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HUPLO: The Quest to Break Even HUPLO: The Quest to Break Even

04-07-2017 , 06:12 PM
Here's like 2/3 of my recent volume. I don't track all of it.



Last edited by XFlopRRiver; 04-07-2017 at 06:25 PM.
HUPLO: The Quest to Break Even Quote
04-11-2017 , 11:30 AM
I've been very busy with school and girls so haven't had as much time to play as I would have liked while I'm on my own $. However I have put in ~17k hands since March 24th of almost all A game which is adequate. I'm shooting for 44k hands (41k tracked hands) by May 11th.
HUPLO: The Quest to Break Even Quote
04-11-2017 , 02:12 PM
Impressive results especially with some of those vpips so high. Was a lot of the play 3-4 ways?

Would love for the return of this thread. Fun to see how your doing.
HUPLO: The Quest to Break Even Quote
04-11-2017 , 04:12 PM
Originally Posted by Darkfangs
Impressive results especially with some of those vpips so high. Was a lot of the play 3-4 ways?

Would love for the return of this thread. Fun to see how your doing.
It's easier to win more chips when you play more hands. This includes a healthy dose of HU and 3-4 handed, yes.

Yeah I'm considering it! I think it's happening.
HUPLO: The Quest to Break Even Quote
04-11-2017 , 08:08 PM
I'm such a punter sometimes. I look back at five big hands or so out of my sample and kick myself for making those mistakes. They define winrates. I've seen a lot of people say things like B game is unavoidable but I don't agree. I can achieve perfection to the extent that I know how and if I can't implement the strat I know to play then that's MY fault and I should actively work to fix it. No excuses
HUPLO: The Quest to Break Even Quote
04-16-2017 , 02:49 PM
Yeah so I just had an opportunity to play pretty big huplo against the best spot I've found in my life and three sessions went against me so my roll has taken quite a hit. Not an issue tho I'll be fine rebuilding and this summer will continue unaffected. I still have plenty of savings.
HUPLO: The Quest to Break Even Quote
04-19-2017 , 01:57 AM
I'm pretty jaded when I hear conversations about online pokers profitability. the edges are so thin that for anyone normal this game isn't worth it. It's just sad to see people like rubrub12 trying to grind thru mt micros and start a poker career instead of going to school and start working on themselves.
HUPLO: The Quest to Break Even Quote
04-19-2017 , 08:17 AM
There's nothing as sexually stimulating as finding a reg willing to play HU for a long time that uses strat from 2007

I came
HUPLO: The Quest to Break Even Quote
04-21-2017 , 08:19 PM
So I lost a lot of money in that heads up match and it hasn't hurt me mentally as far as impacting my game but every once in a while it occurs to me how much I could have done with it. I loved my trip to thailand and I could have taken 12 trips to thailand for two weeks each with robust itineraries for that amount of money. Damn man. 12 lifelong-memory-making trips to some gambling addict used car salesman.

Anyway i've had a killer week, totally unexpected. Hopefully I can continue to ride the wave before May 12th.
HUPLO: The Quest to Break Even Quote
04-23-2017 , 11:31 AM
Doing more HU with this guy today, a little smaller now. Hopefully I get some traction and the money starts flowing thru him while tilted
HUPLO: The Quest to Break Even Quote
04-24-2017 , 06:50 PM
Sunrannnnnnn again. Okay fine I get it huplo is high variance but this guy is dumping maybe -35evbb/100 in a rakeless hu match.. can I get a break one time? Anyway back to online, I'm still fine roll-wise
HUPLO: The Quest to Break Even Quote
04-25-2017 , 05:33 PM
enjoy the updates. keep up the work
HUPLO: The Quest to Break Even Quote
04-26-2017 , 02:20 PM
thanks bro. I'm in a tough spot. This dude offered to freeroll 2k of a 5k buyin where if I cash out in [any length of time] I get the full amount. It's absurd.. he thinks he's hustling me so hard but he's just way over aiev. Can I really turn this down? I'm doing fine online in the meantime. I'd have someone else deal at this point just to make the 1% chance a 0% chance that he's a mechanic etc. I don't really want to fire off another 3k after already being down so much vs him but it's just such a high ev spot. I'll probably end up doing it
HUPLO: The Quest to Break Even Quote
04-26-2017 , 04:33 PM
sounds like a sick deal and prob a good idea to have someone else deal
HUPLO: The Quest to Break Even Quote
04-27-2017 , 01:21 AM
ya so i'm dealing 100% of hands, I shuffle, cut, deal. 2nd hand of the match I deal AAT8ccss to myself in BB, he limps I 200 (we play no limit omaha) he calls, flop Ao47cc I x/c 200 (400) 7o turn I x/c 600 (800) river 3c I x/c off stacks he has AoJo56cc gg.

HUPLO: The Quest to Break Even Quote
04-29-2017 , 01:37 PM
well online has been going pretty well till a session the otherday where i dropped a bunch to a super live one. Still powering along, I've got to put a lot of hours in now to hit my volume goal by may 12 tho. Classes are over so should be doable.
HUPLO: The Quest to Break Even Quote
05-08-2017 , 01:04 PM
This summer i've got so much work to do. I'm launching a business, taking two online classes, and trying to get in as many hours of grinding as possible. I'm calibrating my priorities accordingly as when it's the fall of 2023 and I reflect on this period of my life, I'm not going to be saying to myself "Maaaaaan I wish i'd dated more or been five pounds lighter during the summer of '17." Instead I'm going to be thinking about what financial position I was in and on what trajectory that took me on. Clearly making sacrifices now and putting in a tremendous amount of hard work is the best way to go about doing this summer. To that end after school ends till school starts I've got roughly 100 days.

I'm doing something that I never thought I would do wrt volume. I'm aiming way high. Originally I was supposed to be primarily grinding online but plans have changed and the opportunity to play live will be quite convenient and it's much easier for me to put volume in live than online. So I'm setting a very high goal: If I put in 10 hours a day of poker 6 days a week with 1 day of 5 hours from May 13th till Aug 21st that comes to 925 hours of grinding. I've got a few extra days on the end although live games will be much harder to find after July so I'll have to be supplementing with a substantial amount of online grinding... but I'm going for it.

Goal: Starting May 13th, 925 hours of playing poker by the time I return to school in the fall.

Last year I maintained a comfortable hourly of just over 100/hr across all hours played. If I can continue that quality of play in similar sized games I'm optimistic that this summer will also meet my soft profit goals. Let's go!
HUPLO: The Quest to Break Even Quote
05-08-2017 , 04:02 PM
Cool thread man, just finished reading it. You've come a long way from tilt spewing on the BJ tables

There was a spoiler later on in the thread where you expressed your views on different regs/games and how they're not maximizing the opportunities poker is giving them. At one point you commented that you'd be pretty sure most online BE/bad regs don't even know how to study the game.

Care to elaborate on how (in your opinion) it should be done?

Again, well played and all the best in your future endeavors.
HUPLO: The Quest to Break Even Quote
05-09-2017 , 05:07 AM
Hi Dublin, glad you enjoyed it. I cringe thinking back to that time, but yes it is far behind me. The #1 thing I've taken away from my time in poker is that tilt management is a function of bankroll management and learning that earlier on will save lots of heartache.

Ya I think most regs below midstakes are **** at life (and poker). Studying is complex and person-specific but the issue isn't what software people are consulting or which of their types of hands played they are reviewing. The issue is these people are developing low level thought processes and aren't thinking about poker correctly. The deeper an understanding of the game you can arrive at, the more your studying will benefit you as not only will it make more sense, click, and be more memorable in turn allowing you to develop more nuanced strategies, but you will develop an intuition that guides applying complicated heuristics to difficult spots when other regs are just clicking buttons. Tbh getting high a bunch and thinking about poker helped my game a ton because I am much more creative and better at visualizing while high. George Leonard has an okay book on Mastery that talks about grinding thru the plateaus to increase via epiphanies. This process of grinding and then periodically breaking up your study habits with some high exploration (which really is just facilitating introspection and more of a top-down look at your game) helps speed up the improvement process and allow you to determine more accurately what you need to work on improving and hopefully helping you intuit methods of improving. The process of working towards mastery is a matter of observing other competitors and being as open minded as possible, evaluating their thought processes and approach to the game and then opting to assimilate or reject each idea. Also constantly trying to reverse engineer the strategies that your better opponents are utilizing and thinking about why they play different hud stats and how that impacts their game plan and then adopting any improvements will keep you vigilant about working on your game. Finally doing supplementary intellectual activities IMO helps you improve in the softer skills. While the typical soft skill like money management or tilt control have to be constantly worked on, there's another category of soft skills that gets no attention from people on these forums. In the gaming community playing games like OSU or other mental stimulation tools (for instance Lomachenko doing mentral drills pointing quickly to scattered numbers printed backwards in a grid in numerical order to increase the pace that his brain processes information) helps the poker player grind thru hundreds of thousands of hands as well. The faster that your brain can reference stored material and arrive at the correct decision in a spot, also contextually knowing which pieces of information to weigh against each other according to the metrics that your heuristics have developed, the more successful of a grinder you will be. For me I find minesweeper to be very helpful as it's a timed probabilistic problem to be solved that also requires pattern recognition and referencing stored solutions. My goal was never to be mediocre and IMO to tickle the top levels of competition you need to harness your talents and build stronger foundations than your competition as each edge stacks to give you a winrate.

Also I got in ~34k hands this spring which falls short of my goal of 44k hands. I ended up shifting a lot of my time into business and doing my courses justice (less poker during finals etc) so all in all I'm very happy with how I spent my time. If you took the amount of time I played live and used my online hands/hr stat I'd have played way over 44k hands so definitely fine as far as poker volume this spring.
HUPLO: The Quest to Break Even Quote
05-09-2017 , 05:31 AM
Nice answer,

A lot of what you said makes sense and seems obvious, only after you wrote it though.

It's probably gonna take another few reads to internalize every point you made. Definitely a perspective I haven't come across before plus one that could seemingly be used on other aspects of one's life.

Btw, meant to ask in the last post. Don't remember if you mentioned what you're studying but saw that you were working on coding projects at one point. CS course? What language(s)/architecture(s)?

Again GL with the poker and any other ventures.
HUPLO: The Quest to Break Even Quote
05-12-2017 , 07:39 AM
Cheers glad you could get something from it. I spent a lot of time thinking about how to best improve when I was younger.

A little mysql and c++ nothing too serious. Will look into web development too.
Last final in an hour on business game theory. Can't wait for it to be over then off to the best coast for pokah
HUPLO: The Quest to Break Even Quote
05-15-2017 , 02:13 PM
Actually i'm going to scrap that volume goal. I think that is fine for online but the live games I'm playing in take too much focus that having high expectations will actually hurt in the long run. I'm living a 1 minute walk away from the main room I'll be playing in so i'm just going to put in as many A game hours as I feel capable of and leave it at that. First few sessions have gone well, looking forward to some more. I'm really pumped about poker-- it's been a long time since I felt this way
HUPLO: The Quest to Break Even Quote
05-21-2017 , 11:27 AM
I've been doing most of my volume @ 2/5 online with some 1/2-5/10. Live the aria has mainly been running 2/5/10 which has a 2k cap. Here's my stack from my last session. I'm putting in a lot of volume, less than my overly aggressive goal earlier but still about 8 hours a day.

I lost a 19k and a 13k pot at 10/25 earlier this week (pre cancer discussion actually otherwise I could have nabbed a some bigger pics of stacks) although I'm playing well overall. Today's session was flawless as far as I know how to play which I'm extremely happy with but yesterday's ended with a medium sized mistake that I won't make again.

I talked with my backer and will be looking into firing some plo mtts but we will decide on a case by case basis the day before. I'm looking at the 1k, 3k 6max and if I'm having a very good summer the 10k. We'll see how it goes. I've got five weeks till the 3k but the games are still a little sleepy compared to how they'll be a week from now. Hopefully I can put something together. I also got a sick hud from a friend. While I had a fairly robust one I made myself, this one blows it out of the water so I'll be playing more on acr as ignition is no longer available.

Soft goal of 100k to play the 10k plo or NL main event. I'll update more in a week

HUPLO: The Quest to Break EvenHUPLO: The Quest to Break Even

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HUPLO: The Quest to Break Even Quote
05-26-2017 , 02:01 AM
89 post deletions later...

OP, if you see problematic posts, that's exactly what the post report feature is for - the red triangle to the left of every post. Three other people reported this, which saved me having to find your thread after your PM that had no link (post reports come with one, and get sent to all mods of the forum).

And it would seem there's a person or two in here who could benefit from some "don't feed the troll" training.
HUPLO: The Quest to Break Even Quote
05-26-2017 , 04:30 AM
how old are you and which school do you go? sorry if u mentioned it before
HUPLO: The Quest to Break Even Quote
