Hiya guys!
Im posting in here as i used to play years ago for fun, i was probably a very small winner live and online cash but an absolute car crash in tournaments but thats another story!
Anyway, during lockdown i found the bug for the game again, big time. Instead of just playing for the hell of it, ive started studying, going over sessions and i bought Peter Clarkes from the ground up on RIO which was really good value for money and had some great concepts.
My goal this year is to be playing/winning at 100NL, this may be ambitious, it may not, i really dont know. Maybe you guys will tell me. I work full time currently so there is no pressure on me financially. Its all about the journey and less about the money until im out earning my current salary... if that day ever comes
My studying isnt structured in anyway what so every at the minute, any spot i find tricky, i'll search for some videos on RIO. I know in order to move forward i'll have to use solvers but to say im a beginner is an understatement! (Any advice welcome)
SO... I deposited $100 on Stars and loaded up some tables, here is my graph so far. Im aware im running really well and long may it continue!
I'll post my graph every 10k hands so you guys can see how im getting on.
Wish me luck and i'll see you at the tables!
Starting balance - $100
Hands played - 7121
New won - $199.16
deep run in a micro tourney
Balance $373.52
PS i will post graphs to show progress but am unsure on how to upload them from computer.