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Grinding Past the Fries Grinding Past the Fries

05-08-2018 , 07:34 PM
gazzy's reach advantage should not be underestimated
Grinding Past the Fries Quote
05-08-2018 , 08:01 PM
Originally Posted by cantor1987
Is it harder to go without pizza or a tug???
Defo harder to go without a tug haha. Pizza thing is frustrating more than anything, the tug thing is the nut worst! Pardon the pun...

Originally Posted by Rapidesh123
Really cool to see you play live, what do you think the games play compared to online at a 2/5 table?
Thanks man! 2/5 is extremely soft, but 5/10 is much tougher, whilst still being beatable/a lot of fun. Given the 5/5 is capped here to 100bb I don't think I'd ever fly out here to play it personally. But yeah 2/5 is super duper soft.

Originally Posted by meale
2/5 live = 2nl online
This pretty much haha

Originally Posted by Rich Checkmaker
Ok, you counted wrong. I had over 2k. Is it possible you are mistaken? Maybe you're beady little close set eyes can't see very well. Are you calling me a liar? Which is it? Why would I even make up that I lost more money? That's stupid. Again you weren't even at my table. Admit you counted wrong.

I love how a soft dude like you can think that they are hard. It's hilarious. I've knocked out someone's teeth before dude. Be careful who you size up as someone you can beat. You don't have a layer of fat around your face to protect it. Unless your smashing cake into your face. You want to fight? That can be arranged big slow softie. I've hit punching bags that are harder than you chump. You shake hands like a little girl. How fast do your fists move when you throw a punch? You really think you would beat me in a fight? Lol I'll bet on me buddy, I've seen you too! You're just a big ole fat body.

You're a jerk. Look at my first post in your thread and then your reply. I came in here trying to be nice to you and the first thing you say is to insult my poker playing ability and then to chastise and correct me about something that didn't even happen. I can get behind making fun of my poker playing, if its good natured, but you really think you are a better player than me and insulted me about it. Which is insane. So screw you you jerk, I wanted to be nice and make a friend, and you decided to insult me and judge me.

Originally Posted by Silentb0b
Guys i did the math, there is no other way around it...
Ahahaha A+

Originally Posted by Husker
****ing hell!
Originally Posted by Labax
the **** is this :/
**** knows boys, **** knows

Originally Posted by Megloooo
Up there with some of the best stuff ive read on 2p2
Agreed, it's absolutely superb stuff!

Originally Posted by SenpaiSwift
What the **** did you just ****ing say about me, you little *****? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the **** out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my ****ing words. You think you can get away with saying that **** to me over the Internet? Think again, ****er. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re ****ing dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little ****. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your ****ing tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will **** fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re ****ing dead, kiddo.
Lmao A+

Originally Posted by dairuss86
In before Glasgow kiss.

Originally Posted by Everest17
Knocking out your own teeth doesn’t count. Fkn spastic

Originally Posted by sunE
Haha I know, can confirm it's defo the latter tho hehehehe

Originally Posted by iHaveTrips

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Originally Posted by LittleGoliath

Originally Posted by YGOchamp
LMAOOOOOO this is ****ing amazing.

Can we please see a fight? I have no clue what gazzy looks like but I know Rich has a habit of making emotionally charged decisions even if they're logically poor choices, so I'm ganna assume he's a dog here. Will take bets on Gary.
Haha unfortunately there will be no fight

Originally Posted by BERRI SOUR
gazzy's reach advantage should not be underestimated
thanks boss

Guys lets just quickly get one thing clear. I did not challenge Rich to a physical confrontation, nor will there be a physical confrontation. If people re-read my above post, you'll see that I reaffirmed there was no threat of any violence. This isn't a cop out, or me shirking away from a fight, it's just the (insanely obviously) sensible thing to do. I don't want to jeopardise my entry into The Commerce or even the US. I see that Rich has spoken in his thread about his desire to hurt me. That's entirely up to him. I'd strongly encourage him not to do anything like that, but if he chooses to attempt to do so, that's his choice!

I had intentions of poking fun at Rich in this thread, but I think given what we've seen from him and what he's revealed about his current life and his past, I think it'd be cruel to do that.
Grinding Past the Fries Quote
05-08-2018 , 11:07 PM
i generally find uneducated folk resort to violence
Grinding Past the Fries Quote
05-08-2018 , 11:41 PM
Originally Posted by max85
i generally find uneducated folk resort to violence

Sent from my Nokia 1100 using Tapatalk
Grinding Past the Fries Quote
05-09-2018 , 01:13 AM
5 hrs since last post from Gazzy
Any confrontations? Any punches exchanged hands?
Grinding Past the Fries Quote
05-09-2018 , 01:20 AM
Hu4rollz ?
Grinding Past the Fries Quote
05-09-2018 , 03:04 AM
I love you and all Gazzy, but if you don't want to fight the guy, then just apologise instead of trying to save face and dodge altercation at the same time. Because as far as I can see, if this really was the first interaction between you two, he came in your thread and say 'Hey, welcome to LA, good luck!' and you basically replied with 'LMAO you're ****ing **** at poker, can't wait to take your money!' ??
Grinding Past the Fries Quote
05-09-2018 , 03:19 AM
Our irl interaction was after a lot of online sassing from both sides. It lasted 5 seconds. "Hey I'm rich" "hey how you doing" and that was it.

Can you show me or tell me what I'm backing down from? Rich was the first person to suggest/instigate any form of violence. I've made it clear all along I'm not interested in that but if he comes up to me in the commerce and tries to start a fight I'm capable of defending myself.

I fail to see how I'm backing down from something I haven't ever stepped up to. I'll say it one more time. I have no interest in engaging in a fight with rich, I'm not scared or intimidated by him, but if he tries anything, I'm more than capable of defending myself.

Frankly I'm disappointed that a long time reader of this thread thinks I'd ever resort to violence to settle an argument from the internet. Unless you think me questioning his poker ability is me challenging him to a fight?

Last edited by GazzyB123; 05-09-2018 at 03:38 AM. Reason: Typo
Grinding Past the Fries Quote
05-09-2018 , 03:39 AM
Originally Posted by Kangal_
I love you and all Gazzy, but if you don't want to fight the guy, then just apologise
Horrible post, you're an idiot. According to this, somebody must be willing to physically fight people in order to insult/poke fun at/criticize them? what an absurd thing to say
Grinding Past the Fries Quote
05-09-2018 , 03:50 AM
He's obviously taken your 'you will not win' bit as a offering out (I think I probably would have too, in his position), and given that neither of you want to give an inch has responded in kind. I didn't say that you're backing down from anything, but if you're truly not interested in scrapping, then does it really hurt your pride that much to just say 'sorry, that's not what I meant, let's just go about our business'. Instead of doing more antagonising **** like correcting spelling mistakes in his posts lmao.
Grinding Past the Fries Quote
05-09-2018 , 03:52 AM
Originally Posted by YGOchamp
Horrible post, you're an idiot. According to this, somebody must be willing to physically fight people in order to insult/poke fun at/criticize them? what an absurd thing to say
Thanks for being super objective and only quoting the part of my post that makes me look the worst.

Wanna fight?
Grinding Past the Fries Quote
05-09-2018 , 03:55 AM
"You will not win" is QUITE LITERALLY followed up with "that isn't a physical threat by the way".

Edited out the harsh part.
Grinding Past the Fries Quote
05-09-2018 , 04:13 AM
I'm not condoning physical violence, I'm just also not condoning publicly belittling people for absolutely no reason.

Done with this for now, as it seems to be getting a bit mob rule in here.
Grinding Past the Fries Quote
05-09-2018 , 05:11 AM
Married old man has spoken wise words, folks beware.

Seriously tho lets stop this bs Gazzy take the high road rich take the high road both smoke weeee to achieve it and move on to more stories of idiots playing live pokers in Murcia plz
Grinding Past the Fries Quote
05-09-2018 , 05:13 AM
2+2 became so ****ing boring...
Grinding Past the Fries Quote
05-09-2018 , 07:39 AM
I'm with Kangal. From looking at the interactions in both threads, Gazzy got way OOL for no apparent reason.

However I approve of physical violence and would like to see you both scrap (preferably live on twitch).
Grinding Past the Fries Quote
05-09-2018 , 09:08 AM
MMA fight for rolls imo
Grinding Past the Fries Quote
05-09-2018 , 09:33 AM
Originally Posted by Rich Checkmaker
I love how a soft dude like you can think that they are hard.
I doubt he's soft, no jack-off prop bet.
Grinding Past the Fries Quote
05-09-2018 , 10:02 AM
Grinding Past the Fries Quote
05-09-2018 , 11:51 AM
Lmao, thought this thread suddenly had an awful lot of replies since I last checked. Nothing like a dumpster fire of disproportionate trolling/sh:ttalking to bring a PGC to life.

For people saying that Gazzy's first reply was out of line - I thoroughly enjoyed it and was pleased to see that he feels the same way about Rich as I do. He's the only person I have blocked on 2p2 and I've never even spoken to him. That's just from his domineering trotting out of his pig ignorant opinion in the Brains vs AI thread, and it's clear he is someone whose comments are likely to offer nothing to you but a headache.
Grinding Past the Fries Quote
05-09-2018 , 12:15 PM
Originally Posted by LucasVienna
Lmao, thought this thread suddenly had an awful lot of replies since I last checked. Nothing like a dumpster fire of disproportionate trolling/sh:ttalking to bring a PGC to life.

For people saying that Gazzy's first reply was out of line - I thoroughly enjoyed it and was pleased to see that he feels the same way about Rich as I do. He's the only person I have blocked on 2p2 and I've never even spoken to him. That's just from his domineering trotting out of his pig ignorant opinion in the Brains vs AI thread, and it's clear he is someone whose comments are likely to offer nothing to you but a headache.
He's 30+ years old living out of his car degenning around playing way above his bankroll. Do you think that is sustainable in the long term and he could make decent money, or do you think getting a real job would be better? Just looking for your opinions.

Originally Posted by YGOchamp
LMAOOOOOO this is ****ing amazing.

Can we please see a fight? I have no clue what gazzy looks like but I know Rich has a habit of making emotionally charged decisions even if they're logically poor choices, so I'm ganna assume he's a dog here. Will take bets on Gary.
Just google his username, click on images and there are several pictures showing exactly what he looks like.
Grinding Past the Fries Quote
05-09-2018 , 12:25 PM
Tinfoil hat: This is all a conspiracy drama to draw attention away from gazzy's NSFW pic posted on previous page
Grinding Past the Fries Quote
05-09-2018 , 05:00 PM
Originally Posted by GazzyB123
I deliberately checked to see how much $ you were sitting with. You had a stack of purples, a few stacks of yellows, and a couple of whites. It was 100000% $1k. As for this little feud we've been having, I am gonna politely suggest you give it up now, seeing as 1) I've seen/met/spoke to you briefly IRL and 2) you will not win. That's not a physical threat in any way, you just won't. So give it up, stick to your thread and I'll stick to mine.
Lol if you really want me to stick to me thread maybe you shouldn't also tell me "you will not win". Because I want to win.

Originally Posted by Megloooo
Up there with some of the best stuff ive read on 2p2

Originally Posted by YGOchamp
LMAOOOOOO this is ****ing amazing.

Can we please see a fight? I have no clue what gazzy looks like but I know Rich has a habit of making emotionally charged decisions even if they're logically poor choices, so I'm ganna assume he's a dog here. Will take bets on Gary.
Just gotta convince Gary to do it.

Originally Posted by BERRI SOUR
gazzy's reach advantage should not be underestimated
Reach, weight, height advantage. All significantly in his favor.

Originally Posted by GazzyB123
Guys lets just quickly get one thing clear. I did not challenge Rich to a physical confrontation, nor will there be a physical confrontation. If people re-read my above post, you'll see that I reaffirmed there was no threat of any violence. This isn't a cop out, or me shirking away from a fight, it's just the (insanely obviously) sensible thing to do. I don't want to jeopardise my entry into The Commerce or even the US. I see that Rich has spoken in his thread about his desire to hurt me. That's entirely up to him. I'd strongly encourage him not to do anything like that, but if he chooses to attempt to do so, that's his choice!
I don't want to jeopardize(that's how we spell it in America Gary) my ability to play at the Commerce either. I'm not going to attack you or anything like that, I want to fight you in an MMA ring and we can wager some money on it. Come on Gary, everyone wants to see it. I'm like 5'8" 125lbs, it should be easy. Kick my ass and take my money please! After all, you've seen/met/spoke to me IRL!

I had intentions of poking fun at Rich in this thread, but I think given what we've seen from him and what he's revealed about his current life and his past, I think it'd be cruel to do that.
I think it would look pretty cowardly of you to continue to make fun of me after I've offered you an opportunity to fight me and you refuse. Maybe that's why you shouldn't make fun of me. Because it will make you look like a coward.

Originally Posted by max85
i generally find uneducated folk resort to violence
I'm offering violence as an option, not resorting to it.

Originally Posted by Kangal_
I love you and all Gazzy, but if you don't want to fight the guy, then just apologise instead of trying to save face and dodge altercation at the same time. Because as far as I can see, if this really was the first interaction between you two, he came in your thread and say 'Hey, welcome to LA, good luck!' and you basically replied with 'LMAO you're ****ing **** at poker, can't wait to take your money!' ??
This times 1000.

Originally Posted by GazzyB123
I deliberately checked to see how much $ you were sitting with. You had a stack of purples, a few stacks of yellows, and a couple of whites. It was 100000% $1k.
And for some reason he is 100000% sure that he counted my stack as 1k when I know for a fact it was 2k. So add to everything else he is essentially calling me a liar and I gave him a chance to say "it's possible I miscounted, since I wasn't even at your table..." but he didnt. he doubled down that he for sure counted my stack right. You weren't at my table and you counted my stack wrong. I will bet money on it.

Originally Posted by GazzyB123
Our irl interaction was after a lot of online sassing from both sides. It lasted 5 seconds. "Hey I'm rich" "hey how you doing" and that was it.
Actually I said "Hey, you're Gary right?" (notice I correctly punctuated you're for you there you grammar nazi). You said "You're Rich right"(you are supposed to capitalize someone's name jerk, it's even capitalized on this site). I said "Yup, nice to meet you and good luck" And I walked away. So you clearly have a crappy memory.

And I'm not Joey Tribbiani, I wouldn't say "how you doing"

And Kangal basically summed up our online interaction dude. A lot of sassing from both sides? Lol. You were rude to me for no apparent reason. Own it. Everyone can go back and see the history of our interaction.

Can you show me or tell me what I'm backing down from? Rich was the first person to suggest/instigate any form of violence. I've made it clear all along I'm not interested in that but if he comes up to me in the commerce and tries to start a fight I'm capable of defending myself.
This is what you are backing down from:

1) I've seen/met/spoke to you briefly IRL and 2) you will not win.
You made a 2 point list. 1 is that you have seen/met/spoke to me IRL. Meaning that you have sized me up. The 2nd point is that I won't win. If that's not you saying you would beat me in a fight, then why make them 1 and 2??? Just because you say it's not a threat doesn't mean you aren't saying "I could kick your ass, that's not a threat, but if we fought, you will not win".

I fail to see how I'm backing down from something I haven't ever stepped up to. I'll say it one more time. I have no interest in engaging in a fight with rich, I'm not scared or intimidated by him, but if he tries anything, I'm more than capable of defending myself.
Let's put that theory to the test. We can have an MMA rules fight and put some money on it. Because I don't think you can defend yourself from me. And I know you're scared. You couldn't look me in the eye when I went to shake your hand and you're trying to back down from your comments.

Frankly I'm disappointed that a long time reader of this thread thinks I'd ever resort to violence to settle an argument from the internet. Unless you think me questioning his poker ability is me challenging him to a fight?
He read it right dude and I applaud him for being objective. You were a jerk to me for no reason. Bravo, Kangal!

Originally Posted by YGOchamp
Horrible post, you're an idiot. According to this, somebody must be willing to physically fight people in order to insult/poke fun at/criticize them? what an absurd thing to say
He's been rude to me for no reason, then said that I'm misrepresenting what my stack was, then said 1. that he's met me IRL 2. I wont win. Then asks me to stick to my thread. Wtf!?!

Actually you might have to be willing to physically fight someone if you want to criticize them. Don't be obtuse. This is the real world. But in this case he's said he has seen me IRL and I won't win. That's a challenge.

Originally Posted by Kangal_
He's obviously taken your 'you will not win' bit as a offering out (I think I probably would have too, in his position), and given that neither of you want to give an inch has responded in kind. I didn't say that you're backing down from anything, but if you're truly not interested in scrapping, then does it really hurt your pride that much to just say 'sorry, that's not what I meant, let's just go about our business'. Instead of doing more antagonising **** like correcting spelling mistakes in his posts lmao.
Yeah pretty lol that his response was to correct my grammar. And it's not just "you will not win" but when you combine 1 and 2 on his 2 point list I don't see how he can mean anything other than he would beat me in a fight.

Originally Posted by GazzyB123
"You will not win" is QUITE LITERALLY followed up with "that isn't a physical threat by the way".

Edited out the harsh part.
And it's preceded by I've seen/met/spoke to you IRL and it's part of a 2 part list.

Originally Posted by Kangal_
I'm not condoning physical violence, I'm just also not condoning publicly belittling people for absolutely no reason.

Done with this for now, as it seems to be getting a bit mob rule in here.
Amen. I came in here being nice and Gary insulted me and belittled me for no reason.

Originally Posted by blakkman08
Married old man has spoken wise words, folks beware.

Seriously tho lets stop this bs Gazzy take the high road rich take the high road both smoke weeee to achieve it and move on to more stories of idiots playing live pokers in Murcia plz
Good advice.

Originally Posted by TimStone
2+2 became so ****ing boring...
I know right.

Fight! Fight! Fight!

And for the record if you said I wouldn't win in a fight against you, Tim, I would have to agree.

Originally Posted by deathorglory0
I'm with Kangal. From looking at the interactions in both threads, Gazzy got way OOL for no apparent reason.

However I approve of physical violence and would like to see you both scrap (preferably live on twitch).

Originally Posted by LOLCh1pPorn
MMA fight for rolls imo
He could beat the crap out of me and take all my money! Imagine that. I'm in!

Originally Posted by z0mgtiltz
Tinfoil hat: This is all a conspiracy drama to draw attention away from gazzy's NSFW pic posted on previous page
More like the fact that dude literally untied his shoelaces with his teeth. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. It was like I was driving the special bus again.
Grinding Past the Fries Quote
05-09-2018 , 05:12 PM
Think it would be gto for everyone to move on from this. Reading the same quoted **** over and over with more fight offerings is pretty sigh and ridiculous, it went from semi bant to cringe really quickly. It's a poker forum, we're all human beings, we're not perfect etc. Would be nice to see things ending smoothly instead of each of your threads being littered with bs and even worse something happening irl as a result of this.

Anyway, how's the trip been going in general Gazzy. I'm waiting for the chip porn and hhs where we call down a 40 something asian woman with second pair (wishful thinking ikr)
Grinding Past the Fries Quote
05-09-2018 , 05:43 PM
Time for someone to grow up I think. This stuff is just childish.
Grinding Past the Fries Quote
