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The Hussler Journey Thread. The Hussler Journey Thread.

04-12-2014 , 10:05 PM
hi there been on 2p2 for a while, made a couple of threads they have never went anywhere. I change my mind all the time, say im gonna stop playing mtts but then when i get time i load a whole lot up lose patience and there gos a waste of money. i just cant do that anymore so im putting up a thread to motivate myself to stick to what im good at and not what i think i can bink when theres no way i can stay 100% motivated for 8 hours in a tourney. I play 6max turbos on stars mixing 3.50-7$. at one stage i was playing 30s and playing very well but i donked off my whole roll like normally happens. I only play 6 tables max at a time as that is a perfect number for me. I can see all the action and improve enough to move up. I wont mass table as its not for me. i have a 400$ roll and reset my stats on ss because i want to stick to what i know. I think i was about 2.5k in profit and that was up and down all the time. I wont post graphs yet i want to just see how this gos. I play as $iamhussler$ on stars so feel free to check out my graph daily or whatever but this is for me to get some meaning and doing certain things should help me reach my goals which are

Stick to sngs (no mtts)
post daily my progress
read 30 mins of a poker book each day
be active in the forums
do not look at marketplace, too easy to use roll to buy

There pretty simple goals but i feel if i follow these then i can improve and move up again. i have a full time job so this really is just a smooth grind a couple of hours a night and a bit more on the weekends. gonna load some games now gl on the tables.

Last edited by iamhussler; 04-12-2014 at 10:10 PM. Reason: more
The Hussler Journey Thread. Quote
04-13-2014 , 12:16 AM
played 10 games 5 3.5s and 5 7s was nice to win a few. Really noticed how much easier it is to exploit weak players on the bubble especially at these small stakes. paid 2$ a month for imageshack so i can put graph up daily.

The Hussler Journey Thread. Quote
04-14-2014 , 08:25 AM
pretty rough night hands wise, played 22 6mans and just ran into the tops of ppls ranges alot but i handled it well and continued to play well and not let it get to me. Updating daily graph then every sunday overall graph and ss graph. Gl at the tables.

The Hussler Journey Thread. Quote
04-14-2014 , 08:49 AM
The Hussler Journey Thread. Quote
04-14-2014 , 04:45 PM
Thankyou ! First person to post in my thread so pm me your stars name 5$ coming your way.
The Hussler Journey Thread. Quote
04-15-2014 , 03:50 AM
hi there not playing today, birthday so going out for dinner , some drinks and a cigar. defintaly better to not be playing like that. Back at it tommorow and sticking to my goals. Gl out there
The Hussler Journey Thread. Quote
04-15-2014 , 05:11 AM
Originally Posted by iamhussler
Thankyou ! First person to post in my thread so pm me your stars name 5$ coming your way.
Hah, thanks

Once again, GL
The Hussler Journey Thread. Quote
04-15-2014 , 10:03 AM
don't run as bad as me. that wouldn't be good
The Hussler Journey Thread. Quote
04-15-2014 , 09:12 PM
Cheers. Won't let it get to me I hope. Gl
The Hussler Journey Thread. Quote
04-16-2014 , 06:09 AM
hi there played 18 6max sngs and didnt do to well. Have to admit i tilted a bit so my play wasnt great. Couldnt get much happening and just shows me the reality that if i want to do well i have to work hard and be concentrating 100%.

played 3 $7 hu hypers after and this is what happened lol, for some stupid reason i feel its telling me to play hypers. gl on the tables everyone
The Hussler Journey Thread. Quote
04-17-2014 , 10:06 PM
hi there 2p2 didnt update yesterday as finished long week at work and didnt want to play tired. Decided to add hyper hu sngs into my schedule so if i play them and 6max turbos in the same day ill post seperate graphs. I have the coffeehud and a fair bit of video and reading material with them that ive bought in the past for them so with working and shorter times to play they may work out well for me. Got around 4- 7 hours to play today on good friday which never happens so hopefully i can get some good play in. Gl at the tables.
The Hussler Journey Thread. Quote
04-18-2014 , 05:03 AM
hi there played the usual 6max tables today and done average got a bit fed up and now ive decided to stick with the heads up hypers, yer it might seem like ive given up and had enough so changing format but playing 6 max turbos for say 30mins and then getting it in good and then losing seems like a waste of time to me and with the hypers, well i can get a ton of games in and tilting seems to be less likely for me. With a full time job i can play the hypers anytime i get a chance and that should make things a bit more flexible for me.
6max graph for the day below

my goals are staying the same been good and read each night havnt looked in the marketplace and no mtts except right now im in 2 2.20 turbos that i had tickets spare, i thought while i have them and feeling good i should use them. Going ok hopefully i can get some free $$$. below is my hyper graph for the day ran well but need to keep improving and see where this takes me. Gl on the tables.
The Hussler Journey Thread. Quote
04-18-2014 , 10:59 PM
Going out with the family for the day will be playing later and looking foward to it. Reading the mersenneary ebook when I get the chance. Read it before but have to refresh my memory. Gl on the tables.
The Hussler Journey Thread. Quote
04-19-2014 , 10:14 AM
hi there played 4o hu hypers tonight my time. felt like i didnt get many cards played well i thought but have a hell of a lot to learn. It really does test your mental strength and i kept it in check well. Really gonna study as much as possible as i feel i need every bit of information i can to try to get ahead. roll is at 475$ and sticking with the 7s. gl on the tables.
The Hussler Journey Thread. Quote
04-19-2014 , 10:18 AM
also to those out there do you look much into your net expected chips line if you do look at these things or just the c net adjusted? i know i probaly shouldnt get to use to looking at them but its hard sometimes. which is more accurate would you say long term?
The Hussler Journey Thread. Quote
04-20-2014 , 08:25 AM
1st week finished of playing, a few changes like changing to hyper hu officially from 6 max turbos but im happy ive done that, instead of mixing both i can now stick to 1 and put all my effort into it. Ill post final 6max turbo graph for the week and daily plus overall hu hyper graph. Tiny volume so far but gota start somewhere and im confident it will increase. hope the cards are falling your way!

6max overall graph

daily hyper graph huge sample

overall hyper graph to date
The Hussler Journey Thread. Quote
04-21-2014 , 04:44 AM
hi there 2p2 had a decent day volume wise for me 81 games which is alot better than it usually is. Funnily i started 2 tabling and that helped me play better and click buttons less. Was nice to run pretty good and felt like i was playing well the whole time. Rolls at 545$ now so i feel pretty set playing the 7s but i am keeping in mind it dosent take long for the roll to drop in these hypers if things are not going well. Will continue to post daily hopefully theres some people following this thread, i hope it only gets better. Gl on the tables
The Hussler Journey Thread. Quote
04-22-2014 , 05:01 AM
hi there 2p2 played 2 hours straight 2 tabling the 7s and felt like i played well but i feel 2 tables took its toll about an hour in. Played one bad player probaly 15 games won the first 5 and feel i adjusted incorrectly and lost a fair bit to him. May drop back to 1 table but going to review my game and see how i went. roll at 502$. gl at the tables
The Hussler Journey Thread. Quote
04-23-2014 , 07:53 AM
pretty average day, wasnt feeling great so played 9 games and a little hu cap cash. lost 7$ so wont bother with graphs. happy i didnt continue playing as wouldnt have been a gd idea. gl at the tables
The Hussler Journey Thread. Quote
05-06-2014 , 07:29 AM
hi there everyone sort of want to end this thread as it isnt going anywhere and i know where i want to get. Had a week off not because of busting my roll or anything just thinking to myself i make a goals thread things dont go well so i stop change format and decide to make a new one. im sick to death of doing this and if it continues like that ill be making new challenges until im 80. Ive figured out over the last week i want to play hu cash and 6max cash when theres not much hu action. i know to do that i need a big roll around 2.5k min so 50 bi for 50nl hu which is even pretty aggresive. im going to play 6max cash to build it up just at 10nl to start i think 60bi should be ok, i may play some tourneys when i get spare time i only really get the time on a saturday night my time to dedicate 5+ hours to something. im not going to update this thread anymore as im going to get there or im not. if im gonna make a goal thread i want it to be a real one where i made it to where i want to be, 2.5k roll at least and thats it, not gona play some of these today or whatever and then change format and try again. i blocked my ss stats then unblocked them and im sick of the drama i involve myself in with a game. i hope at some stage im here making a new thread and got to where i wanted to be. if not then thats life. Poker is one thing i absolutely love to do and have a big passion for it, im serious about where i want to be and getting that roll and playing the games i want is the goal. wish me luck and gdluck on the tables.
The Hussler Journey Thread. Quote
