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Genesis: My beginning (moving up from 2nl) Genesis: My beginning (moving up from 2nl)

10-18-2010 , 01:53 PM
I've decided to make a thread that I will update reg. Showing my stats wins and loses. I'll keep updating my goals, achievements, and where my head is at the time. I welcome critics and remarks.

Initial Goal:
  • 1k hands a day
  • move up to 5nl 6max when bankroll app.
  • maintain bankroll mgt.
  • study my HH

Here is where I am today at the start. This is after 300 hands 6max 2nl I will try my hardest to put the rest of the 700 in by the end of the night so I can stay on target.

My Graph

My details according to pt3

Want to stay focused use BRM.
Want to move up constantly.
Want to play min of 1k hands a day.
Genesis: My beginning (moving up from 2nl) Quote
10-18-2010 , 02:42 PM
1k hands per day is definitely achieveable, how many tables do you play?

What's your poker background? It seems like your starting from scratch, can't really comment on your stats as the sample size is too small.

Looks like your off to a good start, GL!
Genesis: My beginning (moving up from 2nl) Quote
10-18-2010 , 05:23 PM
not a huge poker background i play live every now and then.
yes starting from scratch im only posting the stats to show the beginning. so everyone can watch me grow playing 4 tables of 6max. i feel like i can handle 6 tables but i play to tight and i dont like that. im normally really aggressive.
Genesis: My beginning (moving up from 2nl) Quote
10-18-2010 , 05:41 PM
Originally Posted by drewbreesus
everyone can watch me grow
Genesis: My beginning (moving up from 2nl) Quote
10-18-2010 , 06:05 PM
Hey GL. Just thought i would add that you could do a lot worse than read through YouFaiiil`s thread where he is doing just about the same thing. Maybe a good idea to discuss HH`s, maybe some sweats etc etc.
Genesis: My beginning (moving up from 2nl) Quote
10-18-2010 , 06:09 PM
Originally Posted by donnyz89
sweet thx for the encouraging subscribe

Originally Posted by MartL
Hey GL. Just thought i would add that you could do a lot worse than read through YouFaiiil`s thread where he is doing just about the same thing. Maybe a good idea to discuss HH`s, maybe some sweats etc etc.
appreciate the info im doing that now

I will only be putting HH in this thread if they are really interesting. I do post HH in the proper nlmicro section atm. I will be linking them as they come.
Genesis: My beginning (moving up from 2nl) Quote
10-18-2010 , 06:15 PM
small update:
  • Here is a HH that happened to me today in my first session. I was surprised to get so much feedback on the hand so quickly and peoples thoughts on the way it played. Im not trying to take away from anyone's comment or suggestion in this thread when I say wow a lot of people play tight even for 6 max.

  • Im starting up my second session now to complete the 700 hands im missing for the day. To stick with my 1k a day goal.
Genesis: My beginning (moving up from 2nl) Quote
10-18-2010 , 06:29 PM
Originally Posted by drewbreesus
small update:
  • Here is a HH that happened to me today in my first session. I was surprised to get so much feedback on the hand so quickly and peoples thoughts on the way it played. Im not trying to take away from anyone's comment or suggestion in this thread when I say wow a lot of people play tight even for 6 max.

  • Im starting up my second session now to complete the 700 hands im missing for the day. To stick with my 1k a day goal.
Hey just looked at the hand and didnt have to read the comments to know what i would see. I dont count this as playing tight though but 6T even against a maniac UTG is not good enough to call and is an easy fold pre. Even easier fold on the flop. Better to pick spots where you can be the PFR rather than cold calling. On the BTN and even some CO`s 6T will be an easy raise if its folded to you or even a raise to iso a limper but its not a calling hand.
Genesis: My beginning (moving up from 2nl) Quote
10-18-2010 , 07:04 PM
ah I get you thanks make a lot of sense not cold calling then.
It would have been different if i was the initial raiser on the BTN.

By the way what is PFR?
Genesis: My beginning (moving up from 2nl) Quote
10-18-2010 , 09:21 PM
haha missread title and thought it said 'My Begging' GOOD LUCK on your challenge!
Genesis: My beginning (moving up from 2nl) Quote
10-19-2010 , 02:52 AM
Originally Posted by drewbreesus
ah I get you thanks make a lot of sense not cold calling then.
It would have been different if i was the initial raiser on the BTN.

By the way what is PFR?
Pre Flop Raise or Pre Flop Raiser in this case.
Yes if you are the initial raiser then it basically gives you the power in the hand. This is where we make most of our money when we have inititaive in the hand.
Like 6Ts is never a calling hand but folded to us on the BTN with 2 pretty tight players in the blinds then its an easy steal.
Genesis: My beginning (moving up from 2nl) Quote
10-19-2010 , 12:05 PM
yeah i see where the difference is.

Originally Posted by dNAssume
haha missread title and thought it said 'My Begging' GOOD LUCK on your challenge!
lol thanks man
Genesis: My beginning (moving up from 2nl) Quote
10-19-2010 , 12:14 PM

Well I finished the first day with disappointment, for two reasons. I didn't complete my 1k hands for the day, I came up 300 short. I had to shutdown my session after I became very tilted.

I really feel like it was the environment I was playing in at the time. For my second session of day one, Monday night football was playing on the TV in the background. I'm trying not to make excuses here, but at the same time I wont play with any distractions. I don't even like to listen to music when I play. I've found my sessions have been better in the past if the only thing I'm doing is playing the tables.

Anyhow here is where I finished for day 1.

Ok so you can see where on the graph where I became tilted to one guy who godswitched me but its cool I've shrugged it off and I'm ready for day 2.

  • Finished short of 1k in day 1
  • Became tilted at the end of the session
  • Day 2 session STARTING NOW
Genesis: My beginning (moving up from 2nl) Quote
10-25-2010 , 12:44 PM
Update Day 3 (from now on I'm going to call these sessions instead of days, work school etc is preventing me from playing each and every day)

Well I have not played nearly as much as I hoped I would. In yesterdays session this fish had me playing way to open against him. After I lost my second buyin to him I quickly adjusted my range and my cbets. I then took him to value town as they say. Got both my buyins back from him plus 2 of his own. So I'm proud that I found my leak quickly enough to be able to eat the fish. Huh you know what from now on I'm going to stop calling others fish. I'm just not that comfortable enough yet in the way I'm playing to have the audacity to call others fish. When all who have read this thread can see I've been making some "fishy" plays calls and etc. So from now on I'll just refer to them as a "weak player".

Here is the graph of my total hands so far. You can see I took a dip in both directions. But I am aware that my sample size is very small at the moment.

  • Disappointed in the number of hands I'm playing
  • Is learning to take emotion out of playing online
  • Is learning about myself and how I play the game
Genesis: My beginning (moving up from 2nl) Quote
10-25-2010 , 12:51 PM
Dont worry about labelling people fish. I still make some fishy calls but dont think of myself as a fish although there will be people who have labelled me as a Tagfish etc there will be people who have me as a decent player too, thats just the way it goes.
We know who this fish are and i dont class you as a fish afterall you are on here wanting to learn, 99% of Fish dont do that.
Looks like you have the idea of attacking the fish which is the best idea even if you might have been mis-applying it. looks like you got it in the end so nice recovery.
Dont worry about hitting a set number of hands, at this stage you just want to try and keep constantly improving.
Genesis: My beginning (moving up from 2nl) Quote
10-25-2010 , 01:03 PM
Originally Posted by MartL
Dont worry about labelling people fish. I still make some fishy calls but dont think of myself as a fish although there will be people who have labelled me as a Tagfish etc there will be people who have me as a decent player too, thats just the way it goes.
We know who this fish are and i dont class you as a fish afterall you are on here wanting to learn, 99% of Fish dont do that.
Looks like you have the idea of attacking the fish which is the best idea even if you might have been mis-applying it. looks like you got it in the end so nice recovery.
Dont worry about hitting a set number of hands, at this stage you just want to try and keep constantly improving.

Thanks for the words of encouragement. It genuinely was nice reading your reply.

Thanks again.
Genesis: My beginning (moving up from 2nl) Quote
10-26-2010 , 01:31 PM
small update (in the middle of session 3)

Well I'm in the middle of session three now, and halfway through it. But I need to put a pause on it for a little while today. My internet connection is randomly shutting down on me for short periods of time. This is due to the weather we have in the area.

So needless to say its hard to grind four tables of 6max while getting disconnected every so often and keep ones cool.

So as an alternative, I did a study session. I read up on some 6max hud configurations. After playing with this for a while this is what I came up with.

Line 1 Note Editor, Player Name, Hands, Preflop Limp%
(I changed the font on player name and preflop limp% to help control the huds size)

Line 2 VP$IP, PFR, Total AFq, ATT to Steal, Fold to Steal

Line 3 3Bet Preflop, Fold to 3bet, 4bet Preflop, Call PFR

Line 4 Cbet Flop, Fold to F Cbet, Cbet Turn, Fold to T Cbet, Cbet River, Fold to R Cbet
(Changed the font size to 6 to help control hud size as well)

Tell me what you guys think of this setup for my hud. I'm open to suggestions and etc. I feel like I did pretty well for my first time.

As soon as I've finished the 1k hands for session 3, I'll post an update and include graph.

  • Small update
  • Bad weather, hasnt completed hands for session 3
  • will complete and update thread when done
  • did some reading updated hud
  • looking for suggestions on my hud layout
Genesis: My beginning (moving up from 2nl) Quote
10-26-2010 , 02:41 PM
I was going to say you have a hell of a lot of numbers there, then i counted mine and i have 22. Admitedly there are ones that i dont use and could get rid of.
I will go through mine if its ok then will go through yours and make suggestions for which things i think you need and which you dont.
On mine i have:-
1st line Note Editor/Fold to cbet OOP/ Abb Name/ Hands/Fold To Steal/3bet V Steal
2nd line preflop Vpip/PFR/3bet/fold to 3bet/fold to 4bet/Att To Steal/Agg Fac
3rd line post flop Cbet/Call Cbet IP/ Raise Cbet/Cbet Turn/ Fold To Turn Cbet/WTSD/Bet River
4th line 3bet stats 3bet v open from EP/3bet V open from MP/ 3bet v open from CO

This HUD set up came from my first coach, a very good NL400 player. My new coach nearly had a dicky fit when he saw all my stats as he only uses about six. Its each to their own really. Theres a few in there that i hardly ever use and could get rid of it i wanted but ive just left them there for show lol.

On yours i think things like Preflop limp% are probably unessecery as we know anyone limping is usually a bad player and we can usually tell they limp a lot from the gap between their Vpip and PFR.
4bet Preflop takes thousands of hands to become a decent stat so again i probably wouldnt use this and if needed its there in the pop up but it dosnt come up that much. Same with call PFR, we try to play as many hands as we can in position anyway so i dont think this stat really has much use as other main stats we use can tell us this.
With the back end of line 4, i have them but again without thousands of hands the last couple arnt really much use and we both could do without them.

Like i say though it is each to their own. The one thing i would suggest is making the Hands stat a bigger font just to remind yourself what sample size you have on someone. I mean you suddenly get 3bet and look at a players stats and see they fold to 100% of 4bets so you 4bet and they shove, then you notice the sample size and you only have 100 hands on them. I have done this plenty of times so its just a note to remember if you have all these stats that some of them take many thousands of hands to become anywhere near to reliable.
Genesis: My beginning (moving up from 2nl) Quote
10-27-2010 , 01:02 PM
Originally Posted by MartL

..........Preflop limp% are probably unessecery as we know anyone limping is usually a bad player and we can usually tell they limp a lot from the gap between their Vpip and PFR.
And now that you brought it to my attention I can see it.

Originally Posted by MartL
.............Same with call PFR, we try to play as many hands as we can in position anyway so i dont think this stat really has much use as other main stats we use can tell us this.
Excellent point! This thought process should help me re-instill my fundamentals.

Originally Posted by MartL
......... i would suggest is making the Hands stat a bigger font just to remind yourself what sample size you have on someone. I mean you suddenly get 3bet and look at a players stats and see they fold to 100% of 4bets so you 4bet and they shove, then you notice the sample size and you only have 100 hands on them.
And lastly definitely going to do this. Awesome tip!

Man martl some great advice and insight. Thanks again!
Genesis: My beginning (moving up from 2nl) Quote
10-27-2010 , 01:20 PM
I think those stats do you more harm than good...

most of the stats on their will never converge into anything meaningful, if anything they will influence your decision more than it should and cause bad plays because rather than reading the board/situation, you read into the stats too much.

just have vpip/pfr/agg/cbet/fold cbet.

no one will have enough samples with you to make anything else significant enough to justify putting it in your hud, let alone using it to make your decisions.

make your decisions based on board texture, game dynamics, and overall reads will be 95% of what your decision making process. as you have thousands of hands on villains, some stats will converge and you can start to use them to influence close spots.
Genesis: My beginning (moving up from 2nl) Quote
10-27-2010 , 06:32 PM
Its really hard to take advice from a person on 2p2 that doesnt have an avatar.

Originally Posted by donnyz89
............................make your decisions based on board texture, game dynamics, and overall reads will be 95% of what your decision making process. as you have thousands of hands on villains, some stats will converge and you can start to use them to influence close spots.
Hmm I definitely see the logic in that. Use the hud as a guide not as a cheat sheet.
Genesis: My beginning (moving up from 2nl) Quote
