sentence.
He's being sarcastic. Aesah is a jokester
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
07-20-2015 , 04:07 PM
He also can't make day 2
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
07-20-2015 , 07:06 PM
Originally Posted by RobFarha
He's being sarcastic. Aesah is a jokester
Coming from the biggest jokester I know!

And f u 11t. I busted to a much more experienced tournament player who was blind raising, he also has more in tourney cashes than I've made in my entire life in poker. The fact that I have made more money in poker than him is irrelevant here though because we were playing a tourney where he clearly outclassed me, there was nothing I could do. Rob got lucky he didn't have to face such a beast on day 1
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
07-20-2015 , 10:48 PM
Liked everything about that post except implying you wouldn't be paying taxes on the ME score.
Should be required reading for all the guys talking about moving to town with laughably low bankrolls.
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
07-20-2015 , 11:58 PM
Originally Posted by Brown Keeper
Liked everything about that post except implying you wouldn't be paying taxes on the ME score.
I pay my taxes and that's obviously going to get counted, I just don't think of it that way cause it won't be for a while.
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
07-21-2015 , 12:41 AM
I always get the feeling you are one of the guys that does it the right way.
Was more thinking the guys looking at that post as an example of what to do and what to expect.
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
07-31-2015 , 07:59 PM
Originally Posted by shinja59
I personally love it when Rob goes on his self-aggrandizing, condescending rants - how boring would this blog be otherwise? I don't think it's mutually exclusive for Rob to be a self-aware, understanding good person that realizes that other people all have different lives and different truths they've discovered for themselves in their own personal journey...but also talks mad **** about people he thinks aren't up to par with how they're presenting themselves to the world. Politeness and empathy are better suited for real life interactions - in a text-based medium brutal honesty is way more fun.

Also I give Rob a pass on the tiny handful of legitimately cringey/eye-roll-inducing stuff he occasionally says because I get the vibe that his ego-feeding isn't out of insecurity, but out of a determination to never be mediocre which imo is way more forgivable.
Hah, this is a pretty great post. Personally, I've really enjoyed this blog from the get go--especially the early days when you were essentially transitioning from 25nl on Stars to live at Foxwoods--but in the last year or so it's become pretty obvious that you're a bit of an egomaniac masquerading as a humble dude. Most posts are replete with you flinging **** on the rest of your peers while never forgetting to mention how well you handled every beat, spat of verbal abuse etc. It's humble bragging at its finest but it's also better than most of the writing in PG & C's so I end up reading anyways every time you update this thing.

Wishing you and your friends some run good for the rest of the summer and congrats on the ME finish.
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
08-01-2015 , 04:43 AM
Originally Posted by MrSawyer
Hah, this is a pretty great post. Personally, I've really enjoyed this blog from the get go--especially the early days when you were essentially transitioning from 25nl on Stars to live at Foxwoods--but in the last year or so it's become pretty obvious that you're a bit of an egomaniac masquerading as a humble dude. Most posts are replete with you flinging **** on the rest of your peers while never forgetting to mention how well you handled every beat, spat of verbal abuse etc. It's humble bragging at its finest but it's also better than most of the writing in PG & C's so I end up reading anyways every time you update this thing.

Wishing you and your friends some run good for the rest of the summer and congrats on the ME finish.
Can't disagree with either of you. No argument from me

Egomaniac Rob's greatest hits -

Seriously though - I never claimed to be humble on the inside, I'm the exact opposite, have been for the first 25 years and will be for the next 25 years.

I will say that I think you're mistaking my "masquerading as a humble dude" as just me handling myself well at the tables. In real life (away from poker) I'm very arrogant, very vocal and very certain. I don't deny that. But you will never, never, never, never catch me telling people at the poker table how good I am or how bad they are or anything like that. I muttered "god damnit" under my breath the other day after I lost a few big pots at Aria in frustrating ways. That's my biggest outburst regarding poker hands in about the last 4 years.

Yes, I will always make a note of how I carry myself at the table, because even though I don't talk strategy in the blog anymore, readers should be aware of how important (in my opinion), behaving well at the table is. Here's my cocky side - I should be the poster child for handling yourself at the table

Some things to consider also -

This is my blog. I write about me. This is already narcissistic before I even stroke a key. I have plenty of flaws (in both poker and life), but I praise my accomplishments just as much as I embrace my failures.

I just had a conversation with my buddy Squid Face today and he's about to have his 8th consecutive 10k month. Dude told me he has played 70 hours in the last 10 days. I know he doesn't love playing poker but he's grinding it out displaying work ethic. I'm the first (and really only person) to get on my own case when I get lazy regarding hours/studying etc. Poker evolves quickly, money evaporates even quicker. I try to stay ahead of the curve and hearing something like that is both motivating and downright impressive to me.

I've posted many things that you call "flinging ****" (lol) because again, I truly believe what I'm saying. It's not petty, it's not to make myself feel better, it's an observation. I post things I see/experience because that's what this is about. I don't really sugar coat my views either. I've had a couple people have awkward conversations with me when I ****ted on them in here not knowing they read. It happens, I accept that. As far as what I'm saying though, I believed it at the time, that's why I wrote it. You can learn a lot from failures. I post that I have seen so many people come and go broke without a shred of a chance because I have. That's not a lie, that's not embellished, it's the truth. Sometimes the truth hurts.

I don't talk strategy anymore. Numerous reasons for this, but when I am no longer breaking down poker hands you just get more of me and how great I am as opposed to hand histories where I am much more likely to post a hand I butchered as opposed to one of the many hands I play correctly over and over (wow, I am cocky).

Originally Posted by MrSawyer
It's humble bragging at its finest
I do this a lot. Both intentionally and unintentionally.

In regards to my peers, again - I call it like I see it. There's people in Vegas I think are good, solid, winning regulars and then there's the delusional. They are out there, I promise. I'm never going to name names and start undesired arguments. When you walk into a poker room, a lot less people are making solid respectable living wages than you think. It is what it is.

I've been pretty cocky and vocal my whole life. I grew up in an urban neighborhood (although nowhere near the worst or anything) where fights happened weekly and there was just a ton of general **** talking and aggression. Everything was a competition and everyone is constantly making fun of everyone and such and such.

We're all products of our environment. Of course this doesn't give me the right to be some scumbag adult or anything (I do not think you're accusing me of this), but when I get a little arrogant or a little bit competitive, or I say something I believe (almost always backed with evidence and logic), just understand that's how I am. I don't really shy away from speaking my mind, whether that includes me being the best or being an idiot. I try to be as objective as possible and I think I do a good job it. When I say I'm getting better at poker, feel confident, all cyclinders firing, I mean and truly believe that.

quick story -

My dad had a really good friend that he grew up with that eventually played in the NBA for a few years. He used to coach me in basketball when I was pretty young, maybe 12-13 or so before I started to focus solely on baseball.

He got asked one time what goes on during an NBA game, what are people saying, etc. This guy said that there is more **** talking on the court than people would ever imagine. All sorts of homophobic slurs, insults about appearance, all sorts of stuff. This guy was white and he said all the black dudes would give him tons of racial **** during the game. He also said that he partook in it too because if you go in there scared and timid you're going to get eaten alive.

I'm really paranoid. About all sorts of stuff. I think everyone I meet is trying to angle me and I trust about 4 people on the planet. When I say I'm good, have gotten better etc it's akin to a wolf showing his teeth. I'm defensive, but can obviously take a joke. I make fun of myself at the poker table all the time.

We're all products of our environment. When someone is shy, cocky, annoying, whatever - it's for a reason.

Originally Posted by MrSawyer
it's also better than most of the writing in PG & C's so I end up reading anyways every time you update this thing.

Wishing you and your friends some run good for the rest of the summer and congrats on the ME finish.
Thanks a lot. I hope the tone of my post is non-combative and just explanatory, because again, I agree with just about everything you (and shinja) said.

We are who we are. I'm the nicest ******* you will ever meet.
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
08-01-2015 , 11:26 AM
Most people are merely products of their environment, but some people have their environment be a product of them.
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
08-02-2015 , 07:05 PM
Originally Posted by All-inMcLovin
Most people are merely products of their environment, but some people have their environment be a product of them.
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
08-04-2015 , 02:15 AM
Just my observations

OP has always been that way since his first op.. albeit he was a little more humble and open. him admitting mistakes, lessons learned etc sort of balanced it out.

And let's also not forget that pretty much every bright eyed 21 year old has that kind of attitude starting out.

Now that he's "been around" or whatever/ doesn't post hh's or get into poker specifics (don't blame him at all, poker is ****ing boring), I can see why some people are annoyed since all it is is rob being the same rob (not saying it's good or bad).

However, I will say people that are older/ have more experience and still act like cocky arrogant frat boys are running really good life wise and/or have major insecurities.

The truly wise/ really good people don't come across as arrogant *******s even if they have all the facts/ logic on their side.
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
08-04-2015 , 10:04 AM
Plenty of wise/smart people come off as arrogant pricks, your claim is just an unsubstantiated statement with no evidence.
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
08-04-2015 , 11:25 AM
Rob is a prick

He never loses at CC roulette

**** is that's a brag...
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
08-04-2015 , 12:19 PM
Cliffs of thread-

We like rob

We don't like rob
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
08-18-2015 , 04:53 PM
Followed for a while, going to Vegas for the first time tomorrow. Looking to play 2/5,5/10 (and maybe gambol in some 10/20).

Are you in Vegas at the moment? I read that you played mostly at the Venetian but sensed that may have been past tense?

If you're around maybe I'll see you at the tables, if not, glgl!
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
08-18-2015 , 05:31 PM
I've been playing mostly live as of late as the online games have been kind of dry lately.

Venetian and Aria.
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
08-18-2015 , 06:50 PM
can you elaborate why Aria?
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
08-18-2015 , 07:19 PM
Watermelon juice
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
08-19-2015 , 01:16 AM
No reason really.

I used to hate it but now I think it's a decent place to play, games aren't phenomenal or anything - on par with everything else.

It's also a really, really nice casino and I like their food so I go there a good amount now. Still mostly V though.
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
