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Grinding SNEx2+ in 2013 Grinding SNEx2+ in 2013

10-21-2012 , 07:51 PM
10-21-2012 , 08:12 PM
Nice upswing.
10-21-2012 , 08:32 PM
Impressive, best of luck to you
10-22-2012 , 04:22 AM
Awesome thread man!

Im in an 18man group with Sooo, Tunna, ILS... Pretty sure you will have
played all of them. Im still in the micros for now. Had a tough time in the £15s
for months. Dropped down to $7s for a bit and playing less tables. Im still in
"learning mode" right now. Hopefully can start the full-on grind in Jan.

Keep it up sir and run good!
10-22-2012 , 04:28 AM
Beast is back
10-22-2012 , 05:29 AM
You're actually winning at 9 max hypers? I thought you said you were donating! Sick bluff, nh, wp.
10-22-2012 , 06:47 AM
gogogogogo Q

how long r ur sessions without taking a break?

whats the most games u played without a break?

grtz pete
10-22-2012 , 11:44 AM
when you say sng horses do you mean olny staking or coaching too??
if both is there a slot?? interested in 18man already a mediocre winnin player,,

been following your thread from the start,, so sick glgl
10-22-2012 , 12:00 PM
Nice comeback Quad!
10-22-2012 , 12:10 PM
Good luck with making SNE! I'm from The Netherlands as well, playing the same games, but at lower stakes (15's now)
10-22-2012 , 12:14 PM
So sick and keep it going
Really think that u can beat any kind of sng with your work ethic to always try to take your game to the next level and that sir is what separates the man from the boyz
10-22-2012 , 12:23 PM
gjgj meca!!
sick swing but nice grinding
10-22-2012 , 02:13 PM
Nice man, gl
10-23-2012 , 11:40 AM
10-24-2012 , 03:44 PM
OP going to play MCOP?
10-24-2012 , 04:00 PM
Originally Posted by Rusemandingo
lol 9m turbos
Mostly hyperturbo 9mans though

Originally Posted by freech
F**k me man! Impresive especially considering you're at school.

This may sound like a dumb question but when you've finished studying you gonna get a 'normal' job or just play poker for a living? Think how many VPPs you could get if you had no school.
Not a dumb question at all. ATM i think the opportunity cost of going to school is too low to quit, so like extra vpps are not worth it for me to quit getting my degrees but after it, I dont know, dont know how poker climate is and if i still wanna play.

I had a longtermish plan when i decided to start grinding seriously in august 2009. Building bankroll for 2010, made 10k, then make 40,100,200k while moving up in stakes. Made it all so far, pretty sure im going to make sne atleast the next 2/3 years after because im still at school. How sick im going to make it next year is limitless. a fulltime pro should be able to make 8m vpps ! but no im doing between 1.5 and 2 next year.

Originally Posted by Limels
only few people make SNE playing sng´s..

only few of the few make it with profit at the tables. And you are one of them.

Congratz Quadz! You are at the top.
top of the bottom hiha

Originally Posted by starting gun
i actually enjoyed the recycled episode for the most part, still think its not as good as it used to be overall

Originally Posted by basajax
subbed GL!

Originally Posted by JayC170
Id put my bankroll on it being kirill xD
Originally Posted by starting gun
also my guess

Originally Posted by PhroznVirus
gl buddy sick thread and I'm definitely following. I'd be down for another HU session :P
lets do it

Originally Posted by DanteA
Originally Posted by hotwings18
Originally Posted by Rusemandingo
Nice upswing.
Originally Posted by aseHigh
Impressive, best of luck to you
thanks such love i am more familiar with haters

Originally Posted by KingWhite55
Awesome thread man!

Im in an 18man group with Sooo, Tunna, ILS... Pretty sure you will have
played all of them. Im still in the micros for now. Had a tough time in the £15s
for months. Dropped down to $7s for a bit and playing less tables. Im still in
"learning mode" right now. Hopefully can start the full-on grind in Jan.

Keep it up sir and run good!
good luck dude. I wish you the best in 18mans they seem to get softer because grinders have more options to choose from now the 6 and 9man hypers have taken off 18man has less volume but def softer so 2nd time will go ok i think.

Originally Posted by grindtolive
Beast is back

Originally Posted by acbarone
You're actually winning at 9 max hypers? I thought you said you were donating! Sick bluff, nh, wp.
im on a be stretch in them right now. actually 9man only game with a redline that in hem that im under ev in this year,

Originally Posted by peterpoker14
gogogogogo Q

how long r ur sessions without taking a break?

whats the most games u played without a break?

grtz pete
18man session used to be between 3 and 7 hours essions.

hypers are now like between 45 and 1.5 hours before i take a break. I could do longer because I dont need the breaks but he comfort that u can load ur games in a matter of a few minutes again make me take the breaks

probably 1100 turbos is my longest turbo and 1000 hypers session after this alot of 3-500 turbo sessions and quite a few of 3-500 hyper sessions

Originally Posted by asyrmatista
when you say sng horses do you mean olny staking or coaching too??
if both is there a slot?? interested in 18man already a mediocre winnin player,,

been following your thread from the start,, so sick glgl
sorry i stopped taking players

Originally Posted by DanteA
Nice comeback Quad!
can be gone or doubled soon welcome to the sng with sickest standard deviation ever ;(

Originally Posted by RemcoDupri
Good luck with making SNE! I'm from The Netherlands as well, playing the same games, but at lower stakes (15's now)
gl, these are pretty soft to learn on, make sure you keep adjusting when u move up

Originally Posted by thatbadboy
So sick and keep it going
Really think that u can beat any kind of sng with your work ethic to always try to take your game to the next level and that sir is what separates the man from the boyz
Thx, i really think there are two main things that give me an edge and that is indeed i like the game and grind alot and i always try to improve and look what others do. Also feel that my viewpoint in this is not with most grinders, everytime i talk to my horses on skype for example they post hands where some player makes questionable play or too wide too tight whatever its like = donk u know. people think so black and white, its pretty standard to do so but u need to look from so many angles imo just see there are both in 18man and 6man hypers players who play almost opposite playing styles but both seem to make it work, just that fact makes poker so f awesome

Originally Posted by JD Klinkz
gjgj meca!!
sick swing but nice grinding
u2, saw ur moving up

Originally Posted by Don Stefanello
Nice man, gl

Originally Posted by EpicEpicEpic
TY, fish

Originally Posted by Haarlem91
OP going to play MCOP?
nope sorry, u?
10-24-2012 , 04:15 PM
longest post ever? (flex)
10-25-2012 , 06:48 AM

Freeroll update:

was going ok so far, on 797, but now the server restart ;(, later today someone coming over, after this need to rail my friend who won that live toernie who qualified to the like dutch open like dutch championship of toernies or whatever u wanna call it, thennnn tomorrow have appointment in the morning/afternoon, and in the evening going to see a comedyshow of najib amhali (not a terrorist) and if said friend is still in dutch open have to see that/play some cashgames etc

*** i dont know how im gonna make 13k vpp

monthly update:

going very good considering a bad start. I hope it doesnt even out at the end like it did in september but so far sooo good. Also 800 bucks away from breaking 6 figures prerakeback in sngs only this year, 1timeeee

10-25-2012 , 07:11 AM
LOL @ not a terrorist.

Im pretty sure i have most of your 9m hyper redline ev btw.
10-25-2012 , 09:59 AM


Last edited by Mecastyles; 10-25-2012 at 10:00 AM. Reason: sngs r deaad
10-25-2012 , 10:03 AM
sick life ;D
10-25-2012 , 10:07 AM
Not too shabby

You think youre gonna finish the year w more table profit than rb profit?
10-25-2012 , 10:47 AM
heh not sure, i obv hope so hehe but atleast im making money pre rb thats clear
10-25-2012 , 10:49 AM
I envy you
10-25-2012 , 10:49 AM
Pretty sick congrats!! Just out of interest what makes you think a full-time pro can make 8M VPP's? And in what games?
