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Having the drive, to crush the 2/5, at Maryland Live! Having the drive, to crush the 2/5, at Maryland Live!

04-03-2015 , 12:22 AM

One of my goals for 2015 is quality instead of it stands now my most profitable days hourly wise in order from highest to lowest are....


Sunday and Friday are essentially the same winrate. Thursdays I usually just get pummelled. They are just plain brutal.
So as most serious players have figured out the best days to play are Friday, Saturday, and Sunday!

Update soon! I promise!

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Having the drive, to crush the 2/5, at Maryland Live! Quote
04-03-2015 , 12:32 AM
Originally Posted by I.G.

One of my goals for 2015 is quality instead of it stands now my most profitable days hourly wise in order from highest to lowest are....

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Too true.
Having the drive, to crush the 2/5, at Maryland Live! Quote
04-03-2015 , 12:39 AM
Originally Posted by Thamel18
Too true.

Having the drive, to crush the 2/5, at Maryland Live! Quote
04-03-2015 , 02:38 PM
Glad you are focusing on quality over quantity. I'm trying to do the same. Good luck!
Having the drive, to crush the 2/5, at Maryland Live! Quote
04-03-2015 , 05:04 PM
2015 MDL 2/5 Weekly Update Update

218.44 hrs +$4599
4.21 bb/hr

Speaking of quality versus quantity I leaned more towards the quantity side this week as I played 56.5 hours for a loss of $1631. About fifty of those hours were pure quality, the rest, well...., let's just say if I have friends or guys I like to gamble with at the table my love for +EV spots and solid play is replaced by a primal need to stack said friends with whatever two napkins are in my hand.

Quite fun and good for weeks of trash talking but ultimately horrible for the bottom line.....

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Having the drive, to crush the 2/5, at Maryland Live! Quote
04-03-2015 , 05:28 PM
I wanna hear those said hands of attempted stacking of friends =)
Having the drive, to crush the 2/5, at Maryland Live! Quote
04-03-2015 , 05:59 PM
Let's just say it was me versus Ashes from the Poker House. I told him it had been a while since I sucked out on him. We got it all in on the flop with yours truly holding king high....and of course I sucked out on him...

He is the consummate pro tho and simply said "Nice hand!" and changed tables.
Having the drive, to crush the 2/5, at Maryland Live! Quote
04-03-2015 , 05:59 PM
MDL 2/5 Saturday Morning

Yum YUM!

Brand new table full of unfamiliar faces. About halfway through the first orbit. Hero has not played a hand but everyone else has played every just limping preflop. Hero is wearing his poker room standard ball cap, hoodie, and jeans and has $500.

Young black guy with $490, who has rubbed stress relief lotion on his temples before every decision so far, open limps UTG.

Folds to Hero in the lojack who raises to $25 with the T8.

OMC1 in the hijack w/$350 quickly flats.

OMC2 in the cutoff w/$450 stares at both OMC1 and Hero. He plays with his card protector then eventually flats as well.

Button and both blinds fold.

Stress Relief rubs more lotion into his temples and calls.

Flop $101

Stress Relief rubs a small amount of lotion between his fingers and donk bets $50.

Hero thinks for a bit then raises to $200.

OMC1 quickly folds.

OMC2 sighs, Hollywoods a bit, sighs again, then confidently pushes his whole stack forward.

OMC2 is all in for $425.

Stress Relief, still rubbing his fingers together says, "I fold." and let's they dealer muck his cards.

Hero thinks for just a bit, tosses a black chip forward and says, "Eight of spades please."

Hero calls $425.

Turn $1001

River $1001

OMC2 shuffles his cards a few times, looks at them, then triumphantly tables AA.

Hero says, "Oh wow! Nice hand!" and reaches for his chip bag. As Hero is topping off he realizes that he hasn't mucked yet and tosses his cards to the dealer right when the dealer is starting to reach for them. They flip over revealing the T8.

OMC2 smiles and says,"A pair of eights? You went all in with a pair of eights? Yum YUM!"

Hero, thinking of his best customer says, "Pair of eights. No Choice!"
Having the drive, to crush the 2/5, at Maryland Live! Quote
04-03-2015 , 07:23 PM
MDL 2/5 Late Saturday Morning

Gaaawd DAMN IT!

About two hours after previous hand. Hero has $755 and has been playing solid, showing down winners, and has not got out of line....yet. Hero is in the cutoff.

Villain1 in this hand is a Middle Aged White Woman who Hero used to play with in a private game. Hero has solid reads on both her play and her mannerisms. She only has $125 after running queens into kings preflop and not being able to find a fold. She is on Hero's direct left and is on the button.

Villain2 is your standard, run of the mill, Middle Aged White Guy who was the one holding kings versus MAWW in the previous hand. He has only been at the table for maybe an orbit and has $1055. He is in the lojack.

Villain3 is an unknown Young Black Dude who also just sat down. No reads other than he bought in full ($500) by chipping down a pumpkin. He is UTG and has straddled to $10 this hand.

Field player open limps $10.

Folds to MAWG who doesn't look like he knows what he wants to do. After thirty seconds of internal struggle he raises to $30.

Super passive OMC in cutoff flats.

Hero, never missing an opportunity to punk someone's straddle, 3bets to $120 with the 76.

MAWW shrugs her shoulders, holds her palms face up, and moves in for $135.

"Ace and a face.", thinks Hero.

Both blinds fold.

YBD defends his straddle and snap calls.

Field player folds.

MAWG, now looking even more pained, runs his hands through his hair, counts his chips, and calls.

OMC grumbles something about,"..always...raising..." and mucks.

Hero, unable to find a fold for $15 more, snap calls.

Flop $581

YBD checks.

MAWG checks.

Hero checks.

Turn $581

As soon as the turn is out, MAWW slumps her shoulders, sighs, and reaches for her purse.

"Indeed." muses Hero, "Ace and a face."

YBD checks.

MAWG checks.

Hero thinks, "This is damn peculiar." and checks.

River $581

YBD checks.

MAWG checks.

Hero, unable to help himself, bombs $300 into the dry sidepot.

YBD quickly mucks.

MAWG starts shaking his head and shuffling his cards. He says disgustedly, "I KNEW I should have bet the flop!"

Hero says to himself,"Oops about to get snapped off yet again."

MAWG drops his head and slowly slides his cards toward the dealer and folds.

"Ace high.", says MAWW and tables AQ.

Hero tables his hand and...

"Gaaawd DAMN IT!", yells MAWG as he slams his hand onto the rail. "I ****ing folded KINGS!"

MAWW laughs and says, "Just like old times. Five hundred dollar pot with a pair of sixes."

Hero unable to resist quips,"What? I thought my sixes were good!"

Hero wins pot of $581 as MAWG storms off to cool down.
Having the drive, to crush the 2/5, at Maryland Live! Quote
04-03-2015 , 08:26 PM
MDL 2/5 Saturday Evening

Welcome to the Table

Same table as above but hours later that evening. Hero has $1525 and has been pretty quiet since the 76 sooooted hand. No spots, no hands, and no fold equity since showing down the monster pair of sixes. Hero is on the button.

Villain in this hand has just sat down and is pulling his chips out of two full racks, apparently coming from a broken table somewhere, which was strange since it wasn't even midnight. He is young, white, and wearing a black Orioles hat sideways. He is wearing gold chains and is what we used to call back in the 90s a "Yo Boy". He has a member of his crew standing behind him dressed the same with his hat even more sideways than Yo Boy's. He appears to have about $1725 in reds and greens. He is in the lojack and is facing Hero because he is in the one seat and Hero is in the four seat.

Action folds to Yo Boy who squeezes his hand so that His Boy can see his cards. His Boy just nods.

Yo Boy opens to $15.

Action folds to Hero who looks down at the TT and 3bets to $45.

The button and the blinds all fold.

Yo Boy tanks for almost a minute then slides out $65.

"Sir, it has to be at least $75", says the dealer.

Yo Boy tosses out the additional $10.

Hero, double checks stack sizes, thinks, "Haven't flopped a set in a while...I'm due.", and calls $75.

Yo Boy looks back at His Boy and smiles.

Flop $156

Yo Boy quietly slides out four green chips and bets $100.

Hero, ignoring the faint cries in the back of his head saying "Fold, just fold." calls $100.

Turn $356

Yo Boy tanks for so long that Hero asks the dealer if he missed a check.

Eventually Yo Boy bets $150.

Hero, who had all kinds of time to think about the hand and to figure out his next move, shuffles his chips and then raises to $450.

Yo Boy tanks yet again but eventually calls. At this point the hand has already consumed almost five minutes of everyone's time.

River $1256

Yo Boy thinks for only a few seconds then moves all in for $900 effective.

His Boy folds his hands across his chest and starts nodding his head. He has a huge smirk on his face. Yo Boy is just staring at the flop, his eyes slightly watering.

Hero sighs, wishes he had just folded on the flop, and says, "Nice hand. Welcome to the table."

Hero mucks face down.

Yo Boy wins pot of $1256.

"YEAH!", exclaims His Boy as Yo Boy proudly tables the AA.

"Dat's RIGHT!", His Boy continues. "This our table!"

It was their table, for the next ten minutes, at which point Yo Boy hit 'n ran without playing another hand.

Having the drive, to crush the 2/5, at Maryland Live! Quote
04-04-2015 , 03:51 AM
Dang, set over set and you sniffed it out...I don't think I'm good enough to fold that hand.

what was your read that he had the AA's: the min 4 bet, showing his boy the cards, the Hollywood tanking...

Question, if you had a hunch he had AA's on the flop already, why raise him on the turn and not the flop? You could have gotten away cheaper if he re-raises then.

Maybe 2/5 players are better, but in 1/2 if it played out like this the guy with AA's would jam on a raise, possibly thinking of the flush draw.

But in 1/2 ain't nobody folding 2nd set.
Having the drive, to crush the 2/5, at Maryland Live! Quote
04-04-2015 , 09:52 AM
I am in no way an expert hand reader!

Most of the time I do raise the flop in this situation but my gut was telling me I was beat but it's tough just folding middle set especially this deep so I just called. Repping a flush if another heart came crossed my mine as an option if I just flatted here as well.

He had tanked for soooo long when the third heart fell and bet so small that I felt he wasn't sure what to do.

I have played with some newer players who in this type of situation will fold strong hands (getting someone to fold top set? Impossible you say? I can sure try!) but call with one card flush draws.... AxK, AxQ:heart, MAYBE KxK, etc...tourney guys love the AK and in case my read was wrong and he has AK, AQ etc without a heart I didnt want to lose value if a fourth heart came and he shuts down.

If he shoves back over me I just fold.

If he flats I reevaluate on the river.

If he folds he probably has a hand that I am not getting anymore value from anyway and I take the pot.

Once he shoves the river, coupled with His Boy's actions it's a fold.

The 3 would have been an interesting river card since I would now be ahead if he did indeed have a one card flush with an ace.

Definitely an interesting hand.

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Last edited by I.G.; 04-04-2015 at 10:01 AM.
Having the drive, to crush the 2/5, at Maryland Live! Quote
04-04-2015 , 10:44 AM
MDL 2/5 Wednesday Afternoon

Welcome to the Table Episode 2

Existing table populated by a motley collection of degens, OMCs, and young Middle Eastern guys with varying stack sizes.

There are no familiar faces and this is Hero's second hand after quickly folding his first and he is still unracking his chips. Hero is in the hijack with $500.

OMC with $175 limps UTG.

Couple of folds.

MEG wearing earbuds with $650 in the lojack overlimps.

Hero slowly squeezes.......AA and thinks, "Nice! Welcome to the Table! Time to felt or be felted!"

Hero raises to $35.

Action folds all the way back to OMC who insta-ships $175.

MEG asks the dealer, "How much?", plays with his chips, removes his earbuds, tanks for a bit, puts his earbuds back in then calls.

Hero thinks, "I am so getting felted this hand!" and moves all in for $500.

MEG once again asks the dealer, "How much?", plays with his chips, removes his earbuds, tanks for a bit, then calls.

Flop $519m, $650s

Both villains do a check.

Turn $519m, $650s

"Ouch.", thinks Hero.

River $519m, $650s

"CHIPS!", jokes Hero as he fast rolls his most surely crushed AA.

"Nah, you are good for the side.", says MEG as he mucks facedown.

Hero wins $650 side pot.

OMG simply growls at Hero as he mucks his hand facedown.

Hero wins $519 main pot.

"Welcome to the table INDEED!," laughs Hero to himself.

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Last edited by I.G.; 04-04-2015 at 11:13 AM.
Having the drive, to crush the 2/5, at Maryland Live! Quote
04-04-2015 , 11:57 AM
MDL 2/5 Wednesday Night


Same table as above later that evening. Hero has gone back to his default style of nitting it up and has $1250. Hero is on the button.

Villain is a semi reg who Hero calls Neverfold. He is a thirty something black dude who wears Lenny Kravitz style shades and has a Lenny Kravitz style 'fro. He is fairly aggro in position but fairly straight forward out of position. However once he puts money in a pot he.....Neverfolds! He has been playing true to form and is in the big blind with $1175.

MEG from previous hand is still at the table. He is in the cutoff with $725.

Couple of field players limp.

MEG raises to $30.

Hero single card squeezes 2 then the 2 and calls.

VOMC (VERY old man coffee) in the small blind calls.

Neverfold surveys the table and 3bets to $130.

Limpers fold.

MEG does his whole "How much?" routine then folds.

Hero wastes no time and calls.

VOMC quickly folds.

Flop $324

Neverfold bets $200 with two black chips.

Hero says to himself, "Time to see if you can live up to your nickname!" and bombs all in.

Hero bets $845 effective.

Neverfold SNAPS his stack in and triumphantly tables the QQ.

Turn $2014

River $2014

Hero tables 22.

Neverfold laughs and says, "You actually have it this time! You NEVER have it. Good hand!"


Hero wins pot of $2014.

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Having the drive, to crush the 2/5, at Maryland Live! Quote
04-04-2015 , 01:08 PM
MDL 2/5 Late Wednesday Night

That's Gonna Leave a Mark

Couple hours after the Neverfold hand. Hero is still nitting it up and has $2130. Hero is in the cutoff and is only playing a few more hands before calling it a night.

Main villain in this hand is a very young clean cut black kid. He has been at the table for a few hours and has recently ramped up his aggression after winning a massive four way all in. On two occasions after missing his draws on the turn he has moved all in and gotten folds. Hero has also seen him do this in a previous session. He LOVES to show his bluffs afterwards. He has close to $2300 and is in the nojack. We will call him AggroBro.

Gunner (UTG ten handed) limps.

UTG limps.

Shotgun limps.

AggroBro limps.

Lojack limps.

Hijack limps.

Hero raises to $50 w/KK.

Button and blinds all fold.

Gunner, UTG, and Shotgun all fold.

AggroBro quickly calls.

Lojack calls.

Hijack says, "POT ODDS!", and calls.

Hero sighs.

Flop $216

AggroBro checks.

Lojack checks and turns around to watch the TV.

Hijack checks and also turns around to watch the game.

Hero shuffles chips briefly then bets $115.

Without a bit of thought AggroBro calls.

Lojack turns back around, does a check and calls.

Hijack quickly folds and goes back to the game.

Turn $561

AggroBro rears back and with both hands quickly pushes all of his chips forward.

AggroBro is all in for $1965 effective.

Lojack folds.

Hero apologizes to the table and says, "This is going to take a minute."

Hero is fairly certain that AggroBro has a draw with maybe an overcard or a pair to go with it. Lojack most likely folded two hearts.

It's roughly 2k to win 2.5k here. Have to be good here roughly 45% of the time. He can easily have all the suited 9Ts here as well as a few that are offsuit. Same goes for all the QJs both suited and offsuit. Add in the remaining combos of 88 and math/equity wise it's pretty much a fold.

However, his nickname IS AggroBro and he has been running over the table and Hero has seen him do this before with a naked flush draw albeit not for 2k.

Hero looks at AggroBro.

"Flush draw yet again my friend? I feel the need to snap you off here."

AggroBro's shoulders drop ever so slightly.

"Well...", thinks Hero, "gotta go with my read and my gut."

Hero tosses in a green chip and calls.

River $4491

"YES!", yells AggroBro as he stands up and tables the A3.

"**** me.", thinks Hero, "That's gonna leave a mark."

Hero mucks face down and says, "Nice hand." then starts sliding stacks and stacks of red chips into the pot.

Hero wishes everyone good luck. Thanks them for a good game and calls it a night.

Hero laughs to himself as he is walking through the pits and thinks, "Well at least I got 400 big blinds in the middle as a 75% favorite!"

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Last edited by I.G.; 04-04-2015 at 01:20 PM.
Having the drive, to crush the 2/5, at Maryland Live! Quote
04-04-2015 , 02:01 PM
MDL 2/5 Thursday Evening

How to Hero

Table of unfamiliar faces. Hero has been at a lot of these recently. Not sure if many of the regs are moving on, going broke, or playing elsewhere but it is refreshing to play with different people who have different playing styles. Keeps one on their toes. Everyone at the table other than the main villain is full stacked.

Hero has been at the table all day nitting it up a little too much as Hero's stack has not waivered too far from $500. Hero is on the button.

Villain in this hand has been at the table for maybe an hour and bought in for the minimum $200. He has been talking about the BBJ non stop and has shades sitting on the brim of his Tiger Woods baseball hat. He is white and in his late thirties. He also has been playing everyhand.....trying to hit that jackpot. BBJ Guy is in the small blind and has $230.

Random young drunk guy puts out the first straddle of the evening.

Action folds to an asian gentleman in the cutoff who limps.

Hero, never missing an opportunity to punk someone's straddle, raises to $40 with the 23.

BBJ Guy starts to say something, then thinks better of it and just calls.

Big blind folds.

Straddle folds.

Asian gentleman folds.

Flop $99

BBJ Guy says, "This could be it guys!" and checks.

Hero thinks for a sec and checks behind.

Turn $99

BBJ Guy quickly checks.

Hero unable to help himself bets $65.

BBJ Guy anxiously calls.

River $229

BBJ Guy insta ships $125.

Hero tanks for a second and thinks about the fact that when you hero call someone and are beat you can just muck your hand and no one knows what garbage you called villain down with. Hero studies BBJ Guy, thinks for a few more seconds and flicks a redbird forward.

Hero calls.

"King high.", says BBJ Guy without tabling his hand.

Hero does nothing.

"I said king high."


Finally BBJ Guy tables KQ.

Hero tables 23.

"What the HELL?"

Hero just smiles and nods.

Hero wins pot of $479.

Drunk guy who straddled says, "That's strong bruh! That's strong."

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Having the drive, to crush the 2/5, at Maryland Live! Quote
04-04-2015 , 02:11 PM
Brutal. Way to trust your live reads tho.
Having the drive, to crush the 2/5, at Maryland Live! Quote
04-04-2015 , 02:45 PM
MDL 2/5 Friday Afternoon

Damn Drunks

Standard Friday table, couple regs, couple drunks, couple OMCs, couple degens, random MAWG and Hero. Only difference is Hero used to play with MAWG in an Annapolis home game.

Hero has been at the table all day and is sitting on $1100. However, Hero is doing his best Hello Kitty impersonation as Hero is stuck $1200. Without going into too much detail the short version is (KK<AA)×2. Hero is on the button.

MAWG is in the hijack and has $1575. He used to be a super solid player back in the day. But since then he got married, quickly had two kids, and is generally miserable. He drinks while playing and is fun to play with but has pretty much given back to the poker community all the money he had made in the past.

Straddle is on.

Two field players limp.

MAWG limps.

Hero, never missing an opportunity to punk someone's straddle, raises to $55 with the 68.

Action folds all the way back around to MAWG who says, "I KNEWS yous were goings to do that!"

He looks at his cards, is about to muck, then says, "I can't folds to yous."

Hero says, "Of course not!" and laughs.

MAWG calls.

Flop $141

MAWG donks $50.

Hero says, "Careful my friend.", and raises to $125.

MAWG slurs, "No, yous be careful.", and calls.

Turn $391

MAWG donks $50 again and says, "I tolds yous be carefuls!"

Hero laughs and says, "One more time.", and raises to $275.

MAWG asks, "Hows much you gots?"

"About another $645."

"Okay.....I calls."

MAWG calls.

River $941

MAWG says, "I checks to the raiser."

MAWG checks.

Hero, in his best drunk voice, says, "I'm ALLS INS!" and tosses a black chip in the pot.

Hero is all in for $645.

"Izzz callzzzzz!", blurts out MAWG.

"Sorry man, full house.", says Hero.

"ME TOO!", yells MAWG as he tables Q8.

"That's so dirty!", laments Hero as he tosses the 68 face up into the muck.

"Nice hand."


MAWG wins pot of $2231.

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Having the drive, to crush the 2/5, at Maryland Live! Quote
04-04-2015 , 03:22 PM
MDL 2/5 Saturday Morning

GOT Punked

Brand new table. Nine unfamiliar faces. About 45 minutes in. There have been a few random straddles but Hero has been nitting it up as usual and has not played a hand. Hero has topped off to $500 and is in the cutoff.

Villain in this hand is a young white kid with the full starter kit going - hoodie, shades, earbuds, endless tanking, solemn stares, etc. He spilled his chips everywhere trying to tilt them out of the rack when he sat down. He has about $375 and is in the big blind.

Straddle is on.

One field player limps.

Action folds to Hero.

Hero, not having punked any straddles yet raises to $40 with the 64.

Small blind folds.

Starter Kit tanks, as usual.

Out of turn both the straddler and limper both fold, unable to take the tanking any longer.

"Action is here guys!", says the dealer.

"CLOCK!", yells straddler. "This **** is getting old!"


"He tanks on EVERY decision. What the ****?"


"Sorry. Just put a clock on him."

"SUPERVISOR! Table 23!"

At this point Starter Kit comes out of his trance and calls.

Straddler and field player both still fold.

Flop $96

Starter Kit returns to the tank.

"Come ON! Every decision he just sits there!"


Starter Kit slowly donks $50.

Hero takes a second then raises to $125.

"Here we go."


Starter Kit slowly calls $125.

Turn $346

Starter Kit only takes 15 seconds this time and checks.

Hero says, "Let's just end this quickly!" and moves all in for $210 effective.

Back into the tank he goes.

"Quickly, I said!", jokes Hero.

After another 60 seconds Starter Kit slides his stack forward.

Starter Kit calls $210.

River $766

Hero fast rolls the 64 and exclaims with a smile, "I flopped it!"

Starter Kit hesitates, studies the board, studies Hero's hand, then tables the AK.

Starter Kit wins pot of $766.

"Nice hand.", says Hero.

Starter Kit says nothing as he is stacking his winnings.

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Having the drive, to crush the 2/5, at Maryland Live! Quote
04-04-2015 , 04:01 PM
MDL 2/5 Saturday Afternoon

Punking the Punk

Same table about two hours later. Starter Kit has managed to get everyone other than Hero to table change. All of the new players have quickly stopped giving him any action. He has $895 and is in the gunner position, first to act ten handed.

Hero has loosened up and been abusing the newer players without too many showdowns. Hero has $925 and is in the small blind.

Starter Kit tank limps.

Action folds to OMC on button who limps.

Hero raises to $35 with the KK.

Big blind quickly folds.

Starter Kit uncharacteristically calls rather quickly.

OMC calls.

Flop $104

Hero bets $75.

Starter Kit quickly calls. :what:

OMC folds.

Turn $254

Hero thinks briefly, embraces his inner donkey, and checks.

Starter Kit counts out a bet, puts it back, counts his stack, tanks, then bombs $300.

Hero thinks to himself, "This may get ugly.", then asks Starter Kit, "How much does that leave you with?"

Starter Kit slowly raises his hands showing the $485 in green and red chips that he has left.

"Oh, nice! You still have plenty left.", jokes Hero as he slides $300 worth of greens forward.

Hero calls $300.

River $854

Hero quickly says, "All in!", and tosses his remaining black, green, and red chips into the pot.

Hero is all in for $485 effective.

Starter Kit, moving faster then he has all day, dumps the rest of his chips forward and tables the 99.

Hero, unable to resist being an ass to this particular player, solemnly says, "That's unfortunate, bruh.", as he tables the KK.

Starter Kit jerks upward and SLAMS his fist on the rail, shaking the whole table. He rips his earbuds out, quickly turns from the table and storms off.

OMC pipes up and says, "That boy needs to get laid."

The whole table cracks up.

Hero wins pot of $1824.

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Having the drive, to crush the 2/5, at Maryland Live! Quote
04-04-2015 , 04:36 PM
MDL 2/5 Saturday Night

One Last Straddle to Punk

Same table a few hours later. Hero has taken a few hits and has reigned the aggression back in and is back to nitting it up as usual. He has $1275 and is in the shotgun.

Villain in this hand is a MDL reg. Solid player, used to live and play in Vegas. Capable of sick reads, sick folds, and sick plays. He is also known for playing marathon multi day sessions. He is somewhat vertically challenged and dresses like he is a gang banger, which he may actually be. He is also extremely professional at the table. For some reason he is only sitting on $315 and is on the button. We will call him Sick Sam.

Random MAWG straddles.

UTG limps.

Hero, unable to resist punking just one more straddle, raises to $45 with the 53.

Apparently the word has gotten out about the Hero's love of straddle money as all four field players between Hero and Sick Sam call.

Sick Sam tanks briefly then also calls.

Blinds, straddler, and limper all fold.

Hero thinks, "7,6,4, rainbow would be nice."

Flop $291

Hero bets $200

Action folds to Sick Sam who takes a second and looks deep into Hero's soul.

Sick Sam calls $200 leaving himself $70.

"Left yourself money for the ride home?", asks Hero.

"Something like that.", replies Sick Sam.

Turn $691

"Bus fair!", jokes Hero as he bets $70.

Sick Sam thinks, stares, then calls off his last $70.

Sick Sam is all in for $70.

River $831

Hero tables 53.

Sick Sam, not expecting to see that hand, hesitates briefly, nods his head, taps the table, and mucks his hand.

Hero wins pot of $831.

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Having the drive, to crush the 2/5, at Maryland Live! Quote
04-04-2015 , 07:48 PM
I love your description of different players. I got a good laugh with this one:

Villain in this hand is a young white kid with the full starter kit going - hoodie, shades, earbuds, endless tanking, solemn stares, etc.
Having the drive, to crush the 2/5, at Maryland Live! Quote
04-04-2015 , 07:55 PM
He almost described me to a T until he mentioned endless tanking. F tanking
Having the drive, to crush the 2/5, at Maryland Live! Quote
04-04-2015 , 08:48 PM
He almost described me to a T until he mentioned endless tanking. F tanking
But all those guys on I see on TV do it, and they're pros, right?

I'm sure they're up there living that balla high life morning, noon and night. Getting laid left and right, by all the hottest chicks. Lounging on their yachts, smoking the finest cigars and drinking that top shelf scotch. And think of all the connections they must have with A - list celebrities and media moguls. Man, that's the life.

But how can I ever get there myself if I don't tank at the poker table like they do?

Besides I need to tank so the other guys in my $1-2 game will fear me, so they will know how serious I am, that I'm a real player.

Right?? ... surely I must be right.
Having the drive, to crush the 2/5, at Maryland Live! Quote
04-05-2015 , 03:39 AM
Damn I hate those hoodie, sunglassed earbud punks who never say a word and tank like a freaking turtle.

I played with a few of these idiots and LOVE stacking them. Glad you got him good.

These dudes need to learn social skills. Douches most of them.

I called clocked on one of these punks and he flips out. Dude was taking forever on All-Ins, knowing he's behind and still calling to try and hit draws. He threatened me and I said if you wanna fight you're a dead man. For real I will kill you with my bare hands.

Can't stand these tools.
Having the drive, to crush the 2/5, at Maryland Live! Quote
