Originally Posted by Browndawg32
Hello fellow American! I play on Bovada too and I would definitely recommend the 3.30 rebuy that starts around 8:30ish? I always wait until the R/A period is over and then buy-in and add on during the break. This gives me plenty of chips to work with and cashing in these tournaments are very juicy. Good luck on your grind and maybe I'll see you at the tables. Haha just kidding
I may throw that one into the mix. I feel that the R/A tournaments I should just late reg, double rebuy and addon.
Bankroll is at $247.82 which is nice, have 10 BIs for 25NL so I might take a 2 BI shot this weekend and since tonight is my "late" night I might reg the $8k GTD $10 + 1 DS tournament, thoughts on that?