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Goal:Beat my brother to 1 million dollars net worth Goal:Beat my brother to 1 million dollars net worth

08-01-2016 , 01:16 PM
About two years ago, I made a bet with my brother on who would be the first person to one million dollars net worth. If he wins, I owe him a Rolex. If I win, he owes me a Rolex's value worth of WSOP buyins. I figured I'd use this thread to not only track my own progress, but to give him a way to see how much I'm kicking his ass while he is deployed in Cuba.

When the bet was made, my brother had a roughly 20K value versus my -20K (student debt). I've managed to up mine to about 45Kish versus his 30K. While I've been able to catch up quickly, he has some solid money coming in over the next couple years, between deployment cash and potentially a pretty big raise when he gets back. I'm figuring if I can get there by 2030 I should be in decent shape. My goal is 2025 but we'll see.

Poker background
I have a fairly typical poker story. I started almost immediately after I turned 18. I donked off a couple hundred bucks, but, thankfully, I had a home game with some friends where I'd take their weekly paychecks playing guts and acey duecey. Easiest money I ever made. Eventually, I stumbled upon 2+2 and my game took off. I didn't post more than a handful of times, but I devoured the material. I also eventually got staked for a short period (truthfully can't remember by who-awful with names) and that helped me concentrate on the task at hand.

I typically played 18 man SnGs and MTTs on stars and had some decent success (about 100Kish profits, most of which was either blown or went to my backer) . When Black Friday hit, I went cold turkey on poker. I just couldn't do it anymore.

Since then, I have worked odd jobs before finding the one I'm currently working at. I'm a supervisor at a manufacturing company working 12.5 hour shifts 7 days every two weeks. Over the course of the last two years, I have worked a massive amount of overtime (3,878 hours in 2015, including not having an opportunity to work OT in October). I have built up a decent bankroll and decided to start playing again at the end of June instead of working OT.

Since then, I've had middling results. I've made about 3K playing mostly SnGs and MTTs on Bovada and ACR. Included in that is 2K worth of losses trying Spin n Gos and trying to learn Omaha, each of which was an awful idea. I should've just stuck to what I knew/know. Going forward, that's exactly what I plan on doing. I also have had limited success on ACR (probably because people have stats on me and I'm willing to play like 50/49 at times and occasionally refuse to adjust )

I'm not 100% sure what my current poker bankroll is but it's atleast 20K. Like everyone, I've had a bunch of issues with Bovada over the last week and I'm pretty sure I'm short >1K. I'm going to go through all of my records tomorrow morning and hopefully I get compensated appropriately. Once I get that settled, I will post both poker bankroll and total net worth numbers.

As stated, I will be playing SnGs and MTTs. The SnGs that I typically play are the 25-100s hypers and the 215 turbos on Bovada. The 215s only go off about once an hour outside of Sundays. I'll also be playing MTTs. I'm not sure to what buyin level, though. On ACR I'm keeping it to nothing over 60s, but Bovada I'm still debating. The fields are typically small/soft, and I can redeposit as need be, so I'm not sure what I need bankroll wise to play the 215s. I'll play anything from 10s-75s for sure. I'm thinking I'll probably play most/all 109s (definitely on Sundays), and possibly 215s on Sundays. I'll also be playing anytime they have events at any buying level (and expecting crashes).

I'm not sure what else to add for now, but hopefully someone finds this atleast somewhat readable.

Possibly unrealistic August goals:
[ ] 10K profit
[ ] don't play anything outside of what's listed above
[ ] 100K buyins SnGs
[ ] 20K buyins MTTs

End of year goals
[ ] 50K profit
[ ] 500K buyins SnGs & MTTs
Goal:Beat my brother to 1 million dollars net worth Quote
08-01-2016 , 01:51 PM

Check out this thread and let me know if you are interested...either way...subbed and gl

Click Here to follow along
Goal:Beat my brother to 1 million dollars net worth Quote
08-02-2016 , 09:35 AM
Takezo, I'll check it out the next day I have off work for sure

I got about $750 in refunds from Bovada.

Total bankroll at the moment:$26,160.78

Bovada roll: $6,836.49
ACR roll: $557.40

I had issues with my spreadsheet I had made up for the month so the only thing I'll be able to post for now is results from the past weekend. Hopefully I'll be able to get the graphs I want on here soon enough

SNG Buyins: $26,437.06
SNG Profits: $321.93
ROI: 1.22%

MTT Buyins: $6,401.43
MTT Profits: $712.35
ROI: 11.13%

Back on the SnG grind in a couple hours
Goal:Beat my brother to 1 million dollars net worth Quote
08-02-2016 , 05:27 PM
Originally Posted by xnbomb
Takezo, I'll check it out the next day I have off work for sure

I had issues with my spreadsheet I had made up for the month so the only thing I'll be able to post for now is results from the past weekend. Hopefully I'll be able to get the graphs I want on here soon enough
Sounds good...My Spreadsheet will have everything....Just tired of the apps and trackers that don't tell me exactly what I want...So why not create it yourself....Anyways...GL with your goal...I'll be watching...
Goal:Beat my brother to 1 million dollars net worth Quote
08-04-2016 , 06:01 AM
Got in a couple of sessions over the course of the last two days. Overall felt like I played average at best, I punted a few stacks, particularly in the higher buyins. Also think I screwed a few things up in the hypers-that, and the combination of running like crap on the bubble/heads up, and led to a losing couple days.

Results from 8-2 (4.3 HRS):
MTTs played 2/$27.25 buyins/0 prizes
SnGs played 50/ $3,247 buyins/2563.8 prizes

Results from 8-3 (14.2 HRS)
MTTS played 45/$1,455.11 buyins/$441.54 prizes
SnGs played 87/$8,186.61 buyins/$8052 prizes


The positive note from the day is that I did FT two tournaments. I took 5th in a $22 1K on ACR for $178 (AQ<63s for chip lead lol) and 5th for $98.8 in an $11 6max for 98.80 on Bovada. I had stack after stack for most of the night, just couldn't finish anything. I also stone bubbled two of the 55s I played as well as a $500 satellite-got it AIPR 3 times ahead with chance to knock him out. I'll need to keep an eye out for satellites like this in the future, there was a $250 overlay.

Biggest negative was that ACR kicked me out of the client three times. Anytime I had more than 4 tables loaded, the client would cause my entire system to slow down. Has anyone experienced this before? Hopefully no issues tomorrow.
Goal:Beat my brother to 1 million dollars net worth Quote
08-05-2016 , 06:49 AM
Another pretty ****ty day. Misplayed a handful of spots, including shoving 2 overs and a straight draw in an awful ICM spot on the bubble of a $55 9 max on ACR.

Results from 8-4 (15.1 HRS)
MTTs played 47/ $1,387.45 buyins/$1,376.04 prizes
SnGs played 68/ $9,436.47 buyins/$8797.5 prizes

Total: -$650.38

I did manage to final table the $11 6 max on Bovada again. This time, I had 10/13 of the chips in play when the table decided to crash. That was the only table that wasn't loading. I ended up blinding out in 2nd for $225, I talked to Bovada support and they gave me $50 plus my $11 buyin back. Less than first would have been (less than ICM as well) but I guess it's better than nothing?

I also took 1st in the $11 3K for $645. Ran well obviously to take it down but I think I played pretty well. Final tabled the $20 hyper on ACR for $260 but no idea what place I took. That's probably not a good thing.

Also had massive chip lead in the $60 4K on ACR with 15 left. I spewed into a fish when I thought he was playing back at me, in reality I'm pretty sure he was just bad. 1.2K up top, too.

I did manage to bubble 9 of 29 $214 6 maxes I played on Bovada, so that's exciting!

Is there a way to upload a graph without downloading the picture online somewhere?

MTTs: 94 played/ $2,869 Buyins/ $1,817.58 prizes (-$871.42)
SnGs: 205 played/ $20,870.08 Buyins/ $19,413.3 prizes (-$1,456.78)

I may have set my goals a little bit low for SnG/MTT buyins. Maybe I should focus on beating my profit goal
Goal:Beat my brother to 1 million dollars net worth Quote
08-05-2016 , 07:05 AM
Me deciding to spew HU in a $214:

SB(hero) 5045 Th8h

BB 3955

blinds 100/200

preflop:SB raises to 400, BB calls

Flop: Ks 5c 3s

BB checks, SB bets 400, BB calls

Turn: Ah

BB checks, SB bets 800, BB calls

River: Kc

BB checks, SB puts BB AI 2355, BB calls

He had AA obv

(is there a way to convert Bovada hands?)
Goal:Beat my brother to 1 million dollars net worth Quote
08-08-2016 , 12:32 PM
I've gotten my ass handed to me over the course of the last couple days. Yesterday was brutal; between playing like absolute mud and bubbling every other SnG, I felt like it may have been my worse day since I started playing again. Good news is that I feel like I've made some improvement in my hyper game and feel like I have decent results in these games. Obviously small sample but here's the results by game over the course of the last two months:

Level Buyins Cashes Profit Games $/game ROI

$26.25 $6,982.50 $7,455.00 $472.50 266.00 $1.78 6.77%

$52.50 $15,330.00 $15,802.50 $472.50 292.00 $1.62 3.08%

$105 $34,965.00 $35,430.00 $465.00 333.00 $1.40 1.33%

Total $57,251.25 $58,687.50 $1,436.25 $890.00 $1.61 2.51%

Results for last 3 days

SnG-209 games, $17,615.55 buyins, -$601.05 profit
MTT-44 games, $2,416 buyins, -2205.46 profit

Probably the most difficult thing at the moment is that I don't have the recent results to fall back on. I know I've had success in the past, but that was 6 years ago. Until I start seeing the results again, I fell like the thoughts will always be in the back of my head that I WONT start to win again. Hopefully it's just typical MTT down swinging though.
Goal:Beat my brother to 1 million dollars net worth Quote
08-10-2016 , 05:57 AM
Had an actually not awful last two days. I took 3rd in the $109 turbo 7.5K on Bovada for $1100. Felt like I played really well in that tournament overall. There was one hand 4 handed where I feel like villain made a bad call preflop and then I may or may not have made a bad bet on the river, let me know what you think:

I was chipleader on the button, UTG had 4BBs. BB was 2nd, we were about 22BB effective. I minraise KJs, he peels. Flop is 528 rainbow. I cbet, he calls. turn is 9h, putting two hearts on board and we go c/c. The river is the 6 of hearts. He checks, I decided to fire a second bullet. He insta calls Q5. I felt like he would fold a lot of his range there, if he calls and loses there hes down to 5BB. Looking back I think my mistake was not sizing this and putting him all in on river.

I also took 2nd in the $11 2K hyper for 332.88. I love that tournament.

I would've had a much better day if I didn't lose 10 buyins at the 215 turbos. Starting to think it's not just a downswing. I'm down 20 buyins in 87 games which feels insane. I've reviewing hands from these tournaments; I think I'm making mistakes at times, but my push/fold game is light years ahead of most of these guys. Plus most of them run like 45/7 over the first 3 levels lol. I guess well see.

Plus side is I'm crushing the hypers. Small sample, but over 465 games in August I've got an 8.88% ROI. Most of that is the 26s (9.28%) but I'm +ROI in the 105s and 52s.
Goal:Beat my brother to 1 million dollars net worth Quote
