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Help me control my TILT so I can crush PLO with over 100bb/100 Help me control my TILT so I can crush PLO with over 100bb/100

10-30-2021 , 12:29 AM
So I have been playing both PLO and PLO8 for more than 10 years now, and I have developed a really strong online game where I crush the cash game tables at PLO$10 or $PLO25 for a month or so, then I go on a major tilt and blow it all after some bad beats by moving up to ridiculously high stakes like PLO$200 that I am not bankrolled for. Sound familiar?

Well, My goal is to not let that happen again, so I want to start posting results somewhere so I can feel like I am being held accountable if I blow the awesome results I am accumulating by moving up in stakes if I tilt. I feel like if I post results, I will be shamed if I blow my bankroll in front of everyone. Peer pressure will hopefully help me stay focused.

By the way, my PLO play for the past 1000 hands at PLO$25 has been the following:

Total Gains $422.46
Minutes 907
Hands 1052
$ per hour $27.95
bb/100 160.63

That is for PLO$25, and yes, that is insane crushing it. I typically play anywhere from half an hour to two hours per day, and I am playing single table with 6 max, usually up against at least 2 or more opponents. I like full tables the best. So I've just finished my 12th day in a row without a loss, and in the past I have run even longer without a loss.

I personally feel like there are a lot of players who could easily make 50bb/100 and earn $8/hr or better at $PLO25. Do any of you have some 1000 hand results for PLO$25? I feel like 160bb/100 is absolutely ridiculously high, but I am really just playing ABC poker mostly with just a few tricks thrown in every now and then and some patient play with a lot of note taking on opponents. That's it. The competition is so weak at $PLO25 that there has to be some players better than me that are able to pull in 200bb/100 for 1000 hands or more. I would love to talk to anyone that is doing that well or even 90bb/100, which is absolutely killing it.
Help me control my TILT so I can crush PLO with over 100bb/100 Quote
10-30-2021 , 01:16 AM
Help me control my TILT so I can crush PLO with over 100bb/100 Quote
10-30-2021 , 04:02 PM
Help me control my TILT so I can crush PLO with over 100bb/100 Quote
11-15-2021 , 05:57 PM
Well, I have just finished 2000 online hands of PLO25, and here are the results:

Total Gains $597.12
Minutes 1786
Hands 2001
$ per hour $20.06
bb/100 119.36

As you can see, my bb/100 dropped from 160 bb/100 down to 119 bb/100. I hit some nasty variance one day and ended down for the day for a little over 3 buy-ins, and that is what dropped me so hard. That day was the only day I have lost money out of the 26 days I have played since I started, so I have made a profit 25 out of 26 days.

It feels like I'm settling into my game a little more. Posting results here is helping me stay true to my game because I know people are watching. It's all about not tilting away my profits. I was so glad that I was able to stop playing on the day I was down 3 buy ins. In the past, that would have been the day where I would have tried to jump up in stakes to "get even", and potentially wipe out my bankroll.

I really wish I could figure out how to post my first chart showing confidence intervals for you to see. I ran it on and the results look incredible. Maybe someone could plug the numbers in and post the chart in the thread for me... I think a standard deviation value of about 140 bb/100 is pretty normal for PLO. I think my standard deviation is actually probably a lot lower, and possibly under 100 bb/100 because I play very tight most of the time.

Again, I only play about 30 minutes to 2 hours per day, and I will only be able to play about 2000 hands per month. I have a full time job, and this is just a hobby for now. And again, I only play a single table. There is no way I could keep up this kind of win rate multi-tabling.

Now that the stats are trickling in, my short-term goal is to get to 5,000 hands of PLO25 without tilting, and to continue to crush the game with over 100 bb/100. I know that is an insane goal, but I believe in shooting for the stars, and if I miss my mark and only grind out 50 bb/100, then I am still killing it.

Thanks for taking time to read my blog and comment on my goals as you wish. It really helps to know I am being watched to keep me from stupidly tilting off my bankroll on the inevitable days where variance delivers losses.

Help me control my TILT so I can crush PLO with over 100bb/100 Quote
11-15-2021 , 09:41 PM
i don't know what it is you're talking about when you say the word standard deviation but it's certaintly not what you think it means
Help me control my TILT so I can crush PLO with over 100bb/100 Quote
11-15-2021 , 11:48 PM
Dude, PLO HL low stakes, there are maybe two good players between every site. LOL. And they're never playing at once. I final tabled 9 of 13 straight PLO HL tournaments in a row. Before i didnt want to play anymore. I won the 4k on true and got second in 5 attempts. I will ruin low stakes PLO HL on sites before i help.
Help me control my TILT so I can crush PLO with over 100bb/100 Quote
11-16-2021 , 01:11 AM
Originally Posted by rickroll
i don't know what it is you're talking about when you say the word standard deviation but it's certaintly not what you think it means
Standard deviation for PLO 6max has already been discussed in this thread:

The average range seems to be 100 to 200 bb/100 for most people, at least the people who spoke about it in the thread.

Last edited by Skeebone; 11-16-2021 at 01:28 AM.
Help me control my TILT so I can crush PLO with over 100bb/100 Quote
11-16-2021 , 01:14 AM
Originally Posted by Shot_taker
Dude, PLO HL low stakes, there are maybe two good players between every site. LOL. And they're never playing at once. I final tabled 9 of 13 straight PLO HL tournaments in a row. Before i didnt want to play anymore. I won the 4k on true and got second in 5 attempts. I will ruin low stakes PLO HL on sites before i help.
LOL! Sounds like you are crushing it too. Yes, the PLO8 tourneys are pretty easy to win at low stakes. The MTT's just take too much time for me personally. But the sit-n-gos are fun. And you are right -- there are literally only a handful (if that) of players that know how to play the game at the micro and low stakes.
Help me control my TILT so I can crush PLO with over 100bb/100 Quote
11-16-2021 , 04:40 AM
Originally Posted by Skeebone
Standard deviation for PLO 6max has already been discussed in this thread:

The average range seems to be 100 to 200 bb/100 for most people, at least the people who spoke about it in the thread.
again, and i really can't stress this enough, you really should lookup what standard deviation actually means because whatever it is you think it is, you're deeply mistaken because the way you talk about it makes literally no sense at all

honestly have no clue what you believe it to be, but gun to my head i think you thought they were talking about standard win rates and thought that's what the term means
Help me control my TILT so I can crush PLO with over 100bb/100 Quote
12-31-2021 , 10:47 PM
Help me control my TILT so I can crush PLO with over 100bb/100 Quote
