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Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals

11-28-2018 , 01:36 PM
Cant run hot if you aren't even going to take a flop
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
11-28-2018 , 01:38 PM
I wouldn't get too far ahead of yourself OP. Yes you've had 9 winning sessions in a row, but most of the hands you post are played poorly and your spending habits irl are still awful. This temporary heater is only reinforcing your bad plays and making you spend far above your means.
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
11-28-2018 , 01:40 PM
Asian girlfriends are the nuts. Speaking from experience. Nice heater 6bet!
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
11-28-2018 , 01:54 PM
These hands are way less bad than your previous hands. Hands 1 and 2 seem fine. The hand that really pains me though is hand 3. You only get the button once every 9 hands and this time you actually get a super playable hand on the button which is even more rare and you completely waste it by trying to steal preflop (putting more than a 5th of your stack in the middle).
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
11-28-2018 , 02:05 PM
yes seeing multiway flops with suited connectors in position is a dream scenario. No reason to screw it up by 3 betting
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
11-28-2018 , 02:06 PM
6bet one of your leaks is you seem to think hands like JTs and QJs are good preflop 3bet/4bet type of hands
they are not
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
11-28-2018 , 02:12 PM
I like squeezing QJs OTB versus a HJ open and CO call but not versus an UTG open and early callers.
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
11-28-2018 , 02:13 PM
Originally Posted by Leobzook
6bet one of your leaks is you seem to think hands like JTs and QJs and KQo and AJo are good preflop 3bet/4bet type of hands
they are not
Plus a ton more hands obv
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
11-28-2018 , 02:39 PM

You said you’re going to spend the next 2 days preparing for the Sydney trip. What does that entail?
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
11-28-2018 , 02:53 PM
Originally Posted by El Diablo

You said you’re going to spend the next 2 days preparing for the Sydney trip. What does that entail?
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
11-28-2018 , 03:05 PM
Almost halfway to 20 wins in a row where I'll be forced to wear an avatar of your choosing for a month! (running LLSNL bet)


GAvatarlessClubPresident:thisThursday'sspecialgues tspeaker:LadyGaga!G
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
11-28-2018 , 03:08 PM
Originally Posted by gobbledygeek
Almost halfway to 20 wins in a row where I'll be forced to wear an avatar of your choosing for a month! (running LLSNL bet)


GAvatarlessClubPresident:thisThursday'sspecialgues tspeaker:LadyGaga!G

Isn’t there a minimum number of hours to be played per session?

20 6bet sessions are like 40 hrs

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
11-28-2018 , 03:25 PM
Originally Posted by KatoKrazy
All 4 hands you posted should probably be folded pre.
Disagree. They're all playable hands:
- QJs is super playable on BTN
- 88 is super playable in EP
- 43s on BTN is marginal but usually playable
- 96s on CO is marginal but usually playable

Originally Posted by El Diablo

What’s your overall strategy on the 43cc hand?
I'm not entirely sure what you mean...

Preflop I wanted to play a pot in position. It would be nice to take it down preflop, although I don't expect that to happen too often.

Once I flop trips, I'm just going for max value. Once I face the x/r, I'm planning to just call down in position, unless the frontdoor flush gets there, of which case I might make a nitty fold.

Originally Posted by SpinMeRightRound
I wouldn't get too far ahead of yourself OP. Yes you've had 9 winning sessions in a row, but most of the hands you post are played poorly and your spending habits irl are still awful. This temporary heater is only reinforcing your bad plays and making you spend far above your means.
I think I played the hands quite well. Although I'll admit that I am overspending.

Originally Posted by Dream Crusher
These hands are way less bad than your previous hands. Hands 1 and 2 seem fine. The hand that really pains me though is hand 3. You only get the button once every 9 hands and this time you actually get a super playable hand on the button which is even more rare and you completely waste it by trying to steal preflop (putting more than a 5th of your stack in the middle).
It pains me too that I have to fold that hand. Although that's pretty results-oriented. People don't 4bet very often. I can't be scared to 3bet just on the off chance that someone might occasionally 4bet me and blow me off my equity. How often do you face 4bets?

Originally Posted by Leobzook
6bet one of your leaks is you seem to think hands like JTs and QJs are good preflop 3bet/4bet type of hands
they are not
They are actually pretty good 3bet hands. Not usually good 4bet hands though, although it depends on the situation.

Originally Posted by El Diablo

You said you’re going to spend the next 2 days preparing for the Sydney trip. What does that entail?
Cleaning room, packing backpack, doing laundry, spending time with girlfriend.

Originally Posted by gobbledygeek
Almost halfway to 20 wins in a row where I'll be forced to wear an avatar of your choosing for a month! (running LLSNL bet)


GAvatarlessClubPresident:thisThursday'sspecialgues tspeaker:LadyGaga!G
Thank you! That will be very difficult but I'll try.
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
11-28-2018 , 03:29 PM
Originally Posted by de4df1sh
Isn’t there a minimum number of hours to be played per session?
Ya, no hit-and-runs.

Probably also wouldn't recommend sitting-in-this-chair-until-I-am-positive-or-go-life-busto either (reward ain't worth it, unless of course the avatar is really lol funny, then totally worth it).

Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
11-28-2018 , 03:39 PM
Originally Posted by 6bet me
It pains me too that I have to fold that hand. Although that's pretty results-oriented. People don't 4bet very often. I can't be scared to 3bet just on the off chance that someone might occasionally 4bet me and blow me off my equity. How often do you face 4bets?
Results aside, you are bloating up the pot with a marginal holding, one that plays fine multiway and plays better in a raised pot than a 3bet pot. We've already discussed this spot previously. For some reason you like to waste your positional advantage by bloating up the pot such that the SPR will dictate the hands to mostly play themselves despite the fact that you are playing against complete mouth breathers that will gift you their stack postflop when you actually make a hand.

It's kind of like the guy that chooses to play for stacks with 88 in flip situations preflop when fish in the game will easily stack off when he flops a set. This is not online where are edges are small. Our post flop edge is massive. People are just giving their money away and yet you want to put over a fifth of your stack in the middle with Queen high. It makes no sense whatsoever.
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
11-28-2018 , 03:47 PM
Honestly I think 6betme is right. QJs is not a bad hand to 3bet as long as you fold to the min 4bet. Because really, how often are we getting 4bet??? 3betting QJs denies our opponents equity when they fold preflop which is often and if we are deep enough plays decently in position when called. Not a bad hand to squeeze on the button. And when we get 4bet we can just let it go cuz they have AA/KK.
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
11-28-2018 , 04:03 PM
Originally Posted by SimpleRick
Honestly I think 6betme is right. QJs is not a bad hand to 3bet as long as you fold to the min 4bet. Because really, how often are we getting 4bet??? 3betting QJs denies our opponents equity when they fold preflop which is often and if we are deep enough plays decently in position when called. Not a bad hand to squeeze on the button. And when we get 4bet we can just let it go cuz they have AA/KK.
We aren't deep at all. If we get one call the Stack to Pot ratio is ~1.5. At that point the hands are mostly going to be played for value and the importance of position is largely mitigated.

If you are just trying to steal dead money you can do that with virtually any 2 cards, and you can do it from multiple positions, so why waste the one time you have a super playable hand on the button? It makes no sense. It seems that you and OP do not understand how important position is especially in a game vs a bunch of mouth breathers where position can be a little hard to come by.

Also, I don't think it can be emphasized enough that playing postflop poker in live low stakes is just printing money. There are times when stealing preflop makes sense but this particular spot is certainly not one of them.
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
11-28-2018 , 04:05 PM
Also I am pretty sure Melbourne games get raked preflop which makes the squeeze less profitable
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
11-28-2018 , 04:09 PM
JTs and QJs are good hands to 3bet with you dumb ****wits, just because you choose to be giant nits and not ever 3bet those hands doesn't mean they're bad hands to do it with

with that said, you should mix it up and call some of the time with those though, if you always 3bet then you're making a mistake, never 3 betting them is pretty ****in lol
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
11-28-2018 , 04:13 PM
Originally Posted by Xenoblade
JTs and QJs are good hands to 3bet with you dumb ****wits, just because you choose to be giant nits and not ever 3bet those hands doesn't mean they're bad hands to do it withl
My primary style is LAG/Maniac. I've played with many 2plus2 members and I'm sure they would disagree on the nit assessment.
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
11-28-2018 , 04:21 PM
QJs is not a bad hand to squeeze button, but with these open sizes and eff stack sizes you will print way harder keeping the SPR high and outplaying your opponents postflop.

DC is right: when you make the SPR 2-3 the hands play themselves and your opponents aren't making massive mistakes by getting it in light.

If effective stacks are more like 200-300 bigs then yeah, 3bet like a monkey. When there's 5x opens, 100bb effective and no one is folding to 3bets why not just 3bet only for value? Then if they adjust and start overfolding (unlikely) you can mix in some suited wheel aces etc. 3bet bluffs exist to balance our value range. If people just wanna see flops and don't care that you only 3bet TT+/AJs+ why try to bluff them?

I 3bet something like 10-12% at 200/500nl, but live I'll 3bet as low 4-5% at some tables.
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
11-28-2018 , 04:23 PM
Originally Posted by Dream Crusher
We aren't deep at all. If we get one call the Stack to Pot ratio is ~1.5. At that point the hands are mostly going to be played for value and the importance of position is largely mitigated.

If you are just trying to steal dead money you can do that with virtually any 2 cards, and you can do it from multiple positions, so why waste the one time you have a super playable hand on the button? It makes no sense. It seems that you and OP do not understand how important position is especially in a game vs a bunch of mouth breathers where position can be a little hard to come by.

Also, I don't think it can be emphasized enough that playing postflop poker in live low stakes is just printing money. There are times when stealing preflop makes sense but this particular spot is certainly not one of them.
Because by 3betting we don't need to hit our hand to win. And if called we still have position with a super playable hand.
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
11-28-2018 , 04:24 PM
people do fold to squeezes though, also I think you underestimate how big your edge can be playing 3bet pots IP with fairly low SPR, it's not quite always playing itself
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
11-28-2018 , 04:27 PM
Originally Posted by 6bet me
Some hands I played:

Hand 1: Too polar

$500 effective
Hero raises $20 CO with 96hh
Bad reg calls $20 SB
Fish calls $20 BB

Flop ($54, 3ways) Ac Jc 9s

All check

Turn ($54, 3ways) Ac Jc 9s 5s

Bad reg bets $40
Fish folds
Hero calls $40

River ($128) Ac Jc 9s 5s 2d

Bad reg bets $100

I didn't think that this particular player was good enough to pick this sizing with Jx or a weak Ax hand, which made it an easier bluff catch for me.

Hero calls $100
Bad reg shows 86cc
We scoop this one

Hand 2: Clean runout

$650 effective
UTG limps $5
HJ limps $5
Hero raises $25 BTN with 43cc
UTG calls $25
HJ calls $25

Flop ($74, 3ways) Jd 3d 3s

UTG checks
HJ checks
Hero bets $35
UTG raises to $100
HJ folds
Hero calls $100

Turn ($267) Jd 3d 3s Ah

UTG checks
Hero bets $140
UTG calls $140

River ($547) Jd 3d 3s Ah 9c

UTG checks
Hero jams $384
UTG calls $384

UTG mucks and we scoop a 1.3k pot
He claims afterwards he had AJ

Hand 3: Not polar enough

$500 effective
UTG raises $20
2 callers
Hero 3bets $110 BTN with QJs
SB tanks then 4bets $220
We all fold

Hand 4: Bluffed off a huge pot

$660 effective with everyone else
Hero raises $20 UTG with 8d 8h
UTG+1 calls $20
MP calls $20
BB (short stack) 3bet jams $160
Hero flats $160
UTG+1 calls $160
MP folds

Preflop seems close between all 3 options: fold, flat or 4bet.

Flop ($487 locked, 2 active players) Td 5d 2d

Both check

Turn ($487 locked) Td 5d 2d 6c

Hero checks
UTG+1 jams $500
Hero folds

River ($487) Td 5d 2d 6c 3d
BB shows 7h 7c (1pr)
UTG+1 shows 8c 8s (1pr)
UTG+1 scoops this one

FML haha
Originally Posted by KatoKrazy
All 4 hands you posted should probably be folded pre.
Originally Posted by 6bet me
Disagree. They're all playable hands:
- QJs is super playable on BTN
- 88 is super playable in EP
- 43s on BTN is marginal but usually playable
- 96s on CO is marginal but usually playable
QJs you should have just called and realized your equity in position. After getting reraised you are forced to fold.

88 is definitely playable from early position, but it's definitely not a slam dunk. Flatting seems like your worst option after shorty ships it, fold = ship >>> call

43s you can just fold or overlimp. There's absolutely nothing wrong with overlimping, and a lot of the biggest (live) winners seem to do it a lot.

96 hand was just FPS and you go lucky clicking buttons.
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
11-28-2018 , 04:29 PM
Originally Posted by Xenoblade
people do fold to squeezes though, also I think you underestimate how big your edge can be playing 3bet pots IP with fairly low SPR, it's not quite always playing itself
Obviously depends on your table, but where I play (5/10) it generally goes: open for 35, call 35, call 35, call 35, squeeze to 255, call 255, call 255, call 255, call 255, 5 ways to the flop with 1275 in the middle, 1250 left effective.

when people are playing like that I will 3bet QJs/T9s a whopping 0% of the time.
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
