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Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals

11-19-2018 , 10:11 AM
**** in Oz is expensive though. Especially if you're eating out. If you want to go to a cafe for lunch you'll pay $15-$25 for basically a coffee and a fancy sandwich. Dinner in a decent but not especially nice restaurant is going to be $20-$40 for a main, maybe $10 to $15 for entree (for those from the cultural wasteland of America that's something you eat before you main). Booze will be the real killer though, you're looking at minimum $10 for a beer in a restaurant, more if you want a premium or micro brew. Same at the pub. If you can find a pint for under $10 you're pretty happy, and some of these ****ty micro brew places are selling pints for like $18-$20.

You can easily blow $200 on a night out and not even be that drunk. And that's just for one person, if you're shouting your partner and your mates it can add up pretty quickly.

How much is a beer in Crown 6bet?
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
11-19-2018 , 10:22 AM
That’s why there was an entire page of people trying to get him to cook at home and meal prep to save money. He acknowledges he needs discipline to succeed right now but refuses to actually have discipline. Meal prep was too much work and wouldn’t be as good of food - because both of those are concerns when you’re bordering bankruptcy. This is his last chance, and he prefers to blow his budget on food. His last excuse was that the grocery store wasn’t cheaper in Australia but that wasn’t proven not true by looking at the prices on the website of his local grocery store.
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
11-19-2018 , 10:39 AM
I really don't understand why he thinks hes too busy to cook. It seems like hes basing that off of his (very optimistic) goal where he ideally grinds all day... but obviously thats pretty far off from what is actually happening.
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
11-19-2018 , 10:40 AM
How can you be up 11k this month when you've only done like 5 sessions in the last 3 weeks.

Not gonna go back and search but I only remember seeing one big win. The others were very marginal sessions to my recollection.
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
11-19-2018 , 11:11 AM
It is bad, when even the mental accounting is missing money.
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
11-19-2018 , 11:12 AM
Originally Posted by 6bet me
I'm not 100% sure where all the money went (money just seems to disappear randomly when you don't budget), but I assume it was something like this:

11k profit in November - 4k net worth = 7k has "disappeared". I think the money went to the following things:

Last week of poker October = 1k loss

Staking makeup + debt interest = 2k loss

Sydney flights and accommodation = 1k loss

Rent + birthday gifts = 1k loss

Food/alcohol = 2k loss

So probably the food/alcohol is the biggest money sink right now. Still pretty insane to think I spent that much.
Dude, get your ***** together.

If you’re in a CASH BUSINESS, you should be tracking every cash transaction you make. Down to the last penny. There are plenty of phone apps, Microsoft excel templates, etc etc. I’m just a “normie”, but I track every freaking transaction I make.

The fact that you even think you’ve approached the last ~4 months as a “professional” and have no re-collection of how you are spending money is amazing.

Also, does the “bare-bones living” you were referring to earlier include spending $2k on food & booze in 21 days?


Also, in your net worth calculation, you didn’t include the accruing interest on the loan, as an FYI.
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
11-19-2018 , 11:15 AM
My living expenses will be: $150/week for food+bills and $150/week for rent.
You spent $1,000 on rent and birthday presents over the last 25 days?

Does that mean you bought someone a ~$400 birthday present?

Last edited by sam1chips; 11-19-2018 at 11:21 AM.
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
11-19-2018 , 11:49 AM
Enough already.

At #7004 Op said

get 10 family friends to transfer you 6k each. Get a bank document showing there's 60k in your account. Get your visa granted. Return the 60k to your family friends.

It's a very easy system to get around. Many international students do this.
Anybody with a working brain cell can tell this is the sort of garbage this dude pulls out of his backside, just by reading it, but if you want some due diligence

Here is the link for student visa requirements

and here is the link for due diligence/evidentary requirements to support funds.

In ops fantasy world maybe there are students with Thai families who have ready cash to chuck at random Thai "students" whilst opening themselves to money laundering and false representation charges.

And of course also brain dead bank workers, legally responsible for spotting and reporting dubious transactions, who would not notice the most blatantly obvious fraud since a bloke called Ponzi said "lend us a tenner and I'll give you back fifty".

Seriously, given the shiite that has started to appear here, maybe the mods oughta be looking at this...I mean the guy is just taking the p1ss.


FI...I've reported it. See what the mods think.

Last edited by Fatboy54; 11-19-2018 at 11:59 AM.
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
11-19-2018 , 12:22 PM
Like I said before, I'd rather not go into too much detail about the girlfriend situation. The only thing I'll say is that she certainly doesn't have a large sum of money in her bank account. She is lucky to even have 3 figures to her name.

Originally Posted by dogarse
**** in Oz is expensive though. Especially if you're eating out. If you want to go to a cafe for lunch you'll pay $15-$25 for basically a coffee and a fancy sandwich. Dinner in a decent but not especially nice restaurant is going to be $20-$40 for a main, maybe $10 to $15 for entree (for those from the cultural wasteland of America that's something you eat before you main). Booze will be the real killer though, you're looking at minimum $10 for a beer in a restaurant, more if you want a premium or micro brew. Same at the pub. If you can find a pint for under $10 you're pretty happy, and some of these ****ty micro brew places are selling pints for like $18-$20.

You can easily blow $200 on a night out and not even be that drunk. And that's just for one person, if you're shouting your partner and your mates it can add up pretty quickly.

How much is a beer in Crown 6bet?
Exactly this. Everything is so expensive these days. A pint of beer from Crown usually costs between $10 and $15, depending on which beer.

Originally Posted by Bluegrassplayer
I really don't understand why he thinks hes too busy to cook. It seems like hes basing that off of his (very optimistic) goal where he ideally grinds all day... but obviously thats pretty far off from what is actually happening.
I actually cooked today. The irony was that it cost $9 just for the raw porterhouse beef alone, and once you factor in the microwavable veggies, microwavable gravy and the sauce+spices, it ended up costing more to cook my own food than it would if I'd gone to a cheap restaurant like KFC.

Originally Posted by StinkHolePatrol
How can you be up 11k this month when you've only done like 5 sessions in the last 3 weeks.

Not gonna go back and search but I only remember seeing one big win. The others were very marginal sessions to my recollection.
I've been consistently winning this month. There has been over a dozen sessions and it's almost always like a 1k win each day.

Originally Posted by sam1chips
Also, in your net worth calculation, you didn’t include the accruing interest on the loan, as an FYI.
I did include that in the "staking makeup + debt interest" part. I pay the interest as I go, so the debt never rises.

Originally Posted by sam1chips
You spent $1,000 on rent and birthday presents over the last 25 days?

Does that mean you bought someone a ~$400 birthday present?
Yeah I spent $300 buying a new handbag for my mum, $40 buying a present for my dad and $40 buying a present for my grandma.
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
11-19-2018 , 12:28 PM
Originally Posted by 6bet me
I actually cooked today. The irony was that it cost $9 just for the raw porterhouse beef alone, and once you factor in the microwavable veggies, microwavable gravy and the sauce+spices, it ended up costing more to cook my own food than it would if I'd gone to a cheap restaurant like KFC.
Downgrade your meat then. I specifically remember look on the website for your local grocery store and seeing better beef prices than what I get in Texas - and we literally have cows roaming the streets here. I know it won't be as good, but I don't think now is the time to worry about that. Push through this, be disciplined, build your bankroll, then worry about eating good food.

You're young and have so much time to enjoy life later. Now is the time to grind and build the life you want.
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
11-19-2018 , 12:29 PM

Don’t let the haters get you down. When I was playing full-time, I’d often treat myself and friends to a couple of expensive drinks or something when I had $10k+ winning nights. What’s the point of any of this if you’re not gonna live a little?
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
11-19-2018 , 12:30 PM
Originally Posted by 6bet me
Yeah I spent $300 buying a new handbag for my mum
Hopefully you let her pick it out for that ridiculous amount of money.
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
11-19-2018 , 12:42 PM
Originally Posted by beechboy
Downgrade your meat then. .
And eliminate the microwaveable gravy. Google has tons of cheap recipes with videos and such look around and find some cool stuff. I think 6b is a nice guy so I'll try not to be mean or harsh from now on and just helpful if possible. Good job on cooking but there is some room for improvement, and also make leftovers so you and the gf can eat a couple/few meals out of 1 cooking time/effort spent. If that's possible with the kitchen and fridge in your living situation that is.

side q, does AUS kfc have the 5$ fill up boxes like they do here in the US? If so how much more do they cost, just curious from other comments here regarding beer and food pricing etc
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
11-19-2018 , 12:51 PM
6bet that sounds like a huge step in the right direction. Instead of comparing the cost of your porterhouse to kfc, you should compare it to the price of a porterhouse in a restaurant.

If you had cooked chicken it would have been cheaper.
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
11-19-2018 , 01:06 PM
OP mentioned he uses Cole's

1Kg (2.2 pounds) of ground beef for $8.****ets-2268365p

Chicken cutlets for 8.50 a Kg.

You can likely get frozen breasts for even cheaper. You absolutely cannot claim to be disciplined and spend that much on food at the same time.
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
11-19-2018 , 01:07 PM
Originally Posted by 6bet me
Like I said before, I'd rather not go into too much detail about the girlfriend situation. The only thing I'll say is that she certainly doesn't have a large sum of money in her bank account. She is lucky to even have 3 figures to her name.
Sounds seriously dodgy. Stop paying for her all the time though.

Exactly this. Everything is so expensive these days. A pint of beer from Crown usually costs between $10 and $15, depending on which beer.
Stop buying beer then?

I actually cooked today. The irony was that it cost $9 just for the raw porterhouse beef alone, and once you factor in the microwavable veggies, microwavable gravy and the sauce+spices, it ended up costing more to cook my own food than it would if I'd gone to a cheap restaurant like KFC.
A plate of chicken, rice and vegatables should never cost more than an equivalent sized KFC meal. Clearly you're picking the most expensive cuts of meat. Tip: go for the lower quality food. You are broke, you cannot afford such luxury items.

Yeah I spent $300 buying a new handbag for my mum, $40 buying a present for my dad and $40 buying a present for my grandma.
Dude what is it with you? Why do you feel the need to spend ridiculous sums of money on people? Are you trying to impress them or are you doing it for some sort of validation? Broke people should not be blowing $300 on a handbag. I doubt your mom would accept the handbag if she knew you bought it using $20k of borrowed money.
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
11-19-2018 , 02:23 PM
Originally Posted by 6bet me
Yeah I spent $300 buying a new handbag for my mum, $40 buying a present for my dad and $40 buying a present for my grandma.
Pay your debt off first.
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
11-19-2018 , 02:24 PM
Originally Posted by 6bet me
She is lucky to even have 3 figures to her name.

The irony was that it cost $9 just for the raw porterhouse beef alone, and once you factor in the microwavable veggies, microwavable gravy and the sauce+spices, it ended up costing more to cook my own food than it would if I'd gone to a cheap restaurant like KFC.

I pay the interest as I go, so the debt never rises.

Yeah I spent $300 buying a new handbag for my mum,
This is the quality level of posting I originally voted 5 stars for. You're getting back on track op
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
11-19-2018 , 02:24 PM
Rofl at spending ~10% of your net worth on a bag for your mother. Wtf
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
11-19-2018 , 02:39 PM
I don't know how this still isn't a troll at this point. Logically, 6B, logically why the **** would you spend $300 on a gift when you are in debt. Not just a little debt, 15k debt with a skyrocket interest rate. Was that smart? Now do you see why people think this is a troll or that you are actually the dumbest human on the planet?
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
11-19-2018 , 02:45 PM
Originally Posted by Rutledge Smitty
I don't know how this still isn't a troll at this point. Logically, 6B, logically why the **** would you spend $300 on a gift when you are in debt. Not just a little debt, 15k debt with a skyrocket interest rate. Was that smart? Now do you see why people think this is a troll or that you are actually the dumbest human on the planet?
I mean, most of the logic on Earth would suggest a troll, but I think of a) the effort this would require, and for what purpose? and b) that a lot of 20somethings are genuinely this stupid and bad at life/managing finances. Eh, I still buy it.
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
11-19-2018 , 02:59 PM
lol I'm a 20 something part time alcoholic and even I find this ridiculous.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
11-19-2018 , 03:22 PM
Originally Posted by isunkurbttlship
Rofl at spending ~10% of your net worth on a bag for your mother. Wtf
What is the point of pretending to be a top poker pro making all that dinero if you can't back it up? You gonna tell your mum you're making 2k/hour at the tables but you can afford to buy her a $300 present?

OP is crushing it at the tables putting no volume in and still making more in a night than most you losers do in a month. Why would you eat in when leaving the casino literally loses you hundreds of dollars? Why would you move apartment when any extra time required to travel to the casino is money lost.

OP I'd suggest that you spend a few grand on a new wardrobe and jewellery, got to give the fish an inspirational image to get them taking shots at 2/5 to be like you.
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
11-19-2018 , 03:26 PM
The reason OP plays few hours is because he knows he is going to lose back a chunk at some point since that runrun cannot last forever. Enjoy it while it lasts.
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
11-19-2018 , 03:29 PM
Originally Posted by Kelvis
The reason OP plays few hours is because he knows he is going to lose back a chunk at some point since that runrun cannot last forever. Enjoy it while it lasts.
OP is running bad currently, if the variance goes in his favour I struggle to see how that room sustains itself, no chip won't be in OP's stack.
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
