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I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now)

07-14-2015 , 02:29 PM
Originally Posted by busto23
No you can't. Maybe the opponent had a strength tell that he misread. There could be a ton of reasons. Small sample size means just that.

A few years ago in a $1k WSOP circuit event I folded a set of 3s on the river when there were no flushes (flush draw on flop) and just one straight out there on the river early in the day. Board was 973ss, turn 2, river J. Guy rivered a set of J. Pot was about 100 big blinds and I had 40 left after the hand, and I ended up winning the tournament for $50k and a gold ring. Someone could have seen that hand and concluded I'm a horrible player, scared money, etc. and I'm not worth the 1.2 MU I charged on the MP for that tournament back then.

There's like a million reasons ESPECIALLY in a tournament like the ME someone can play a certain hand one way. Judging his ROI as being less than 30% from that one hand (or maybe a small sample) is not correct.

And not to mention Rob wrote that after he busted to probably these "bad" guys who sell on the MP. Why does he care about what people sell at? It's what HE can sell at.
The irony. good job including the results which clearly makes your play phenomenal.

Here's a brief explanation of what I mean since apparently this is lost on you. Did you play with me for a day? Sorry I never folded my big blind.

Of course there are lots of weird things that can happen over the course of a tournament, a session, or certainly an individual hand to make somebody look good or bad.

I'm saying that in some cases, hence my use of the word "sometimes", you can tell if people are good after seeing a single showdown, or a single line taken even without a showdown. I don't understand why you think that this is an unreasonable thing for me to say. Just to protect myself from your inevitable counterargument that says I can immediately tell how much markup every single tournament seat should be selling at after an hour - I can't.

I'm saying that when I see someone do something so stupidly exploitable, repeatedly, or make a call when their hand is good approximately 0% of the time against certain live villians, than yes, I can approximate how good they are (not very good).

The main event is a long tournament. The one hand example is hypothetical in this case as there isn't a single hand that involves me vs any of these guys. My statement is based on playing for a much longer time and watching them play versus everyone and evaluating what's going on. There were several players I thought played really well and several players who were doing incredibly stupid stuff. It's a poker tournament, lots of people aren't good (for the most part).

The markup that the majority of people charge in the marketplace is a joke. Of course, it's a free market and if people are willing to pay it, then there's no crime going on, but like a lot of things in poker it's a shady gray area in my opinion. Also, in my opinion, of course, people tend to way overrepresent themselves in order to be able to charge higher markups.

If you want to talk about what I can and can't personally sell at, this is a losing argument for you. My main event sold out in under a half hour. I sold the majority of my shares at 1.2 because a few guys bought large pieces and I gave them a 5% discount. I suppose I'm a sucker because I didn't pinch every single penny of markup out of my investors. Here's the thing with where I'm at in my poker career right now - I will play the main event regardless of how much action I sell. Not to say that losing the 5 or 6k of my own money means nothing to me, because it doesn't, but charging 1.3 or 1.4 to make an extra few hundred dollars isn't my #1 priority. I googled one kid that I played with and saw him selling pieces to <200$ tournaments at a markup. Should I explain why someone who doesn't have enough money to play a 200$ probably shouldn't be selling at a markup (a high markup) for the WSOP main event? Is this not self explanatory? Money is how the score is kept, by all approximations you're losing the game.

I sell at a price I deem as fair to people willing to invest in me (something that is probably unique in the MP). Next year I'll probably end up auctioning off whatever piece I decide to sell and just let the market decide for itself.

Do I really need to address me "busting to these bad guys"? The fact that you even think in those terms. I bluffed Dani Stern several times. Last year I took a lot of chips from Joe Cheung, guess I should be posted about these things in my thread instead of an unbiased, objective description of what's actually happening. Variance happens in poker, the majority of people will use it to describe their losses but for the overwhelming majority of people, variance is the reason they can win, not the reason they lose.

I lost 2 gigantic flips after chipping up basically every level. In tournaments you better hold in those spots or you have no chance.

I play like 2 or 3 tournaments a year, deep stacked, favorable tournaments where by my estimation there's more post flop than pre flop all-ins. There's a reason for this, it's the same reason why you have all these "tournament wizards" ending up broke. Poker is a facade, a gigantic facade. Regardless of how good you are, luck plays a gigantic factor in these tournaments.

I've been deep in 2 of the last 4 tournaments I played. I've flipped 3 times for lots of chips, 0/3. There's nothing to do. I didn't bust to any of these "bad guys", I busted because that's how poker works sometimes and I accept and understand that. The sooner you stop attempting to make things personal and understand that lots of stuff is inevitable, the sooner you will understand that lots, not all of these people with 100k+ hendon mobs overcharging their markups are not worth investing.

Last edited by RobFarha; 07-14-2015 at 02:36 PM.
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
07-14-2015 , 02:33 PM
Originally Posted by shinja59
I personally love it when Rob goes on his self-aggrandizing, condescending rants - how boring would this blog be otherwise? I don't think it's mutually exclusive for Rob to be a self-aware, understanding good person that realizes that other people all have different lives and different truths they've discovered for themselves in their own personal journey...but also talks mad **** about people he thinks aren't up to par with how they're presenting themselves to the world. Politeness and empathy are better suited for real life interactions - in a text-based medium brutal honesty is way more fun.

Also I give Rob a pass on the tiny handful of legitimately cringey/eye-roll-inducing stuff he occasionally says because I get the vibe that his ego-feeding isn't out of insecurity, but out of a determination to never be mediocre which imo is way more forgivable.
poker will never be that important to me, it's my vessel to make money.

As far as my self-aggrandizing, that's been my attitude in just about everything I've done in my life since I can remember. If you don't believe in yourself, why should anyone else?

Fwiw I'm a really nice, helpful guy in person

I just call it like I see it.
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
07-14-2015 , 03:03 PM
Which is totally fine, of course - now if you actually specifically listed by name the people you were talking about then yeah you'd be a gigantic d-bag that busto23 was justified in chastising, but as it is you're just being vocal about your personal perspective and not using honesty as a weapon like busto23 seems to think you are.
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
07-14-2015 , 03:06 PM
Originally Posted by shinja59
Which is totally fine, of course - now if you actually specifically listed by name the people you were talking about then yeah you'd be a gigantic d-bag that busto23 was justified in chastising, but as it is you're just being vocal about your personal perspective and not using honesty as a weapon like busto23 seems to think you are.
someone pm'd me and asked, I refused.

In my opinion it'd be disrespectful and yes, dbagish. I suppose you guys will just have to take my word for it.
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
07-15-2015 , 06:31 AM
Everytime I read 2p2 I am constantly surprised at how many ppl are so clueless.

Next year I propose to open the bank of MGA and will happily short up to 10% of anyone offering over 60% of their action in the MP at 1.4+. My price will be 1% lower/better than whatever that player is offering.
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
07-15-2015 , 01:33 PM
Originally Posted by shinja59
I personally love it when Rob goes on his self-aggrandizing, condescending rants - how boring would this blog be otherwise? I don't think it's mutually exclusive for Rob to be a self-aware, understanding good person that realizes that other people all have different lives and different truths they've discovered for themselves in their own personal journey...but also talks mad **** about people he thinks aren't up to par with how they're presenting themselves to the world. Politeness and empathy are better suited for real life interactions - in a text-based medium brutal honesty is way more fun.

Also I give Rob a pass on the tiny handful of legitimately cringey/eye-roll-inducing stuff he occasionally says because I get the vibe that his ego-feeding isn't out of insecurity, but out of a determination to never be mediocre which imo is way more forgivable.
lolz well said +1
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
07-15-2015 , 01:37 PM
Rob is a confirmed dick irl btw don't let him fool you!
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
07-15-2015 , 01:51 PM
Pretty sure he ****ed my mom in the Venitian (she's Asian). Then afterward he wouldn't even give her busfare.
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
07-15-2015 , 01:57 PM
Originally Posted by 11t
Rob is a confirmed dick irl btw don't let him fool you!
You broke my glovebox and I didn't charge you a dollar
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
07-16-2015 , 04:01 PM
Originally Posted by busto23
No you can't. Maybe the opponent had a strength tell that he misread. There could be a ton of reasons. Small sample size means just that.

A few years ago in a $1k WSOP circuit event I folded a set of 3s on the river when there were no flushes (flush draw on flop) and just one straight out there on the river early in the day. Board was 973ss, turn 2, river J. Guy rivered a set of J. Pot was about 100 big blinds and I had 40 left after the hand, and I ended up winning the tournament for $50k and a gold ring. Someone could have seen that hand and concluded I'm a horrible player, scared money, etc. and I'm not worth the 1.2 MU I charged on the MP for that tournament back then.

There's like a million reasons ESPECIALLY in a tournament like the ME someone can play a certain hand one way. Judging his ROI as being less than 30% from that one hand (or maybe a small sample) is not correct.

And not to mention Rob wrote that after he busted to probably these "bad" guys who sell on the MP. Why does he care about what people sell at? It's what HE can sell at.
This has to be one of the worst posts/dumbest hh results oriented nonsense ive read in a while in these forums
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
07-16-2015 , 05:52 PM
Originally Posted by RobFarha
Did you play with me for a day? Sorry I never folded my big blind.
I never played with you, definitely not in my memory. I don't think you understood what I was saying. I don't even know you, and clearly you don't know me. I didn't play the ME this year, although I played everything else under $10k at the series.

Originally Posted by RobFarha
I'm saying that in some cases, hence my use of the word "sometimes", you can tell if people are good after seeing a single showdown, or a single line taken even without a showdown. I don't understand why you think that this is an unreasonable thing for me to say. Just to protect myself from your inevitable counterargument that says I can immediately tell how much markup every single tournament seat should be selling at after an hour - I can't.
That was my point. You've made it here. Don't mind saying "wizards play bad". I do it too. I would mind if you specifically said whoever bought X and Y I think they're not worth 1.3 or whatever MU they're charging, when you were obviously in an emotional state right after busting the ME. That's all, but you didn't do that so you're cool.

Originally Posted by RobFarha
If you want to talk about what I can and can't personally sell at, this is a losing argument for you. My main event sold out in under a half hour. I sold the majority of my shares at 1.2 because a few guys bought large pieces and I gave them a 5% discount.
Never wanted to talk about that, I don't know where you got that from. I coulda sold in half hour at 1.4 if I could have played, but I have a company to run.

Originally Posted by RobFarha
I googled one kid that I played with and saw him selling pieces to <200$ tournaments at a markup. Should I explain why someone who doesn't have enough money to play a 200$ probably shouldn't be selling at a markup (a high markup) for the WSOP main event?
Ya that's sad. I agree with you. There's also special cases of people who are good at the game but are degens are life so they win money and then they just go broke outside of poker partying, drugs, gambling haha. Those could be good investments even if they sell $200s.

Originally Posted by RobFarha
and understand that lots of stuff is inevitable, the sooner you will understand that lots, not all of these people with 100k+ hendon mobs overcharging their markups are not worth investing.
Sure some (or a lot) are not worth investing. But investing is a HIGH variance game. Higher than the MTTs themselves. You don't invest in just one person. That's gambling. My point was how you determined that some people are not worth investing, not that such people exist (or their numbers.)
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
07-17-2015 , 09:06 PM
Originally Posted by busto23
That was my point. You've made it here. Don't mind saying "wizards play bad". I do it too. I would mind if you specifically said whoever bought X and Y I think they're not worth 1.3 or whatever MU they're charging, when you were obviously in an emotional state right after busting the ME. That's all, but you didn't do that so you're cool.
I don't use the word "wizard" very often because it has a positive connotation that a majority of live poker players do not deserve.

Originally Posted by busto23
Never wanted to talk about that, I don't know where you got that from. I coulda sold in half hour at 1.4 if I could have played, but I have a company to run.
you never wanted to talk about that?
Originally Posted by busto23
And not to mention Rob wrote that after he busted to probably these "bad" guys who sell on the MP. Why does he care about what people sell at? It's what HE can sell at.
oh ok

Originally Posted by busto23
Ya that's sad. I agree with you. There's also special cases of people who are good at the game but are degens are life so they win money and then they just go broke outside of poker partying, drugs, gambling haha. Those could be good investments even if they sell $200s.
Yeah, for sure man. Can't afford to play a 200 but I can sell ME at ridiculous markup. Just variance.

Originally Posted by busto23
Sure some (or a lot) are not worth investing. But investing is a HIGH variance game. Higher than the MTTs themselves. You don't invest in just one person. That's gambling. My point was how you determined that some people are not worth investing, not that such people exist (or their numbers.)
I determined that some people are not worth investing in because I played a poker tournament with them and saw them playing poorly. I don't see how this is such a complex thing for you to understand.

Originally Posted by busto23
when you were obviously in an emotional state right after busting the ME.
There is a boatload of people selling tournament action at markups they do not deserve. This is a conclusion I've reached by playing with people. Whether or not you value my opinion on this is a whole different argument. Based on my estimation they are not good enough to sell at 1.3, 1.4, or even higher.

In regards to you accusing me of being overemotional regarding this - read some of my posts from a year ago, read what I've written last summer, read what I'll inevitably write about in the future. Me busting has nothing to do with my evaluation of certain opponents. You could ask me about markups at my Nov 9 interview, you could ask me this during my main event victory speech, you could ask me this now, during the tournament or whenever provided I still have to ability to speak. I will give you the same answer, people generally oversell. My "emotional state" (lol, this is poker) has nothing to do with anything.

Originally Posted by mixgameADDict
Everytime I read 2p2 I am constantly surprised at how many ppl are so clueless.

Next year I propose to open the bank of MGA and will happily short up to 10% of anyone offering over 60% of their action in the MP at 1.4+. My price will be 1% lower/better than whatever that player is offering.
I feel the same. It's the beauty of poker. Most everything is very uncertain for a long time and people think they know best.

Can confirm this guy has some dollars in the bank and if you disagree with my valuation of tournament markups, here's your outlet to prove me wrong and ship some easy money.
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
07-17-2015 , 09:14 PM
Let me throw on my robe and wizard hat!
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
07-17-2015 , 09:17 PM
Originally Posted by All-inMcLovin
Let me throw on my robe and wizard hat!

classic stuff
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
07-18-2015 , 12:50 AM
Originally Posted by mixgameADDict
Everytime I read 2p2 I am constantly surprised at how many ppl are so clueless.

Next year I propose to open the bank of MGA and will happily short up to 10% of anyone offering over 60% of their action in the MP at 1.4+. My price will be 1% lower/better than whatever that player is offering.

MGA - agree 100% - would like to be a part of yer bank
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
07-18-2015 , 11:11 AM
Originally Posted by RobFarha
There is a boatload of people selling tournament action at markups they do not deserve. This is a conclusion I've reached by playing with people. Whether or not you value my opinion on this is a whole different argument. Based on my estimation they are not good enough to sell at 1.3, 1.4, or even higher.
No offence, but I just hendon mobbed you, initially I thought you're someone else. You have $20k in cashes in 4 years I can see how you can be frustrated that other people sell action. Anyway it was just my two cents, GL in your future events/endeavours.
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
07-18-2015 , 11:49 AM
Originally Posted by busto23
No offence, but I just hendon mobbed you, initially I thought you're someone else. You have $20k in cashes in 4 years I can see how you can be frustrated that other people sell action. Anyway it was just my two cents, GL in your future events/endeavours.
I've been wanting to chime in here for a while but knew it's futile so I just didn't bother. I could write pages about this but based on your responses to others it still wouldn't sink in.

So, very simply: you don't get it. You may never get it, most never do. But if you're smart and spend enough time in poker you'll eventually see it. At which point you'll look back on this thread and say "damn, now I see what they were getting at". This has happened to me with at least one thread I've participated in and some others I read and thought were BS. As Rob has said countless times, poker is a facade, and variance, among other things, makes it very hard to see past it.
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
07-18-2015 , 12:27 PM
I know what he's getting at, but I don't agree with it. Also I initially thought he was someone else. Pre-mincashing the 15% ITM ME he had $5k in MTT cashes in ~4 years of playing professionally. I just don't trust someone's opinion with that level of experience, and whether he admits it or not part of it is frustration, and only deters away from the real problems in MP (people stealing, cheating, overselling, etc.)
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
07-18-2015 , 12:34 PM
Originally Posted by busto23
No offence, but I just hendon mobbed you, initially I thought you're someone else. You have $20k in cashes in 4 years I can see how you can be frustrated that other people sell action. Anyway it was just my two cents, GL in your future events/endeavours.
I regret engaging you.
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
07-18-2015 , 12:45 PM
Robfarha confirmed busto living on 20k for four years.
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
07-18-2015 , 02:00 PM
Originally Posted by RobFarha
Robfarha confirmed busto living on 20k for four years.
Budgeting skills 10/10
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
07-18-2015 , 02:07 PM
Yes variance exist in poker, obviously. And yes it is what keeps the fish and the break even nit regs in the game.

If prior to this you hadn't cashed much, it's possible you were running below expectation and on the wrong side of variance.

But it's not a very good argument to say, when other guys talk about being on the wrong side of variance they are actually mostly bad loosing players that don't realize variance is the one thing that ever has them win. But when I talk about being on the wrong side of variance, I am actually right and I am genuinely running bad.
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
07-18-2015 , 03:22 PM
Originally Posted by RobFarha
Robfarha confirmed busto living on 20k for four years.
I never said you're busto or living on 20k (actually it's more like 5k minus the $15k now in the main). I just don't think you have the EXPERIENCE necessary to make these kinds of live MTT judgements. But hey you're the "pro" playing for a living, what do I know?
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
07-18-2015 , 03:23 PM
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
07-18-2015 , 03:55 PM
Originally Posted by busto23
I never said you're busto or living on 20k (actually it's more like 5k minus the $15k now in the main).
so -10k? wat. Also, I'm even more busto than you think, I profited about 3k on the main event. No where near 15k. Hendon Mob is a lie.

Originally Posted by busto23
But hey you're the "pro" playing for a living, what do I know?
I understand you're being sarcastic and condescending with this, but in all seriousness - just stick with it. You understand very little about poker, variance and how these two things work together.

I don't need to play more than 2 MTTs a year (I don't), to understand that open limping 63ss and open shoving AJ with 30bbs is bad. I also don't need to look at the marketplace to realize that paying 1.3 or 1.4 for one of these guys isn't profitable.

Tip from the "pro playing for a living" - if they sell 75% and freeroll the event, they probably aren't good, they probably don't have enough money to play the event.

in be4 you link me to a high profile player that does this

Originally Posted by ITT666
But when I talk about being on the wrong side of variance, I am actually right and I am genuinely running bad.
Of course.

I'm overly emotional as well

Originally Posted by RobFarha
In regards to you accusing me of being overemotional regarding this - read some of my posts from a year ago, read what I've written last summer, read what I'll inevitably write about in the future. Me busting has nothing to do with my evaluation of certain opponents. You could ask me about markups at my Nov 9 interview, you could ask me this during my main event victory speech, you could ask me this now, during the tournament or whenever provided I still have to ability to speak. I will give you the same answer, people generally oversell. My "emotional state" (lol, this is poker) has nothing to do with anything.
I was overly emotional here #2245
Originally Posted by RobFarha
I've seen kids selling for 1.25 markup for an event open shoving 40 big blinds with AJ from under the gun. In this venetian tournament I saw a kid who sold the main event at 1.3 make a gigantic 4bet vs an old guy with 44. Old guy has a big pair, snaps it off and holds.
here #2245
Originally Posted by RobFarha
I don't know someone selling at 1.3 could overlook something so plainly obvious to everyone at the table, old guy woke up with a hand that is better than a 4 with a 4. The sick part is that in their mind they probably just attribute this to variance. It's not variance. It's a losing play. No one ever makes any mistakes in poker, just variance.
here #2192
Originally Posted by RobFarha
Some of these tournament markups are absolutely insane.

I saw that a well known pro was selling at 2.0 It sold out pretty quickly as far as I know.

This to me is one of the most ridiculous things I have ever seen. I believe he sold 5k worth (2.0), so he collects 10k and freerolls with 50% of his own action. Other guys are doing the same with super high markups.
here #2485
Originally Posted by RobFarha
I played a tournament at Venetian with a kid whom I feel like explains my point perfectly. He shoved 30+bb UTG with AKsuited after losing a huge pot. This was 100% tilt, he got called by aces and lost. I searched for his twitter and saw him tweet "AKhh<AA and I'm out" as if this is some unavoidable cooler with some some douchey hashtag using the word "bird" or "timbey" or some other cool tourney lingo. This hand was a gigantic, gigantic, gigantic, mistake. This dude sold for 1.3. This type of stuff is so standard in the poker world and it's borderline stealing.

Originally Posted by RobFarha
My recreational poker playing roommate played cash with Doug Lee the other night. For some odd reason he knew who Doug Lee was from the WPTs or something. Aside from the hilarious stories of Doug trying to angleshoot people every other orbit, he told me he dropped about 1800 buying in for 200$ (at 2/5) over and over and playing very poorly. This shocked my roommate as he has "like 2 million in cashes!", which means absolutely nothing. The amount of these guys at Foxwoods is astounding. Guys who have 500k+ in tournament earnings, but are straight fish in cash. Not bad regulars, not weaker players, not nits, straight fish.

The obvious counter argument here - but Robert (don't call me that) what if they are just good tournament players and not good cash game players?

This is impossible. I will say it here. It is impossible for you to be a "good tournament player", but unable to beat 1/2 or 2/5 cash. Impossible. At higher stakes where edges get much thinner, this idea is a lot more relevant. For example, there's talks of a prop bet that Mike McDonald can't beat 500z on Pokerstars, this guy crushes these huge buy-in tournaments. As douchey and bad for the game (his games, not mine) I think his staredown is, this is a fair thing because 500z on stars is probably pretty difficult and requiring some different skills that he hasn't honed in all the time he spends playing tournaments.

In the real world, where the tournaments are 1k buy-ins and the like, it's impossible for you to be a crusher in those and an absolute fish-cake that I would casino change for to play with in cash. Impossible.

Since my monthly tournament rant is over -
I can find more if you think is some random idea I came up with as I was walking out of Rio after cashing the main event. This is something I've said for years, will continue to speak on as long as it is still happening. It has nothing to do with my "emotional state". Every tournament I play I see a boatload of nonsense that can't be defended by people playing tournaments they shouldn't be playing selling at a markup they shouldn't be selling at.

Paging Limon.


This is the last I will engage this cluster**** of a discussion.

Everyone plays great, variance makes everyone lose.

Happy grinding.
I made it!(I think? My story) (OP living in Vegas now) Quote
