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Grinding SNEx2+ in 2013 Grinding SNEx2+ in 2013

01-09-2013 , 09:50 AM
Gl in 2013 meca!
01-09-2013 , 11:30 AM
London and Austria were both great, maybe Ill post some pics or some stuff about it later.
Would be nice
01-09-2013 , 02:19 PM
gl for 2013!
where have u been in austria? just curious
01-09-2013 , 04:55 PM
01-09-2013 , 08:05 PM
good luck for 2013 sir! may the thread epicness continue!
01-09-2013 , 09:15 PM
Good luck
01-10-2013 , 12:13 AM
gl dude =)
01-10-2013 , 01:25 AM
Grats that was a pretty good 2012 year, wishing you the best of luck in 2013!
01-10-2013 , 08:35 AM
GL - keep it solid
01-10-2013 , 09:49 AM
tx guys
01-10-2013 , 09:53 AM
Originally Posted by chaserr
Would be nice

gl quad
01-10-2013 , 10:14 AM
goooooooood luuuuuuuck
01-10-2013 , 10:32 AM
gl quad
01-10-2013 , 10:36 AM
01-11-2013 , 03:26 PM
Originally Posted by martom
Sicko Martiijn Well done you've crushed all the year.
Read all the thread. Awesome.
Respect bro.

Question : After having reached 1mil and grinded your ass off all the year, how do u feel ?
Did this journey totally woth it (satisfaction wise)?
I see that having reached your 1mil goal makes you want more for next year. Explain me what's going on in your mind sir

again gratz
I did talk a little bit about it in my wrap up but yeah Im not going to play more hours, allthough i think my average session def can get some work. In turbos I used to do hours and hours on end but now in hypers I will do atleast 2 hours every session which to be honest, was almost never the case last year. I dont regret it perse, because it kept me cool, but this needs work because then my games/hour can even get higher than it alrleady was. Also, I expect to get a higher ABI (45 last year). IF its gonna be 60, 80 or 110 IDK, time will tell

Originally Posted by jjyykk
wanna just be an MTT grinder with me this year with your 70% rb?
I think I'm in the minority because most players I talk to either are kinda w/e with poker or would like to play another gametype but that has a lower hourly, or really ****ing hate poker or another subsection of not liking what they do. I really enjoy grinding sngs and the skillset you need for the games I play. It does not feel repetitive even though it kinda is. I would not switch to MTTs as a grind ever, maybe I'm forced to switch if u extrapolate how things are going in sng-/hyperland though. Alltho I hope the top x% will always earn a nice chunk of $ its not impossible that I have to switch at some point.

In the land 21 days I played less than 4 hours of poker, which most as next to BPPLatform in Austria where he needed to complete his 300k vpps, just loaded some hu hypers which every reg insta sat me ldo for fun. I do not feel like i miss something when I dont play, so IDK, life without poker can be the case in 2 years, or not, I dont really mind. I enjoy what I do atm and thats what matters.

Originally Posted by Rusemandingo
How good are you at tennis? HU4rollz?
I used to be decent to really good back when i was young. Trained alot, and more like this, but oddly enough my mindset was always what was holding me back. I don't understand why looking back because in poker its not the case. I'm rejoining my tennis club so we will see if it had improved, or i still think too much in my head while playing that important point at an important game/tie break etc .

Originally Posted by Don Stefanello
Gl in 2013 meca!
Originally Posted by Spathic
Thanks all once more. Had a really productive week on every part except poker. I did review alot, and my pc is almost done loading in 2 years worth of HH which should give me valueable insight in some stuff but I didnt play. Also did a long mtt turbo review with my stable which both gave them and me confidence for upcoming TCOOP where I'm going to spend a decent amount of my SNE credits.

Im expecting to play less than an hour total till 16 january, but from that point you can expect me grinding at full force

Last edited by Mecastyles; 01-11-2013 at 03:32 PM.
01-15-2013 , 04:27 AM
tried to get a hud showing for HM2 for over two hours yesterday. unbelievable what a pos program
01-15-2013 , 05:56 AM
^Ive spend at least 5 hours to get it working... gave up! Back to HEM1
01-15-2013 , 06:16 AM
I imagine your tennis tilts would be pretty epic.

Def a sport were a couple of inches in a couple of points can set you down a path that ruins your match.
01-15-2013 , 06:18 AM
Originally Posted by Rusemandingo
I imagine your tennis tilts would be pretty epic.

Def a sport were a couple of inches in a couple of points can set you down a path that ruins your match.
Yea meca when do you want to play a match
01-15-2013 , 07:15 AM
Lol hm2 such a rip off
01-15-2013 , 07:45 AM
Originally Posted by Mecastyles
tried to get a hud showing for HM2 for over two hours yesterday. unbelievable what a pos program
yeah fk hm2 its got some sick features but so dam unreliable
01-15-2013 , 10:04 PM
01-15-2013 , 11:17 PM
Is that the newest update that's messing up peoples HUD?
01-17-2013 , 12:21 PM
Grinded 9 and 18man games for the last couple of days. My break of in particular 18mans are not bothering my EV i think, probably gained experience grinding other games for my 18man game.

Also people say that 6max hypers are 'easy', while this is not true in every way imaginable its def not true for margin of errors. To go from a crusher to a losing player in 18mans is quite hard as a reg, you have to make alot of mistakes to go down that road. In 6max games tho, easily done. A lot of these 18man regs would get crushed in 6max games, they are worse in poker and just have more basic leaks. This is not to say that everyone is bad, alot of them have improved loads from when i was playing to now but its whatever, I can table these games like crazy and I'm actually enjoying it, also the opportunity cost of not playing 6max hypers in peak hours isnt that high because the EV in them is probably at the lowest they can be before going dead because there are so many regs.

While my results have been lacking the first few days, im surprised by the vpp/hour and how easy I can log in big sessions. Maybe I'll grind 6max hypers soon, but I know for sure that I will mix more of these days in then i did last year

GL all
01-17-2013 , 07:36 PM
London and Austria were both great, maybe Ill post some pics or some stuff about it later.
You need some help with that?^^

London was great fun as usual, one day you'll win

