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Grinding Past the Fries Grinding Past the Fries

06-13-2018 , 12:51 AM
Jfc I was in shambles today Gazzy had to keep update pg otherwise I may have been locked up haha. Not to mention one of our blackjack dealers must have made 4-500 in dealer bets had he got to keep them. He even came to check on us at craps after the epic double down in bj where dealer tried to slowroll me for fun. Also playing (or I should say attempting to play) pai gow whike 15 drinks deep and getting chirped by the dealer before responding and getting booted again!

Oh ya not to mention that 4 on craps was ****ing epic!
Grinding Past the Fries Quote
06-13-2018 , 04:31 AM
Originally Posted by ShellysAshes
Living the life. Thread has been so great of late.
Thanks a lot bud! I just remembered you PMd me a few weeks ago and I forgot all about it, I'll reply tonight!

Originally Posted by LittleGoliath
how much was you up yday mate?
Yesterday I won about $7.7k (sun) (sun) (flex) (flex)

Originally Posted by rodgethat
when you firing some mtts?
I've fired 1x $1100 so far. I wanna win another 20k or so at cash and then flick some in. Hopefully by the end of the summer!

Originally Posted by Don Melchor
EL tiburonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
gl dude, loving the updates!!!
Thanks mate. Saw your instagram post today whilst I was eating a fried chicken burger, the shame! hahaha

Originally Posted by Everest17
Jfc I was in shambles today Gazzy had to keep update pg otherwise I may have been locked up haha. Not to mention one of our blackjack dealers must have made 4-500 in dealer bets had he got to keep them. He even came to check on us at craps after the epic double down in bj where dealer tried to slowroll me for fun. Also playing (or I should say attempting to play) pai gow whike 15 drinks deep and getting chirped by the dealer before responding and getting booted again!

Oh ya not to mention that 4 on craps was ****ing epic!
I mean if you wrote this whilst you were sober imagine how incoherent you are when you're drunk lol


Started the day with a game of 6s, the pitch was a little too big for 6s so next week it'll be 7s. Game was really enjoyable, the 6 European dudes went on one team, and me, 4 English guys and the big incoherent Canadian bear went on another. Both teams were pretty good but the heat was a huge factor, even indoors we had to take 4 or 5 water breaks. The Europeans won, but I got a few kind words from a couple of em after the game, which was pleasing. Lost $50 gambing on the game haha. Came home and went back to bed for a few hours. Woke up feeling extremely hungover, I was super drunk last night. Dragged myself into the Bellagio and sat at 10/20 with 3 other regs on a must move. Took about 20 mins and finally got into the main game. I should've checked the quality of the main game before sitting, as in hindsight the game was super meh, glad I didn't check the quality of it tho won a very nice $7k within a couple of hours. The biggest pot I won, I open 75ss in lowjack, hijack tight reg calls, btn tight reg squeezes, I call, btn hijack folds. We are $5800 eff to start the hand. Flop is 368ddx. I x and he bets 400 into 610, I call. Turn is a 5. I recognised at the time that I had a turned a pair to go with my OESD, and thus x/c'd 900 OTT. The river was another 5 and my mind went "**** sake can I make one draw in my f....oh wait we have trips woohoo!" I x and btn asks how much I've got left, I show him (like $4300 iirc). He jams and I don't looooooooooooooove it but obv snap. He's like "do you have a five" and he says "you win then". I stupidly show and he mucks. Even though I say I have a five I should at least wait and see what he has for info. So +EV for him if he gets to muck AJdd there. I'm such an idiot.

Not much else happened, I had winners tilt and felt sluggish so called it after a mammoth 2 hour session. Gonna get a few hours sleep and get up and play the day grind tomorrow.

Another selfie with another legend of the game, my main man BigAsiaOk in the houuuuuuuuse!

Edit - there's a reg playing in the games from LA called Bruno. He sat to my right tonight and asked what was wrong with me. I told him I was hungover and he asked if I wanted a hug. We spent about 10 seconds locked in each other's arms and for those 10 seconds the hustle and bustle of the Bellagio poker room melted away, it was so warm and peaceful.

Last edited by GazzyB123; 06-13-2018 at 04:44 AM.
Grinding Past the Fries Quote
06-13-2018 , 05:40 AM
Originally Posted by GazzyB123

Edit - there's a reg playing in the games from LA called Bruno. He sat to my right tonight and asked what was wrong with me. I told him I was hungover and he asked if I wanted a hug. We spent about 10 seconds locked in each other's arms and for those 10 seconds the hustle and bustle of the Bellagio poker room melted away, it was so warm and peaceful.

the boys need to get you some pussy NOOOOOOOOWWWWWW lol
Grinding Past the Fries Quote
06-13-2018 , 07:33 AM
Ppl generally underrate the effect a hug can have. What a guy
Grinding Past the Fries Quote
06-13-2018 , 12:22 PM
Well, you can hug a girl as well and then go from there.

Not that I'd know
Grinding Past the Fries Quote
06-13-2018 , 12:37 PM
Originally Posted by blakkman08
Ppl generally underrate the effect a hug can have. What a guy
Grinding Past the Fries Quote
06-13-2018 , 01:07 PM
Got any GTO hug strats?
Grinding Past the Fries Quote
06-13-2018 , 01:09 PM
This thread is the stone cold nuts. Please never leave Vegas!

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Grinding Past the Fries Quote
06-13-2018 , 02:45 PM
Long time lurker out of the woodwork purely on that hug chat. Awesome Grinding Past the Fries❤️ Good luck fella.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Grinding Past the Fries Quote
06-13-2018 , 03:41 PM
lol best thread on 2p2 rn
Grinding Past the Fries Quote
06-13-2018 , 04:25 PM
Originally Posted by GazzyB123
Thanks a lot bud! I just remembered you PMd me a few weeks ago and I forgot all about it, I'll reply tonight!
That was like 3.5 months ago haha. No sweat though bro.
Grinding Past the Fries Quote
06-13-2018 , 04:53 PM
Without doubt best pgc and bloke on 2p2.

Keep up the updates gazzy Cos theyre awesome.
Grinding Past the Fries Quote
06-13-2018 , 06:15 PM
Originally Posted by GazzyB123
The 2 seats that were open in our game for about an hour FINALLY get filled and it's 2 regs that come from the must-move as opposed to some of the recs, so I rack up and go.]
Haha I was in this game and pretty sure one of the regs you're talking about. I was the one who asked you if you showed Q2o when you raised pre, everyone folded and I think you quickly flashed QQ . I was in seat 1

Originally Posted by GazzyB123
Last hand I open KQo UTG 7 handed, decent LAG reg 3bets to 220, TAG reg cold calls BTN, I make it 840, BTN calls. Flop is 843 and I am gonna triple it off vs this guy. I bet 480 OTF, he calls. Turn Ax. I think his preflop range is basically 99-QQ, AQs and AKo, the non paired hands of which we block. This range probably doesn't change much OTF so I think on this turn we get more folds by checking and betting river. I x and he xb. River is a brick and I bet 1500ish and he snaps w AKs. Really really like my line/thought process here, just sucks that he is at top of his range on this board.
If it makes you feel any better while I was watching this hand go down I thought you for sure had the goods before the cards were flipped.

Nice playing with you
Grinding Past the Fries Quote
06-13-2018 , 07:34 PM
Loving the updates as always. Super jealous - you're doing exactly what I wish I was right now haha.
GL at the tables man.
Grinding Past the Fries Quote
06-13-2018 , 07:39 PM
The rungood I experienced yesterday was absolutely **** all compared to today. After I destroy the bellagio buffet I'll update.

Pepper your anguses.
Grinding Past the Fries Quote
06-13-2018 , 07:43 PM
opc orn:
Grinding Past the Fries Quote
06-13-2018 , 09:32 PM
Originally Posted by max85
the boys need to get you some pussy NOOOOOOOOWWWWWW lol
lmao we can go sapphire when you get here brah

Originally Posted by blakkman08
Ppl generally underrate the effect a hug can have. What a guy
Originally Posted by deathorglory0
It's been a while since I've had a right good hug, I'd forgotten how magical it can be.

Originally Posted by vrael111
Well, you can hug a girl as well and then go from there.

Not that I'd know
Me neither brah, #foreveralone

Originally Posted by z0mgtiltz
Got any GTO hug strats?
Yes. Never let go.

Originally Posted by br3nt00
This thread is the stone cold nuts. Please never leave Vegas!

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Originally Posted by smokeyads
Long time lurker out of the woodwork purely on that hug chat. Awesome Grinding Past the Fries❤️ Good luck fella.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Originally Posted by Mayox
lol best thread on 2p2 rn
Thanks guyssssssss

Originally Posted by ShellysAshes
That was like 3.5 months ago haha. No sweat though bro.
You're a gent sir

Originally Posted by BigAisaOK
Without doubt best pgc and bloke on 2p2.

Keep up the updates gazzy Cos theyre awesome.
Thanks big guy, absolutely delightful to see you every couple of days, fine morale boost.

Originally Posted by andees10
Haha I was in this game and pretty sure one of the regs you're talking about. I was the one who asked you if you showed Q2o when you raised pre, everyone folded and I think you quickly flashed QQ . I was in seat 1

If it makes you feel any better while I was watching this hand go down I thought you for sure had the goods before the cards were flipped.

Nice playing with you
Hey man, I remember you, but I can't remember what you look like! Defo make yourself known at the tables next time we play, and thanks for that regarding the bluff. Stupid idiot cold calling a 3bet w AKs (jk ofc if he reads this)

Originally Posted by LucasVienna
Loving the updates as always. Super jealous - you're doing exactly what I wish I was right now haha.
GL at the tables man.
Get your pasty ass out here then bruv, money to be made! Hope you're well


Fell asleep at around 5am on the sofa, planning to go in to grind around 9am or so. Woke up at 1pm in bed with no memory of going there. High tailed it to Bellagio and sit down. I'm UTG+1 and the dealer is like "wait one hand sir?" and I'm like fk no I straddle. I remember reading a tweet just after my first WSOP a few years ago, it was something along the lines of "if you let just one person off the plane before you, your entire summer would have been completely different." If I had waited one hand and not straddled, my day could've been completely different. I straddled and that lead to a round, which basically lead to 10/20/40 and sometimes 80 and a couple of 160s. I've got the absolute Jesus on a young spewy Asian rec. Genuinely the best game I've played in, at one point a rec (who is a really REALLY nice guy) rocked up and the floor made the game 10 handed. I started with 4k, and when I realised it was basically 10/20/40 I reloaded to 6k and then the Asian kid absolutely rofled off 10k to a reg so I topped up to 10k. Utterly fearless.

First hand of note I open AA utg to 140, I get 3bet kinda small to 420ish. I pop her to 1120 vs a reg who wasn't a full time reg so wasn't as good as some of the other regs if that makes sense. Anyway he calls and flop is J44r. I cbet 700ish into 2300 and he insta cuts out chips, takes a minute, and calls. Turn is a 5, and I bet like 1900 into 3800, setting up for the river jam. Again he immediately cuts out the calling chips, and then thinks for a while. Can tell by the way he's acting he doesn't have JJ. Eventually he folds and said he made a big fold. At the time I was like ffs this comedian's just mucked Kim Kardashians but after playing a while with him I reckon it was like 9s or 10s lol.

Next hand of note I open AdAx again (got them 4 times today lol). Yet another bad reg 3bets huge, and my 4bet this time is like 1400 as a result. He calls, flop is T62dxx. I cbet 1100 into 2800, he calls. Turn is 4d. I x, and he bets 1600 into 4k. He's got like 5 or 6k behind, so I plan to jam. I've got one earbud in and I'm listening to Miami 2 Ibiza by Tinie Tempah. I tell myself I'm gonna wait for the line "you can find me on a table full of vodka and tequila" and shove on the word 'tequila'. A few seconds go by and I realise I'm on the wrong fkn verse. Had to tank for 90 seconds waiting for that word, and when it finally hits I shove and the other guy's cards are in the muck before Tinie can finish the line "surrounded by some bunnies, and it ain't f*ckin Eastaaaa"

Next hand, the Asian kid puts the double straddle on, and him and the 10th seat are goading me into double straddling (all in good fun). Dealer deals the cards and I'm texting and laughing and being like no i'm not doing it. Dealer finishes dealing and is like its on you sir and I go "fine i'll double straddle!" and they both start laughing. I put the 160 on, folds round to the Asian kid who completes, I look down once again at AA loooooool. I make it 500, he calls. Flop is K72fd and he xf's. I obv show and Asian kid nearly fell out his chair laughing haha.

Very next hand I monged out and put the 80 straddle on. I wasn't thinking and just assumed I had double straddled last hand and was now putting on the 40. Look down at A5dd. Gets raised to 240 and 3 callers, I flat (**** squeezing to like 1400 lol), and the flop is A65ssx. UTG bets like 600, folds to me and I call. Turn brick and he bets around half pot again. Shoulda been brave and raised here, instead I scared money called. River Tx and I x and he triumphantly shows KQss. Yet another pot where I just rake in 2 or 3k so easily.

The Asian kid 3bet a 120 UTG open to 400 from SB, let me sweat the hand, and showed me 73s. After that I knew just how loose he was. We play a hand where I'm in the 80, 10th seat limps, and Asian kid makes it 380 w 32o. I call from the 80 w QTo and the other guy calls. Flop is KT2hhx. Asian kid cbets, I call, guy behind me calls. Don't love it when he overcalls. Turn is a brick and it goes x/x/x. River Jx and Asian kid bets 2500. Can't fold given he showed me 73s and the way he played it, and our 2p/straight blockers. I call and he happily shows the bluff and is a little taken aback I called him so light.

Another hand, 10th seat opens to 120, Asian kid 3bets from BTN to 320, I cold call 99 in SB, other guy calls. Flop KJ6r x/x/x. Turn 5x bdfd, x, 10th seat bets 700, I call, Asian kid folds. River 8x, I x, he bets 1400, I ask if he is ever bluffing in this spot and that I should've folded turn. I eventually call and he's like "you win". I show and he mucks.

I made a 2k river call w A high vs the Asian kid in a 3bet pot and lost, so at that point I decided to call it. Pic of stack towards the end...

$14k profit. Thoroughly, thoroughly satisfying.

Really, really appreciate the kind words from everyone about this thread. The live updates are of course a lot more entertaining than the online updates, and I am glad you guys enjoy them as much as I enjoy writing them
Grinding Past the Fries Quote
06-14-2018 , 01:09 AM
Next hand of note I open AdAx again (got them 4 times today lol). Yet another bad reg 3bets huge, and my 4bet this time is like 1400 as a result. He calls, flop is T62dxx. I cbet 1100 into 2800, he calls. Turn is 4d. I x, and he bets 1600 into 4k. He's got like 5 or 6k behind, so I plan to jam. I've got one earbud in and I'm listening to Miami 2 Ibiza by Tinie Tempah. I tell myself I'm gonna wait for the line "you can find me on a table full of vodka and tequila" and shove on the word 'tequila'. A few seconds go by and I realise I'm on the wrong fkn verse. Had to tank for 90 seconds waiting for that word, and when it finally hits I shove and the other guy's cards are in the muck before Tinie can finish the line "surrounded by some bunnies, and it ain't f*ckin Eastaaaa"
May be the greatest HH description of all time?
Grinding Past the Fries Quote
06-14-2018 , 01:44 AM
Def most entertaining read in 2p2, keep updating!
Grinding Past the Fries Quote
06-14-2018 , 03:52 AM
Just the caj 14k sesh
Grinding Past the Fries Quote
06-14-2018 , 04:18 AM
Miami to Ibiza hand is one of the greatest HH’s I’ve read hahaha, gj keep crushing.
Grinding Past the Fries Quote
06-14-2018 , 06:38 AM
Why did I always assume BigA was Chinese.....?

Won't be happy ITT until OP is crushing Bobby's Room
Grinding Past the Fries Quote
06-14-2018 , 06:43 AM
i mean this was AAAAAAAA+++++++++++ read
Grinding Past the Fries Quote
06-14-2018 , 08:20 AM
Originally Posted by GrimIsCool
Why did I always assume BigA was Chinese.....?

So much this
Grinding Past the Fries Quote
06-14-2018 , 08:40 AM
I had a weird feeling reading this. While I wish you the best and I am no hater, it felt dumb to me that the most rewarding days in poker money-wise (and this one in particular is a great example) are often not out of being so much more skilled than the rest of the players but because of sheer luck.
Just getting aces and getting paid, that's it.
Iit just feels a bit sad to me that how you run has so much influence on results.
Grinding Past the Fries Quote
