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Fishreg crushing bigger fish for billions PLO200-5k Fishreg crushing bigger fish for billions PLO200-5k

01-23-2019 , 04:22 PM
ugh wtf, gl turning it around
Fishreg crushing bigger fish for billions PLO200-5k Quote
01-23-2019 , 04:53 PM
yeesh that's ugly
Fishreg crushing bigger fish for billions PLO200-5k Quote
01-23-2019 , 07:17 PM
Jaysus. The PLO gods giveth, but god damn do they taketh away
Fishreg crushing bigger fish for billions PLO200-5k Quote
01-23-2019 , 11:29 PM
puke. so disgusting. sorry man. better luck
Fishreg crushing bigger fish for billions PLO200-5k Quote
01-24-2019 , 01:23 AM
Fishreg crushing bigger fish for billions PLO200-5k Quote
01-24-2019 , 02:48 AM
You still need to go to Dinings though.
Fishreg crushing bigger fish for billions PLO200-5k Quote
01-24-2019 , 06:23 AM
Originally Posted by SalmoTrutta
Ouch indeed but ur plot armour is too thick for me to worry one bit
I feel like Batman vs Bane right now, rofl.

Originally Posted by HU4hoes
told you to retire 3 days in to the year
Yeah should have

Originally Posted by Kangal_
Jesus ****ing Christ. Your mental game must be on point.

Hope you get it all back today!
I think I'm doing okay cause I've managed my expectations on it. I knew the downswing was going to come down hard at some point, just a shame it happened at 25/50 instead of 2/5

Originally Posted by TreadLightly
all big losing days are usually followed up by massive winning days its #science so I expect to see a 100k day posted soon glgl
Yeah incoming....

Originally Posted by Sol Reader
You still need to go to Dinings though.
Yeah probably still going


All things said, the loss over the past couple days have been a bit of a shock to the system. Kind of fearing the 5k poker flipping gods atm and I don't want the month to get even worse, rip. Mental game block, gonna have to try to get over this somehow.
Fishreg crushing bigger fish for billions PLO200-5k Quote
01-24-2019 , 06:33 AM
I'm hoping to god that this second graph is additional to the first, not two separate days...

Actually makes me kinda sick to see this sorry bro
Fishreg crushing bigger fish for billions PLO200-5k Quote
01-25-2019 , 07:57 PM
Originally Posted by BenaBadBeat
I'm hoping to god that this second graph is additional to the first, not two separate days...

Actually makes me kinda sick to see this sorry bro
Yeah it was over 2 days haha, but it's all good brotha because....


...But not this month probably. Got a ton of birthdays at the end of the January, zzz
Can confirm, losing $37k is much nicer than losing $100k kek.
Fishreg crushing bigger fish for billions PLO200-5k Quote
01-31-2019 , 08:01 AM

Month done. Didn't get out of the downswing unfortunately, but at least I played 100k hands!
Second half obviously very depressing, but always gotta look up. In the overall perspective it was successful. I hit diamond club and got something like $7.6k of rakeback. I had the best month I've had in years as well as one of my best ever months. My first 25/50 shots went relatively well and I also played my first hands at 50/100 PLO ever, not to mention even winning a stack there.

...As well as losing a stack


I'm very hopeful for 2019. I will be putting in a lot more hours studying HU and look to hold the lobbies someday, and as for now... Bring on February!
Fishreg crushing bigger fish for billions PLO200-5k Quote
01-31-2019 , 08:41 AM
I mean what the **** - horrible swings - unbelievable month. Good luck in February.
Fishreg crushing bigger fish for billions PLO200-5k Quote
01-31-2019 , 08:43 AM
$100k swings nbd

Sickest PGC graph in a long time mate, congrats on all the success.
Fishreg crushing bigger fish for billions PLO200-5k Quote
01-31-2019 , 08:48 AM
Epic month ! GL in february !

Envoyé de mon iPhone en utilisant Tapatalk
Fishreg crushing bigger fish for billions PLO200-5k Quote
01-31-2019 , 09:32 AM
Still a month better than 99.9% of players congrats. Always a good read and an inspiration.
Fishreg crushing bigger fish for billions PLO200-5k Quote
01-31-2019 , 09:56 AM
lol this thread please never ever stop posting htis is pure gold
Fishreg crushing bigger fish for billions PLO200-5k Quote
01-31-2019 , 10:20 AM
wow, good job!
Fishreg crushing bigger fish for billions PLO200-5k Quote
01-31-2019 , 11:13 AM
Wait, what year is this?
Fishreg crushing bigger fish for billions PLO200-5k Quote
02-05-2019 , 09:24 AM
Cheers famalams

Barely a week into February and the swongs are once again getting ridiculous. Posting for rungood.

Currently on a -120k downer from my peak, yikes. I'm not too upset since swings are to be expected but I wish I ran better at 25/50.

So I'm trying to cut down the amount that I'm battling vs the endbosses but sometimes I can't help myself, and it's the only way for me to get a seat heh. Thank god for Star's seat script changes incoming. And thank god for Run It Onceeeeee
Fishreg crushing bigger fish for billions PLO200-5k Quote
02-05-2019 , 09:29 AM
we have a hell of a similar 2019 run, I take it slow after downers and play lower usually though
Fishreg crushing bigger fish for billions PLO200-5k Quote
02-05-2019 , 11:21 AM
I am from the opinion that PLO is kind of a joke really.

The swings in NLHE can be pretty sick already (see Benabadbeat) but it's a whole new world in PLO with tiny edges and tons of all ins with close equity or stupid coolers.
Fishreg crushing bigger fish for billions PLO200-5k Quote
02-05-2019 , 11:26 AM
gross - hope RIO delivers for you and gl turning it around
Fishreg crushing bigger fish for billions PLO200-5k Quote
02-05-2019 , 11:49 AM
Originally Posted by Xenoblade
we have a hell of a similar 2019 run, I take it slow after downers and play lower usually though
Lol yeah ok buddy...
Fishreg crushing bigger fish for billions PLO200-5k Quote
02-05-2019 , 11:50 AM
Sick swings Teddy. Inspirational work ethic and attitude though. Rooting for you my man, keep it up!
Fishreg crushing bigger fish for billions PLO200-5k Quote
02-05-2019 , 11:51 AM
Originally Posted by BigAisaOK
Lol yeah ok buddy...
wtf is there anything wrong with what I said?
Fishreg crushing bigger fish for billions PLO200-5k Quote
02-05-2019 , 12:25 PM
OP, looking back would you still learn PLO or, for example, switch to MTT's and go for the high stakes tournament action? What do you think will be more profitable looking forward?
Fishreg crushing bigger fish for billions PLO200-5k Quote
