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Fluda3: ,000 Pre-Rakeback Online Profit Fluda3: ,000 Pre-Rakeback Online Profit

09-05-2014 , 03:16 AM
9/4/2014: 2-Tabling $15 HUHT's

Fluda3: ,000 Pre-Rakeback Online Profit Quote
09-05-2014 , 08:03 AM
yay! winning day keep it up!
Fluda3: ,000 Pre-Rakeback Online Profit Quote
09-07-2014 , 03:50 AM
9/5 - 9/6: 2-Tabling $15 HUHT's

Fluda3: ,000 Pre-Rakeback Online Profit Quote
09-08-2014 , 02:04 AM
9/7/2014: 2-Tabling $15 HUHT's

I've put 31.18 hours into online poker in the first week of September, across grinding/reviewing/studying, so I'm pretty happy with that. I want to shoot for 35-40 next week.
Fluda3: ,000 Pre-Rakeback Online Profit Quote
09-12-2014 , 02:33 AM
9/8 - 9/11: 1/2-Tabling $7s/$15s

Had a flu for the past few days so I'm been avoiding playing. Hoping to bump up the volume tomorrow.
Fluda3: ,000 Pre-Rakeback Online Profit Quote
09-25-2014 , 03:19 AM
Took awhile to get over that flu. Barely played any volume over the past two weeks. I'm planning to get back into a normal grind over the next week.

9/24/2014: 1-Tabling $15 HUHT's

Fluda3: ,000 Pre-Rakeback Online Profit Quote
09-26-2014 , 04:30 AM
9/25/2014: 1-Tabling $15 HUHT's

Fluda3: ,000 Pre-Rakeback Online Profit Quote
10-07-2014 , 03:50 AM
I've had to pull most of my bankroll offline for real life emergency billlsssssss. This thread will probably be put on hold for a few weeks. I'm also planning to come up with some better end of the year goals before my next year's thread.
Fluda3: ,000 Pre-Rakeback Online Profit Quote
10-08-2014 , 09:28 PM
D'oh! Hope everything turns out OK
Fluda3: ,000 Pre-Rakeback Online Profit Quote
11-04-2014 , 05:56 AM
Long time, no update. Here goes.

Haven't been playing much lately due to the reason listed above but I've recently entered a short-term staking deal so I'm getting back into the grind. I'm quite disappointed with the volume I've been putting out since mid to late summer so I'm looking to bump that up a bit. I'm not looking to play 4-6 tables, 5 hours a day, but I want to be putting in consistent hours on a daily basis.

Anyways, since 9/08 I haven't played much volume but here's the graph:

Pretty happy with how I've been playing. I've been doing a lot of review and delving more into EHUNL Vol. 1 & 2 as well. About ~500 of those games in the graph above are against the $30s division. Quite happy with my results versus them. I plan to focus on the $15s until this staking deal is done but then I'll likely focus on getting into the $30s cartel and such.

Year Overall

As I already said, I'm quite unhappy with my volume over the past handful of months. I want to keep bumping up my volume over the next two months so that I can start 2015 with a good schedule.

Nowhere near my original $30k profit, 200k vpp's goals. I'm shooting for hitting around $11k-$12k total before rakeback by year end which is a decent goal with the amount of volume I'll be putting in @ the $15s and battling regs @ the $30s. I've hit my $7.5k profit goal for live poker which is a bonus. I played the $530 canadian heads-up championship in Calgary in August and came 4th so that was cool. I couldn't pull together a buy-in for the $10k WSOP heads-up event though, that was a bummer. Next year hopefully.
Fluda3: ,000 Pre-Rakeback Online Profit Quote
11-07-2014 , 04:05 AM
11/5 - 11/6: 2-Tabling $15 HUHT's

Fluda3: ,000 Pre-Rakeback Online Profit Quote
11-07-2014 , 11:32 AM
YTD graph is promising! steady winnings maybe time to prioritize poker higher so you can move up faster
Fluda3: ,000 Pre-Rakeback Online Profit Quote
11-07-2014 , 03:18 PM
Yes, that's been a goal of mine for some time now. Unfortunately, I've had to keep pulling money offline while also not putting in significant volume. It's really been a recipe for stagnation. Before the new year I'd like to finish up my games for getting into the $30s division and enter the new year grinding the $30s/$15s with a good schedule until I get enough behind me to move up to the $60s. Getting into the $30s division won't be difficult. There's definitely some solid, skilled players in the group but there are a significant amount of regs in it which really aren't that good, so I'm not too worried. I have no idea how the regs are at the $60s though.
Fluda3: ,000 Pre-Rakeback Online Profit Quote
11-25-2014 , 04:37 AM
11/7 - 11/24: 2/4-Tabling $15s/$30s

I started 4-tabling again at around game 400. Only 51 games are against the $30s division. I'm happy with the results but I'm not very pleased with the volume. That's something I need to work on more in December.
Fluda3: ,000 Pre-Rakeback Online Profit Quote
11-25-2014 , 05:44 AM
can you notice any big effects of the rake increase yet?
Fluda3: ,000 Pre-Rakeback Online Profit Quote
11-25-2014 , 09:38 PM
Originally Posted by fightnwin
can you notice any big effects of the rake increase yet?
No, not really but that's to be expected. I haven't played a large amount of games since the change and I've also been on an upswing over the past 1k games. I don't think it will be too painful at the $15s though. Shaving .4% off my ROI against fish will barely be noticeable. I think it will become more of a serious issue when I start battling regs at the $30s/$60s.

Originally Posted by calimero.pierrot
Subbed GL
ty, you too
Fluda3: ,000 Pre-Rakeback Online Profit Quote
11-25-2014 , 10:07 PM
definitely interested to see if you notice more of an effect of the rake increase on your ROI as you put in moar voluuuummeee
Fluda3: ,000 Pre-Rakeback Online Profit Quote
11-27-2014 , 02:50 AM
11/25 - 11/26: 2/4-Tabling $15s

Oh, and, as promised, a special shoutout to love2deposit:

Fluda3: ,000 Pre-Rakeback Online Profit Quote
11-27-2014 , 03:05 AM
Spoils no working ^^
Fluda3: ,000 Pre-Rakeback Online Profit Quote
12-02-2014 , 12:23 AM
^^ hmm, working fine on my end.

12/1/2014: 4-Tabling $15 HUHTs

Fluda3: ,000 Pre-Rakeback Online Profit Quote
12-03-2014 , 04:22 AM
12/2/2014: 4-Tabling $15 HUHT's

Fluda3: ,000 Pre-Rakeback Online Profit Quote
12-03-2014 , 05:18 AM
Really nice Subbed!
Fluda3: ,000 Pre-Rakeback Online Profit Quote
12-07-2014 , 06:23 AM
^ ty

12/3 - 12/7: 4-Tabling $15 HUHTs

Fluda3: ,000 Pre-Rakeback Online Profit Quote
01-01-2015 , 10:36 PM
End of Year Goal Review

$30,000 Pre-Rakeback Online Profit
200,000 VPPs

Not even close to $30k profit and 200k VPPs. I'm pretty happy with the quality of my play and the amount of improvement I've made over the past six months but I'm quite displeased with the volume. I slacked off in that regard this year. In 2015 I'll be amping it up.

Min. 10 Hours of study/review each week.

Very happy with my progress on this front. I haven't kept track of the hours but I'm sure it's less than 10 hours/week. But I'm still quite happy with how many hours I put in per week and especially the quality of study/review. I'll be looking to increase the hours/week slightly in 2015.

Establish myself at the $60s
Establish myself at the $100s

I took a couple of shots at the $60s but overall I just didn't have a sufficient bankroll to get in the $60s division. Too much withdrawing. This will be one of my main goals for 2015.

2.5%+ EV ROI

Averaged a 1.7% EV ROI over all HUHTs in 2014. Not as high as I wanted this to be.

$7,500 Live Cash/Tourney Profit
No drinking during live play.

I don't play much live volume so I'm pretty happy with my ~$4k profits this year live. I still have a few beers occasionally when playing live so I want to fully get rid of that habit in 2015.

Play the 2014 $10,000 WSOP Heads-Up Event
Play the 2014 $530 Canadian Heads-Up Championship in Calgary

I played the August heads-up championship in calgary and came fourth so I'm quite pleased with that. As for the WSOP event, I couldn't come up with the buy-in in time so I ended up not playing. Quite disappointing.
Fluda3: ,000 Pre-Rakeback Online Profit Quote
