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grinding up microstakes grinding up microstakes

12-28-2021 , 12:45 AM
Played for another 5.5hrs today. Didn't feel great, but I wasn't tired. Just one of those average days grinding health wise. Made $64. I am very surprised how well I have done with no use of trackers, huds, coaches or solvers. If I start struggling as I face tougher players, I will start looking into these tools in the future. I have to remind myself to keep an open mind. I am big fan of Bruce Lee's thought process. This kind of mind set is imo key to becoming a good player. I am sun running right now and I don't want my ego to make me believe I have it all figured out when I still have a lot to learn. Every session I play I learn something new. What really drives me to play is the learning process. But at the same time I do want to see how far I can succeed without all these tools the top players tend to use and see how a simple approach works. GL grinders. Time to eat and get some rest for tomorrow.

I see most of the posters tend to repost weekly instead of daily. I am going to start doing that so this blog is not to cluttered. The next time I will post is the day before I move up to 25nl. Then every week I will post on how my week went. So posting on 12/31. Cheers

dec profit- 1554 br- 2333

Last edited by trytodoitagain; 12-28-2021 at 01:13 AM.
grinding up microstakes Quote
12-31-2021 , 11:50 PM
So this is how my december finished at 10nl

In cash games 51, 78, 42, 8 (only played 2 hrs today)

I profited a total of 100 dollars in mtts.

dec profit- 1833 br- 2612

I only had 1 losing day the entire month. Maybe this is beyond sun running. Maybe this was a volcano erupting. I was waiting for a big downswing at some point so I could see how I handled it before I moved to 25nl. It just didn't happen. I am going to use some of my crypto to take care of bills so I can continue to grind up this roll. Next month I will be using my bankroll to pay bills. My goal was to own 1 bitcoin. So its hard for me to spend some of it for bills. It makes me feel like a traitor when I told myself I wont spend btc but its ok for one month.

My goals have shifted to focusing on grinding up a bankroll playing online over every goal I have at this moment. I didn't expect to win this much. 25nl is now the next step. If my bankroll gets to 5000 then I will move up to 50nl. If it goes to 1k I will move back to 10nl. I am not even thinking about playing 50nl right now though. I already know moving to 25nl it wont be as easy as 10nl. I expecting this week to be very challenging first week. The sun run probably has come to an end from what I have observed at 25nl. Hopefully I don't get destroyed and come on here saying I lost 100 buy in one week. That would be very embarrassing start to moving up in stakes. My bankroll is definitely enough to take on a big downswing so I believe I am ready for this challenge. Happy New Year to all and GL with the grind.

Oh btw I will update every sunday night but skip this first week since tomorrow is already saturday. I don't want to clutter this blog. So my next update will be January 9th of 2022. *cheers*

Last edited by trytodoitagain; 01-01-2022 at 12:09 AM.
grinding up microstakes Quote
01-01-2022 , 01:02 AM
I forgot to mention this. I will not be moving up to 50nl even if I get to 5k somehow this month. I gotten feedback to skip 25nl and that I have a bankroll for 50nl. I am doing this the patient way so I don't get stress from playing. I don't want to turn into a degen and get over confident cause I ran good. I just want to go up 1 limit at a time. I want to see profit at the same limit for an entire month. I don't want my results to be mixed with higher limits. But if I go to 1k bankroll I will move down to 10nl during the month. I am supposed to move to 25nl at a 2k bankroll. As you see, I am at 2.6k. That is because I wanted to finish the month at 10nl to see how much I could actually make. That way I can estimate how much I will make for a full year at that limit. I know I wont make 1.8k a month at 10nl. I wanted to get a realistic number, but I ran so good I don't know what a realistic profit would be. Sounds boring, but I am taking baby steps. 25nl is next and if I do good I will move up to 50nl the following the month. Main reason I am doing it this particular way is because I was a degen in the past and my bankroll was punished from doing it in live games. This was taking advice from other degens. I got to cocky and way to confident in my ability. And I paid for it. I wont let this happen again. I recommend anyone building a bankroll to do it in a comfortable way for you. The less stress you have the better you will play. You will be focused on making the correct play over the money. Ok I am done until next week. peace
grinding up microstakes Quote
01-01-2022 , 05:22 PM
Originally Posted by trytodoitagain
Oh wait this is my first person who said they subbed. I do appreciate anyone that follows me. I figured being at micro stakes not many people would bother reading it. It is cool people really do look. Reading blogs and writing my own motivates me to play. Especially when people are saying they subbed. It makes me want to succeed not just for me but the people following along.
Glad to be the first!

Originally Posted by trytodoitagain
So this is how my december finished at 10nl

In cash games 51, 78, 42, 8 (only played 2 hrs today)

I profited a total of 100 dollars in mtts.

dec profit- 1833 br- 2612

I only had 1 losing day the entire month. Maybe this is beyond sun running. Maybe this was a volcano erupting. I was waiting for a big downswing at some point so I could see how I handled it before I moved to 25nl. It just didn't happen. I am going to use some of my crypto to take care of bills so I can continue to grind up this roll. Next month I will be using my bankroll to pay bills. My goal was to own 1 bitcoin. So its hard for me to spend some of it for bills. It makes me feel like a traitor when I told myself I wont spend btc but its ok for one month.

My goals have shifted to focusing on grinding up a bankroll playing online over every goal I have at this moment. I didn't expect to win this much. 25nl is now the next step. If my bankroll gets to 5000 then I will move up to 50nl. If it goes to 1k I will move back to 10nl. I am not even thinking about playing 50nl right now though. I already know moving to 25nl it wont be as easy as 10nl. I expecting this week to be very challenging first week. The sun run probably has come to an end from what I have observed at 25nl. Hopefully I don't get destroyed and come on here saying I lost 100 buy in one week. That would be very embarrassing start to moving up in stakes. My bankroll is definitely enough to take on a big downswing so I believe I am ready for this challenge. Happy New Year to all and GL with the grind.

Oh btw I will update every sunday night but skip this first week since tomorrow is already saturday. I don't want to clutter this blog. So my next update will be January 9th of 2022. *cheers*
Really nice month

I think you will destroy this challenge before the deadline.

I was wonder if you have a study routine and if you mind to talk about it
grinding up microstakes Quote
01-01-2022 , 06:16 PM
Would be cool to destroy every limit like Viktor Blom did. I am a big fan of him. I am sure I will have problems as I move up in limits. These online players are tough. I am expecting some adversity. I honestly don't study at all off the table. I do study my opponents in real time on the felt. So my study time is when I play. I stretch before I play. I guess that would be a routine before a session. I try to get my body loose and relaxed before I begin a session. That is about it.
grinding up microstakes Quote
01-09-2022 , 11:15 PM
I just deleted my thread... I wont be writing everything I wrote the first time. I am very tilted now. I can't believe I did that. I am up 627 after first 8 days. Took today off. I wont be updating my blog until end of the month. I don't want to clutter it and basically repeat the same stuff every week. Id rather do it in a more interesting concise manner at end of the month with a full explanation of how the grind went. I actually like to read other grinders blogs more then writing one. Their blogs catch my interest more then mine.

I will summarize what I said. The first few days were tough moving up to 25nl playing against new players that played much better then 10nl grinders. The strategy I was using at 10nl was not working at 25nl. I made some adjustments and so far it has worked out for me. But I still need to improve my play. Hopefully if the good run continues I can move up to 50nl. The player pool only gets tougher going up in stakes, but I love the challenge. I feel like I am becoming a better player playing against tougher opponents. Next update will be 1/31/22. rip Bob Saget.

January profit- 627 br- 3239
grinding up microstakes Quote
01-15-2022 , 03:39 AM
I will bump up my blog for people that want to read it. I am trying to 10 table now. It is costing me some pots. I am timing out at times. If I can 10 table I believe I can make more money. If I can't then I will go back to 9 tables. I am going to try to for a week and see if I can get used to it.

I guess can talk about new years resolution. I am trying to live life in a different manner or a different way of thinking to see how it turns out. I was greedy degen in the past. My new years resolution always stems from a greedy thought. It leads to stress, anger, and frustration. I get to competitive with myself. So this year my resolution is to appreciate what I already have. And whatever goals I do reach like moving up in limits is just a bonus. I always get to caught up in what I want. I am just going to appreciate what I have. Going this route, I believe I will be a lot happier this year then years past without much stress. I don't want to think about the past or future. I want to stay in the present. In poker we are only as good as the next hand that is dealt to us. I will play every hand the best I possibly can. That is good enough for me. GL on 2022 grinders. I will update at end of the month.
grinding up microstakes Quote
01-31-2022 , 02:43 PM
I will be moving up to 50nl. I am using crypto for expenses again because I don't want to stay at 25nl. If I can beat 50nl then I will be moving up to 100nl, but I have to build my bankroll to 10k. Overall, I noticed more aggression and being put in much tougher decisions at 25nl. They were not giving away pots like 10nl. I ran good in most of the big pots. I hope it continues at 50nl so I can get to 100nl. Would be amazing if I could move up a limit each month.

Reading blogs has helped me with my game immensely over the last few months. I am learning a lot on how to study, strategy, downswings, taking shots, upswings, balancing life outside of poker etc. It has helped me a lot on and off the table. I do appreciate it. I hope you all continue on that poker grind to the goals you want to reach. Blogging and reading blogs has taken my game to a higher level. I am more focused and learning what it takes to be a real poker grinder. My next update will be at the end of february. Hopefully I run as good as the last 2 months. GL on the tables grinders.

total January profit at 25nl- 2646 br-5258
grinding up microstakes Quote
03-05-2022 , 08:21 PM
Forgot to update this. Had a lot of internet issues for 2 weeks. They said it was my wires. Bought new wires same issue. I had to switch my modem for a new one from my cable provider. That hurt my volume for the month. I was very surprised I made 2012. Not enough to move up to 100nl. I will probably get over a 10k br this month, but one rule I have is to stay limit for an entire month. I want to see how much I can make without any internet issues at 50nl. I am in no rush to move up the limits fast. Taking my time and building my br in a patient way with no stress attached to it is optimal for me. I am using investments to pay off bills as I have seen good success grinding online poker so far with no coach, no solvers, and no hud/tracker. I will continue to focus on building my br and I will be open to using more tools as I move up in limits and face some resistance from the better players. GL grinders.

total february profit at 50nl- 2012 br- 7270
grinding up microstakes Quote
03-07-2022 , 04:11 PM
You don't use any trackers but do you have any way to verify these results? Not saying you are a untruthful but 180 buy-ins at 10nl, 100 buy-ins at 25nl and 40 buy-ins at 50nl in 3 months is absolutely insane. You must either be absolutely crushing or putting insane volume, the latter of which seems unlikely as you said you're only putting 4-6 hours a day.
grinding up microstakes Quote
03-07-2022 , 06:30 PM
I play 9 tables at a time. Its a lot of hands each month. I understand you don't believe my results. I can't even believe I am doing this well. I don't think I could make that amount again if I tried at 10nl. I ran pretty hot. I also don't leave tables. Some of pots get pretty big. I am waiting to take a big downswing to see how I deal with it. When I have a losing month or even a big downswing I will post it.
grinding up microstakes Quote
03-07-2022 , 07:06 PM
I was asking an online grinder about my results. He said I am probably playing around 150k hands a month and that my results are average playing so many hands without a big downswing yet. I guess maybe I shouldn't toot my own horn. I thought it was good. But he is right I haven't had a big downswing yet. He said he seen grinders run good for a few months and think they are poker gods and then run bad for a few months and never see them again. That would be brutal to run bad for a few months. But if that is part of being a grinder I will deal with it. How do you verify results? Posting a graph or a win rate can be faked right? I am not sure I am crusher, but I am learning a lot from the crushers at each limit. I focus on the better players and implementing what they are doing into my strategy as I grow as player. I am sponging off of them. Its like free coaching while I am playing. That is basically how I am learning online poker.

Last edited by trytodoitagain; 03-07-2022 at 07:20 PM.
grinding up microstakes Quote
03-08-2022 , 05:38 PM
Those results sound insane but 320 bi in 450k hands is 7.1 bb/100 which is ofcourse a very impressive winrate but not impossible I guess. If you could send me the hh's I can import them and post a graph. Definately interested. In the last ~200k hands I played I had like a 32 and a 25 bi downswing, my winrate is ofcourse way lower but if you hadn't have gotten a big downswing yet in 450k hands that's really lucky
grinding up microstakes Quote
03-08-2022 , 09:55 PM
Originally Posted by Thommehh
Those results sound insane but 320 bi in 450k hands is 7.1 bb/100 which is ofcourse a very impressive winrate but not impossible I guess. If you could send me the hh's I can import them and post a graph. Definately interested. In the last ~200k hands I played I had like a 32 and a 25 bi downswing, my winrate is ofcourse way lower but if you hadn't have gotten a big downswing yet in 450k hands that's really lucky
The results are not impossible, but does seem suspicious for someone to have that win rate at 50nl while also claiming to not have a HUD, coach or to have used a solver. And while maybe there are some really soft sites or apps that would make this more feasible, it would be difficult to get 150k hands/month.
grinding up microstakes Quote
03-18-2022 , 04:52 PM
This month I am running better then I have any prior month. I believe my game is better then it has ever been. I learned so much playing vs the top players in my player pool. It makes me feel bad for me to post my results now on this blog. I know you guys study and work much harder then I do. It is really not fair. And it is not just blogging it is also when I am playing. I been accused of being a super user. I feel bad when my opponent gets upset cause I keep winning coin flips or my draw hits. I don't want anyone to feel that way. I don't want to create toxic atmosphere period and don't want to upset people on here so I will stop blogging. But I will follow other blogs and I have learned a lot from many of you on strategy and also how to balance life with poker. I do enjoy reading blogs over keeping one. GL grinding. I hope everyone can run good too.
grinding up microstakes Quote
03-18-2022 , 07:22 PM
Lol stfu dude
grinding up microstakes Quote
03-20-2022 , 10:59 AM

grinding up microstakes Quote
03-22-2022 , 02:23 PM
Originally Posted by BobbyPeru
Lol stfu dude
grinding up microstakes Quote
03-22-2022 , 02:36 PM
Originally Posted by Claret~N~Blue

I notice this pattern with other blogs. Skepticism followed by toxic laughs and comments. I didn't want to create a negative vibe. I don't understand why the poker forum is like this. 6bet me stopped blogging which is to bad. I enjoyed following along with is progress and I tried to leave positive comments so he would continue blogging. Hopefully more positivity can be brought to this forum in the future. I think online poker needs more of it. People are much nicer in live setting. A lot of key board warriors online I see and negativity. You guys enjoy being toxic. I will be the opposite and support the bloggers on here. GL on the grind even to toxic posters. I do hope everyone can win too.
grinding up microstakes Quote
09-30-2023 , 05:44 PM
Just an update I made over 50k this year and I am playing 500nl now daily. It would of been nice to continue doing this blog, but the trolls tend to ruin it for everyone. They want to create this negative vibe to these forums for some reason. I am sure they are coming out of the wood works to make their comments shortly. It is honest update to how my journey has gone. And I thought the people that followed along and had a positive vibe deserved to know how things are going. GL on the tables to everyone.
grinding up microstakes Quote
10-04-2023 , 04:46 AM
I believe in you.

When others are misguided it is up to us to be different.

Congratulations on your success!
grinding up microstakes Quote
