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Father on a mission! Father on a mission!

12-11-2015 , 06:06 PM
I never started a blog before, so this is new to me.
My name is Davy. I’m 36 years old and live in Belgium. I have a wife and 2 kids. My family is the most important thing for me. I work as a teacher in a high school. I love sports, mainly basketball. I played the game since I was a child and the latest years I was coaching teams.
With regards to poker I have to admit I’m a big fish. I’ve been playing on and off for 6 years over 288 000 hands and losing and deposit way too much. I did what everybody else did, reading books and watching vids. After the first 100 000 hands there was a moment that I made 5K in a really short period. I thought I was the next P.Ivey. But now I know that it was just a good run. I chased that feeling over and over again but never ended up winning again.
I have HM2 and know what all the statistics are but don’t know how to read and analyze them in a way that I can use that to my advantage. I know all the fancy poker words and concepts like barreling, floating, squeezing, odds, ranges, equity, etc… but do I really understand them and do I know how to apply them into my game?
I guess not!
I think I have a normal intelligence, so if anybody can be winning at poker, why not me?
I figured out that I can’t do it on my own and that my biggest problem is that I have nobody around me who’s really good at this game. So it’s time for me to become active in the community and surround me with good players and coaches instead of reinventing the wheel. That’s why I’ve joined the CFP.
Life is good to me but I want more. I want to fulfill the dreams and wishes of my family and enjoy life as much as I can. To maximize that I need more money. So my goal in the CFP program is to become a better player and make as much money that I can. And wouldn’t it be beautiful to accomplish that while playing the greatest game on this planet, poker!
Father on a mission! Quote
12-24-2015 , 07:15 PM
One stressfull week.
I watched all the units to unit 13. And i try to do everything as asked for. But that’s a lot of new information that comes to me at one time. I also switched from HM2 to PT4 because CFP thinks this is better. But doing that wasn’t easy. I had some installing problems with PT4 and their support didn’t react fast. I also installed another room in my house for my pokersetup. A room where my children can’t bother me. But in that room there was no wifi. So i called my internet provider to solve this problem.
Due all of these problems i hadn’t much time to play and study. Because i was more busy with all the other things. One evening i had time to play but after one bad beat i tilted a bit and lost very stupid a couple of buy ins. Probaly because my mindset wasn’t good after all the installing problems. I need to work on that.

I hope i get used to all of these new things fast so that i can focus 100% on improving my pokerskills.

In my study time i repeated the Uhlvar equity exercises, did some combination exercises but I’m still having difficulties with knowing when a call is profitable or not. I will try to do this exercises every day.

I also tried to make a decision tree but that is difficult because untill now i have no standard strategic playing lines.

But i’m very glad to see how well structured everything is in the CFP program. Now i have even more faith in the program that they can improve this recreational fish into a good reg.
Father on a mission! Quote
01-06-2016 , 08:47 AM
I got a couple of angry e-mails from cfp that i wasn’t motivated enough because i played to little. But i was very motivated. It’s just that there where so many new things coming to me that i spend more hours on reading and studying the first units then playing. After the mails i started playing more and grind my way up to the first 10000 hands on preflop ranges. I finished today and uploaded the database for my first rapport.
I’m pretty sure that the report on preflop ranges will be good. But i lost a lot of money to reach that first 10000 hands because my postflop play is so bad and maybe i also have some tilting problems. Another problem i face is that i only play may A game for 1 hour or 1.5hour. During that time I play good and solid. Then i lose a big pot (BI) unlucky and i want to make up for my losses to quickly. After that i lose concentration, take special/creative lines and end up with a little tilting.
I already experienced that grinding for many hours is a hard job. But champions stand up one more time and probably i have to stand up a couple more.

Because of my job and family i need to get a bit more organized and yesterday i made a weekly schedule with goals. We’ll see how it goes and maybe i have to adjust things a little bit in the future.

Monday, Wednesday and Friday: 30 min of equity exercices + 3hours of playing
Tuesday and Thursday: 30 min of replaying handhistories + 3hours of playing
Saturday and Sunday i try to double this: 1hour studying + 6hours grinding

My goals for this week are:

Try to play 100% solid during my sessions , no more clicking buttons without thinking.

Play minimum 20 hours.

Sticking to my weekly schedule.

Posting 5 hand and comment on 5 hands.
Father on a mission! Quote
01-06-2016 , 08:49 AM
Father on a mission! Quote
01-06-2016 , 09:00 AM
Very interesting! I'm in s similar spot but with only one kid. I Will be a homedad now for 7 months so Will try to make some extra dollars too but My biggest concern is the lack of time. But anyway GL!
Father on a mission! Quote
01-11-2016 , 04:40 PM
Thanks for the GL. It isn't easy i'm still looking for the right balance between work, family and poker.
Father on a mission! Quote
01-11-2016 , 04:41 PM
Ma 4/01
Did 30 min of equity exercises and played 3 hours. Played solid for 1.5 à 2 hours then got a couple bad beats. After that i played way to aggressive and my solid game was over.

Did 30 min of reviewing hh. Played 1 hour and lost 2 buy ins unlucky, K8s vs KQ on board KK7 and AQ vs AK on board AA8 What can you do? So i quit this day and made a blog instead. And comment on 2 hands.
Woe 6/01/16
Uhlvar hands 50 avg error 5.10 avg time 23.7
Played 3u23 Because i lost a lot previous days i decided to play max 2 table. Again i lost a big pot very unlucky but this time i kept my cool and focus, did not tilt and made a tiny profit.
Do 7/01
Tried again to review hand histories but do not know how to really analyze my own hh.
Shouldn’t have played today . I was very tired of hard day at work. Mindset wasn’t good to play poker. Still did and lost 2 BI like stupid ****head.
Vr 8/01
Birthday party of a friend so didn’t played.
Sat 9/01 and Sunday 10/01
Uhlvar hands 30 avg error 4.89 avg time 24.7
comment on 3 hands
I uploaded my first topic report. Got the review back from Gordon. He decided that it was best for me to move down to the micro program. I make to many mistakes and miss fundamentals. In a way i knew this but i joined the intermediate course becaues i had the bankroll for it. So Monday i make a new start at the micro’s.
Father on a mission! Quote
01-26-2016 , 06:17 PM
Week 11/01/2016 – 17/01/216
Ok i got punched down and stand up again. Ready to make the switch to the micro group and started reading the new starter materials.
Watched some of the vids on the flop and turn chapter and took notes. Because of reading all the new things i didn’t played much this week. A bit more then 10 hours.
I think i follow the new preflop ranges very good. At the end of each day i run through the filters to check my errors. Mostly i miss a couple of possible opens but over a large sample i think i do ok.
Sometimes i’ve got the feeling when i follow the standaard lines and i’ve got air on the flop and i c/f, i often fold the best hand. The same when i open and face a 3 bet. But i don’t ask and just do what i’m told.
Still looking for a good balance between job, family and poker.

Week 18/01/2016 – 24/01/2016
Monday 18/01
Repeated the basic math (pot odds, equities preflop and postflop) Uhlvar equity hands 50 avg error:3.87 avg time: 27.2 Played 956 hands i missed 13 possible opens, 3 facing a open and 3 bet mistakes
Tuesday 19/01
only played 1 hour because i was very tired from work 341 hands: missed 3 possible opens
Wednesday 20/01
played 2u30 905 hands i missed 9 possible opens on 905 hands . In the beginning of my session i made some stupid big calls because i wasn’t focused. My kids where making to much noise and i was distracted. Again the balance between family and playing.
Thursday 21/01
Played good but stopped after a hour because i was tired from hard day at work. Watched a vid. Instead. Made no mistakes according the filters.
Friday 22/01
reception on work did not had time to play or study
Saturday 23/01
Uhlvar equity Hands 50 avg error: 4.53 avg.time 30.6
Played 2000 hands: missed 12 possible open, 7 facing a open, 3 call vs bet mistakes, 2 call vs raise mistakes I had the feeling i was playing very solid but in the end i lost 3 BI. I win little pots but then there are a few big pots that i lose because of very lucky villains. What im’ a doing wrong?
Sunday 24/01
Played only 500 hands but was very solid. Made almost no mistakes according tot he filters. And made some profit. I also reached my first 10000 hands following the preflop standard lines. I uploaded it and i’m now waiting form y report.
Father on a mission! Quote
02-03-2016 , 08:44 AM
<u>Week 25/01/2016 – 31/01/2016</u>

Monday 25/01
Wrote on my blog.
Follow coaching session: CFP 6max Micro – How to play big pocket pairs 99,TT and JJ (single raised pot, aggressor or caller preflop)” and take notes.

Tuesday 26/01
I got my DB report back on PReflop standard lines and got a score 98.5%
Today i started the next (2nd) 10 000 hands for flop standard lines

Played 2 hours and 669 hands according to the filters i made 7 possible opens, 2 5bet mistakes My best session since joining CFP and made 4 BI profit

Today i also watched the video “How to deal with Donkbets – Examples I” and take notes.

Wednesday 27/01
Watched the video “How to deal with Donkbets – Examples II.” And take notes.

Repeated basic match.

Played almost 2 hours and 505 hands. According to the filters I missed 5 possible opens, missed one 4bet. Had some difficulties when i raise donk bets and get called 2 streets. Don’t know what to do on the river.

Thursday 28/01
Followed coaching session “How to play KQ,KJ,KT (single raised pot, aggressor or caller) preflop”

Played 1u33 and 399 hands. Made no mistakes according to the filters today.

Friday 29/01
Whatched the videos “How to deal with Donkbets – Examples III” and “We bet flop villain calls, we bet turn and villain raises.” And take notes.

Repeated basic math and top 30 post flop hand match-ups.

Posted a hand: Link

Played 4 hours and 1552 hands. According tot he filters i missed 6 possible opens, missed four 4bet, four 5bet mistakes and 2 call vs raise mistakes.

This was a productive day.

Saturday 30/01
Whatched video “Flop was checked, bet turn and river (or just turn only, or maybe not at all???)” and take notes.

Played 3u30 and 1077 hands. According to the filters I missed 5 possible opens, 1 facing a open, 3 5bet mistakes, 1call vs bet missed

Sunday 31/01
Played 5 hours and 1911 hands. According to the filters I missed 13 possible opens, 3facing a open, 3 4bet missed, 3 5bet mistakes, 2 call vs bet mistakes

Comment on 3 hands and wrote on my blog.
Father on a mission! Quote
