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HUSNGs on Global Poker HUSNGs on Global Poker

06-22-2023 , 10:17 PM
Starting a new blog as I switched the games I'm playing. My goal for this blog is to basically just record the ups and downs as I attempt to climb the stakes and eventually reach the top of the HUSNG ladder on Global Poker. I think this is doable, but time will tell if it's something I can achieve.

My screen name on Global is zayd88. If anyone wants a game feel free to sit me and let me know that you saw the thread.

My progress so far has been stunted by busting a roll playing blackjack, so I blocked Casino games on my account. I basically bought 25 SC for $5, grinded it up to 190ish, experienced some variance that brought me back to 150ish then experienced some more and took my roll to blackjack. Bye bye bankroll. It was probably normal variance (the type I'll probably be experiencing a lot), so I just need to get better mentally.

Anyways, I'm playing the $3.21 games and will be shot taking the $8.56 games once I have 33 buy-ins (a 3 buy-in shot, rinse and repeat if it doesn't work out). I used the same shot taking structure when I played on Stars years ago, hopefully it works out.

I don't know what else to put in the OP other than that I hope Global Poker lowers the rake on HUSNGs (it's 7% right now, for turbos) and starts doing rewards for SNGs. I don't know if they will do SNG rewards, but it would be nice if they did.

Well I guess that's it for the OP, gl to anyone reading this.
HUSNGs on Global Poker Quote
06-22-2023 , 10:21 PM
Forgot to include that my goal is 15 games per day. The $3.21s run a lot so 25 is probably what I'll aim for, but the goal is still 15.
HUSNGs on Global Poker Quote
06-24-2023 , 03:16 AM
Taking a break after grinding some games today, watching the PLO event on Twitch. Here's my graph so far:

Taking a beating in non flip all-ins today. Got it in ahead and lost like maybe 5 times. I can't really complain though, stuff like that should not be out of the ordinary.

Things are going well so far, I need to work on my mental game though. I'm getting irritated at variance, which is not what should be happening. Variance should be expected and is a part of the game, so to get irritated at it is just silly.

Edit: Forgot to mention that that graph includes some 6-max turbos and a freeroll cash, so it's not just my HUSNG results.
HUSNGs on Global Poker Quote
06-24-2023 , 06:09 AM
Done playing for now, might not play again until tomorrow. Hard to keep track of how many games I play on Global since it's web based, but I think I played more than 15.

I made two really bad calls due to tilt. There's really no excuse for them. I keep making bad calls in other spots too. I need to work on being less of a calling station.

Here's a fun hand (I think I might have been the button in it):

I don't know what he had, what a call though.
HUSNGs on Global Poker Quote
06-24-2023 , 08:52 AM
I too play HU sngs on global. I've probably played u a bunch lol.
HUSNGs on Global Poker Quote
06-24-2023 , 08:11 PM
Originally Posted by WhyMaleModels
I too play HU sngs on global. I've probably played u a bunch lol.
It's possible. My SN is zayd88. I've played a few people more than once, one person I was nasty to in chat. Sorry if that was you (and if it wasn't sorry to whoever it was). It was uncalled for and I shouldn't have been how I was.
HUSNGs on Global Poker Quote
06-25-2023 , 06:00 AM
Played 15+ games if I'm correct (might have only played 15 games). Have no way of tracking how many games I've played other than sharkscope, but my sleeping is all messed up so my play tends to be split up over two days making it not easy to track. Might be up $14 or $15, or maybe less, not sure where I started the day. Slow progress, but progress still none the less. A few weeks of results like this and I might be properly rolled for the $8.56 games, and then I can start making serious progress towards the serious stakes. I might be good enough to beat them right now, but I'm not depositing the money to find out. So far I've put $25 on Global, and my bankroll currently stands at $72.04, so I'm up overall in HUSNGs, but I'm down overall for the month since I lost about $350 on ACR playing various games and blackjack. I'll try to put some hands in my next post, as far as I know you can't convert them though, so they'll just be replays.
HUSNGs on Global Poker Quote
06-26-2023 , 04:44 PM
Played my 15 games for the day. I'm just about back to where I was on sharkscope in that graph I posted. Probably going to play some more games.

Here's a hand (I think the other player is actually the button):

I just always feel like they have it, but I don't know if it was a good fold.
HUSNGs on Global Poker Quote
06-26-2023 , 11:52 PM
Ended up playing 44 games today for about a $15 profit, still might play some more though.

Here's an updated graph:

I'm making progress but I still need to work on my mental game. I don't really know how to do that though, do I just tell myself not to get upset? Remind myself that variance is normal? I don't really know. I guess I'll read some psychology threads, maybe there will be some good advice there.
HUSNGs on Global Poker Quote
06-27-2023 , 07:31 PM
I looked up your results in 3.21s and you're doing fantastic. A 16% roi over 400 games is PHENOMINAL. Moving up limits 16% wont be sustainable (at least I don't believe so), but it proves you can beat them.

As far as getting mad, just tell yourself you are a clear winner and it passes. Just look at your results.

For reference here are my results for $8.56s HU (only 400 games) Variance can be annoying.

HUSNGs on Global Poker Quote
06-29-2023 , 12:37 AM
Nice results, WMM.

Played 12 or 13/15 games today, taking a break.

Here's a hand I played:

I guess I should be value betting river? I don't really remember why I checked, but the check/calls probably concerned me. Still, it might be a spot where not value betting is really bad. I think I just don't like putting in a ton of chips when I'm concerned about villain's hand.
HUSNGs on Global Poker Quote
06-29-2023 , 06:56 AM
Played 48 games and I'm up about a dollar. Keep getting cold decked when blinds get high and villain is putting chips in the pot. I might be missing bluffs and value bets due to not putting enough effort into every hand, so I need to work on that. Might play some more later.

Edit: Almost forgot to post this. I made a Royal Flush:

Last edited by walkby; 06-29-2023 at 07:05 AM.
HUSNGs on Global Poker Quote
06-29-2023 , 11:59 AM
Ending with 56 games played. Up around $18. Getting lots of volume - I don't know if I'll be able to maintain it at the higher stakes. A long ways to go until I shot take the $8.56s though. I need $282.48 (33 buy-ins) and my roll currently stands at $121.95. Might take 2-3 weeks until I can give it a try. That will be fun, playing for money (or SC) that is a little bit more meaningful.

Been listening to this Eminem song, others might like it too:

It's a shame Stars removed turbo and reg speed HUSNGs from what they offer. I would snap switch to Stars if I could play there instead of Global (and the traffic was the same) (no offense to Global). All they offer on PokerStars Ontario are hypers, and they don't get a lot of traffic. Would be fun grinding HUSNGs on Stars again.
HUSNGs on Global Poker Quote
06-30-2023 , 06:32 AM
Played around 30-40 something (maybe 44) HUSNGs. Not a very good session, down like a buy-in. Kind of similar to yesterday, getting stuck and then getting out of it. I might have just been running into the deck early in the session, which sucks because your bluffs don't work, but I did punt off a couple of times in stupid spots, probably due to tilt. I think I just ran bad and villains ran good, so there might not have been a lot I could do a lot of the time.

Here's an updated graph:

HUSNGs on Global Poker Quote
07-01-2023 , 12:56 PM
Played 17 or 18 games, might play more later. If I'm correct I'm up about $14. Nothing that interesting happened. I've been thinking more about flop texture when on the button seeing a flop. So far I've played maybe a few opponents who have given me a hard time, but I think I might still have an edge due to their bet sizing. They just put lots of chips into the pot and when I'm card dead there's not much I can do to combat that. I don't know if their play is good, but it's difficult to play against. I guess it might not be good, because if I have a hand they're losing a lot of chips.

Bankroll: SC143.1 (I'm going to keep track of my bankroll in the thread from now on)
HUSNGs on Global Poker Quote
07-02-2023 , 08:06 AM
Played 17 games, up SC 8.22.

Got called super light here, don't know what villain had but they must have thought I was full of it:

Might have made a couple of really bad calls due to tilt. I am getting tilted (like frustrated IRL, not my play) so I need to work on that somehow. If I could detatch myself from the short term results I would probably overcome a lot of my tilt issues, but how do you do that?

Don't really have anything else to write about. Gl to anyone reading this.

Bankroll: SC 151.32
HUSNGs on Global Poker Quote
07-02-2023 , 10:39 AM
I should probably add that 1 SC = $1 USD when cashing out, unless I'm wrong about that somehow.
HUSNGs on Global Poker Quote
07-03-2023 , 02:06 AM
Will be starting a session soon. I played more games yesterday that I didn't blog about and accidentally sat WMM. Sorry about that. Ended the day up about 24 SC.

Bankroll: SC 167.64
HUSNGs on Global Poker Quote
07-03-2023 , 06:06 AM
Played my 15 games, might play more later. Losing 0.15 SC. Made a couple of bad calls, maybe due to tilt. Not really much else to write about.

Bankroll: SC 167.49
HUSNGs on Global Poker Quote
07-03-2023 , 02:34 PM

Keep it up!
HUSNGs on Global Poker Quote
07-03-2023 , 02:47 PM
Thanks, will do.

I just played a ton of games that included two sit outs that I blinded down. I don't know if you can send SC to someone else so if either of you are reading this you're kind of out of luck. It was a long session and super frustrating. I was running cold and it seemed like I was running into the deck a lot. They're HUSNGs so you're locked in to whatever the cards may be, you can't just fold and top up like in a cash game. Basically, you're not winning if your opponent runs well and you run cold no matter what you do, they would have to be super mega fish and just underplay their hands all of the time (I might have actually played people like this). Anyways, I was losing most of the session but managed to get back to even (which includes the two sit outs). Sorry, but I don't really know what to do but take the money when someone is sitting out.

Bankroll: SC 167.64
HUSNGs on Global Poker Quote
07-04-2023 , 10:41 AM
Played 16 games, up like 4 something SC. I think I'm going to take a few days off from playing because I'm not handling the variance well and maybe it would help to come back with a more fresh condition. Getting tilted super quick and frustrated with things. I might have made a few bad calls.

Here's an updated graph:

Pretty breakeven the last 70 or however many games it is. Sucks, but oh well. I think I'm getting severely cold decked. Like I'm not making pairs and stuff. Hopefully things turn around when I come back. Gl to anyone reading this.

Bankroll: SC 172.23
HUSNGs on Global Poker Quote
07-05-2023 , 03:54 PM
I hope you have a relaxin' break from play and come back whoopin ass
HUSNGs on Global Poker Quote
07-07-2023 , 03:22 PM
Back. Not going to play my 15 games today unless I play more later and end up getting 15 in. I actually think I'm going to stop the volume goal and just play as many games as I'm comfortable with. I've also been playing the SC 0.25 6-max turbos, sort of just for fun. I think I'm up in them. Good results since taking my break, up SC 30.61

Been sort of wanting to shot take the 8.56s doing a 23 (or +) buy-in shot with a 3 buy-in stop loss. The benefits would be that I would be moving up earlier and saving myself time, but the downside is that if I lost the 3 buy-ins I would have to move back down to the 3.21s and it would affect my bankroll. I'm not sure if it would put my bankroll at risk, because as it stands I would have something like 55 buy-ins at the 3.21s if it didn't work out. It seems like something I should try, but I don't know how I would take not successfully moving up, as sad as it might sound I might just get frustrated and not move down and experience another massive downswing. I just don't know if my mental game is there. The money swing wouldn't be something that would affect my life financially or anything (I mean it's like $25), but it would set me back some major time if I lost the 3 buy-ins, got tilted and didn't move down and lost more. I just don't know if it's something I want to try before I have 33 buy-ins for the shot take.

Still getting frustrated while playing, I don't know how to really remedy that. I guess it's something I just need to deal with, but I think setting a volume goal might have contributed to it. Just playing as many games as I'm comfortable with might put me in better shape while playing.

Anyways, gl to anyone reading this. And thanks SandwichThief.

Bankroll: SC 202.84
HUSNGs on Global Poker Quote
07-08-2023 , 01:25 PM
Took some shots at the 8.56s, mainly just to chase my losses (yikes). Basically my 0 thought process is lose two 3.21s move up and play an 8.56. It worked every time, so although I have been having some trouble at the 3.21s I'm still winning at a decent rate. Still getting frustrated while playing. I think I'm going to invest some time into thinking about my mental game and hopefully come up with a solution to the problem. It's pretty ridiculous to get upset over SNGs that are worth $3.21, but it can be incredibly frustrating (maybe when it shouldn't be). I think I just need to do something about it, what, I don't know.

Here's an updated graph:

Here's a hand I played (I think I might actually be the button):

I think what I was trying to do was to just get villain to fold something that isn't an ace - I think I need to work a lot on my bluffing, because a lot of the time you run into these spots where over cards come or there is an ace on the board and if you keep betting villain might fold. Sometimes a hand will go by and I think, I should have bluffed, and basically it's just that the board ran out in a way where I could put a lot of pressure on a weaker hand. I think it might be something that the better players do all the time or a lot of the time (bluff well), so it's something I definitely need to work on.

Anyways, gl to anyone reading this.

Bankroll: SC 225.97
HUSNGs on Global Poker Quote
