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02-11-2016 , 04:57 AM
Here's the link to my previous thread,

1. Row 2000 meters every weekday when home, do a 1000 meter when you wake and do two 500s during poker breaks. Do a Row wod during the weekends.

2. Eat clean as fk. Cook and don't eat out more than 4 times a month.

3. Listen to a self help book a month.

4. Do you're poker routine as follows:
  • Review some hands as soon as you wake after you row, you got your heart rate up now get some juices flowing to your brain.
  • After you get home turn on some good music and spend some time with your dogs.
  • Go to your computer review some of your long term goals and meditate for 10 minutes before you dive in and start playing.
  • Set a hour and half timer. When the timer goes off take assessment whether you should continue to play or not.
  • If you decide to quit take notes on thoughts about your Quality of play and tilt control.
5. Play at least two hours a day to start, without watching any tv shows. Don't watch tv and play more than 6 tables. Preferably only listen to music while playing tho.

6. Analyze your game with your poker group in between sessions or after youre done playing.

So I've done a thread before, I realize how it helped give me structure so here I am trying to get some structure, and get my overall game progressing as it did during the first thread. I still am going to post:
  • My workouts
  • Mental well being
  • Poker analysis time
  • Mindset and tilt control while playing
I'll post a graph a month to keep you guys up to speed, if any of yall want more than a graph a month just lemme know. I'm excited about this new thread, and hope we can have a lil fun on the journey as well!!!
02-18-2016 , 07:57 PM
Ok so I found out I get my workouts all saved on this ap called social wod so granted that i'll still mention if I'm keeping up with my rowing but another thought came to mind, so I thought it would be cool to write some poems in this section instead. Obv i'm not a poet but hey if i can come up with something good maybe it'll inspire someone to write some poetry also. Plus I feel it's a better way to get feelings out.
  • The Wall: Cruising in the cyber streets rubbernecking as my fellow comrades run into walls. Wonder is tonight the night they watch me run into a wall? No tonight's not the night. They all say MBN & FML while I try to empathize until I realize that as I empathize I take on their mindsets and traits. Now I see I've avoided the wall till today & as I see myself hurling towards the wall I finally see why I've been able to avoid it till now, but is it to late? I get it now, as the wall comes near I think why couldn't I of just kept my eyes on the road? I'll never get that moment back and now it's to late. Time goes by to fast to be rubbernecking running into walls. Then it dawns on me this wall I'm hurling towards isn't real, it's all in my head and this journey I'm on all boils down to one thing, self-confidence. As I realize this the wall vanishes and there I am again, cruising down the cyber streets keeping my eyes on the road.

  • Mental Well Being: Got to go up to the mountains once this week which was epic but got a cold from lack of sleep and wearing myself into the ground. I really like this new routine I'm on, I feel the rhythmic routine coming back. I've rowed everyday, meditated, played with my dogs and generally got myself into a great routine for poker. Went on a date for valentines and just am realizing that I am happy being independent and don't wanna have to get into a situation where I have to sacrifice anything to be in the relationship. Especially since the last relationship I got out of took me like a month to get back into a healthy routine for poker again.

  • Poker Analysis time: Completed the chain this last week of going over spots every day, KEEP THE CHAIN GOING !!!!!

  • Mindset while playing and tilt control: My mindsets been pretty steady, am taking adequate breaks but also was running good till last night, which is where I'm going to disclose my tilt control was prolly a grade of a D at the tables towards the end, just got upset like I haven't in months. I just need to realize when i reach that point and quit sooner

Last edited by SmallTheMouse; 02-18-2016 at 08:05 PM.
02-24-2016 , 12:58 AM
  • The Wall:
    Cruising the cyberstreets
    Rubbernecking as comrades fall
    Hungry, they are
    Hunger, eventually causing blurred images
    Hunger, causing rage
    As though blind
    They run into, wall, after wall

    From the wreck, with broken jaws
    FML & MBN
    Trying to emphasize
    No that's not right

    As I gaze on them yet another night
    I emphasize again
    but take on their traits
    I myself now
    Am hurling towards their same fate

    Deafening winds
    Flows through the ears
    Through the darkness
    I see my own wall appear

    It flashes with neon
    I normally adore
    But this is too bright
    Causing blindness
    Same as comrades
    For Vegas I love
    This time too much to handle
    As my energy turns to fear

    As the wall inches closer
    I see less and less
    Fear turns into anger
    Time lapsed to speed
    The impact is harsh
    It break every bone

    Why's this happening?
    Should have kept eyes on road
    The moment is done
    Rubbernecking others
    When I
    Should have
    Kept eyes on road

    In the sky
    Feels like the Moon
    I see my comrades
    Still hurling into walls
    Am I dead?
    No my body is fine
    I'm still in my car cruising?
    The wall wasn't real
    I know now
    That's real

    With my head on straight
    And self-confidence intact
    All walls ahead
    Crumble in my path

    Third person view
    I'm once again in control
    Hands on the wheel
    Eyes on the road
    Cruising down the cyber-streets
  • Mental Well being: Family came in town this week so got to hang with them which was nice but took away alot from grinding which is good every now and again. I realize now why down time needs to be completely unplugged from my work, in this book Deep work they talk about ART Attention Restoration Theory which deals with the concept, attention fatigue, where the resource is limited. SO only way to make the most outta your work time is by giving your brain the period to restore it's attention reserves. Pretty cool theory and I notice I do these things to an extent already just didn't realize how or why they helped, for example I always felt like poker went better after I took the dogs on a walk and listen to whatever my favorite music was. I had no clue I was turning off my brain just so I could crush the tables!

  • Poker Anaylisis time: I watched a training video which I enjoyed and need to make a regular habit again. Talked over spots every day except last couple days. Oh I've used the every session from I think thursday on and it's a great tool to bring structure to the chaos IMHO.

  • Mindset and Tilt control while playing: I really don't know if it was variance or the poem I wrote last week but the whole week I was crusiing the cyberstreets thoroughly enjoying every minute, till my final session on Sunday, where I felt my tilt issues start to flood in, but luckily the clock ran out just as I noticed I may of been tilting. Don't wanna say that I was perfect but it also isn't keeping me from putting in volume.

Last edited by SmallTheMouse; 02-24-2016 at 01:06 AM.
02-24-2016 , 01:50 AM
Subbed obv. Glgl
02-24-2016 , 05:05 AM
Hi, gl! will follow.
About the clean eating: Does this include drinks as well? = only water and herbal teas or...?

And about the rowing: You do this on a river or on a machine?

02-27-2016 , 06:02 AM
Yes I drink some juice in the morning, but strictly drink water and sparkling water the rest of the day. I wish I had a river to row on, but unfortunately I just have the concept 2 rower off rogues website. I gave up the rat race with achohol but vape some pot in the evenings after my sessions. Cheers! Thx for the adds!
03-02-2016 , 03:35 AM
  • Poker: They gather round the table
    They play this game we love
    The game is called poker
    Some even play on their tablet

    Where's its roots?
    The water is murky
    That much is clear
    Made its way up the river
    Southern born was its name

    With time on their hands
    The sailors make way
    They sure think their clever
    Playing a game to up their pay

    The wad of money is dirty
    Covered in splattered blood
    A thud was heard
    As the table shook
    Smell of evil and greed filled the air

    Thoughts race to present
    Am I playing in these games?
    Lying to keep appearances?
    These aren't the games I play

    What's this game about?

    This is my dream
    Away from the 9-5
    Away from the managers
    Safe from their tyrannic fits
    Away from the co-workers
    Safe from both of their faces

    This freedom leaves me alone
    To walk on my own
    This path has seasons as well
    Don't be fooled by my smile
    For it is me that it defines

    A journey
    To discover yourself
    So now I see
    I can be anything I dream
    What I want is to love
    This is the key
    What I love
    Is to poker!

  • Mental Well Being: I've really hunkered down and have dedicated to poker again, I'm enjoying every session and am increasing my sessions lengths. I kind of wish it would snow soon to get a nice snow day break but whatever, if the weather isn't giving me snow I can just play on the poker tables instead! I've almost finished the book deep work and the new trick to going deep was productive meditation sessions, where say you're walking your dogs and, instead of just looking at them take a **** and wondering if you should pick it up or not, you could be working on the project you desire to go deep on. While doing this he reminds us to be aware of looping, the process of going over the same thing over and over again to avoid the harder work of building on the things already discovered.

  • Poker Analysis time: I watched two videos this past week and reviewed some hands with my group, although i kind of slacked on reviewing hands as much as I'd like. I used the site for about half my sessions this last week and the timer for all of them.

  • Mindset and tilt control while playing: I feel I was very aware of my tilt issues this last week and did a good job of playing at least a B+ game most of my sessions this week. There were times where I played my A-A+ game but it was sparse and not maintained. There were times when I got stuck and had bad runs of cards but just didn't really think much of them and kept my head on straight and managed to keep in control.
03-02-2016 , 03:42 AM
Obviously ran good this month, also need to note I am missing prolly 15-20k of hands which was roughly -6k. Obviously I need to get back on track with my volume as I was getting in almost 100k a month at the end of last year and need to get back to that, but everything in time!!

03-09-2016 , 09:05 PM
  • Barbell:

    The reflection shined
    Coming in at 7 feet 45 pounds
    Looks like an awkward piece of metal by itself

    Today it's staring
    "Ok, let's start playing!"
    I reach to grab it
    Feel the rough knurling
    My hands know just where to go
    Am I suppose to start curling
    No, this barbell is familiar
    As tho it's been with me

    I lift
    It comes flying
    Hear metal spinning
    It drops
    Comes crashing
    Sounds like metal crying

    I laugh as I fling it through the air again and again
    Don't want to hear its whining
    I lean over to gently comfort it

    Bare this metal thing is
    Like a foundation to a home
    The outer part catches the sun in its reflection
    It's screaming to me
    I load 2 plates on it

    Now a little less reflection gets through
    I grab the chalk prints
    Pretend I'm a proud gorilla
    And heave

    As I heave
    I feel it wrestling with my whole body
    As it falls to the floor
    I fear its crying
    To my surprise the voice changed
    A solid loud thud echoed the box

    I add another two plates
    It's voice gets deeper
    With each heave
    I feel myself breaking
    With each heave
    I feel myself changing

    It stares
    I turn to walk away
    I feel it stalking me
    "What, oh now you're the one crying?"

    I turn back around
    Walk towards it as it's screaming at me
    I hear its threats
    Place my hands on it again
    This time feels of moisture
    As i thrust it one last time, it becomes part of me
    I smile as it falls to the floor
    For one last thud

    I strip it down and put it away
    Except for a little piece of it
    This piece no one else can have
    As I strut through the exits
    This piece I found is mine forever

  • Mental well being: Got a little snow day this Monday which was much needed, I love poker and all but i gotta get out in nature at least once a week. I'm sticking with the and have added a couple things to my profile that I've become aware of recently. Meditated,walked my dogs, going to workout, and rowing at least 2k every day. Expected to much of myself for a workout last week, did miserably and came home didn't walk the dogs **** in the house cause i didn't wanna let them out while i was gone cause they just got cleaned and i didn't want them dirty, or meditate or eat a proper meal and played a session that i set myself up for failure. Made me think of this book Bounce by Matthew Syed where he uses Michael Phelps as an example where Mike had this routine he'd do every day, he'd start his day with a bunch of small wins, making food, stretching, brushing his teeth etc, so when the time came for him to break the world record it was just like another part of his day and it's no big deal to win, it just goes with the momentum he gained from all the small wins earlier in the day. Anyway this day felt like the opposite of that, just a good reminder why i need to stick with my routine and not stray.

  • Poker Analysis time: I talked over hands basically everyday. Watched one video. I am trying to post more hands of my own tho so I'm trying to post at least one hand to review a day.

  • Mindset and tilt control while playing: I feel like I kept my tilt control in check. Especially the day everything went wrong, I could've lost a lot more but thank god for my poker timer to get me to quit. My mindset feels really on point, I am confident about my strats and am working on improving them everyday. I give my worst session a C- for my worst session. I played my A game for a lil while on Saturday and I think it came from this talk a poker buddy and I had filling me in on some ways to quickly plug some obvious leaks that I have ignored for a while. Kinda makes me wanna examine my database and see what else i can plug.
