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First attempt at Supernova (2014 will be a good year) First attempt at Supernova (2014 will be a good year)

12-28-2013 , 05:40 AM
Hello folks,
This is the first time I have made a PG&C thread. A little about me...I am 25 years old and I live in Canada. I have played poker for 7 years but only seriously for a couple months. I have played 150K hands lifetime. Because I have finally started taking poker seriously I am very excited for 2014 and I am going to try to put in enough volume to get 200K VPPs. I am going to be playing 25-50NL 6-max to begin the year and hopefully I will be able to move up to 100 and 200NL by the end of the year. I'm also going to play a few deepstack mtts and the odd mixed-game weekly $215 tournament. Once I get a feel for grinding full-time I will have a better idea how much I will be able to grind by the end of the year. I will try to post interesting hand historys and weekly graphs. My screen name on stars is: ispLashcrans. Good luck to everyone else who have big goals for the new year.

2014 Goals:
-200K+ VPPs
-healthier lifestyle (consistent workout routine, eat healthier)
-build up bankroll and put a down payment on a condo

Last edited by isplashcranberrys; 12-28-2013 at 05:48 AM.
12-28-2013 , 06:02 AM
Gl with your challenge
12-28-2013 , 06:07 AM
GL man,you play ZOOM or normal
12-28-2013 , 06:15 AM
Originally Posted by tittyTwister
GL man,you play ZOOM or normal
Right now I 2-table ZOOM and play 1 tournament.

Last edited by isplashcranberrys; 12-28-2013 at 06:20 AM.
01-06-2014 , 10:54 PM
This first week of the new year has been pretty awesome for me. I made ~$1,600 from an investment and I took a shot at 600NL and ran like god. I've splashed around the medium/low 6-max NL tables over the past few days, probably not the best brm but I thought since I haven't played much at those stakes people would think I play like a fish cause I'm an unknown and I just did my thing. Currently I am well on pace for SN+.

VPP pace:

Cash games so far (weird looking graph, but I'll take it):

Tournaments so far (including a bunch of PCA freerolls):

I'm going to try to update my page more often than I currently am and I will post more graphs/etc. I will be playing 50NL-100NL almost exclusively from now on, I took my shot and it worked out. I'm still trying to get into the hang of having and maintaining a PC&G thread. Follow my thread if you guys are interested. Good luck to everyone else at the tables.

Last edited by isplashcranberrys; 01-06-2014 at 11:12 PM.
01-09-2014 , 01:25 AM
I have a local tennis tournament tomorrow through till sunday. I probably won't be playing too much poker in the next couple days but I'm sure I will get in some good prop bets with a buddy who is also in the tournament.
01-23-2014 , 02:14 AM
I've had a super busy New Year so far. I haven't put in the volume I've wanted to, still 2.2K VPP shy of platinum and the month is ending shortly. On a non poker note...I am moving in with the girl. I'm going to set up a nice space for me to grind and get in some volume. I also made a volume prop bet with a friend. Neither of us have ever made SN on stars before, so we made a $1.5K bet who would generate the most VPPs from the beginning of January to the end of June. It's not a really big bet, but for us micro/low stakes grinders its a nice little mid-year bonus .

Something else interesting that has happened is: a friend offered to loan me $3Kusd + flight&hotel to Vegas. The loan is interest-free so I snap-booked it, its a great opportunity for me to crush some live poker and make a little bit of cash. I have a hotel booked at the Quad so I hope they got some decent poker there. I'm going to play 2/5NL or 5/5NL, if they offer those limits at the Quad, if not I will look elsewhere, maybe Bellagio or Aria. I'm going to be there from the 25th-29th so if any 2+2ers want some company and want to grind a bunch pm me and give me your number. I'm going to be playing probably 10-14 hours/day while I'm down there.

In the mean time I'm going to put in a little bit of volume before I leave so I don't f%$@ up and not get platinum the first month of 2014. Thanx for any support guys and I hope that my thread gains a little bit of popularity. Pics of the trip and new place to follow.
02-07-2014 , 07:52 AM
If I can sum up the trip in one statement...: "Vegas was swingy as f@#!". We stayed at The Quad. Its a terrible hotel, the only good thing about it: it is right in the middle of the strip and you don't have to walk too far no matter where you want to go.

We stayed 4 nights, the first of which we played at the Bellagio. I sat right down at the 5/10NL and started swinging away. It was a soft game but after a peak of +$1200 I broke even by the end of the night.
The second and third night we played at the Aria. Saw a couple pros grinding in Ivey's Room, crushing some businessmen. I played 2/5NL both days and got into some pretty big coolers. Set v set for 1.3K pot, and KK v AA aipf for ~$600.

The 4th 'night' I tried playing the deepstack at the Aria but I busted when my combodraw missed. By this time I was already into my friend for $3.5K, I borrowed another $1.1K and sat down at the 5/10NL table w/ a $1.5K stack. I got involved in a big pot really quickly. I am bb. Utg+1 (some old guy [1K stack]) opens for $30. MP (some young good reg) calls. Fold to sb, who also calls. Sb is some guy who was in Ivey's room and hes just been going crazy almost every single hand (he has 3K stack). I also call w/ KQs. Flop was: AT6. Everyone checks. Turn is J. SB leads for $120, I call. Old guy raises to $400, folds to SB who calls. There are two hearts on board. I raise all-in and get snapped off by old guy. SB folds AJ face-up. Old man also has AJo and we run it twice. I won both.

After an hour into the grind at the 5/10NL I got moved to the main game which was pretty tough. I built up my stack to $5.2K and cashed out a small winner for the trip!!

It was a good trip. I enjoyed the good food and was entertained by the crazy people who were all over the place. The poker was awesome. That last night at the Aria was the most fun I had playing poker in a long time, even Doyle came and took a peak at the game.

When I got back home I had to grind 2.1KVPP on stars to maintain platinum. I barely did it, finishing 30mins before midnight...*phew* I still got that prop bet for volume w/ a friend and I will put in more consistent volume than I did last month.

*I'll be getting more pics up on a semi-regular basis*
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