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Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals

10-28-2018 , 06:43 PM
Guys you're forgetting one thing, 6bm isn't going to lose. He's going to average $30/hr for the next 6 months.
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
10-28-2018 , 07:00 PM
Originally Posted by DianeAbbott
Guys you're forgetting one thing, 6bm isn't going to lose. He's going to average $30/hr for the next 6 months.
6b upped that figure to $40/hr last time he mentioned an hourly because he realized he doesn't think he can play enough hours at $30/hr to reach his goal. I assume that's the reasoning anyhow.
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
10-28-2018 , 07:02 PM
Originally Posted by DLuo
I know a handful of 2/5 players in my pool winning at over $40/hr over 3k+ hours
No you don't, they might say they do. But look at OP.
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
10-28-2018 , 07:14 PM
Originally Posted by DLuo
I know a handful of 2/5 players in my pool winning at over $40/hr over 3k+ hours
there's a big difference between $40/hr playing 40 hours each week, and $40/hr table selecting a few favorable times vs whales.
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
10-28-2018 , 07:20 PM
These regs pretty much open sit any 2/5 line up. I don’t think it’s that hard tbh. Our games are stupidly soft.
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
10-28-2018 , 08:06 PM
Originally Posted by DLuo
I know a handful of 2/5 players in my pool winning at over $40/hr over 3k+ hours
That's maybe 1.5-2 calendar years of work? Thats not impressive at all.
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
10-28-2018 , 08:09 PM
Originally Posted by upswinging
That's maybe 1.5-2 calendar years of work? Thats not impressive at all.
It’s not meant to be impressive. I’m just trying to point out that your $25/hr ceiling is untrue.
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
10-28-2018 , 08:21 PM
Originally Posted by DLuo
It’s not meant to be impressive. I’m just trying to point out that your $25/hr ceiling is untrue.
No one said that was a ceiling.
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
10-28-2018 , 08:31 PM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
No one said that was a ceiling.
Originally Posted by upswinging
2/5 pros dont even average 25/hr ev long term. That's why they all look suicidal/ extremely depressed.
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
10-28-2018 , 08:47 PM
Originally Posted by 6bet me
Breakeven 2/5 session

So I played my first 2/5 NL session in a while today. I didn't end up playing the 1/3 NL on stake because we thought it was better for me to just play 1 game per day.
Does this mean that $1/$3 is going to be an extremely rare thing just to avoid make-up?
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
10-28-2018 , 08:52 PM
Originally Posted by DLuo
I know a handful of 2/5 players in my pool winning at over $40/hr over 3k+ hours
I'm sure you do. I know several 2+2ers who have a track record of doing this as well.

That isn't really the point. The real question is whether 6bet me can maintain the discipline to play at the best times and maintain a 40 hour/week work schedule. This weekend's efforts was not a good start. Hope he got a good session in Sunday.
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
10-29-2018 , 05:06 AM
Preflop Decisions at 2/5 NL

I played a 5hr session today and lost $1223. The table was good, a decent amount of action, but I got coolered twice for 1k+ pots each time and that was basically all it took.

Most of the big hands I played were just preflop decisions, rather than postflop decisions. Since there's too many HH's to post, I'll just focus on the ones that emphasise preflop play:

Hand 1: Light 4bet

$500 effective
MP opens $15
HJ 3bets $45
Hero cold 4bets $125 SB with AQs

We take it down pre

Hand 2: When the nit squeezes...

$900 effective
Hero raises $20 UTG with QQ
3 callers
Nit reg 3bets $160 BB
Hero 4bets $300
Nit reg 5bet jams $500
Hero calls $500

Nit reg has KK and holds

Hand 3: When the aggro reg squeezes...

Hero opens $20 UTG with QQ
MAWG (semi aggro, had 3bet 99 and AJs IP before) 3bets to $50 in MP
BTN cold calls $50
SB cold calls $50
BB cold calls $50
Hero 4bet jams $500

MAWG 5bet rejams $700
Everyone else folds
MAWG shows KK and holds

Hand 4: When the unknown squeezes...

$500 effective
Hero opens $20 HJ with AJs
CO (loose-passive) calls $20
BTN (loose-passive) calls $20
SB (unknown MAWG) 3bets $125

Hero tank folds
I genuinely considered all 3 options here: fold, call and 4bet jam

Hand 5: Potential bluff jam spot?

$500 effective
UTG limps $5
UTG+1 raises to $40
MP calls $40
HJ calls $40
Hero looks down at QJss on BTN

So I'm genuinely considering all 3 options here: fold, call or 3bet jam.

Hero calls $40
We go 6ways to the flop and miss

Hand 6: Weird river raise

$500 effective
Hero raises $20 UTG+2 with TT (no heart)
HJ (loose-passive) calls $20
BB calls $20

Flop ($56, 3ways) 8h 6d 5s

BB checks
Hero bets $40
HJ calls $40
BB folds

Turn ($128) 8h 6d 5s 6h

Hero checks
HJ checks

River ($128) 8h 6d 5s 6h Kh

Hero bets $90
HJ says "ninety?!" And he looks confused
The dealer clarifies $90 is the bet
HJ thinks for a few more seconds, then announces all-in for $440 effective

Hero instafolds

This is yet another weird 2/5 hand where villain chooses to check back the turn, in position, on a draw heavy board, then make a big river raise on a card that's not supposed to help his range. Still, even if his line makes no sense, I've got better hands to call with.

I'll potentially play more tonight, either another short session at Crown, or a short session on Ignition, after I've had dinner. We'll see.
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
10-29-2018 , 05:35 AM
I'm starting to think the only difference between sober 6b and intoxicated 6b is: sober 6b manages to spew at 1 stake whereas drunk 6b is all over the casino.

Last edited by Fodersneso; 10-29-2018 at 05:41 AM.
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
10-29-2018 , 05:36 AM
You got coolered 0 times. Qq utg isnt the hand you think it is, vs the nit "squeezing" (nits dont squeeze) 4betting qq 200 bbs deep is awful... in this situation especially it is a turbo muck followed by a sigh.

Hand 3 you should get it in, but it is by no means a fist pump or a cooler.
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
10-29-2018 , 05:38 AM
yeah the other hands are totally fine, really liking the genuine considerations as well
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
10-29-2018 , 06:12 AM
Originally Posted by Fodersneso
I'm starting to think the only difference between sober 6b and intoxicated 6b is: sober 6b manages to spew at 1 stake whereas drunk 6b is all over the casino.
I don't think I did anything overly spewy today. I thought I played quite well. If anything, I backed down from both the AJs and QJs hands, where I considered jamming both of them in preflop, but I ended up folding one and flatting the other.

Originally Posted by Bluegrassplayer
You got coolered 0 times. Qq utg isnt the hand you think it is, vs the nit "squeezing" (nits dont squeeze) 4betting qq 200 bbs deep is awful... in this situation especially it is a turbo muck followed by a sigh.

Hand 3 you should get it in, but it is by no means a fist pump or a cooler.
How's it not a fistpump jam when you have QQ against a guy that has shown the propensity to 3bet pre in position with 99 and AJs?

And even the nit reg had shown the propensity to 3bet squeeze to $200 pre with AKo a different hand. He's not an OMC. I think my QQ is still in fine shape against his 3bet squeezing range, which should contain {JJ+, AK} at the bare minimum. Alternatively though, I could've just flatted the $160 and got it in on a flop with no Ace or King on it, but I was worried about going multiway. Maybe that would've been better. Although the flop came T43 anyway, so I would've been stacked regardless of how I played it.

Originally Posted by Fodersneso
yeah the other hands are totally fine, really liking the genuine considerations as well
Thank you! Sometimes it's tough to decide when to take the LAG option and when to take a tighter and more passive line, but I try my best.

Originally Posted by .isolated
Does this mean that $1/$3 is going to be an extremely rare thing just to avoid make-up?
Nah they won't be super rare. I'd like to put in more 2/5 volume than 1/3 volume, but I'll still be playing both each week.
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
10-29-2018 , 06:14 AM
Don´t like H1 with stacks that shallow, since we basically have to call a jam but are rarely in a good spot if called. I hate folding big pairs but if your reads are any good at all then H2 is a fold, Nitreg has KK/AA like 95% of the time or AKs if in an extremely spewy mood. Nits don´t put 200 BB in without ze nutz.

The other hands are fine IMHO, vs loose-passive in H6 I might bet turn as well though (again - if reads are correct) since he will pay to see another card with 7x, flushdraws, A8, 99 etc and will rarely/never bluff rivers when checked to on the river so we can safely fold.
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
10-29-2018 , 06:30 AM
H1: nah we're definitely not calling a 5bet jam with AQs. This was going to be a 4bet/fold.
H2: I should clarify: the nit reg only had $500. It was me and the people inbetween that had $900+ stacks. Also, the nit reg had squeezed AKo in a similar spot before.
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
10-29-2018 , 06:51 AM
Quality or Quantity?

So I'm having a dilemma right now: I don't know whether to play more poker tonight, or just chill and watch YouTube, watch netflix, play chess, play Warcraft 3, etc.

Admittedly, I'm not in a huge poker mood atm, given that I just played for 5hrs today and lost 1.2k. I wouldn't mind instead just chilling on my laptop for the rest of tonight and watching YouTube, watching netflix, playing chess, playing Warcraft 3, etc.

But at the same time, I know that volume is important, and I worry that I won't be able to get 40hrs+ per week in if I'm only playing 4-5 hours per day.

So the question is: should I push myself to put in more volume even when I'm tired and would prefer to do something else, or should I just call it a night whenever I feel tired to ensure that I prioritise quality of play over quantity of play?
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
10-29-2018 , 06:57 AM
Originally Posted by 6bet me
Thank you! Sometimes it's tough to decide when to take the LAG option and when to take a tighter and more passive line, but I try my best.
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
10-29-2018 , 06:59 AM
6b, question related to your question: Why did you leave the table earlier?
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
10-29-2018 , 07:00 AM
at least you managed to become a 2+2 superstar on your pursuit for poker glory
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
10-29-2018 , 07:03 AM
Originally Posted by Fodersneso
I'm starting to think the only difference between sober 6b and intoxicated 6b is: sober 6b manages to spew at 1 stake whereas drunk 6b is all over the casino.
Lmao This thread always gets me in a good mood.
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
10-29-2018 , 07:04 AM
Also lmao about getting in 100 blinds pre against a nit after you open UTG and get 3 bet with QQ and think it is a cooler.
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
10-29-2018 , 07:07 AM
This whole time I've never seen you play a 8h+ session. It's always like 4h, 4,5h etc. That's why I don't expect you to even get 35h/week on average over 6 months.
Having a really bad downswing immediately after setting poker goals Quote
