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Grinding my way to Mexico (WWKrzyzewskiD) Grinding my way to Mexico (WWKrzyzewskiD)

02-01-2012 , 10:50 AM
Good job!
Grinding my way to Mexico (WWKrzyzewskiD) Quote
02-01-2012 , 11:40 AM
Great job bud! Happy to see things are going good for you in Mexico! It's good you are working hard etc but make sure you take a lil time off here and there and enjoy it down there! Viva' la mexico!!!!
Grinding my way to Mexico (WWKrzyzewskiD) Quote
02-01-2012 , 11:42 AM
Originally Posted by entim
You have a really cool way of writing/giving your thoughts

Best of luck w February!
thx man. I finally have the itch to grind. Im hoping for 200 total hours between mtts and hypers

Originally Posted by Max Cut

I read every post with interest. Keep it up please!

glad to hear it, sometimes i feel like im just talking to myself

Originally Posted by CCuster_911
gl, interesting read
thx, you still crushing dem MTTs?

Originally Posted by Mecastyles
I really like you

best of luck
right back at ya. You need to come visit Mex and hang with me Jdawg and Pompeii

Originally Posted by jdawg91
Yeaaa Ruseman, wpwp sir, nice redline
thx, though kinda sucks knowing that im gonna have to play 60k of these games to make even SN
Originally Posted by LOLRussians

What's your typical daily average in the 9-mans?

400 Games?
eh ya thats prob my average so far but the last couple days its been around 550 id say. Im up to 24 tabling 2 hour sessions fairly comfortably and doing that gets me almost 80 games an hour.

So weird that waking up at 645 is sleeping in for me now. Gonna try to get my internet fixed and hopefully find some quarters somewhere so i can do laundry. But ill prob get a few hundo games in. I think i found a few more leaks during review last night. Vamos a ver...

thx for the gl guys. Hopefully ill put enough volume in this month where runbad wont be able to affect me. Ill def need it for the mtts tho
Grinding my way to Mexico (WWKrzyzewskiD) Quote
02-01-2012 , 11:44 AM
Originally Posted by mjcace
Great job bud! Happy to see things are going good for you in Mexico! It's good you are working hard etc but make sure you take a lil time off here and there and enjoy it down there! Viva' la mexico!!!!
thx. Yeah thats why i went out on friday cause i new id burn out if i just kept grinding. I have different friends visiting over the next couple months so ill for sure get some downtime to go live it up.
Grinding my way to Mexico (WWKrzyzewskiD) Quote
02-01-2012 , 11:36 PM
Originally Posted by Rusemandingo
It sucked having a losing day after running so hot to start off but im honestly more concerned with my redline atm and its still seems to be going up.
Yeah, i was full of **** when i said this. Give me a good greenline any day of the week. Last two days have been pretty ****ty.

Last week even worse

Runbad doesnt hurt as much when your IRL and Poker bankrolls are okay, but it still isnt much fun. I did reload a bunch of my old music onto itunes today and grinding was much better without the same 400 songs looping.

Spent an hour with my internet company on live chat trying to figure out wtf is wrong with it. My spanish is decent but i never really learned the words for technology before so it was a bit difficult. I kept showing him how when i uploaded files the internet would crash. And then one time i did it and it made it through (which it does ocassionaly) so he seemed to think it was fixed. Whatever, its prob best if my internet isnt fast enough to stream tv shows and **** while i play.

Volume was pretty weak today. Looking for another 500-600 game day tmrw.
Grinding my way to Mexico (WWKrzyzewskiD) Quote
02-09-2012 , 06:44 AM
Bump and 5 stars for op's name alone.
Grinding my way to Mexico (WWKrzyzewskiD) Quote
02-18-2012 , 09:38 AM
idk if its asked before, why 9man instead 6max? btw your EV line rox i didnt expect such a good roi 24 tabling and also when edges are pretty thin good job srsly.
Grinding my way to Mexico (WWKrzyzewskiD) Quote
02-18-2012 , 12:33 PM
Originally Posted by sheeprustler
Bump and 5 stars for op's name alone.
Glad someone appreciates it. LOL UNC!

Originally Posted by Judaz49
idk if its asked before, why 9man instead 6max? btw your EV line rox i didnt expect such a good roi 24 tabling and also when edges are pretty thin good job srsly.
Chose 9mans for a couple reasons. First i just like the format better. Its also easier to multitable. Looking like I made a bad choice as Stars seems to have no plans to add higher buyins but since a lot of formats are 9h getting really good at it cant hurt. I guess my redline is better than a lot of the other mass mters, but i was kinda hoping for 10% before i started. I still think its doable but im nowhere close to that now.

So been a pretty fail month overall. I wont go into details because im not Jdawg, but ive been getting way too ****ed up and finding ridiculous ways to waste and lose money. Prob my biggest regret of the trip so far is spending 30 min at a doctors office and pharamcy getting a bunch of cool pills and then getting too drunk/****ed up and leaving them all at my table at the strip club Ive def had some fun though and am still in decent shape financially. Im really liking my decision to pay cash up front for my lease right now though

Continuing to run like **** this month, along with fail volume. Hoping to kickstart a sick grind to finish feb this weekend. Planning on playing a pretty big mtt sess tmrw while mixing in hypers. Heres my results for the month so far. Using 38% with rb. Ive been averaging about 20 bucks a week from BOP and am on pace to make SNE if i play 8 month this year so i think thats prob about right idk.

Its been right around a month since i got back going on stars. Ive made some money but overall id say im disappointed. A lot of it comes from volume fail but running bad and not playing higher buyins isnt helping.

Been doing a decent amount of coaching since i got to mexico. I genuinely enjoy helping people but hadnt realized the time commitment it took aside from the actual lessons. Part of me wishes i could just be one of those scumbags that does a half ass job. Not really Gonna prob cut down on coaching though. When youve spent 5x the amount of time reviewing and coaching other ppl as you have reviewing your own hands, you might have a problem.

Planning on attempting 1k 9m hypers this week. Might give some freerolls to posters itt to motivate myself. Stay tuned.
Grinding my way to Mexico (WWKrzyzewskiD) Quote
02-18-2012 , 12:48 PM
4 grand and a beast redline...could be worse my is to some runggod though!

Do you have any plans to pursue SNE now that you can get it done in 8 months? I feel iike that would be hard to turn down. Profiting pre rb and SNE in 8months without absolutely killing yourself is pretty legit.

When you say 1k 9m hypers do you mean 1k games a day this week. Obviously 1k hypers this week is nothing for you so have to assume you misspoke.

Either way good luck!! You deserve some rungood.
Grinding my way to Mexico (WWKrzyzewskiD) Quote
02-18-2012 , 12:54 PM
he means SN and 1k a day whole week still sick thou
Grinding my way to Mexico (WWKrzyzewskiD) Quote
02-18-2012 , 01:56 PM
Originally Posted by Rusemandingo
So been a pretty fail month overall. I wont go into details because im not Jdawg,
Ha, I dont go into much detail anymore, don't even mention I go out now half the time.

Grind on the mind buddy, and study more ffs :P. Get that redline up to 10%!
Grinding my way to Mexico (WWKrzyzewskiD) Quote
02-18-2012 , 02:26 PM
yeah i meant do 1k in a day sometime this week. Doing it everyday for the entire week would be pretty tough and require at least 3to1 on a few k. With how the games day off fairly early i think itd take 12-13 hours of 24 tabling for a 1k day.
Grinding my way to Mexico (WWKrzyzewskiD) Quote
02-18-2012 , 06:38 PM
sigh, been really negative teh last couple days and picking up some bad habits before, during and after playing. So im gonna do one whine post and then just move on.

So im nearing 200bis under EV. Ive run worse than this before, both BI and $ wise, but this one is getting to me more. Maybe its because running this bad when getting back and stars and trying to relearn 9m is just ****ed.

Heres my Cev. For 500 starting chips this is pretty hard to do.

As if thats bad not bad enough, the overwhelming majority of it is coming from 4-2 handed.

Same ****ing **** everyday. Start out ready to grind and then just start busting tourneys left and right. Really hard to keep grinding with this bs. 30 min into my session i feel like quitting and crawling into bed and going to sleep. Which is what im gonna do now.
Grinding my way to Mexico (WWKrzyzewskiD) Quote
02-18-2012 , 06:56 PM
That crack just keeps opening and looks like it's turning into a canyon lately.


Grinding my way to Mexico (WWKrzyzewskiD) Quote
02-18-2012 , 07:15 PM
it will even out in long term and u know that.And as a professional player u shouldnt be results oriented just put the volume and move on.Its easy to say maybe but thats how we can deal with variance.U should be very happy with your play thats the most important thing, beating these games by 7-8% is already awesome bro.
Grinding my way to Mexico (WWKrzyzewskiD) Quote
02-18-2012 , 09:06 PM
thx guys, not really that upset just getting it out of my system. Took a nap and feel a lot better. Works out perfect cause im starting my mtt grind at 3am so needed a midday nap.

Have a lot of stuff ive been thinking about regarding mindset that ill try and put down later today. Gonna get one or two more sessions in tonight and then hit the convenient store so i have everything i need for a 12+hour sess tmrw.
Grinding my way to Mexico (WWKrzyzewskiD) Quote
02-18-2012 , 11:10 PM
You reading Mental Game of Poker Ruse? Phil Galfond's last blog is pretty damn good too.
Grinding my way to Mexico (WWKrzyzewskiD) Quote
02-19-2012 , 06:30 AM
subbed! GL
Grinding my way to Mexico (WWKrzyzewskiD) Quote
02-20-2012 , 02:23 AM
Thx sheep just read his blog last night. Really touched on some stuff I'd been thinking about. He talked about how hard it was to deal with downswings not having the normal social part of his life to fall back on. I think that might be why this downswing is tilting me so much. I would read Mental Game of Poker, but kinda hard to find books down here and no mail so cant order it online.

This post is gonna be pretty emo TLDR so if you just like graphs and stories about giant bags of pills dont read it.

So I'd always thought that it was negative how I let how i was running affect my daily moods and interactions with families and friends to some extent. And also how i let what was going on in my personal and social life affect my poker game and the volume i put in. But im starting to think I may have been wrong. Galfond talked a lot about balance in his blog and i think there needs to be a balance in how you let your poker career affect your personal life and vice versa. I think if you try to just leave poker at the computer and tables, it's gonna end up blowing up and making you play bad or demotivate you to play. At the same time if you try to grind the same schedule every day and dont make allowances for what's going on in your personal life, youre gonna end up unhappy. One of the best parts about playing poker and working for yourself is that you can take time away from the tables you you have irl stuff to deal with.

So i dont know what to make of all of this. Im starting to think that just being happy and motivated in general, and not having those be dependent on either career or personal life, is the key. Figuring out how to do that is gonna be the hard part.

I've been thinking a lot during this downswing of why it's upsetting me so much. As i touched on before, i think the fact that Im down here is part of it. For one i dont have that same net of family and friends to act as a diversion. But i think it goes deeper than that. Before I'd always just assume that it's about money and losing and i cant deal with that. But Im doing okay with money and fairly confident that im one of the better players at these games.

I think it may come down to fairness. My whole life I've been obsessed with equity. Not like tournament equity but just equality and fairness in general. In any situation were something was unequal it would really stick out and really bug me. Maybe this is because I'm one of 5 siblings, idk. But i think the main reason that downswings tilt me is because i see it as unfair. Why does everyone else get to run above or at EV while im running like garbage. Why am i deserving of this. It's extremely narrowsided since Ive been on both sides of rungood and know everything evens out. But i guess I just have a deepseated tilt that comes when im being treated unfairly.

So whats the fix? I think changing something like that would be a fairly lengthy and hard process. IDK maybe noticing inbalance and inequity is what makes me good at what i do. I think I need to change my outlook on how I define success. A successful days, or week or month. Part of what makes me grind hard is to have a pretty graph to show off to people. And Poker is about money so striving to make the most money I can should be the final goal. But achieving this goal in the longrun should be what motivates me. And this is acheived by becoming the best player I can. The inequity that should matter to me is the amount of time I spend trying to get better compared to the amount of time i stress thinking about how good I am. I honestly think that in my time so far in Mexico, Ive spent more time looking and uploading graphs and checking reports to see how under ev i am etc, than I have working on getting better. This is the one inequity that I can actually control. IDK i feel like im kinda talking in circles and dont know if ive figured anything out but ive spent a lot of time thinking about this the last few days and just wanted to try and put some of it into words.

So i have a motivational prop bet vs Jdawg this week. I need to play 3600 game between monday and sat. 600 games a day. It's def doable and will prob take like 9 hour days. Really hoping this can get me back on track. I think the best routine and most focused ive been in the last week of January when i was hustling to get Platinum. Ive developed some really unhealthy ingame habits the last few days. Checking the TN game counter early on to see how many games ive busted from. Trying to get a look at my cashier while sensei regs to see how far down i am. Getting to emotionally involved with one table and cycling through trying to find it to see if i busted. Hopefully needing put in major volume everyday will help me focus and just playing well and putting in volume rather than stressing the everyday variance.

My plan is to play until friday without checking results, and then seeing how many games i need to make 3600 and doing that in the last 48 hours. We'll see how that works out.
Grinding my way to Mexico (WWKrzyzewskiD) Quote
02-20-2012 , 02:54 AM
Just found this thread!

Read through the emo post, which took a long time bc I've been drinking. If you wanna talk some of this out sometime lmk. I'm not perfect with tilt myself, but I have a pretty good mindset with goalsetting and ****, and might be able to help you get a little less focused on the pretty graph.
Grinding my way to Mexico (WWKrzyzewskiD) Quote
02-20-2012 , 03:02 AM
Lotta emoness itt, lol jk

Just gotta take it 1 day at a time, perform the best you can, and try to improve erry day

Gl this week, lets rapeeee!
Grinding my way to Mexico (WWKrzyzewskiD) Quote
02-20-2012 , 12:25 PM
I can relate to that injustice tilt. Mental Game is available as an eBook, btw.

GL with the prop!
Grinding my way to Mexico (WWKrzyzewskiD) Quote
02-20-2012 , 01:49 PM
runbad hurts confidence but if i had your redline and could 24 table these only thing could worry me would be my BR (at least 400-500bis) which i assume isnt an issue for you, therefore u shouldnt care anything but volume. propbets always challenging and motivating btw i wonder how can u play these 5-6 hours nonstop with such roi, after 30 mins i lose my focus and getting tired and cant handle more tables.Idk maybe i overthink in some spots to make the perfect play
Grinding my way to Mexico (WWKrzyzewskiD) Quote
02-20-2012 , 02:32 PM
I def cant play 5-6 hours straight. I think 2.5 hours is my longest sess. I can usually get back in after a 30 min break.

I think that br is wayyy to high. The worst downswing ive had so far is like 75 buyins and i can imagine much worse than 100. I think 150 would be a fairly safe roll though i usually keep a decent bit more.

Woke up to a 310 dollar collusion credit Kinda curious which regs were cheating. Starting to think it might have been bots. Guess time will tell who it was. Played one session and didnt look at hem. Was pretty hard but hopefuly itll get easier.
Grinding my way to Mexico (WWKrzyzewskiD) Quote
02-20-2012 , 02:45 PM
150-200 could be enough especially if u beat it by 5-10% but i like to be safer also need regular monthly cashouts,as a side note bigger br helps me play better i guess hence i cant be scared money
Grinding my way to Mexico (WWKrzyzewskiD) Quote
