Originally Posted by IEatDFish
i'm playing HU Turbos. Ive tried to adjust to playing Hypers, and it just screwed with my mind. Feels like a totally different game.
Gonna have to study the format before I make the transition methinks :|
You seem to be doing well
any recommendations for study material? I'm think i'l get the Hyper turbo packs from husng.com , but apart from that, I'm not sure what else is worth bothering with..
The games are completely diffrent IMO. Get chadders Hyper pack to learn the basics, read Mers E-book, watch and study loads of videos, review your own games and talk to good players about specific situations or hands etc.. Plenty of ways to learn and improve your game!! Also i would start out at the $1.50s to get used to the format.
Originally Posted by HTFisherman
You seem to run like me at these lol
I'm actaully running pretty good IMO. Since i started 1 tabling i'm running @ 9.2% ROI at the $7's (slighty above EV!) only 700 games though. At the 15's i didnt start great but only played 150 games so can't say alot about it really.
Originally Posted by Ellishse-isback
Hey little fish. Been following your thread for a little while now.
I'm an ex fish struggling to deal with the mental side of the game which you seem pretty good at.
What is your advice?
Think I could beat you at ping pong too!
Hahahaha your such a funny f**ker. I don't think anyone can help you with your mental issues unless you actually get time to play for once. No doubt you can crush any games you want to play (except super turbos!!). If you kept your head and didn't gamble you could be a wealthy man.
Also where are you ranked at the moment? Winner takes all for rolls tonight!