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Hey listen this is my log. Hey listen this is my log.

04-10-2013 , 02:10 PM
Okay so I recently started playing poker. I really love the game. Alot of my friends play alot of poker (casino and online) so I got introduced to it a few months ago. I have made around roughly 300 USD in cash games only played 2 and startied short each time like 30 so I crushed my friends. I usually suck out at tourneys (in the money 1 out of 6 times).

I knew the rules since I was a kid but I only recently started playing properly. I've only played abit.

So i recently ventured online which is significantly harder btw. I started at party poker. I deposited 25 dollars and started at 20nl. I usually get up to like 35 dollars (1 table at a time) but would usually just waste it and start trying to bluff with like 72 loool. and just end back at like 20 dollars. I think I was happy with all the live money I made I didnt care really.

Anyway I ended at like 40 dollar profit after playing alot of SnG's, MTT and cash games. I decided withdrew my money from the site.

I've got exams coming up and kind of am focusing on them.

I have read some poker books though during my break (Doyle Brunson super system and I am quarter way through the mathematics of poker). I've studied allot of math at school fortunately so this stuff sort of makes some sense. Infact Im still studying math at university.

So I plan to start playing at stars. Im going to make a 700-800 deposit and plan to start at roughly 10nl and multitable 4 tables at a time, to start.

Im going to take this seriously and want to make profit.

I need some advice on bankroll management am I starting to high? Because If I lose alot I will go degen. So I need to keep it safe and any other tips I will welcome. What programmes should I download, which are essential?

Im not going to start playing in like a month but I want to get all the essentials together (software and everything) before I begin.

This thread will be my log. I doubt anyone cares but hey, nothing like being anonymous on the internet, like a diary.
Hey listen this is my log. Quote
