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03-15-2013 , 02:59 PM
Just stopping in to say good luck.
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03-15-2013 , 03:11 PM
Originally Posted by Dochrohan
Just stopping in to say good luck.
Thanks mate! And good to see you're doing well
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03-17-2013 , 12:35 AM
So yesterday was a huuuuuge success

First of all me and my brother skatet outdoor for the first time this year. It was ****in freezing but still sweet to finally skate a real spot

Then we went to the casino. I really, really, reallt suck at playing live poker, I can't stress this enough... I picked up absolutely zero live tells on my oponents And whenever I pullled off a bluff a felt like I was going to **** myself.. I could feel my heart pumping thru my eyes lol

The live cashgame was totally ridicolous! Once I raised 8x and got 3 callers lol!
So I managed to book a really nice win at the poker tables, and since I'm a sucker and had lots of "free money" in my pockets I obv played some hand of blackjack and martin galed roulette a few times. Since I was godmoding I won money at those games too and finnished the day up a bit more than $1k!! All of which is going straight to my poker roll. Soon I have enough in my roll to comfortably get killed at the HU tables online

I had the craziest hangover from yesterday and have been spending all day/night trying to cure it by drinking lots of beer. So now I feel like **** and am going to sleep. Hope you all run like god at the tables. Peace
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03-17-2013 , 07:31 AM
Nice vid ! BTW: dont blow your roll away on high stakes !! Keep playing low till you are beating it. Only after this move up ! Think about your roll now like you can take shots in more tournaments. I would try out some like for 3-5$ buyins. Also I would still play NL5-10 max ! GL
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03-17-2013 , 07:43 AM
GL d00d, it's tough out there, but in my opinion you're playing too many tables to learn anything. It's very easy to beat micros still, and if that's all you want, that's cool - but you said you wanted to learn too and there's nothing to be learned by 12 tabling when you're just starting. I just started myself and did the same thing. 4-6 tables for 2 months with a crazy 50bb/100 over 10k hands just playing short TAG sessions. Learned absolutely zero. I could break-even 12-table and it's fun to do but I'm just giving it all to rake and auto-piloting.

Now I'm 1-2 tabling as I am learning all the more advanced stuff as I prepare to move to higher stakes and not making nearly as much but I know exactly what I'm doing every hand and why and how. Variance blows and it sucks to get 3 coolers when you're 2 tabling and lose all you've just grinded and then some but it is what it is. And it's pretty cool to put your villain on the range, to learn to isolate the fish, to learn how to sucker him in with value bets, min-raises and 2.5x overbets to build the pot for the all-in, etc. etc. Basically, that's what poker is. ABC/TAG play is pretty exploitable these days, especially at micros and what do you really learn.. raise IP cbet/fold or allin with the nuts?

edit: grats on your live casino stuff and I see you moved on to NL10, grats on that too; as for the last hand you posted with the 9s, if he's tight and 3b in BB, that's a clear fold if you have no SD reads on him; a (possible) shove if you think he's got draws (ak, aq, etc) he will fold if you really want that pot but honestly, I would just get a better read before building a big pot with nothing but 9s vs a nit w/o any reads on him - especially as I just noticed you're in the CO so he clearly knows (if he's a thinker) that your range is fairly tight). I'd probably fold 10s here as well, though I'd 4x the 10s but really it all depends on whether you saw him go to SD and with what. If you know 0 about that, you're playing blind here. What's your post flop plan exactly when you call - that's what you should be asking.

Last edited by haga; 03-17-2013 at 07:52 AM.
Entering the pokerworld Quote
03-17-2013 , 08:15 AM
lol time ran out on last edit... sorry I type a lot. (I'm a writing tutor.. 120+ WPM ftw)

Last edit of the night before I go to sleep cause I don't know why but that j/9o vs the 62/18 maniac is played in a strange way. It's your basic TAG line but if he's calling you with crap, then shove or at least 3x pot bet the flop and definitely raise way higher preflop. Put his range into pokerstove and you got good equity no matter what with those plays. If he calls your allin with air or 8s, congrats; once in a while a maniac hits aces. But if you 3x the pot after 5-6x betting pre and he's calling you down - I'd be worried - real worried. What value am I supposed to get out of my jack/mid kicker - you're basically saying all 3 streets? Even vs a maniac I'd never do that; in fact, especially vs a maniac. I shove them with top pairs on the flop if I got a good enough read or I overbet the crap out of them. Calling stations are surprisingly scared of overbets but will always call your regular ones. And you're basically saying "I can get 3 streets with nothing but jack high." No matter whom you're playing - this is hand gets worse with every overpair that comes, every draw that fish go for, every set they can hit, I mean - what are your outs as the turn and river come? The backdoor flush is very nice, but not when that turn hits, especially when that turn hits, and again that's why I'm often shoving this stuff on the flop and the way played DEFINITELY on the turn (even though he's never folding his aces, but of course we don't know what he has here) but this is also why I'd never go j/9o vs a maniac. The river call after his turn call seemed like you were just 'hoping' for him to have air than actually thinking about the play. I just went over your description again and it's actually quite interesting - you basically describe all the reasons to shove or fold here.
But that's just my thinking.. I been playing vs too many donks lately who do the same crap. Call all the way down with a FH. I check them the entire time (usually when I'm in the BB or something), then they show some craziness like a set of queens or kings over 8s and win 5 cents. Donks have no logic. Shove em, stack stack stack and ignore the coolers they get 1 every 200 hands. I still remember my beat the other day, a/k 6x raise pre vs a maniac, a/7/rag rainbow flop; he checks from the blinds, I overbet, he calls, turn is rag, he checks, I shove, he calls (I had a good enough read at this point that knew he didn't flop a set or an ace or anything like that - he always 3b wacky with those), river is a 3. He shows 7/3o and leaves the table with my 250bbs. It happens, they gamble. But I got the value. And I stacked the next donks that came - there are always more donks.

final final edit: I'll make it quick - but that 5/6 hand is showing a pattern here - you seem to overvalue your hands a ton vs players you have 0 reads on. What's so good about bottom two pair on such a wet board. A possible FH or a 7 that he might already have is just not good enough - besides, he would almost always have a better one. I mean you have to think about this - UTG limps, the villain 3x raises, knowing YOU still have to act. That shows incredibly strong range without any reads. I immediately thought said "set mining" when I saw that bet. Your best line is a flat or fold here because you still have UTG to worry about. The allin is him turning over his cards and saying here's my set. Again, try to think of what you're hoping to get called with for value when you 4bet 2.40. If you're just hoping to get a fold, then you won a small pot, if you get called, you're probably beaten after such a major 4x. A flat to keep the UTG in the pot for value and a 5 or a 6 (reverse implied odds here unfortunately) to give your the FH is a much more EV+ imo. But I'd still almost always just fold vs an unknown, watch him play a few orbits, get a read, then make the plays, backdoor flush draws are always nice too, which you missed on the turn, so another clear fold after you flat and he bets - otherwise (if heart comes) that's when you 3bet & fold to a shove (still highly questionable given he can have a better backdoor flush anyway). But w/o any reads... I mean even aces can get beaten.

Last edited by haga; 03-17-2013 at 08:41 AM.
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03-19-2013 , 01:51 PM
Originally Posted by dissection
Nice vid ! BTW: dont blow your roll away on high stakes !! Keep playing low till you are beating it. Only after this move up ! Think about your roll now like you can take shots in more tournaments. I would try out some like for 3-5$ buyins. Also I would still play NL5-10 max ! GL
Well yeah... While I realize this is probably the best way to go about it. That's not the type of person I am :P I will always try to move up when I feel like I can afford it even tho I'm not sure if I'm beating the game. This way I feel like I will improve faster and also keep myself entertained while playing. I just would be to bored if I played 10nl with 200bi in my roll.
Ofc I will try to keep brm however and move down when needed.
As I've said earlier I really wan't to give HU a shot so I'm probably gonna try out 20nl hu or/and 50nl hu sometime soon And if it doesn't work out... Then I'll just move down and try again later
Entering the pokerworld Quote
03-19-2013 , 01:55 PM

Thanks a lot for your response and your constructive critic I agree with you on all points. I definitely tend to overvalue hands from time to time and it's something I try to work on. Also multitabling usually makes me stick in the money with hands without thinking about it sometimes. I've actually dropped down the number of tables I'm playing and the last sessions I've only played 2-3 tables at once. When I start playing HU I'll obv only play 1 table
Entering the pokerworld Quote
03-21-2013 , 11:31 AM
I like this thread. Subbed.

Why don't you try HU SNG which is way cheaper than 20NL or 50NL?

Entering the pokerworld Quote
03-21-2013 , 01:45 PM
Originally Posted by ph@ntom_f12
I like this thread. Subbed.

Why don't you try HU SNG which is way cheaper than 20NL or 50NL?



I've actually considered that.. Played a few and read a book about them and also watched some vids. The thing is that I don't really care for the endgame part of them. All the charts and stuff just confuses me to death.. Also I've spent an insane amount of hours (relative to a short period of time) to study HU cash. So it would kind of feel like a waste not to give it a shot I'll atleast play a few thousand hands HU cash when I feel ready for it (probably beginning of next month) just to see how it feel and see if I can apply the concepts and the strategy I've been trying to learn.

My bankroll is actually quite healthy right now and would probably be enough for a solid HU cash player to play nl50. However since I have no real experience playing but only have been reading and watching vids it's obv way too optimistic to assume that I'm a solid HU cash player atm :P But I'm still gonna give it a shot and if it doesn't work out maybe I'll take a deeper look into the husng world... I'm prepared to lose some money while giving hu a shot and I'm okay with it
Entering the pokerworld Quote
03-21-2013 , 01:56 PM
BTW I've booked a week in barcelona with some skate friends. Will stay there may 13th- May 20. I decided 2 days ago to start losing some weight for real and get "ripped" for Barcelona since I've put on way to much weight during the winter...
My weight 2 days ago was a horrific 94.5kg :O Will try to get that down to around 80kg til may 13th... Went down to 90.8 this far.
Downside to this is that I find it harder to focus when I try to study and I can't read strategy as many hours a day as I did before I started losing weight... But I guess my body is more important than poker tbh
Entering the pokerworld Quote
03-21-2013 , 06:15 PM
Man, Barcelona is great ! Nice girls, good wine, best skating place ever. I recommend to have a paella here:

Passeig Joan Borbó Comte Barceló, 53
08003 Barcelona, Spain
932 25 64 01

Entering the pokerworld Quote
03-21-2013 , 06:41 PM
GL, love the thread so far, hope you keep getting better and better!
Entering the pokerworld Quote
03-21-2013 , 09:08 PM
Originally Posted by dissection
Man, Barcelona is great ! Nice girls, good wine, best skating place ever. I recommend to have a paella here:

Passeig Joan Borbó Comte Barceló, 53
08003 Barcelona, Spain
932 25 64 01


Yeah I'm really looking forward to it! Yeah the skate spots are ridiculous and those are basically 99% of the reason we're going there. Where I live the outdoor spots sucks Are you a fellow skater?

Originally Posted by RunninMan5K
GL, love the thread so far, hope you keep getting better and better!
Thanks for the support man I'll do my best!
Entering the pokerworld Quote
03-22-2013 , 08:36 AM
Bout to go to work now. I seriously hate my job.... This is my pokerplan right now

- Play nl20 hu in the beginning och april.
- Move up to 50nl when I feel confident in my game
- Keep grinding and building my roll
- Become a reg at nl200 and nl400
- when I get back from my summervacation september 4th I'll quit my sorry excuse for a job since I'm making good $ at nl200 and nl400
- I'll keep grinding those stakes and make a nice monthly salary while also building my roll
- Then the new american pokerboom and the asian pokerboom will take off and lots of rich fish will start playing
- I will bumhunt these fishes att stakes up to nl5k and make a couple of millions.
- then I'll retire at the age of 30 (max)

Is this really my goals? 100% Yes
Will this happen? 100% no

But as a brilliant young man once said - "Shoot for the stars - land in Bustotown"

Off to work!
Entering the pokerworld Quote
03-27-2013 , 06:22 AM
haven't played that much these last days. just a few short sessions of 20nl and am up a few bi.
Tonight im gonna start my HU journey Wish me luck!
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03-27-2013 , 07:02 AM
Following this!

Can very much relate to your little BR blowup I recently turned $8 from freerolls to $400 playing 2-10NL.

Lost 8 buy ins due to runbad => start mixing in some 100NL => ??? => Busto

Keep it together this time and you got this! Graphs and play look really solid
Entering the pokerworld Quote
03-27-2013 , 07:42 AM
Originally Posted by LOLCh1pPorn
Following this!

Can very much relate to your little BR blowup I recently turned $8 from freerolls to $400 playing 2-10NL.

Lost 8 buy ins due to runbad => start mixing in some 100NL => ??? => Busto

Keep it together this time and you got this! Graphs and play look really solid

thats really cool turning nothing to a decent br!
yea my br development have been crazy $100-$660-$300 and now almost 3k all in like 1.5 months Feels good to start out my poker career running above ev, if I had been running bad in the beginning then maybe i wouldn't have continued
Entering the pokerworld Quote
03-27-2013 , 07:52 AM
Originally Posted by Garlic yum
thats really cool turning nothing to a decent br!
Yeah, really stupid from me to blow it away also

Just watched that skate vid on previous page, that's a steezy back tail man!

GL in your HU cash journey
Entering the pokerworld Quote
03-27-2013 , 11:38 AM
Originally Posted by LOLCh1pPorn
Yeah, really stupid from me to blow it away also

Just watched that skate vid on previous page, that's a steezy back tail man!

GL in your HU cash journey
Hehe yeah taking big shots is dumb. I hated myself after losing 300+ at my shots..

Thanks man Backtail is one of my favourite tricks. Here's another vid of me skating if you're interested
Entering the pokerworld Quote
03-27-2013 , 01:28 PM
Confirmed beast at skateboarding^
Entering the pokerworld Quote
03-27-2013 , 01:34 PM
Originally Posted by Garlic yum
Hehe yeah taking big shots is dumb. I hated myself after losing 300+ at my shots..

Thanks man Backtail is one of my favourite tricks. Here's another vid of me skating if you're interested
Glad you learned something from the the shots, I guess you have to learn that the hard way
Very impressive! I imagine I would be pretty bloody if I ever tried that.
Entering the pokerworld Quote
03-27-2013 , 04:31 PM
Originally Posted by Made man
Glad you learned something from the the shots, I guess you have to learn that the hard way
Very impressive! I imagine I would be pretty bloody if I ever tried that.
Thanks Yeah I guess we all do something stupid like that at some point

Anyways my diet is going decent. Lost like 4kg this far.. However I just recieved the biggest easter egg I've seen in my life from my gf... haha so I'm gonna be a fat son of a ***** today and resume my diet tomorrow.

Sorry for all the non-poker updates. Will try to get some HU action later tonight and post an update on how it went
Entering the pokerworld Quote
03-27-2013 , 04:39 PM
Originally Posted by LOLCh1pPorn
Confirmed beast at skateboarding^
Thanks man
Entering the pokerworld Quote
03-27-2013 , 07:44 PM
Having lots of trouble with setting up my HUD.... Just got it together tho but am super tired. Might play tomorrow instead :/
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