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HitchensRIP Self Motivating Thread (NSFW - just in case things decide to go Spicy) HitchensRIP Self Motivating Thread (NSFW - just in case things decide to go Spicy)

08-14-2014 , 05:22 AM
Wtf just happened?

them girls above here brought extreme bad luck...Lost 10BI in 3 hours (2.1K hands)

Never happened to me probably 4 of them due to tilt but the first 6 just ****ing sick stuff


Gonna go sleep it off....depressed...meh!
HitchensRIP Self Motivating Thread (NSFW - just in case things decide to go Spicy) Quote
08-15-2014 , 04:52 PM
It's official. Im on mega tilt.

Was up 200$ in NL10 for what goes August but was behind in hands to achieve my 50K monthly hands so I started insanly 14-16 tabliing (was 8 tabling till then). After a sustantial amount of bad beats I probably started spewing like a maniac and level my monthly profit down to 0$.

I did run deep in a couple of MTTs though so my BR was still 1K and decided to go back to 8 tables max but moved up to NL25 ( I know this might be a bad move ) . Put in some 3K hands and Im down 4BI, however I don't think I was spewing there. Just bad run continuing.


I'm at work now after 3 horrible days off which include a nationwide power cut when I was running deep into the big 11 and Triceratops...ffs!!!! Cashed in both sitting out. So at work I'm just gonna study poker poker and more poker, apart from eventually getting some work done :P

I think im just gonna stick to NL25 for a while and if BR goes down to 750$ move back down.

Life sux :P
HitchensRIP Self Motivating Thread (NSFW - just in case things decide to go Spicy) Quote
08-15-2014 , 06:15 PM
That's it!

In a rant of common sense I've just decided to sign up to Deuces Cracked for 6 months!

Better than just donk spewing on the tables. Also with this move I hope that I can make better use of TMGoP

Beware of HitchensRIP in the near future!!!

Last edited by HitchensRIP; 08-15-2014 at 06:16 PM. Reason: My gramma sux
HitchensRIP Self Motivating Thread (NSFW - just in case things decide to go Spicy) Quote
08-16-2014 , 07:04 PM
So I possibly failed all of my August targets which mainly consisted of 50K hands, fold more often on river vs TAG and Nits and limit my chat use to fun stuff...

I just seriously went through a spewage rant over the last 10K hands just to get close to the 50K target.

As I said I subscribed to DC yesterday and already watched 4-5 hours worth of videos whilst at work.

I am in no rush of becoming rich nor to move up levels etc etc so here is a long(ish) term plan : Make the best of my 6 months (for now) sub on DC and substitute quantity to quality...

So here I go, sticking to FR NL25 ... 6 to 8 tables max at once...Maybe give a shot at NL10 6-max...not too sure about that. Will measure my sessions by hours not by hand, trying to have a minimum of 2 hour per session whenever I feel fresh and whenever I can.

Will keep updated here and there in here although nobody seems very interested
HitchensRIP Self Motivating Thread (NSFW - just in case things decide to go Spicy) Quote
08-16-2014 , 07:44 PM
Why don't you have a pic of Chris Hitchens as your avatar?
HitchensRIP Self Motivating Thread (NSFW - just in case things decide to go Spicy) Quote
08-16-2014 , 08:19 PM
Originally Posted by problemeliminator
Why don't you have a pic of Chris Hitchens as your avatar?
a) somebody in this forum has already my Hitch's picture of choice

b) it is my avatar on PS though
HitchensRIP Self Motivating Thread (NSFW - just in case things decide to go Spicy) Quote
08-17-2014 , 12:36 PM
Have you explained why you play FR instead of 6-max? FR feels so slow when I play it. Having the ability to watch training videos at work is a pretty huge + for you.
HitchensRIP Self Motivating Thread (NSFW - just in case things decide to go Spicy) Quote
08-17-2014 , 01:21 PM
Originally Posted by problemeliminator
Have you explained why you play FR instead of 6-max? FR feels so slow when I play it. Having the ability to watch training videos at work is a pretty huge + for you.
Indeed it is! It is actually the only reason why I invested money in DC. If I was to be home only, paying for a sub with DC would actually be a waste of money since I would start watch a video and jump onto a table...No patience at home and too much excitement to jump on tables.

Re FR rather than 6-max....I don't really have an explanation..When I started a few years back getting interested in Poker, the first book I have read was "Internet Texas Hold'em" by Matt Hilger which focuses only on FR and played since then Micro SnGs and MTTs so I guess I'm just used to the dynamics of the format. 8 Tabling FR games doesn't feel slow, it certainly does under that number though!
HitchensRIP Self Motivating Thread (NSFW - just in case things decide to go Spicy) Quote
08-21-2014 , 06:49 AM
Just a little update..

Here's how my 25NL experience is treating me..

I'm also testin PT4 and will now proceed with HM2 to see which one fits me best as PokerProLabs software is more focused on SnGs and MTTs stuff...Not as many stats as the other softwares available..

HitchensRIP Self Motivating Thread (NSFW - just in case things decide to go Spicy) Quote
08-27-2014 , 06:53 AM
Portuguese donk risked half his stack there on tournie btw...he rivered K...such a bad call...meh!
HitchensRIP Self Motivating Thread (NSFW - just in case things decide to go Spicy) Quote
09-06-2014 , 06:33 PM
Last month I worked my arse off and so got more moneyz and so I rewarded myself with a PS4....Completely hooked to Diablo III Reaper of souls. Doubt I will manage to concentrate on Poker for the moment. So far I've put in aprox 3K hannds. Will try and dedicate at least 1h a day but it's gonna be hard.

55K hands @25NL ---- 3.5bb/100 more or less so I can't really complain although I've had this strange thought for the past couple of days of withdrawing my 1.5K BR to buy a bigger TV ...Trying to convince myself not to...again ...Hard times :P
HitchensRIP Self Motivating Thread (NSFW - just in case things decide to go Spicy) Quote
09-06-2014 , 08:46 PM
Should reward yourself by putting more in your BR amd playing 200nl

I didn't know 2+2 allowed titties. Nice.
HitchensRIP Self Motivating Thread (NSFW - just in case things decide to go Spicy) Quote
09-08-2014 , 12:20 PM
Yes they do allow titties

A breath of fresh air after around 20K hands downswing

Month so far (25NL)

25NL overall

HitchensRIP Self Motivating Thread (NSFW - just in case things decide to go Spicy) Quote
09-08-2014 , 01:56 PM
Late to the party, but subbed. Still at 5nl on stars here.
HitchensRIP Self Motivating Thread (NSFW - just in case things decide to go Spicy) Quote
09-16-2014 , 09:56 AM
Haven't posted in a while so here I go with a small update and some titties

Life's good, month not too bad...All good...keep the +$ rolling.

September so far..

25NL so far

TITS for run good

HitchensRIP Self Motivating Thread (NSFW - just in case things decide to go Spicy) Quote
09-20-2014 , 02:30 PM
Month so far

25NL so far....All good in da neighbourhood

HitchensRIP Self Motivating Thread (NSFW - just in case things decide to go Spicy) Quote
09-22-2014 , 09:04 AM
Looking good nice one!, I am taking some bad coolers at 5nl flush over flush etc.
HitchensRIP Self Motivating Thread (NSFW - just in case things decide to go Spicy) Quote
09-28-2014 , 12:28 PM
In some ways, it's comforting to me to see someone else go through it. I know about variance and read many theory/strategy books blah, blah. I also, am thinking of giving up (again), maybe I will never get it, and I can't beat 5nl LMFAO.

OK, I make loose call V nit, but it's a setmine only, anything else is a check/fold to the river. Nit is fully stacked and potentially a big pot if I hit. This may be a leak? I don't post many hands anymore, because someone always comes along and say's "You are terrible" Well duh! that's why I am posting...

Anyways Bam you can see the result, and this happens (seems to happen?) on a regular basis, meaning I never go above 5nl. Spose I'll carry on, at least until silver status runs out and I can't play sunday stars specials for free.

    Poker Stars, $0.02/$0.05 No Limit Hold'em Cash, 8 Players
    Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. View Hand #31082061

    BTN: $5.68 (113.6 bb)
    SB: $7.63 (152.6 bb)
    BB: $8.04 (160.8 bb)
    UTG+2: $7.29 (145.8 bb)
    MP1: $5 (100 bb)
    MP2: $1.93 (38.6 bb)
    MP3: $5.16 (103.2 bb)
    Hero (CO): $6.17 (123.4 bb)

    Preflop: Hero is CO with 3 3
    4 folds, Hero raises to $0.15, BTN raises to $0.45, 2 folds, Hero calls $0.30

    Flop: ($0.97) Q 3 T (2 players)
    Hero bets $0.69, BTN calls $0.69

    Turn: ($2.35) 8 (2 players)
    Hero bets $2.36, BTN raises to $4.54 and is all-in, Hero calls $2.18

    River: ($11.43) K (2 players, 1 is all-in)

    Results: $11.43 pot ($0.47 rake)
    Final Board: Q 3 T 8 K
    BTN showed K K and won $10.96 ($5.28 net)
    Hero showed 3 3 and lost (-$5.68 net)

    Get the Flash Player to use the Hold'em Manager Replayer.

    Good luck bro, I will follow your journey with interest.
    HitchensRIP Self Motivating Thread (NSFW - just in case things decide to go Spicy) Quote
    09-28-2014 , 12:33 PM
    I can bet you that you're not stuck at 5nl just because you get 2 outered OTR.
    HitchensRIP Self Motivating Thread (NSFW - just in case things decide to go Spicy) Quote
    09-28-2014 , 12:35 PM
    Originally Posted by lofcuk

      Poker Stars, $0.02/$0.05 No Limit Hold'em Cash, 8 Players
      Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. View Hand #31082061

      BTN: $5.68 (113.6 bb)
      SB: $7.63 (152.6 bb)
      BB: $8.04 (160.8 bb)
      UTG+2: $7.29 (145.8 bb)
      MP1: $5 (100 bb)
      MP2: $1.93 (38.6 bb)
      MP3: $5.16 (103.2 bb)
      Hero (CO): $6.17 (123.4 bb)

      Preflop: Hero is CO with 3 3
      4 folds, Hero raises to $0.15, BTN raises to $0.45, 2 folds, Hero calls $0.30

      Flop: ($0.97) Q 3 T (2 players)
      Hero bets $0.69, BTN calls $0.69

      Turn: ($2.35) 8 (2 players)
      Hero bets $2.36, BTN raises to $4.54 and is all-in, Hero calls $2.18

      River: ($11.43) K (2 players, 1 is all-in)

      Results: $11.43 pot ($0.47 rake)
      Final Board: Q 3 T 8 K
      BTN showed K K and won $10.96 ($5.28 net)
      Hero showed 3 3 and lost (-$5.68 net)

      Get the Flash Player to use the Hold'em Manager Replayer.

      Good luck bro, I will follow your journey with interest.
      Hand is played just fine tbh...setmining in position is +EV, especially when u deep like that...Just got coolered OTR, as usual, lol

      Thinking on giving up too, for now I just took some days off...playing Fifa15 instead.. then we'll see. I'd hate giving up on a downsing though...I might chase the next heater, then withdraw my BR , but it's also hard to quit on a heater....never ending vicious circle..

      Apart from poker I pay a pro-punter service that gives me tips on which games to bet at what odds...I was thinking of withdrawing my BR and increase my stakes in that (anything but waiting for bank's interest rates )


      Feel free to post hands in here...haters will be welcome to fuc.k off
      HitchensRIP Self Motivating Thread (NSFW - just in case things decide to go Spicy) Quote
      09-28-2014 , 12:38 PM
      HitchensRIP Self Motivating Thread (NSFW - just in case things decide to go Spicy) Quote
      09-28-2014 , 12:45 PM
      Originally Posted by Dovidiu
      HitchensRIP Self Motivating Thread (NSFW - just in case things decide to go Spicy) Quote
      09-29-2014 , 01:19 PM
      Originally Posted by Dovidiu
      I can bet you that you're not stuck at 5nl just because you get 2 outered OTR.
      It's a good bet, this is what I am saying, thanks for your input.
      HitchensRIP Self Motivating Thread (NSFW - just in case things decide to go Spicy) Quote
      09-29-2014 , 01:23 PM
      Originally Posted by lofcuk
      It's a good bet, this is what I am saying, thanks for your input.
      Don't get's just Dovidiu...he's like least Mzbourg is not hangin out in here just yet
      HitchensRIP Self Motivating Thread (NSFW - just in case things decide to go Spicy) Quote
      09-30-2014 , 08:05 AM
      Originally Posted by HitchensRIP
      Don't get's just Dovidiu...he's like least Mzbourg is not hangin out in here just yet
      Lol, yeah, I have been on the receiving end of Bourgs 'analysis' before. These guys are good players, but not the best diplomats.
      HitchensRIP Self Motivating Thread (NSFW - just in case things decide to go Spicy) Quote
